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May 27, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-27

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Appointment Of State Judges
To State Courts; French Not To
Be Too Hastily Condemned.





Prevent Plot

To Kill U.


Head Of Technical Police
Is Informed Of Plan To
Assassinate Ca ,e ry
Envoy Is In Favor
Of Present Reginie
Communists Desiring To
Overthrow Government
Blamed For Attempt
HAVANA, May 26.-(P)--Caye-
tano Fraga, chief of the Cuban tech-
nical police, announced today that he
had information of a plot to assassi-
nate Jefferson Caffery, United States
Ambassador to Cuba, and to destroy;
United States property.
He said that the technical police
as a result were observing the strictest
vigilance of the Ambassador and of
all American-owned buildings.
Praga said that in the last few
nights a mysterious car had been
observed loitering along the streets
in which the American Ambassador
travels each evening or his way to
his home in the outskirts of Havana.
This car, said the police chief, has
disappeared at full speed each timel
there has been a sign of police ob-
"We have given chase two or threeE
times," he said, "but the car has al-
ways' been too fast for us. However,j
we are taking precautions and, with-
out Mr. Caffery's knowledge, one ofI
our radio cars follows him wherever
he goes"
Fraga laid the blame for the ,al-
leged plot on communists "and otherI
enemies of President Mendieta andI
Cuba, who wish this government to1
fall, and with it, the Cuban Repub-
The police official said that he
had no definite clue regarding the
identity of the alleged plotters, but he
pointed out that a bomb was explodedI
May 22 in the Havana Post Building
"as proeA of the existence of a plot4
against American property"
Mr. Caffery, who is from Louisiana,
a United States diplomat for 20 years,'
and former Assistant Secretary ofj
State; went to Havana December 12,
1933, as President Roosevelt's per-'
sonal representative.
He was cheered by a great crowd
of Cubans when he arrived and
later, largely through his recommen-
dations, the United States govern-
ment recognized the present regime
of President Carlos Mendieta. Mr.
Caffery was then made Ambassador.
Centenarian Says
cife After 100 Is
Not Too Much Fun
RIDGEFIELD, Conn., May 26. - ()t
- Mrs. Eliza Gage Wade says living
beyond the age of 100 isn't so mucht
She speaks with some authority,;
for tomorrow she observes her one;
hundredth and fourth birthday anni-
"If anyone tells you it's fun to live
to be 100 and over," she said, "don'tj
believe him. I always wanted to have
a large family and to die at an early
age. Here I am, 104, and living withI
my only daughter."a
Mrs. Wade recalled that recently
she displayed a little awkwardness in
stirring her afternoon cup of tea and
"Anybody would think I was an old
Mrs. Wade has been a vegetarian
for years and never drinks water.

New Streamlined Train
Averages 91-Mile Speed
LINCOLN, Neb., May 26. - (A') -
The Burlington's "Zephyr," newest'
of streamlined trains, roared through
Nebraska today on its non-stop dash
from Denver to 'Chicago.
As the gleaming steel train flashed
across the plains, it averaged 91 miles
an hour from Holdrege to Minden,
making the average speed out of Den-
ver 80 miles an hour for the' 353.9-
mile run.
Approaching Nebraska, the Zephyr
reached a speed of 112.5 miles an hour
for three miles, betveen Yuma and
Schramm, Colo., to come close to the
American record of 115.20 miles set in
July, 1904, on the Philadelphia &
Reading Road, run in two minutes, 30

