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February 21, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-21

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F _ I
Groups I and II ....... ..4 p. m.
Group III ............. .5:15 p. m.
All groups will meet in the ball-:
room of the Union.
All tryouts who have not been as-
signed to any one of the above groups
are reuested to meet with groups
I and II.
Picard Holds
IHis, Stand On
Will Not Reverse 1eiion
Of limnhi i g Places To
Sell Liquor By Glass
LANSING, Feb. 20. -r).-Threats
of reprisal and bitter personal epi-
thets today railed to swerve Chair-
man Frank A. Picard of the state
liquor control commission from his
conviction that the number of places
selling liquor by the glass in Detroit
should be limited to 500.
The chairman refused to give
ground Monday in a stormy session
with seven members of the Wayne
legislative delegation and accused
them of "playing politics." Represen-
tative George A. Schroeder, one of
the leaders of the delegation, said
the Wayne meners will demand a
hearing before the entire commission.
The session Monday brought sharp
verbal clashes between Picard and
Schroeder and Senator Anthony J.
Wilkowski. At one time, Wilkowski
and Picard faced each other at op-
posite ends of the long table in the
hearing room and engaged in bitter
personalities. Schroeder charged Pic-
ard with "pitting your will against
that of the entire legislative mem-
bership from Wayne county."
Schroeder threatened to work
against the administration's legisla-
tive program at the special session
unless the demands of the Wayne
delegation were met. Picard retaliated
by charging the delegation with an
attempt to "play politics."
Schroeder said that Detroit should
have at least 2,000 licensed places.
"If the administration doesn't come
across with this thing, then we're
going to buck the administration in
the legislature. It has asked us to
support a lot of things we don't
want and is unwilling to give us this
one thing."
Turning to Picard and shaking his:
fist, Schroeder said: "Your will is
being pitted against that of the whole
Wayne delegation in the legislature
and we've been writing the law that
says we can have more than 2,000
licensed establishments."
"Writing hell," Picard shot back.
"Half of you don't even know what's
in the law, much less write it."
The delegation asked the chairman
if he would agree to increasing the
number above the 500 mark if the
Detroit common council voted for the
"Off hand," Picard said, "I feel
I would be inclined to go along with
the council up to 1,000 but I aim not
making any promise. My object in
going along with the council and po-
lice department has been that no
excuses could be offered for not en-
forcing the law."
Picard said that he was willing
"to pit my will against the whole
state of Michigan, if necessary, to
keep this thing out of politics." He
contended that the commission is
having a hard time finding 500 places
in Detroit to qualify under the law.
Other members of the Wayne dele-
gation present were Representatives
John B. Murphy, Carl W. Bischoff,
MIrtin W. Baginski, John P. Connors
and Michael J. Grapewski.

Coigress opes To End
Ycar' Sess'ion In }Vay
WASHINGTON, 1FTb. 20. --(/P) --
Congress may go home in the May-
time --if President Roosevelt doesn't
pop the tariff question.
The Senate Democratic leader --
Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas -
forecasts quitting time as between
May 1 and 15, provided the Roose-:
velt program does not become Much]

Brown Defends
Action In Mail
Transport Bids
'Telly Seniator Black That
He Sought To Establish
Equities In Lines
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20- P)--
In the course of a long verbal fenc-
ing match today, Walter F. Brown,
f o r m e r postmaster-general, t o Id
Chairman Hugo Black of the Senate
Airmail Committee that the purpose
of a gathering of air transport op-
erators in Washington in 1930 was
to determine their "equities" in air-
mail routes.
The basis for determination of
these "equities," or rights, Brown
said, was the pioneering develop-
ment for aviation by the companies.
He denied, however, that the airmail
contracts were awarded on the ba-
sis of the findings and all Black's
thrusts did not change that state-
Black referred to "the plan" which
guided the airmail meeting in May
and June, 1930, and asked if it were
not "so that what you term equities
could be awarded without competi-
tive bidding."
"That's correct," Brown said quiet,
ly. "That's what they wanted to do."
Black rubbed his hands and ob-
served that "the plan could not be
carried out if the various operators
tried to get a line which held equities
belonging to other groups."
"Agreement on equities," Brown
replied, "didn't mean there was any
agreement on a plan for the diver-
sion of contracts."
He added that the air transport
operators had tried to e s t a b l i s h
among themselves who had "pioneer
"I knew they couldn't," he testi-
fied, "and that it would give me an
excuse for chucking the whole plan."
During the day the House Post-
office Committee began hearing on
proposed permanent legislation for
new awards of the canceled airmail
Silvers Sought
In Jake Factor
Kidnap Cas e
Isaac Costner, rfennessee
Gangster, Names Him As
Roger Touhy Aid
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Feb. 20. -The alleged
"fingerman" in the $70,000 John Fac-
tor kidnaping was sought today as a
result of a dramatic "inside" story of
the abduction told by a Tennessee
rifleman who turned big city gang-
Joseph Silvers, part owner of the
Dells roadhouse in Morton Grove, Ill.,
near which Factor was snatched last
July 1, was the man hunted on an
accusation by Isaac Costner, young
Tennessee gangster, that it was Sil-
vers who helped members of the
Roger Touhy gang locate Factor the
morning he was kidnaped.
Prosecutors said Silvers might be
charged with being an accessory to
the abduction. He is somewhere in
Florida, state's attorney's police said
they were informed.
Costner, recently arrested in Bal-
timore with Basil Hugh Banghart,
told his story as a witness Monday

