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May 12, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-12

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Homeco0ming, M oth
Ho uses E ntertA i n Parents Wi*th
Houseparties, Festive Affairs


Architect's :Ball
LaysScene -In
Pers i an Cave,
WVi I manly (oiples Irl
1,) ortna'l Attire

BringNumerouts Guests

Leads May Party

Sororities Hold Mother's
Week-Entf; To Entertain
Fa thfers Oln Sunday
Both fraternities and sororities will
be busy this week-enda panning en-
tertainment for house parties and
Mother's Day dinners.
Alpha Gamma Delta
l(,n JDorik Young ;, '35, is planning
the enltertainmenwt for Mother's week-
e ndt a;t Altpht Gammia Delta sorority.
Dinner will be( served Sunday 'far
both mo(thiers anid fathers. The guests
stayingr at thie house are: Mrs. C. E.
Keani,iPort Hutroni; Mrs. A. P. Alex-
ander, Batttle Cr eek(; Mr's. T1. C. Mer-
rell, Cleveland~t; am] M rs. J, L. Prink,
Wa lkefr'vile(.
Alpha Kappa Lamubdla
A Mother's Day dinner will be heldt
ait Hte Alpha Kappa 'Lambda frater-
it y Sunday ino on. Charles Zink, '366,
is ini chairge, and fifty.v or sixty guests
are expected.
Collegriate Sorasis
A Mother's" houlse party is being
planed at CollegijateSorosis sororitfr
this week-enid by Josephine WVIood-
hamts, '34. Luniicheon aind bridge are
plAinedi for today, anzd dinnor will be
^sr ved Sundaily forl, mothers andilfath-
crs. Thie (diinner guests will be Mrs.
l-utchinisoni, Mrs. Ruieger, Mrs. Utley,
Mrs. Windham, Mrs. Allington, Mr.
and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Kanter, Mrs. Woodhams, Mrs. Mor-
gan, Mrs. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Kane
and Mr. and Mrs. Goslin.r
DelAta Deltia Delta
Mothr of Delta Delta Delta mem-
bers will bce entertain~ed at, breakfast
and dinner Suncl, y, About ten guests
are expected ibr the afL air, wichl is

being planned by Myra Adkinson, '35,3
newly-installed social chairman.
The tables will be decorated with
rosebud centecrpieces5 and corsages are
to be presented to the mothers.
Kttppa Alpha Theta
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority enter-
tained Ralph Holmes, music critic of
the Detroit Times, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs.
Scott Lamb, Detroit, Mrs. rrheron
Gifford, Chicago, Miss Jane Payette,
L.Insing, and Charlotte Whitman, '35,
at a dinner Wednesday night. Akter
the dinner the guests attended the
The nminmberc;(if the sorority ar
entertarining their mothers with a
houriseparty this week-end. A din-ncrr
was held in their honor last nig-ht,
after which s;everAl attended the con -
cfert. Today a pricnric is to be held
at the cottage of Miss tJeanne Voor-
hies, '34, and toml'orrow both the
fathers and mothers will be honored
with a banquet. The mothers comning
for the week-end are Mrs. N. B. Cove
and l Mrs. F. 1-. Thoran, Lansing;
Mr~is, . Fl.. Garretson, Mrs A. A. Boyd,
anid Mrs. (>eorge M. Krieger, Mich-
igan City, bId.; Mrs. Walter C. Lait-
nc'r, Mrs. John Nicol, Mrs. W. W.
C.rnpbll, Mrts. W. D. Little, Mrs.
'1 'honas SUrling,, Mrs. Charles K~en-
t~ (, y, Mrs. I4;. W. 1hamilton, Mrs. ai
W. Voorh(.s, Mrs. 1-arvey E.> Sehiuoh-
ter, Mrs. R. W. Sinclair, Mrs. R. C.
Hloffmatn, and Mrs William Robb, all
of Detroit; Mrs. J. H. Pardee, Mrsf. D..
U. Saunders, andl Mrs. Fred Black,
Dearborn; Mrs. A. C. Unger, Naper-
vdlle, Ill.; and Mrls. D. E. Seeley, Ann
Larnlbda Chi A1lha
Lztn da Chi Aillha i'terunity is
holdinga< banqluet Mother's day. for
the entire family. Robert Heusel, '36;v,

