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February 21, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-21

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Fine Influence Of
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'OL. XLIV No. 100



_____________________________________________ I S


Charges Upon
Dollfuss Made
By Professors
Petition Deplores Murder
Of Women, Children By
Armed Forces
Indignant At Attack
On City Apartments
Students May Add Names
To Petition At Lecture
By Onderdonk Today
Prominent members of the faculty
including President Ruthven, Dean
Kraus of the Literary College, Prof.
Preston W. Slosson, of the history de-
partment, and Prof. Daniel L. Rich
of the physics department have al-
ready signed a petition which will be
sent to Chancellor Dollfuss of Aus-
tria, protesting "in the name of hu-
manity" the methods which the Aus-
trian government is using to suppress
"the constitutional rights of a large
percentage of the Austrian popula-
"Although desiring to refrain from
interference in the affairs of a for-
eign country," the petition reads, "We
protest against the murder of women
and children by the armed forcs.
which wou are employing to retain
power and against the wholesale ex-
ecution, of. political prisoners." The
signers of the petition are "especially
indignant" concerning the attacking
of famed Vienna apartment build-
Sign In Registrar's Office $
At present a copy of the petition
may be signed in the Registrar's
office. Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk will
also have one at his lecture at 4:15
in the Natural Science Auditorium
today when he speaks on the "Aus-
trian Crisis." Dr. Onderdonk went to
school, and lived in Austria for a
number of years.
In connection with Dr. Onder-
donk's lecture today a group of pic-
tures of. Vienna's monuments and
municipal apartment houses is now
on exhibition i labby showcases of
the main Library. Several cases are
willed with views of the principal
churches, and buildings in Vienna. A
picture of the monument to the foun-
ders of the Social Democratic party
of Austria, which was recently stored
away by the government, is shown.
Cite Vienna's Progress
In the recent Vienna crisis the
world famous Karl Marx apartment
houses were attacked with artillery.
Many pictures, plans, and drawings
of this and other apartment build-
ings, which Vienna constructed to
lead the world in slum clearance
projects, are in the Library exhibit.
Over 150,000 of Vienna's population
are housed in buildings of this sort
as is evidenced in a large meap in-
luded in Dr. Onderdonk's display.
The Karl Marx building covers five
city blocks. It contains apartments
from three to five rooms in size, large
garden courts, gymnasiums, cafes,
laundries, baths, shops, and libraries.
The rents for an apartment in this
huge building which replaces the for-
mer slum districts range from two to
four dollars a month.
Dorr Speaks
At Meeting Of

Debate Group
A d elph i Hears Political
S c iea c e Instructor On
Courts And Justice
That the courts are not wholly to
blame but that arraigning magis-
trates are the main reason for the
poor administration of justice today
was the main note of a speech. de-
livered by Dr. Harold M. Dorr of the
political science department before
the Adelphi House of Representatives
in their first meeting of the new se-
mester last night. The subject of
Dr. Dorr's speech was "Some Ob-
stacles In The Administration of Jus-
Dr. Dorr praised the activities of
the Federal law enforcing agencies,
especially in the recent kidnaping
cases, but brought out the great need
for unification of agencies in the
state, county, and city governments.
Local officials are the root of the