President Is
Plannin Ban,
OnArms Sale
Congress Les Resolution
Pass Without Dissent;
Awaits Approval
Bedoya Statement
Creates Sensation
Paraguay Threatens Use
Of- Terrorist Methods In
Bolivia Strife
WASHINGTON, May 26. - (I)-
Without awaiting international ac-
tion, President Roosevelt may ban
the sale of arms in this country to
Bolivia and Paraguay as soon as he
signs the resolution giving him power
to stop such sales.;
The resolution, pushed through
Congress without dissent, was on the
President's desk today, and there
was a possibility that the arms ban
against the warring South American
republics would be' issued before
There has been some disposition for
the United States to delay prohibiting
arms sales until defite international
action has been taken, but American
officials now feel that there is no
logical reason to wait.
The League of Nations has re-
quested data on an international arms
embargo from 31 nations and has
called an extraordinary session on
May 30 to deal exclusively with the
Chaco situation and the proposed em-
GENEVA, May 26.-P)--Cabellero
Bedoya, Paraguayan representative
to the League of Nations, announced
today that Paraguay would cease ap-
plying the rule of international law
"in force between civilized peoples"
to Bolivia.
His announcement created a sen-
sation here.
The Paraguayan communication to
the league said that, to its great re-
gret, Paraguay mi follow ,Bolivia's
example of warfare.
The reference was to Bolivia's aerial
bombardment of two towns and Bo-
livia's alleged threat to bombard As-
uncion, the capital of Paraguay.
ReturnTo Jobs
In Minneapolis
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 26.-
(0) - Teeming activity replaced dis-
order, death and *bloodshed in the
city marketplace today as truckers
signalized the end of a truekdrivers'
strike which has paralyzed commer-
cial trucking since May 15.
Businessmen estimated that the re-
vival of truck transportation resulted
in a million dollars worth' of business
today, and termed their estimate con-
servative as produce houses and gar-
deners had their first opportunity
to dispose of perishable food. They
said the strike had cost them thou-
sands of dollars in spoilage.
Peace came to the harassed city as
the result of an accord signed last
night by representatives of the strik-
ing drivers and their employers.
Members of the General Drivers
and Helpers Union, No. 574, won their
principal demand, union recognition,
under the agreement.

LEAVES $1,500,000
CHIAGO, May 26. - (A') - An es-
tate of $1,500,000 was left by Joy
Morton, chairman of the Morton Salt
Co. who died May 9, it was revealed
today when the will was filed for pro-

The ways of the banker were just as
mysterious in Graeco-Roman Egypt
as they are in the United States, it
was revealed yesterday by Dr. Enoch
Peterson, who headed the recent Uni-
versity expedition to Karanis.
While receiving a visit from Presi-
dent and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven
this winter Dr. Peterson and his
workers uncovered a treasure of coins
and objects of art in a house that
had burned on the Karanis site.
In describing the find, Dr. Peter-
son said, "There on the floor level
lay a huge pile of bronze coins, beside
a large earthenware jar, partly sunk
beneath the floor. We gathered them
in baskets and sent them down to the
house for safe keeping.
"No sooner had they been care-
fully stored away than the workmen
called us back to the same room.
There on the other side lay another
large pile of coins.
"Close beside this hoard were other
bronze objects. Blowing away the
soil by means of hand bellows we un-
covered the objects one by one, a
bronze lamp, a small cupid standing
on a bronze base, and a bronze fe-
League's Exhibit
Shows Faculty's
Sun Bath Statues;
It happened during the intermission
last night, at the presentation of
"Meet My Sister" at the League. Sev-
eral dignified professors stood about
in the League Concourse, amid the,
sculpture display, and guffawed loud-
ly. But contrary to first expectations,
they were not laughing at the comedy
they were seeing in the theatre, but
at a good joke that had been played
on some of their own colleagues.
It all began because the League had
those statues. Those six statues, to be
exact, since not all the statues were
picked by the anonymous judge to fig-
ure in the incident. And the six sta-
tues in question were "Infinity," by
Louise French, "Dr. John G. Winter,"
by Anna R. Winter, "Lassitude," by
Faith Crittenden, "Dr. Margaret Bell,"
by Helen W. Bailey, and "Sacrifice,"
by Phyllis Swift Buxton. At least, that
was what the labels said.
But first came the bust of a certain
professor in the Latin department, la-
belled "Infinity," by an art judge who
had at some time studied Latin. A
well-muscled athlete, freshly emerged
from some cool lake, and taking a sun-
bath on a rock, was labelled "Dr. John
G. Winter." Thenthere was a portrait
of a woman of energy and determina-
tion, for some reason labelled "Lassi-
tude," while if the tag told the truth
some sculptor had caught a glimpse
of Dr. Bell taking a tan treatment i
a rocky grotto frequented by nymphs
Meanwhile the; "Recovery" tag
originally attached to the graceful
Greek now bearing Dr. Winter's name,
had been attached by the judge, who
must have been a Republican, to s
beautiful girl chained to a rock, asort
of "Promethea Bound."
CHICAGO, May 26.-(P)-The'
Rt. Hon. S. M. Bruce, C. H. M. C.,
former prime minister of Australia
said today that he did not wish to
be a knight.
Sale Of Announcements
For Graduation To End
Seniors intending to order com-
mencement invitations will have
their last opportuinty tomorrow,
according to John *S. Howland,
'34, chairman of the invitations
Howland stated last night ,that
a committee member will be sta-
tioned from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1 to
3 p.m. tomorrow at a desk in the
lobby of Angell Hall.