W~'omen Siudeit Is W eeT
May Festival Unit M .ay Festival: Jeannette Vreeland,
soprano, Coe Glade, contralto, Arthur
By MARGARET D. PlIALAN Hackett, tenor, Theodore Webb, bass,
Yesterday afternoon in Hill Audito- Choral Union, and Chicagpo Symphony
rium during the third of the annual Orchestra at 2:30 p~m. in Hill Audito-
Mayv Fesival oner.the.ir d,l rium, and at 8:15 paim.. Jeanette Vree-

Agains5t the glamorous back~ground
of the mythical lands of the "Araboian
Nir1hts.," in the misty light ofa Per-
sian Cave, the Architects held their <
tWe'niy-third annual May Prtity 1last ,
nilt in Gratnger~'s balllroorn. ;
'1urkish chieftains, 0O-- ental (lane- 0
v u irls, and weir'dly attired cea-
Litres inillever'y conceiv jle costume,
rt inrgled 'with lt,:nor'e ("ollstYi:tivc
E;:l(i ,In iifo'nal dattie.
Di)nhd I,yoti, ';34 A, gecnerarl chair-
Ifinll2 , telde(I with lI3 barai 8huker, irrahue'o itvtwhld
32, Detroit. Miss SI2 kcr Xwore a tur- - l~r bkrtt&ri h e
loI '.t blue chalk cirepe cut on2 Vm- I theAtchitet's Bill list night(.with
w~tft c~i S'slr fttirrIt'k( ) Pn Lyot, '14 A, gjiera I 44:trl-a "1Of~
it)a It ii' rnoiiing shatde of pink. IIledn.
W. =I. Buderus, '34A, commnitteemran,
!lad as his faiest Conrstanrce Louise Lvj'k PpiTae
Mrcye ts,'roedo; Lee Cochrane, '35,
Constance lBridge, Ann Arbor; larry I4t~ss O tt. The21 Wili1(
Sitli , ':34, Avis Mitts, ':34; John Ali-
L~tt '~, Ms. bbot; ad Rn! al- Among the many music, lovers h
Icni e','' ,I.r~i' ig ni pi arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday there
li. ofIlt t,. 1~ llct1er a ewas one who evinlcedIno interest what-
soitver °ill the c'oflCC)ts of01 I eyMay Pes-.
Elre :sE (Ifor ilic of t siol i; there was tiv al 'and whot) had no intenit ion of
J'ean Paul Slusse;r in flowing Turkish
trouersof :'oii nd ellw, h')emiainxing for a week-end or even for
appeared as one of the 40 thievExs, neeigo usclejye
Mr. Herbert iowler appeared as a This was Mary McAulisse, talented{
Persian emir inlanl outfit of yellow if-yepar-old pianist who motored from
,and orange while MVrs. Fowler waLs inl her home in Chicago in order to take
?n~5.~ ita 1t~ ~e~. t an% I alesson frm Mischa Levitzki, soloist
is to) irists with thelcir znonloclt~s :1~ M!Q 7AUtIL >;s.arrived for her appoint-
hruge camneras. m(nt at 10 a.mn. and left Ann Arlie,-
- - - - immediately after the lesson which
lasted for one hour and a half.
iS 11 Cartof he PJHShitthe Levitzki has been giving these les-
(inner. sons once a month and his pupil has
° Iia Rd Phi had to travel over a good part of the
Pi Beta Phi sorority is entertaining1 continent in order to follow him on
the mothers of the members of theI his concert tours.
c:hap~ter with a mothers' house party 1 Besides Miss McAulisse, .Levitzki
t his week-end. Last night there was hats one other pupil,. Georgia 01-wig,'
an informral dinner at the house, after ofr Pittsburgh. Miss Orwig; is a much
which the mothers and daughtersI more advanced student than Miss
attended the May Festival concert. MeAulisse, having recently played
This~~~~~~ afeno[r.IenyE ~gsIwith the Pittsburgh Symphony Qr-
willbe ostes ~ a e fr the.mtRsI chestra. She also follows Levitzki
from 4 until 6 p.m. and tomorrow iaottecutyi re otk
~ ,,, ~. , ~ ~ Ione lesson a month.






