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May 15, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-15

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U. S. May Back

Minnesota Students

- Claim They Study
Private Home - .


Repair Loans

Roosevelt Urges Action
Bill I orlIraneC


WASHINGTON, May 14. - UP) -
Government insurance of private fi-
nancing for home construction and
repair was proposed today by Presi-
dent Roosevelt in a message to Con-
The Presidenf urged action at this
session on the two-fold program which
he said would add to employment and
provide "tangible, useful wealth in a
form for which there is great social
and economic need."
Loans for modernization would be
made by private agencies which would
be insured by governmental agencies
against loss up to a certain percentage
of their advances.
Mutual mortgage insurance under
governmental direction to enable pri-
vate agencies to make first mortgage
loans on newly constructed houses up
to 80 per cent of the appraised value
of the property would be provided.
New mortgages would be allowed on
existing homes up to 60 per cent of the
appraised value of the property. The
loans would usually carry not more
than 5 per cent interest.
The President proposed further
Federal insurance for share and cer-
tificatiholders in building and loan
associations, similar to the insurance
provided for bank depositors.
Also Mr. Roosevelt would provide
incorporation of mortgage associa-
tions under strict Federal supervision
to increase the amount of mortgage
funds available in regions where in-
terest rates are unduly high.
Six To Participate
In Speech Finals
The finals of the Interclass Extem-
poraneous Speech Contest for Speech
31 will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 1025 Angell Hall. Students who
will participate are Bertram H. Lefeis.
'36, J. J. Joseph, '36, Frank B. Fehsen-
feld, '36, Edward T. Downs, '35, John
A. Perkins, '36, and Robert J. Saint
Clair, '36. These students were selected
by their classmates to represent the
six sections of'Speech 31. All students
of Speech 31 will attend the contest
and will cast ballots which will deter-
mine the best speaker..
Each student in the contest will be
given a specific. angle of the general
topic, "Control of Radio Broadcast-
n ,"(at 3 p.m., one hour before the
HOLLYWOOD, May 11.-(A)._-
D,<nny Ahearn, Hollywood scenarist
and author of a book called "Murder
and How to Get Away With It,"
pleaded guilty today to a charge of at-
tempted grand larceny before Judge
Owen W. Bohan.
"That's one thing you couldn't get
away 'with," the Court remarked as
Ahearn was led away.

In Library; But--
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, May 13. -
When a Minnesota student goes to the
library, it is a safe bet that he is doing
so to study for a course requirement.
This is true of at least 75 per cent of
the students using the library, it was
discovered in a survey conducted by
Prof. Alvin C. Eurich, assistant direc-
tor of the bureau of educational re-
search at the University of Minnca-
During the time students are in the
library it was found that approxi-
mately half of the students are using
library- books and periodicals while
about 22 per cent use their own ma-
On an average the students' time is
spent as follows: writing, 20 per cent;
conversing, 4 per cent; reading the
Minnesota Daily 3 per cent; and
studying notes 3 per cent.
It was also learned that approxi-
mately 24 per cent of the student body
makes use of the building.
Amateurs Will
Have Picture
Exhibit May 2
An exhibition of amateur photog-
raphy sponsored by students, faculty
/members, and townspeople interested
in photography will be on display May
22, ?3, and 24 in the first floor
show cases of the Architectural build-
ing, according to an announcement
made yesterday.
The deadline for the submission of
prints has been set at May 19, accord-
ing to Richard Schneidewind, chair-
man of the committee in charge of
the exhibit. The prints must be at
least five by seven inches in size and
should be mounted. They may be
turnedin at Francisco Boyce Photo
Shop on N. University Ave.
Anyone interested in amateur pho-
tography is invited to submit samples
of his work and to attend the opening
of the exhibition at 7:45 p.m., Tues-
day, May 22. An informal meeting and
round table disctssion will follow
the examination of the prints. Further
information may be obtained from
Schneidewind at 10470, East Engi-
neering building or from Mrs. E. E.
Downtown Stores
Resunie Business,
Water was still dripping from the
ceilings yesterday in the Ernst Bros.
Electric Shop and the Stofilet News
Co., which were swept by a disas-
trous fire Saturday. Several feet of
water that had accumulated in the
basements was being pumped out,
The Stofllet Co. has opened an of-
flce in the back part of its store, where
it will continue to conduct business
until necessary repairs can be made
to the front. Ernst Bros. has tem-
porarily moved into a new location at
205 E. Washington.

