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May 15, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-15

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lnthmnsi jcAudience Acl aims PremireOf1934Daai


'Te rontes' C
Is hailed By
Alfred Sanster's Drama
Opens Five-Week Islay
Season At Mettessoint
An enthusiastic capacity audience
last night greeted the opening of theY
Dramatic Season at the first Ani
Arbor showing of "The Brontes," by
Alfred Sangster.
Among those present at the open-
ing were Dean and Mrs. Joseph A.
Bursley, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding H.
Yost, Prof. and Mrs. Waldo Abbot,
Prof. and Mrs. Hugo P. Thiene, and
Prof. and Mrs. James K. Pollock.
Students and former students seent
in the audience were Edward J. Dono-
van, '33, Detroit, and Guy M. Whip-
ple, Jr., '35.
Mother's Day
Is Celebrated
By ormitories
Several of the dormitories on cam-
pus did their part towards entertain-
ing the many mothers and fathers
who were in Ann Arbor to take part
in the activities of Homecoming
The residents' of Mosher-Jordan
Halls entertained approximately 120
of their mothers with a Mother's Day
breakfast Sunday. Each mother was
presented with a corsage and each
dau.ghter wore a single rose.
The directors, Miss Isabel Dudley
and Miss Dorothy lBirdzell; the re-
tiring house president, Ann Story;
and the~ president-elect, Georgina
Karlson, presided.
Helen Newberry
Helen Newberry Residence was the
scene of family reunions this week-
end. 'A luncheon Saturday noon and
a Mother's Day breakfast Sunday
were the important occasions of the
two-day program.
Table decorations consisted of
vases of trilliums and all the mothers
visiting at the dormitory received cor-
sages at the Sunday morning break-
Out-of-town guests who stayed at
Helen Newberry were: Mrs. V. T.
Western, Lakewood; Mrs.' George
Willoughby, Detroit; Mrs. Mary M-
Manus, Detroit; Mrs. G. T. Shapland,
Detroit; Mrs. E. E. Garner, Lorrain,
0.; Mrs. Coella Hamilton, Plymouth;
Mrs. E. C. Taylor, Milford; Mrs. H.
P. ,Zerbe, Toledo, 0.; Mrs. L. C. Car-
penter, Bay City; and Mr. and Mrs.
N. E. Olds, Cleveland Heights.
Betsy Barbour
T11hIV residents of Betsy Barbour
House entertained seven of the moth-
ers at breakfast Sunday. Corsages
were presented to the mothers, and
Mrs. Diekeman presided at the table
The Cercle Vrancais will meet at
7:45 tonight in the League. There
will be election of officers for the
coming year, with refreshments and
a card party afterward. All mem-
bers are urged to attend.
A P. V ,$P

.Swarely more thain a "frame-iwork,"
this Sensational new b1rassiere covers
(Mly the lower part of the breasts, lean-
in gthe Upper parI t tirely iconfinedl.
Alllhol.gh ther-'s no little -to "llalf-
W1ay," it; ti~porlsi pr{ ;41fly, mouldiig
fith, stin w1u brf li IoadIos-
(liHdfi lilt'e fi- 14)111111(,linor evening.
Adljmi it' leBac k!
'hi Lo Nepieee fdun'itatunl tf 1s
1.. r s ,I' W!tItU t~, 1 i-ltr a n .
j, i-itp wf tI tI W? .r1',,:" hat t
1"14 1- f t-' s d il m et h y o~n~ u /
lil; , cutt , fI t blC., Y t b trtli~and-'
bu"I -11"I a lfat "In"t't.'I
I oaii eiI1htI 1 Iah ,

Annual Horse
Show. Will -Be
The Crop and Saddle, riding club'
recently organized by Miss Hilda Burr
and Jane Brucker, '35, will sponsor
the annual Horse Show at 2:30 p.m.
Saturday at the Fair Grounds. Presi-
dent Alexanider G. Ruthven and Capt.
Arthutr Custis will judge the events.
Tb(e committee in charge of the af-
fair consists of Miss lit tcker, general
manag.er, Elizabeth Kanter, '35, and .
Ada Moyer, '35.
Al thougih horsemanship for thr~ee..
gaited horses will be restr°icted to
members of the club, several events
are designed for outsiders as well. All
-women interested in entering are re-
Guested to notify Miss Brucker, and
all men planning to participate must
get in touch with Lee Coulter, '35,'
Three-gaited, Privately-owned sad-
(tle horses may be entered in the sho~w.
:inr judging, 0pe cent will be al-
lowed for conformation and 40 pei.
cent for performance. Mixed pair rid-
inig for University men and women
promises to be one of the most pop-
ular events. Peter Ruthven will en-
gage in trick riding and also in the3
jumping class.
Dramnatic Stars At Tea
{The directors and students of Helen
Newberry Residence have issued in-
vitations to a tea on Sunday, May 20,
f romn 4 to 7 o'clock, honoring Madame
Eugenie Leontovich, Miss Violet Kemn-