To Direct Symphony

Council Takes
Steps Against
More Scalping

Asks For Suspension
J-Hop Scalpers From
Further Activities



Ossip Gabrilowitsch, famous direc-
tor and pianist, who will conduct the
performance of the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra in the ninth Choral1
Union Series concert tonight at Hill
~, " ,
And Orchestra
To Play Here
Detroit Symphony Plays
Tonight In Ninth Choral
Union Series Concert ,
Ossip Gabrilowitsch will direct the1
Detroit Symphony Orchestra when
it presents its annual Ann Arbor per-
formance as the ninth concert in thez
1933-34 Choral Union series at 8:151
p. m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Gabrilowitsch is a distin-
guished pianist as well as one of the
country's outstanding directors. The,
Detroit orchestra is one of the fore-
most of the nation's symphonies and
has long been a favorite with Ann
Arbor music-goers. This orchestra,
under Mr. Gabrilowitsch, has ap-
peared annually here since the in-
ception of the Choral Union series.
The program consists of four num-;
bers, included in which is Rachman-,
inoff's Second-Symphony in E Minor.
The presentation of this will enable
the concert-goers to hear a sym-
phonic composition of the great com-
poser-pianist who appeared in a solo
concert earlier this year.
In addition, selections will be given
from three of Richard Wagner's fa-
mous operas, "Tristan and Isolde,"
"Die Walkure," and "Tannhauser."
Favor Change
In Hours F'or
Senior Women
Board Of Representatives
Would Extend (losing
Hour On Saturday
The Board of Representatives of
the Women's ,self-governing body
voted yesterday to allow senior
women 1:30 a. m. permission on
Saturdays with a minimum restric-
tion based on scholastic standing.
.Out of the 38 houses represented 21
were in favor of no restriction at all,
and the remainder favored a scho-
lastic standing of a C average.
Although the board had previously
voted on senior privilege, yesterday's
meeting was in response to Dean
Alice Lloyd's suggestion to reconsider
the matter in the light of adminis-
trative difficulties in the large dormi-
tories. By confining all late senior
permissions to one night, instead of
distributing it throughout the week
as had been the previous vote, the
representatives believe that this will
not impair the present system of
night chaperoning.
Scholastic restrictions for seniors
were not approved by the board in
connection with the extra hour a
week because of the difference in
studying demands of the various
courses offered, and also the board
believed there should be some sort
of differentiation between privileges
of seniors and underclassmen.

Offer Three Plans
To Treat Offenders
Decide Further To Submitit
Resolution To S e n a c
The Undergraduate Council moved
yesterday to permanently prevent
scalping on the sale of class dance
tickets as two recent offenders were
punished and severe penalties were
provided for those found guilty of
selling tickets at a price higher than
face value in the future.
In the case of Sidney Frankel, '35,
and Frederick W. Hertrick, '35, con-
victed of scalping on J-Hop tickets,
the council decided to recommend to
the University discipline committee
that they be barred from extra-cur-
ricular activities for the remainder
of their college careers.
Gilbert E.Bursley, '34, president,
stated that henceforth all violations
coming before the council's discipline
committee will be considered and the
group will recommend one of three
It was decided that in the event
that a committeeman either scalped
on the sale of tickets or had knowl-
edge of such action, he should re-
ceive the maximum penalty, suspen-
sion from the University for the re-
mainder of the semester and re-en-
trance only on probation. Two fur-
ther punishments were laid down for
offenders by action of the council.
The first will be two weeks' suspen-
sion and probation for students who
scalp on more than one ticket, and
the second, probable probation only
for undergraduates selling a single
ticket to some other student.
The council further decided to
submit a resolution to the Senate
Committee on Student Affairs rec-
ommending a graduated price scale
for the sale of class dance tickets.
The recommendation asks that above
a certain number the charge shall
be increased one dollar on each 100
tickets. It was provided that the
surplus gained from this s y s t e m
should be contributed to a perma-
nent student good-will fund.
Rumors state that there has al-
ready been misconduct in the sale of
senior caps and gowns and canes.
Bursley w a r n e d that the council
would be on the lookout for such ac-
tion, and, if necessary, disciplinary
steps will be taken.
Fifteen Receive
All 'A' Grades
In Engineering
Fifteen engineering students re-
ceived all "A" records last semester,
according to a report received today
from A. H. Lovell, assistant dean and
secretary of the College of Engineer-
ing. The senior class ranked first
with six. In the junior class there
were four; in the sophomore, three;
and in the freshman, two. The fol-
lowing is a list of the all "A" Engi-
neers for the first semester:
Clarence A. Anderson, '34, Maurice
E. Bates, '34; Archie H. Easton, '34;
Carl W. Nelson, '34; John C. Seeley,
'34; Harter R. Smith, Jr., '34; William
K. Boice, '35; Albert A. Conviser, '35;
John F. Schmidt, '35; Eugene C.
Whitney, '35; Nelson W. Droulard,
'36; Leon H. Sampson, '36; Arthur
Will, '36; James H. Wiegand, '37; and
William R. Young, '37.