Nowv WeBrinig You --


SINENS, flannels, slacks and summer
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e AnrM IT DnnCV C

"CAN I KNOW GOD?" by Frederick
B. Fisher. hlarper & Brothers, New
York (1q34). $1.
A Review
The Iwentie'h book to be issued in
Harper's Moiithly Pulpit, Dr. Fisher's
sheaf of 10 sermons discusses orator-
ically some of the problems with
which the modern Christian has to
deal concerning his religion itself, and
then relates the answers to world af-
fairs. All is done in a manner which,
while not precisely what Cotton Ma-
ther would have expected of a min-
ister of the g ospel, nevertheless is not
likely to fall afoul of those critics who
object to temporal discussions from
the pulpit.
That Dr. Fisher's words are inspir-
ing cannot be denied. It must be1
pointed out, however, that the book's3
inspiration can be held most stronglyi
only by one class of people - those
who are Christians, but who are hav-i
ing difficulty in reconciling their
faith with modern scientific knowl-
edge and socal conditions. I have not
had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Fisherl
regularly, and so I cannot say whether
the 10 sermons have actually been,
preached from his pulpit: their con-l
text and form are such, however, as to
make it probable that they were. Beingi
church sermons, they have compara-1
tively little convertive power: theI
atheist who doesn't want to be ant
atheist, the sceptic, the agnostic will
admire Dr. Fisher's creed without very l
much inclination to accept it. To the
faltering or bewildered Christian,
however, "Can I Know God?" is high-
ly recommended as a means of clar-l
ifying obscured minds.
In order that my critical viewpoint
here may be perfectly understood, I
shall state that I am what may be
called a progressive agnostic. A de-
scription of that mental twist would
fill up all my space, so you will have

thing primarily of the intellect, sus-
tained and bound up by the emotions
and the imagination. This is an in- I
version which has done more harmi
to religion, in all probability, than
science can possibly do, It is an at-
titude which makes religion into
philosophy, and religion is nod that. It
is fitting a square peg into a round
hole, a position which always makes
both the peg and the hole very un-
comfortable. Dr. Fisher does not do
that. He recognizes that religion is a
matter of faith, and he does not hes-
itate to say so. Making us understand
this viewpoint at .the outset - "I rest
and rejoice in the fact of God, without
r equiring any description or proof., ac
cepting the universe as His embodi-
ment, and my own happy life as an
expression of his life" - Dr. Fisher
builds upon this prestatement, and
gives us a religion in which every
Christian can partake. It is the single-
mindedness of the author in regard to
religion as a faith and not as a system
of laws that makes his book worth
. . . With one or two reservations,
however, First, Dr. Fisher often con-
fuses the creed of the religious person
with the creed of the artist, and the
two are not necessarily the same. Sec-
ond, after,, considering that the true
God was always existent and has only
to be discovered, Dr. Fisher weakens
the statement by pointing out that
every man must protect his own God.
Third, the book has many minor in-
consistencies which are the result of
conversational rather than literary
authorship: they do not, however,
greatly injure the sense of the con-
A word of warning: Dr. Fisher's
comparisons are to be taken as par-
ables, and not in their literal mean-
ing. Taking Christ's parables as literal
has caused religious squabbles for 1,-
900 years. Dr. Fisher does not mean
that prayer is a radio, but that it is


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