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May 24, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-24

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Voman's Flight
tecord Broken
ly Jean Batten
lies From England To
Australia Alone, Cutting
Foiir Days From Mark
Cheered On ArrivalI

Police Are Clubbed In Hectic Minneapolis Rioting

Two Pr e v i o us Attempts
Failed; New Mark Set At
15 Days_
PORT DARWIN, North Australia,
May 23.- (1P) - Jean Batten, 24-
year-old New Zealand girl flyer,
reached this city today after a solo'
flight from England on which she set
a new women.s record for the dis-
Miss Batten made- the long, haz-
ardous air jaunt in 15 days, 23, hours,
and 25 minutes, eclipsing the former
woman's mark of 19 days held by Amy
Johnson, wife of Capt. James A.
Mollison, British flyer.
Miss Johnson completed her flight
and set the old record on May 24,
The New. Zealand girl arrived at
Port Darwin to the accompaniment
of a tumultuous welcome at 3 p.m.,
local time, 1:30 a.m., Eastern Stan-
dard Time.
Was Third Attempt
Miss Batten was making her thirdi
attempt at the flight when she soared
away from Lympne, England, on
May 8.
Her first effort was in April, 1933.
Then her machine broke down be-
yond repair at Karachi, India. Last
month, trying again, she crashed
in Rome. She sustained severe face
lacerations and several stitches were
taken in her lip.
Nevertheless, as soon as her plane
could be repaired, she flew back to
England and began preparations for
the third try which has proved suc-
The plane in which Miss Batten set
her record is an ordinary standard
wooden moth nearly five years old.
Mother Was Supporter
The young woman went to England
a few years ago to study music, but
Sir Charles Kiigsford-Smith's Pa-
cific flight inspired the ambition to
Forthwith, she sold her piano to
help pay for her flying lesson.
Miss Batten's mother, who had ac-
companied her to England, at first
opposed her daughter's drift from
music to aviation, but later became
one of the girl's strongest supporters.
"There is no use in protesting," the
mother said. "Jean always has bossed
me in a subtle but firm way."
National Board,
To Unify Tests
For Architects

Health Service T
Spring's Chief
Health hazards especially preva-
lent at this season of the year were
cited yesterday by Dr. William M.
Brace of the Health Service. Sun-
burn, pneumonia, and useless worry-
ing over examinations with conse-
quent loss of sleep were the topics
Sunburn accounts for many of the
Health Service cases at this time,
and Dr. Brace warned students with
fair complexions against undue ex-
posure. "In fact," Dr. Brace said,
"all students should be on their guard
against overexposure. Fifteen to 20
minutes should be the maximum ex-
posure for the first time by those
with fair skins, and those with darker
complexiois" should govern them-
selves accordingly."
Sunning oneself on porches and,
roofs was condemned as, dangerous
since very bad burns result when the
sunbather falls asleep in the hot.sun's
rays. Dr. Brace said that home treat-
ment of sunburn could best be ac-
complished by twice daily applica-
tions of some .ood cold cream overl
the burned portions.
The Health Service has a special
preparation which is distributed to
sufferers who report. "In case of
blisters," the doctor remarked, "stu-
dents should report to the Health
Service at once for treatment, since
serious skin diseases often result from
punctured blisters."
An unusual number of pneumonia
cases have been reported this spring,
Dr. Brace said. There were 14 pneu-
monia cases in the infirmary during
April of this year and none last year
at that time. The reason Dr. Brace
gave for this increase was the prac-

warns Against.
Health Hazards
tice students have of permitting colds
to run on without treatment.
Several cases are always reported
during the latter part of May and the
first of June, the doctor said, because
students let outside activities and
studies take them from much needed
About examination time, Dr. Brace
said, students are prone to worry and
lose sleep over examinations. "Stu-
dents should budget their time, and
see that they get at least seven or
eight hours sleep a night.
The proper amount of sleep before
examinations, and elimination of all
night "crahming" with the aid of
copious amounts of coffee would re-
sult in the students being better able'
to write their examinations.
Students who find themselves get-
ting fatigued and worried because of
examinations should report to the
Health Service and enlist the aid of
the attendants there, Dr. Brace con-
Anti-War Group To Hold
Session Memorial Day
As a part of the National Youth
Holiday, the local campus group of
the Michigan League Against War
and Militarism will hold an open
meeting and disctission on Memorial
Day in Lane Hall at 8 p. m.- The
speakers, according to Melvin Levin,
'36, member of the committee in
charge, will be Rev. John W. Bollens
of the Methodist Episcopal Church
of Detroit, and Morris Sugar, Detroit
attorney. They will probably speak
on "Youth Participation In War." r