Annual Report
Of President
s Published
lluthven Sees A Need For
M e n' s jormitories At
The University
Must Fit Budget To
A Reduced Income
Cites Graduate Center In
Detroit And Expansion
Of Adult Education
Taking the first step toward dor-
mitories for men students, fitting the
budget of the University to the re-
duced income, allowing the faculty
more voice in thie planning of edu-
cational policies, expansion of adult
education, and the establishment of
a graduate center in Detroit marked
the past year at the University, ac-
cording to the annual report of Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven released
Included under the head of Uni-
versity needs are found: buildings for
administrative offices and the Ob-
servatory, with the recommendation
that they be erected at once; addi-
tionalh fuds for research, student
loans and scholarships; and finan-
cial support for instruction in the
development of individual philoso-
Students are still given too little
self-government, in the b e 1 i e f of
President Ruthven. "The school dif-
fer, from business," he states, "in
wh'ich the directors are expected to
ar t only in the interests of the stock-
holders, in that the trustees and fac-
ulty are equally responsible to society
and to the student."
Modern university administration
has been cursed by the setting up
of two groups and staff members -
the administrative and the instruc-
tional, the report states, explaining
that the best interests of education
will be served if universities are op-
erated by closely knit organizations
of educators rater than by dual
staffs of instructors and executives.
Dr. Ruthven points out that the
need for dormitories for men stu-
dents here, one that has been long-
felt, brought an initial development
in the construction of the Lawyers
Club and the acquiring of Fletcher
Hall by the University.
Also included under the same cov-
(Continued on Page 2)
Sandusky Is Elected
ChairmanOf Parley
Clinton D. Sandusky, '34, was
elected chairman of the main com-
mittee of the Spring Parley at a
meeting held last night at the Union.
One change was made in the list
of sub-topics which will1be discussed
at the meetings to be held March 2,
3, and 4 at the Union. Instead of
the subject "Religion and the
Church," "Capitalism and Economic
Change" will be discussed. The topic
"War and The Students" was added
to the list. "What Can We Believe?"
is the main topic for the three-day
Members of the inner committee in
general charge of the plans for the
parley are Prof. Charles F. Remer of
the economics department and Mrs.
Remer, Dr. C. W. Blakeman, Univer-
sity religious counselor, Jacob Weiss-
man, Irving Levitt, '36, Patricia
Woodward, '34, Margaret Hiscock, '36,
Edith Maples, '34, George Crockett,
Jr., '35L, Bettina Rightmire, '36, Win-

ifred Bell, '36, and Edward W. Litch-
field, '36.
There will be a meeting of all try-
outs for the 'Ensian business staff
at .4:30 p. m. today in the staff of-
fices. All tryouts are urged to be

Rising As

Appear On Repeal Petitic



Gen Johnson
Asks Opinions
On NRA In Talk
Invites Persons Who Have
Intelligent Criticisms To
Give Their Help
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 - (A") -
An appeal for criticism of the NRA
by letter or in personal appearance,
was made to the country tonight by
Hugh S. Johnson in a speech prefac-
ing general hearings beginning next
week in which operation of codes is
to be studied as a basis for re-mak-
ing administration policies.
"whether you are on the industrial,
The recovery administrator at-
tached just one condition, the NRA
will not, he said, receive "unsup-
ported personal assaults" and it will
take "a c a d micconjectures not
backed by facts only for what they
are worth."
'"We want your help," he said,
labor or consumers' side of the argu-
ment, tell us on Feb. 27, where the
codes are not working right, where
they bear unjustly on you, where
they could be improved. Cometo
Washington to engage in the dis-
cussion, if you can. Write to us
giving us facts and figures if you
can't come."
Johnson termed his message the
most important one from NRA since
last summer's blue eagle campaign
appeal. He spoke over a combined
network of the National and Co-
lumbia radio chains.
Mistakes and flaws in codes were
admitted freely by the administra-
tor, who pointed out how hastily his
organization was thrown together,
started on an uncharted path, and
had, since July, placed 300 industries
under codes and nearly completed
codes for 200 more.
Council Tryouts
ToJMeet Today,