male figure all covered with the black
soil filling the room. We could tell
at once that it was an Aphrodite fig-
ure, perhaps an Isis-Aphrodite. It
was about 35 centimeters in height."
Dr. Peterson said many more coins
were discovered in the house and
when the grand count was taken with
President and Mrs. Ruthven assist-
ing it was found that there were more
than 13,000.
The explanation of this multitude
of coins and the Aphrodite figure in
one complex of houses can only be
speculation, Dr. Peterson said.
The coins that have been examined
were all of the late third century
period, before the year 295 A.D., when
all local imperial coinage ended in
Egypt by edict of the Emperor Dio-
cletian. The owner may have been
a banker or a wealthy Karanidian
caught with this worthless currency,
Dr. Peterson speculated. The fire that
destroyed the house may have made
it impossible to recover the coins, he
said, or perhaps some more compli-
cated economic- dilemma accounts for
this rich hoard left untouched for
centuries in the sands of Egypt.

Rich Hoard Found In Sands Of
Egypt By Dr. Enoch Peterson

Churches Plan,
Program For
Stude nts Today
St. Andrew's Honors 86th
Anniversary; Tatlock's
Service Commemorated
Today the churches of Ann Arbor
will offer programs planned to be
especially of interest to students and
also to townspeople.
The 11 a.m. service at St. Andrew's
Episcopal Church will be given over
to the commemoration of the eighty-
sixth church anniversary and the
forty-sixth anniversary of the ordina-
tion of the Rev. Henry Tatlock, D.D.,
to the ministry. Dr. Tatlock, rector
emeritus of St. Andrew's, will preach
the sermon.
Dr. Tatlock received his education
at Williams College, Hobart College,
and the General Theological Semi-
nary, receiving the degrees of B.A.,
M.A., D.D., from Williams, and that
of S.T.D. from Hobart College. In
1888 he was ordained to the ministry,
and for one year was assistant at Holy
Trinity Church, New York City, be-
fore coming to Ann Arbor in 1889.
After 32 years of service as rector of
St. Andrew's parish he retired and
became rector emeritus.
The Rev. Frederick B. Fisher will
speak today at the 10:45 a.m. service
at the First Methodist Episcopal
church on "Freud Analyzes Christ.?
This address will conclude the series'
of talks givenduring the pastfew
Sunday services under the general
topic "Christ Confronted 'by Modern
Social Philosophies." At 6 p.m. there
will be a meeting at "The Meadows."
Those who will attend are to meet at
Stalker Hall at 5:30 p.m. Prof. How-
ard McClusky of the School of Edu-
cation will be the speaker, and Fran-
pis Bennett will represent the seniors.
At the Unitarian church, Prof.;
Preston W. Slosson of the history de-
partment will speak on "Nationalism
vs. Patriotism."
At the Presbyterian Church, the
10:45 a.m. service will be given by the
Rev. Will Case of Reno, Nevada, who
will speak on "The Appeal of the
Heart." At 5:30 p.n. there will be
a social hour and supper at the
Church House. Those who will at-
tend are asked to come early for a
group picture.
Prkess .agn
Is Protested By
Senator Schall

