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May 24, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-24

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Early Sell-Out'
Of Ball Tickets
I s'All ticiptate4I
Tickets for the Senior Ball to be
held Junc 15, in the Union are on
sale n iOW to seniors only. .They may
be obtained from members of the
committee or from the desk in the
lobby of Angell Hall which will do
business from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and
from 1 to 4 p.m.
There are only 300 tickets available
and absolutely none over that quota
are to be sold, according to the com-
mittee. No reservations are to be
made and sales are for cash only.
From all indications in the first days
of the sale an early sell-out is an-
Members of the committee from
whom tickets may be obtained are
Bill McRoy, Kent Thornton, Edward
McCormick, Edward Woodruff, Carl
Gladfelter, Carol Hanan, Harriet Jen-
nings, Ann Storey, Bob Hogg, George
Knowles, Al Newman, Grafton Sharp,
Lester Harrison, George Lambrecht,
and Don Lyon.
Bags, Gloves, And
Hts Are Of Everv
mmain ableSty le
With graduation and showers for
the June-bride upon us before we can
say "Finals are over," the thought
of appropriate and practical gifts is
uD1ermost in many minds.

League Board For
Summer Organiized
The League Council announced
yesterday that Maxine Maynard,
newly-elected president for next year
will act as president during the sum-
mer session. Charlotte Whitman, one
of the vice-presidents for next year,
will hold that position during the
Assisting in their respective ca-
pacities will be Sue. Calcutt, chair-
man of theatre and art, Billie Grif-
fith, retiring president of W.A.A., and
Betty Aigler, president of Pan-Hel
lenic. They will be in charge of all
appointments to be made during the
summer months.
outfit. To go with the brown or beigeI
sport suit, the bags we've .seen re-
cently of a pliable wood in natural
color, are a very smart accessory.
Someone once said, "A lady is never
seen without her gloves." True or
not, we can all thank our stars that
we can be 'ladies" very enjoyably this
season. Gloves are being shown in
simply every color and material. The
new organdy gloves with a wide flare
cuff are a quaint and very lovely
addition to any summer formal. Mesh,
because itis so cool, is again in sway
and. can be had in several clever
styles, whether the glove be a gaunt-
let or wrist length.
And if you can think of absolutely
no one for whom you have to buy a
gift, why not treat yourself to one of
the new matching sets of hat, blouse,
purse, and gloves, that come in both
linen and batiste. They can be had
in all colors and attractive plaids.



m c - 30 W - I a m -

p ...in two of the "most
asked for" styles in
* *0
O ...aa Op4-
. o -





ryone's' asking for these
mps and sandals ... .
ey're Brentmoor "style.
hits"...the white kid pump
is punched in zig-zag
rows . . . the sandal is a
cool affair of linen or
kid. They'll see you
through the summer.


Phi Sigma, honorary fraternity. for
those interested in biological research,
held its initiation last night at the
Union. The ceremony was followed
by a banquet honoring the new initi-
ates and those initiated in January
and by installation of officers for the
coming year.
Those initiated last night were
Allan F. Archer, Grad., Earl S. Brown,
F&C, Lawrence M. Daniels, Grad.,
Gordon R. Fiss, Grad., Ira D. George,
Grad., Theodore S. Jones, Grad.,
Many Elizabeth Kary, Grad., D. Man-
ley Knight, Grad., Margaret Louise
Liebe, Grad., Margaret Anne McGee,
Grad., Clarence H. Snyder, Grad.,
Adolph M. Stebler, Grad., Thomas H.
Weller, '36, and James M. Watkins,
At that time the officers for thej
coming year were also inaugurated.
They are president, William M. Clay;
vice-president, Annette Rudolphi; re-
cording secretary, H. W. Curran; and
treasurer, J. B. Griffin.
Jean Arnold, retiring president of
the organization, was in charge of the
banquet and Dr. Paul S. Welch, pro-
fessor of zoology, was toastmaster.
After the banquet Prof. E. C. Case
gave an illustrated address on "Bug
Where To Go

League Stunt Night Student Organist To Be
Ends First Season Heard In Recital Today
Allan B. Callahan, organist, will
Those present at the League Grill be heard in recital today at 4:15 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium. Callahan is a
Room dance last night saw the final student of Prof. Palmer Christian,
stunt program of the year. Featured The program is open to the general
performers were Max Goldman and public with the exception of small
Billy Collins from the Roy Hoyer children.
Studio, who presented two clever
Both of them figured in the "Jun- A hike and outdoor supper which
iors On Parade" entertainment some lasted from 5:30 to 7:30 yesterday af-
time ago. Dave French offered two ternoon were sponsored by Stalker
songs, singing and playing them Hall. Miss Phyllis Huston, '37, opened
himself; "She Reminds Me Of You" her home at 2507 Geddes for the
and "I Learned About Women From hikers.
Her". _
Creighton Coleman, the master of
ceremonies who has so capably ar-
ranged all the programs of the year,
announced that stunt night would
be resumed at the beginning of the
summer school session, and again in
the fall. The Wednesday night
programs have proved very success-
ful and popular.
featured in
New Yorker,
Vogue, and
. Vanity Fair
The boucle that will
be suitable anywherean e d
at anytime. Andyu
may have it in all
conceivable colors;
)(,g . salmon, white, a
rreep itk, b.
he1)Cr atWO-o01
you tastes dictate.
In x X

Accessories in the form of bags
and gloves, are most popular for gifts, M
because they are so essential in pep- Strings
ping up last year's dresses and even in
the new ones, few though they be.
Bags with detachable linen covers
in all pastels, are especially in vogue
because they are so easily washed.
Then, too, the new purses made of=
composition celluloid that simply de-
fies dirt, are very practical and U t
smart. These come in white, with FAS
the owner's initials cleverly pasted on 11
a cut-out square of a contrasting col- E
or that can be changed to match your

iriam Gross
dresses and accessories,
white and pastels,
Sizes 12-20
$14.71 up
Sold exclusively by
13 S. University Ave.
ast Side of Campus

f o


ics are



kind toyortoa
te~ ~Thecencnter leaves areth
mildest eaves-475i &/
UCKIES use only the clean center center leaves go into Luckies. -Then
leaves for these are the mildest "It's toasted"-for throatprotection.
leaves-they -cost more-they taste The long, golden strands of fine to-
better. No top leaves because they are bacco are rolled uniformly round and
h under-developed, bitter and harsh. No firm... no loose ends. That's why
::: bottom leaves because they're coarse, Luckies do not dry out. Luckies are

dirt-covered, sandy. Only :the clean

always in awl-wa kind to your throat.



V Luckies


are all-ways kind to your throat

' -.
: ,
. ...>


,11 ''NV
. / '( .5 l. SV'

- AM

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