Tucson Police
Grill Suspect
In Robles Case
Joe Newton, Alleged Bank
Bandit, Refuses To Make
Any Statement
TUCSON, Ariz., May 23.-- (it) -
An alleged participant in the nation's
largest mail train robbery was ques-
tioned by authorities here today con-
cerning the $15,000 kidnaping of June
Robles, six-year-old heiress.
The suspect, Joe Newton, refused
to make any statements regarding
the kidnaping, in which the ransom
was not paid, or the robbery of a
Medford, Okla., bank, the charge on
which he was arrested here Tuesday
Officers said Newton had been un-
der surveillance for several days, dur-
ing which time he had made noctur-
nal visits here from a mine in So-
nora, Mexico, a locality in which an
intensive search was conducted for
the Robles girl before she was found.
Sheriff's investigators said Newton
made telephone calls to Tucson from
the old Robles ranch between here
and Sasabe at the border. They said
they had learned he lived at the
mine, 45 miles below the international
line, with a brother, Tull.
With three other brothers, Willie,
Willis, and Jesse, departmhent of jus-
tice records here disclosed, Joe
served a federal prison sentence for
participation in a $2,000,000 train
mail robbery at Rondout, Ill. in 1924.

These pictures provide striking views of the action in Minneapolis riots during a strike of truck drivers.
Nearly 40 persons were hurt in the disorders. This exciting scene shows policemen and strikers slashing away
at each other with clubs, pipes, and other weapons.

Changes Of Auto Reoulations
In Summer E xplaiied By Rea

Summer Session automobile regu-
lations were announced yesterday by
Walter B. Rea, assistant to the Dean
of Students, who at the same time
clarified several points of the sum-
mer regulation which, have offered
trouble in the past.
No restrictions are made on the use
of cars by the following three classi-
fications of summer session students:
those who are in the academic year
are engaged in professional pursuits,
as for example, teachers, lawyers,
physicians, nurses, etc.; those who
are 28 years of age or over; and
those who have a faculty ranking of
teaching assistant or its equivalent.
Those students who are exempt un-
der the above ruling are however
asked to fill out the slip in the regis-
tration blank dealing with use of cars
in the summer, with special attention
to the license number of the car
that will be driven, Rea said. This
information, especially in the case of
outstate licenses, is highly necessary
to the Dean's office.
Students not exempted by the
above regulation must obtain per-
mits, a procedure not necessary in
the case of the others, for use of
cars, "provided their circumstances
necessitate their use," or "for par-
ticipation in outdoor sports, such as
golf, tennis, and swimming." The
first clause allows for such permits
as _commuting, family purposes, b~usi-
ness, and others that are allowed in
the regular session. The . second
clause is the one that causes the
most trouble, in Rea's estimation,
The clause allows for the use of
cars for outdoor recreation, and also
allows the driver to carry passengers,
a departure from the extent of regu-
lar permits. After 9 p. m., however,
the use of cars for any purposes by
mixed company will be considered
social, and a violation of the rule.,
K. O.'d Humming
Bird To Be Stujed
For Hitting Library
A humming bird, apparently in
quest of an education, tried yester-
day, to crash the sacred portals of the
Library, which, however, in its ex-
clusive way, is open only to humans.
The attempt was futile and most
unhappy for the little bird, for it
flew against one of the large library
windows and knocked itself uncon-
scious. When it revived, it found it-
self an object of curiosity - and in-
cidently a prisoner -in the Muse-

Students at Camp Davis, the Bio-
logical Station, the Camp for Fores-
try and Conservation, and the Sta-
Lion for Geology and Geography are
also subject to the above regulations.
Rea further called attention to the
announcement of the time schedule
for the lifting of the regular auto
ban, already published several times
in the D. 0. B. In general outline,
the schedule provides for the lifting
of the ban in each school or college
as soon as that unit has finished its
examinations, with the exception
that in units where the various
classes finish examinations at dif-
ferent times, the school or collage
will be released by classes, as soon
as each class is through. The com-
plete schedule is published today in
the Official Bulletin, and will appear
several times again this year.
Ex-Convit Is
Held In Killing
Of Car Driver'
MARIETTA, Okla., May 23.- (A')-
A hitch-hiker was held today by Okla-
homa authorities who said he con-
fessed to slaying a naval officer in an
argument over "hitting bumps" in the
The hitch-hiker Leo Hudgins, 27,ta
former Mississippi convict offered to
help Kansas authorities search for the
body of the victim, Lieut. Com. S. J.
Trowbridge, U .S.N.
Hudgins was quoted by Sheriff S. H.
Randolph as saying he .killed Trow-
bridge Saturday after the officer gave
him a ride, let him drive the automo-
bile and then threatened him for
going over bumps in the highway
"that hard."
He said he deposited the body in a
yoadside ditch 15 miles north of
Greensburg, Kas. Informed that Kan-
sas officers were unable to find the
body, Hudgins signed an extradition
waiver and volunteered to join the
Hudgins was arrested at Thatch-
erville, Okla., Sunday night, when he
drove Trowbridge's blood-stained
automobile into a garage for repairs.
SHANGHAI, May 24-IP)--(Thurs-
day)-Chinese reports from Peiping,
today allege a Japanese air squad-
:'n bombed a wide area aroundl
Chinchov in southeast Manchuria,
yesterday (Wednesday) killing 1,000
Manchurian farmers and destroying.