Baseball Team Wins From
Indiana; Netmen Defeat
Chicago In Upset
In Tennis Triumph
Michigan Has Opportunity
To Claim Big Ten Dual
Meet Championship
Michigan's tennis team, which
placed second in the recent Big Term
tournament, two and one half points
behind~ Chicago, struck back at the
Maroon netmen yesterday afternoon
at the Ferry Field courts and handed
them their first defeat of the year, 'a
4-to-2 beating.
The victory gives Michigan an op-
portunity- to claim the mythical Cn-'
ference dual meet, championship in
view of the fact that Minnesota, al-
though" undefeated and untied, did
not play Chicago or Michigan and
stood a poor third in tournament
play at' the Windy City.
Appelt Stars
Joe Appelt, playing his last match
for the Wolverines,.copped the laurels
in yesterday's five hour tiff as he.
handed Trevor Weiss his first defeat
in two years of dual competition,'~-6,
6-3, 12-10.
The Appelt-Weiss match was by
far the most colorful aInd drama-
pAcked tilt played this year on the
Ferry Field courts. Weiss, after drop-
ping the second set, 34, had a 5-2 ad-
vantage over Appelt in the third set,
but Joe put on a sudden spurt and
deuced the games.,Torom then n the
spectators were thrilled by the. spec-
tacle of Weiss fumbling eight different
match points and Appelt grinning and
deucing the games again. Finally with
the score 10-9 against him and the
count 40 to love for Weiss, Appelt put'
on another miraculous spurt, took.
the next three games and match.
Davidson Wins Again
The Max Davidson-Seymour Siegel
match, which was neaxky a duplication
of the finals at Chicago, was over-
shadowed by Appelt's brilliant per-
formance. However, Davidson, by far
put on the best exhibition in de-
feating Siegel, 6-2, 0-2. Segel, on
the defensive all the while, was again
outsteadied,.outplayed at the net and
at the serving line.
Daniel Kean and Howard Kahn
easily downed Mitchell Duell and
George Factor, respectively, of the
Maroons. Kean chose an auspicious
time to take his first singles win in
dual competitionedince the Oberlin
meet, as he defeated Duel, 7-, 6-1,
win. Kahn took his eighth singles
match in dual competition, 6-4, 6-2.
Bowles and Siegel won a rather easy
doubles tilt from Factor and Duel ,
6-0, 6-2, for the fourth and, deciding
point. Kahn and Appelt-made a sur-
prising stand against the Big Ten
doubles champions, Davidson and
Weiss, and offered a genuine chal-
lenge to the undefeated pair, but
eventually lost, 06, 7-5, 4-6.
Wistert Hurls And Bats/
Wolverines To Victory

Roosevelt Presses Button And
World's Fair Bursts Into Light

CHICAGO, May 26.-(P)- A daz- above the 1933 inaugural day atten-
zling display of rainbow lights flooded dance.
the World's Fair tonight at the turn Mrs. Roosevelt was cast on the same
of the hand of the motion picture celluloid sheet. As she closed a switch
proxy of President Roosevelt. 'the wondering throng looked over the
The figure of the President flashed rippled surface of the lagoon and saw
across the screen of three theatres on the world's largest fountain spout up
the grounds before thousands of per- and spray in the dancing rays of
sons massed in first-night audiences. submerged Kleig lamps.
They saw him press a button. Im- The first family thus initiated the"
mediately by synchronization the most fascinating feature of the lake
great system of illumin'ation burst front show. These words of Mr.
into a multi-hued confusion. Gasps Roosevelt rang in the hearers' ears:
and exclamations came from hun- "Those who will come to the ex-
dreds of throats, then a wave of ap- position of 1934 will discover many
_ranar ac of.annarvs +, aotHo nc bnn

WASHINGTON, May 26. -(P) -
A resolution directing the Senate to
determine whether a press consorship
exists in the Government was in-
troduced Friday by Senator Thomas
D. Schall (Rep.), Minnesota.
On mOtion of Senator J. Hamilton
Lewis (Dem., Ill.), the resolution was
referred to the Interstate Commerce
Schall said he would not "permit
gagging of thepress."
" "It does not belong in this Gov-
ernment," he said, "and must not be
The resolution directed a special.
committee of five senators to deter-
mine whether censorship is being im-
nned by hads of Gonvernment gen-

After being on the short end of the
scoring in four straight Conference
games Michigan's baseball nine rose.
up to collect four runs on eight hits
off the best pitcher in the league
and defeat the second-place Indiana
team, 4-2, yesterday at Ferry Field.
Indiana got only one hit in the
first five innings, while the Wolver-
ines were getting three and pushing
across a run in the third to break the
ice. With one out Lerner singled
over second. Artz got a life when
hit by the pitcher. Oliver fanhed,
Lerner and Artz, neanwhile pulling
a double steal. Petoskey was given
an intentional walk to fill the bases.
Wilshere momentarily lost control
and walked Paulson, sending Lerner
home. Wistert ended the inning
when he grounded to second.
. In the sixth the Hoosiers came to
life. McLaughlin singled down third
base line and went to second on Du-
gan's sacrifice bunt. Howorth lined
a terrific drive between Regeczi and
Petoskey but Regeczi, going far to his
left, made a miraculous catch, hold-
ing McLaughlin on second. But Cox
hit a sharp single across third base,
MLauighlin scoring easily.

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