for the state at the second trial of
Roger Touhy, Albert Kator and Gus
Schaefer, thereby violating the tra-
ditional gangland law by talking in a
court of justice.
Talks For Hours
But Costner talked for hours and
when he had finished he had not
only identified Touhy, Kator and
Schaefer as members of the gang
that kidnaped Factor, but frankly
confessed that he had been with
them, accepting later from Banghart
the comparatively nominal sum of'
$2,300 as his share in the snatch. He
named Charles (Ice Wagon) Connors
and Andy McFadden as other mem-
bers of the gang.
"The Touhys," he testified, "had



Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertions.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance-i icper reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10e per reading line for three or more
Minimum three lines per insertion.
TelephonenBate-15cper reading linefor
one or two insertions.l
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per lne-2 lines daily, one
month....... .......8
4 lines F..O.., 2zmonths ..
2 lines daily, college year ...7c
4 linies E. 0. D., College year . .. .7c
100 lines used as desired.
300 lines used as desired.. ...toc
7 ,000 lines used as desired... 7c
2,000 lines used as deired . c
The above rates are per reaing line,
based on eight reading lines per inch of
7 1 point Ionic type, upper and lower
case. Add 0c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Add GCc per line to
above for bold face, upper and lower
cease. Add 10 per line to above rates for
bold face capital letters.
TAXI-Phone 9090. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. 1x
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
Use Electricity
In Search For
estern Gold
NEW YORK, Feb. 20.-(/P)-
There's a new placer-gold prospector
in the far west whose big money toolss
are a little wire and a battery.
The new prospecting was described
to the American Institute of Mining
and Metallurgical Engineers today by
J. J. Jakosky and C. H. Wilson of In-
ternational Geophysics, Inc., of Los
Angeles. They said that the new
prices for gold have made it attrac-
tive to large companies to rework
the placer beds.
But they face losses unless theya
can pick the regions where the sands
are deep. To do this the electricalj
prospectors drive a mnetal stake into1
the ground and run a current into it.l
From the stake the electricity flows
into the ground. Some distance away
another stake is driven. It picks up
the current which has passed through
the earth.
The readings of this current indi-
cate how much resistance the elec-
trical flow has met down so hmany
feet in the earth. From this the geo-
physicists can calculate the distance
to bed rock, and so tell how deep the
auriferous sands are likely to be. Re-
cent practical examples were cited in
Pinal county, Arizona, and Trinity
county, California.
Another method, with an electro-
magnet, detects buried "black sand"
concentrations. Black sands are mag-
netic and may be associated with
gold deposits.
several places where they met -one
in Park Ridge, one in Glenview and
other places. I was in bed in one of
the places. About 11 p. m. one of the
boys -- maybe it was Gus Schaefer,
maybe it was Roger Touhy came out
and woke me and Banghart up.
Q.-Did he say anything? A.-
Yes, that they were going to grab
Factor. N1
After that the witness said he went
to a "little beer garden" near the
Dells, from which there appeared a
man of stocky build who 'was ad-
dressed as "Silvers."
Told Where Factor Was
Q.-Did you hear what this man
said? A.- Yes. lie said that Factor
was at the Dells and that he might

stay an hour or more. He talked
some more, but I didn't hear what he
3 Nickels Arcade

suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 0 and {i ol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Ci-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 5x
FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001
1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x
LOST: A diamond ring during J-Hop
week-end. Three stones. Reward.
No questions asked. Box 33, Mich-
igan Daily. 347
WHITE COOK: 3 people, 2 meals
per day. Call at 612 E. Catherine
after 7:30 p. m. 348
STUDENT to work for board. Must
take room at same house, $2.50
week. Must have one o'clocks free.
Phone 6555. 353
WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3739.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
FAMILY and Student Laundry. Rain
water used. Call for and deliver.
4863. 351
BOSTON -James Roosevelt, son
of the President, maintained thathe
does not agree with his father's views
on the proposed child-labor amend-
ment to the Constitution.
CALIPATRIA, Calif. -Three thou-
sand pea pickers in the Imperial Val-
ley, who had been on strike for sev-
eral. days, came to an agreement with
growers after a group of agitators
had been jailed.
DETROIT - The sales committee
of the Michigan Milk Producers As-
sociation sent to Washington a tenta-
tive agreement for the standardiza-
tion of prices paid milk producers
by distributors in the, etroit area.
NEW YORK - The volume of
trade on the New York Stock Ex-
change was small as prices moved
very slowly in a dull session.
OTTAWA --Prime Minister R. B.
Bennett of Canada announced that
Canada is ready to negotiate a reci-
procity trade treaty with the United
Dr. J. F. Doneboo, an alumnus of
Washington and Jeflerson has seen
the last two hundred and one football
games played by teams representing
his alma mater.
is Now,





The Strangest Love Story

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