Final Approval For
Washtenaw Jail Is



By Officials

Final approval for the construc-
tion of a new Washtenaw County
jail was received yesterday by C. H.
Elliott, county CWA administrator,
from government officials at Lans-
Preparations for tearing down the
old jail will be started today and
work on the new building will com-
mence as soon as this is completed.
Short term prisoners at the present
jail are being removed temporarily
to the Wurster Building on Fourth
Avenue until the new structure is
ready for occupation.
The new building is being con-
structed at a cost of approximately
$64,000 and is expected to be fin-
ished by May 1. The Federal gov-
ernment is assuming the cost of labor
and 25 per cent of the cost of ma-
terials. The remaining 75 per cent,
amounting to approximately $8,000, is
to be paid by Washtenaw County.
Whereas the old building accom-
modated a maximum of only 35 per-
sons, the new jail will have a ca-
pacity of 80 prisoners in addition to
accomodations for 30 vagrants.
nf irmary Fire
Causes Death Of
10 Aged Women
Trapped In Their Beds At
Pennsylvania Memorial
Home In Brookville I


Committee Has To 4 P. M.
Before Document Must
Be Submitted
Hope For Total Of
Over 2,000_Signers
Must Receive Three-Fifths
Vote In April 2 Ballot
For Passage
Student hopes for beer and light
wines east of Division Street rose
to a new high last night when ap-
proximately 1,400 names had been
received on the petition circulated
by members of the Citizens' Charter
Repeal Amendment Committee. This
figure represents over 100 more sig-
natures than is legally necessary.
Through an error in calculation it
was believed that the date for filing
the petition in the office of the city
clerk was yesterday. It was found,
however, that it was noL necessary to
file the signatures until today, 40
days before the election. The com-
mittee made a final canvass of the
city last night which will be con-
cluded this morning. It was hoped
that about 2,000 names would be se-
cured, and the total number of pe-
titions will be filed at noon.
The names will be checked at the
city clerk's office, and if the amend-
ment to repeal the existing charter
provision which has kept the cam-
pus legally dry for the past several
decades receives the approval the
city clerk, the bill will be placed on
the April 2 election. To become ef-
fettive the proposed amendment
must receive three-fifths of the vote
at that time.
Those who have not signed a pe-
tition as yet may still do so at any
of the following places: College Inn,
Parrot restaurant, Tavern, New Gra-
nada Cafe, and the Bright Spot res-
taurant. If the lists have been col-
lected at the above places, persons
who want to sign may still be able
to do so until at least 11:30 a. m.
and possibly later at the offices of
The Daily on Maynard Street.
Issue Bulletin
For 1934 Law
Summer School
Twelve Courses Will Be
Taught By Law Faculty
And Visiting Teachers

1,400 Signatures

Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors
interested in participating in student,
activities and student government are
requested to report at 4:30 p. m. in
Room 306 of the Union, Gilbert E.
Bursley, president of the Undergrad-
uate Council, announced last night.
The new tryout system for the
Council will be explained to those,
who attend the meeting, and the in-
itiation of the new system, with
freshmen and sophomores acting as
helpers for the other members of the
Council, will probably take place dur-
ing the next few weeks.
Those students who have had past
experience in student government in
their high schools are particularly
requested by Council members to be
present at the meeting. Students who
have any ideas concerning the activ-
ities of the Council are also expected
to be in attendance.
The object of the new system is
to give those students who are most
likely to gain positions on the coun-
cil previous experience in the mani-
fold duties of the organization. The
present membership believes that in
this matter the future councils will
have more experience in their work
than those of the past.
The Council as it is at present or-
ganized has to depend too much
upon other campus organizations
whenever it wishes to carry on any
campus campaign the members be-
lieve. With juniors and sophomores
helping the regular members, and in
that manner competing for regular
positions themselves, council mem-
bers believe that the organization
will be able to perform its duties in
the future without too great a de-
pendence upon other campus organ-