.50 Seniors To
Be Entertained
At Martha Cook
ufnstal Deeorations And
Entertainment To Mark
Farewell Dinner
Fif ty seniors will be entert ained'
tonight by the .iuniors andl sopho-
mores of Martha Cook Building ,at
the farewell dinner given annually in
t heir honor. Margaret Kasely, '35, isI
general chairman.
The party is to be in the form
of a dinner on board the "S.S.Adios."
Invitations have been issued entitling
each recipient to one first-class pas-
sage, and the entertainment between
courses will carry out the general
theme, with the ship docking at va-
rious ports. Sailing ships will be usedl
for centerpieces on the tables.
Place-cards and finance are in
charge of Elizabeth McKay, '35; dn
di-ing-room and menu, Lucille Alim, '35;
decorations, Eleanor Wright, '35; and
invitations, Phyllis Horr, '35. Mrs.
James Bruce, member of the board of
g overnors, and Dean Alice Lloyd are
to be guests of honor.
Entertainment skits will be given by
Helene Gram, '35, Eleanor Blodgett,
'35, Marion Bersch, '35, Madeline Had-
cock, '35SM, Elizabeth Seibert, '35,
Jane Cissel, '34Ed., Edith Engel, '35,
and Virginia Davenport, '35.
ble-Cooper, Mr. Rollo Peters, Mr..
Prances Compton, and other members
'of the '1934 Dramatic Season.

Chater HoIIse Activity Notes
The various houses were keptf busy Hutmb er t, Mr. C. Hlasluns, Mr. and
over' the week :-enld with eni tertiniingY Mrs. 0.Je, Mr. and Mrs. C.
parents andi alumni. The ltradition- (irnt r .F iehuad r
al Mother's Day banquets: were the rntM.C..EinounlDr
favorites, while several house s of- 'ianti Mrs. C. Fisher.
fered golf, tennis, an ri Ireball games Hlermitage
for the amttsement of their gilesl s. Amonig those-&atte nding thle infor-
Sk'nia Nu 11mal (lance Saiturda~yaheILH1T rmitage
tSigma Nul f _aecrnit'y was the scene fraternit~y wr:Drothly DaIwes, '37;
of Ho ci ingacivities over the Jane tFleter i, '26; Margaret Martin-
week- end,. Aflrnw, the~almiplies- dal, 34SM- Gertrude Jea,'36 ;Mar-
etit were: SI'aliy~ Young, '14, 11ow- 'jcije ' Turnetr, '37; Mary Jane Kerr,
ir os,'2'3, William Walt, '26, ',363M; Je(s.sie Stalker, '35Ed.; Ruth
Rbert Le liud, '28, Julius Pochelon, Rowell, '36; Dorothy Edmands, '34;
'2;), Jlones Shannion, ',s0, Carl :Bauer, Gertruide Sawyer., '36; Norma Smith,
'31, RaymnicrdWasn '31, George , 348M; Irene Lyons, ':37; Lois Hef-
Ote et s iibl, '33Mrs. d."14" Ifron1, '35; Kate Lanidrum, n'37; Kath-
t tlerguy: i ii(lttr rs.C. .erine Stitt , '36; NVi ihelmine Carr,
Boyce, Miss R1ae oye Mrs. W. 1:I. '37!; Virginia Miusker, '36; Shirley
Vodrey, and Messrs. Peier soil, Silver, Beening, '34D; Mildred Shapley, '36;
Percell, and Conable. Dorothy Oostdyk, '37; Dorothy Mal-
Saturday was featured by golf and colm, Ann Arbor; Marion Dondero,
tennis matches, and a. baseball game Royal Oeak; Laura Wright, and Mae
which was followed by a business Merac, Detroit; Vivian Holliger, To-
meeting and. a banquet. ledo; Betty Davis and Virginia Wen-
Apha K(appa Lambda ger, Grand Rapids; Katherine Gor-
The members of Alpha Kappa dlon and B~etty Eister, Battle. Creek;
Lambda fraternity entertained at a Joy Olney, Alma; Jane Yearnd, Ca-
Mother's Day banquet Sunday. After dlillac.
dinner speeches were given. by Parker House guests for the week-end
,Snyder, '34, Mrs. D. E. Winkworth, were: Earl Knuth, Flint; Edward
and Dr. C. Fisher. Baas, Grand Rapids; Robert Brodie,
Those who attended as guests of Robert Heitsch, and Gordon Rey-
the members were Mr. and Mrs. D. nolds, Pontiac; and Oliver Cleve-
E. Winkworth, Miss S. Winkworth, land, Columbus,
IMr. and Mrs. Dean, Miss B Dean, Mr. TY -W1EP L
L. Dean, Mr. and Mrs. H. Comnmins, TPW IES PRAL
Mrs. R. Reinhart, Mrs. W. A. Paine, Smith-Corona, Noiseless,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Zink, Mr. and Mrs. 'Undewod, Royal., Rtrrngton.
M. Denise, Mrs. P. Pryor, Mrs. W. Sod . e.
Wilcox, Mrs. G. Woodburn, Mrs. T. 0 LP
Drysdale, Miss C. Drysdale, Miss A. 31 -$et t n ro,


Luckies are AlliM
kin toyour throat

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