Edmonson To
Head Study Of
Youth Problem
Leads Committee Formed
To Study Condition Of
lJeiemployed Transients
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School
of Education has returped from
Washington, D. C., where he conferred
with George F. Zook, United States
Commissioner of Education, on the
youth unemployment problem.
A committee has been formed con-
sisting of Dean Edmonson, Professor
Jones of the University of Pennsyl-
vania, and Professor Powers of the
George Washington University. This
committee will try to form some plans
for overcoming the "youth problem,"
which is becoming more serious and
more complexing every year.
Many Unemployed
The Commissioner of Education
told Dean Edmonson that there are
about three million young people in
the age group from 18 to 20 alone
who are not only out of school, but
out of work. He added, "The situation
has already reached such a pass in-
deed that thousands of youth, becom-
ing discouraged and not wishing to
be a further burden on parents .or
friends, have taken to the road in
search of work and adventure."
The Commissioner quoted some sta-
tistics to emphasize this. "In the
single month of January, 1934, there
were registered in 36 states and the
District of Columbia 105,979 destitute
transients. If Georgia may be used
as an example, 47 per cent, or nearly
one-half, were under 25 years of age;
18 per cent, or nearly one-fifth of
them were women and girls."
Statistics Show Seriousness
Mr. Zook went on to say that the
seriousness of this situation is fur-
ther revealed in the crime statistics.
During the year 1929-30, the number
of persons under 19 years of age im-
prisoned in state and federal prisons
increased 26 per cent, and the greater
proportion of convictions for robbery,
assault, burgla'y, and larceny were
imposed on people between 21 and 24.
In fact, Senator Copeland's com-
mittee on "rackets" has found that
the average age of prisoners is abort
23 years, and the largest single age
group is 19. The next largest group
is 18 years of age.
On June 1, there will be a meeting
in Washington to which leaders of in-
dustry and education will be invited
to aid the "Comniittee on the Youth
Problem" in preparing some program
of action. The possibility of more
clubs, such as the 4H Club and the
Pioneer Farmers, is now under con-



this week-end


Lorch Tells Of Plan For,
Uniform Examinations
By Registration Group
At a meeting of the American ,In-
stitute of Architects held in Washing-
ton last week, final steps were taken
to establish a national system of ex-
aminations for admission to the pro-
fession of architecture so that uni-
form requirements might be demand-
ed in all states of the union, thus
doing away with the inter-state com-
plications resulting from the varied
requirements of indvidual state con-
trol of exams.
Lorch Tells of Plan
In speaking of the new plan, Pro-
fessor Emil Lorch, director' of the
school of Architecture and re-elected
member of the Executive Committee
of the National Council of Archi-
tectural Registration Boards at last
Week's Washington conference, says,
"The net result of the convention
was that the American Institute of
Architecture gave its approval to a
plan to have the National Council of
Architectural Registration Boards
set up an examination equal in diffi-
culty and comprehensiveness Vo thce
exams conducted by the 37 states
now having registration boards for
"An important part of the plan is
that the graduate during three of
required experience prior to taking
the exam and subsequent to gradua-
tion from an architectural school will
work under the general supervisior
of an advisor, a practicing architect,
who will coordinate the experience to
be gained by the graduate in ,the
various fields.
Gives Greater Responsibility.
Thus greater responsibility is plac-
ed upon the profession for helping
train the younger men in the practi-
cal field, leaving the schools freer
to give the basic theoretical, train-
"Graduates recommended by their
advisors after three years of proper-

20 villages.

Its future will be still more sad,
for the curators, fearing that the
bird has suffered internal injury
that would cause its death if it were
permitted to escape, have decided to
add it to their stuffed bird group.
The humming bird is the only va-
riey of birds that can fly backwards
as well as forwards, suggesting the
possibility that this one had stripped
its gears.
U. Civil Service
Positions Are Open
Announcement of an examination
to be given for the position of Junior
Social Economist in the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, Department of
Labor, has been received from the
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion by the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
There are several vacancies in this
field including hoth temnnrrev and


-s . _ _ v








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