BROOKVILLE, Pa., Feb. 20. - (R)
-Trapped in their beds by a raging
fire, 10 aged women were burned to
death in the infirmary of the Penn-
sylvania Memorial home early today.
One other woman received slight
burns and four others were rescued
Firemen and attendants stood by
helpless in.18-below-zero weather as
the flames raced through the 18-
room, one-story frame building.
The victims, ranging in age from
64 to 94, all widows, daughters or
cousins of Civil war veterans, had no
opportunity to flee from their hos-
pital beds as the fire started about
the middle of the building and swept
through the corridors.
The bodies, some burned almost
beyond recognition, were found hud-
dled in the ruins.
The home=is operated by the Wom-
en's Relief Corps of Pennsylvania.
The blaze was discovered during
the chill, early morning hours by Mrs.
Ella Hulings, a night nurse.
Awakened by the smell of smoke,l
she rushed into the hallway, only to
find her way blocked by smoke and
She tried to get to a telephone, but
again her efforts were balked and she
groped her way to a fire alarm. She
said the fire seemed to have started
in a washroom and firemen expressed

the belief the
short circuit.

blaze was caused by a

Bryan Tells Of Wide Popularity
Of Athletics In Soviet Russia

Betty A1#ler Is
Made President
Of Panhellenic
Betty Aigler, '35, was elected pres-
ident of Panhellenic association at
the February meeting of the organi-
zation which was held today in the
L2eague. Miss Aigler is a member of
Delta Gamma sorority.
Ruth Root, of Chi Omega, was
chosen for the position of secretary;
Jane Brucker, a member of Delta
Delta Delta sorority, was narked
rushing secretary; and Virginia Cluff,
'36, of Kappa Kappa Gamma, will
take over the treasureship.
These women will take office at
the March meeting of the group, ac-
cording to Josephine McCausey, re-
tiring president of Panhellenic. Miss

Ten professors of the Law School
faculty, one visiting professor, and
a member of the Toledo Bar will
teach courses in the 1934 Summer
Session of the Law School, according
to the official bulletin issued this
week by the office of the director of
the Summer Session.
The session will begin Tuesday,
June 19, and will continue until
Thursday, Aug. 30, regular class work
being divided into two periods of five
weeks each. The schedule of the
Summer Session is planned so as to
offer in successive summers most of
the prescribed courses of the first two
years of work leading to a degree.
Members of the faculty of the
School who will teach are Professors
John B. Waite, Edgar N. Durfee,
Grover C. Grismore, Burke Shartel,
E. Blythe Stason, Paul Leidy, John
P. Dawson, William W. Blume, Lay-
lin K. James, Lewis M. Simes, and
Albert C. Jacobs.
Gustavius A. Ohlinger of the To-
ledo Bar will handle the course in
"Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure,"
and Professor Hessel E. Yntema, Pro-
fessor of Law at Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity, will teach the course in "Con-
flict of Laws."
Courses which will be offered for
the first term only are "Equity III,"
"Municipal Corporations," and
"Sales." During both terms "Crim-
inal Law," "Torts," "Equity II,"
"Trials and Appellate Practice,"

Athletics, says Julian Bryan, au-
thor and lecturer who will speak Fri-
day in Hill Auditorium on "Russia
As It Is," are gaining wide popularity
in Russia today,
"Before the revolution," he says,
"there were no organized sports in
the country, the only athletic activity
being represented by the army, the
Cossacks, horse races, trick riding,
skating, and tennis. But tennis was a
sport of the nobility only."

to build up a nation of healthy cit-
izens in the event of wad And sec-
ondly, because it realizes that they
can do better work if they are well
physically. A sporting program fig-
ures as an important part of the five-
year plans.
There are no professional or college
athletics in present-day Russia,
Bryan goes on to explain. Each fac-
tory and industrial center has teams
which compete with each other, he

Bates To Speak To
Engineers' Meeting

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