Canoeing days and swimming
suns are with us, and ,oh, moe, the
painful sunburns that are rolling
about campus.. So, Quarry, Inc.,
advises and Gadabout is devoted to
Elizabeth Arden's Ideal Suntan Oil.
There are two shades, cafe for ye
brunettes, and honey for the gen-
tlemen's preferreds. Also if you are
a red-head or a delicate blonde the
best thing is Ardena Protecta
Cream which prevents any, tanning
at all and will not slip off while
you are swimming. Three cheers
for no more blistered backs, and
after all, the folks who set the
vogue have said that the very dark
tan is definitely out.
For gay and giddy spring reju-
venation every woman, young or
old, needs a new hat. Her spirit
much spring tonic.
So why not drop by
yz the Robert's Hat
Shop immediately
,pr and come out with a
~'K~/artwheel or nlet
~J swagger that h'as
snap and vime? Flowers and rib-
.bons atre adornment, and they dis-
play the newest from the most
famnous lines. hWen dlays pall then
a new bonnet i5 the answer, so give
yourself a treat. Also the 'Roberts
Shop carries a well-Known line of
sheer durrale hosiery at a price
within your reach, no matter what
the size of the good old. purse.
For those small details that
make the week-end complete for
your mother we suggest a look-
see at the calkiins-Fletcher cos-
metic counter. For her or your-
self, we heartily advocate these
drain fktcons of "Night in Paris"
by Bourjois. T.hey retail for a
minimum tax, and are works of
art, with their tasseled cylinders
of mid nig;ht blue glass. Also Bour-#
j ofs has combined 'the perfume,1
powder, and lipstick in most ef-
fective arrays. Such tricky af-
fairs that appeal to the femainine
heart are displayed on this famous
counter that it is worth more than
a mere visit, but do bring your
mother and do drop in.

So Mother's ]Day is actually with
us! And how proud of her you'll
be when you go
to church and "
dinner tomorrow,
but make the oc-
casion complete
by a corsage that
is really appro-
priate. Schlegel's
Florists can supply large orders for
fraternity and sorority groups and
we, know that they'll be exquisite
to the last posy.
If Mom and Pop feel' in the need
of a little real collegiate atmos-
ph~ere during a lull in the busy
week-end, Gad-About suggests a
supper or tea at the Den or the
Tavern. One or the other is sure
t~o be convenient! The food is good,
the decorations are conducive to
that famnily tete-a-tete, and you
can point proudly to all the cam-
pus B.M.O.C.'s that stroll by. For
after all, the campus intelligentsia
sooner or later drops into the fin-
gerle "clubs," where a keen time
and food are combined with that
certain something that means col-
lepge. Sunday night suippers are
their strongholds ain l it would be a
grand rinale for thle ufamily week-.
Dresses, dresses, and mnore dress-
es. 'We've not seen so many frocks
in years with the vogue epitomized
in every print and flowing chiffon
as there are right now at the
Elizabeth Dillon Shop on F. Wil-
liams. Beides the
jel youthful in o d el1 s
.2 which have carried
'- the campuis to her
door, Mliss Dillon
specializes in the
most stunning of
frocks for mothers
of all ages. If moth-
er hasn't decided on
her spring and sumn-
mer frocks as yet,
why not suggest a
visit to the Eliza-'
beth Dillon for everything from
dark prints to evening frocks.
Prices suit all ranges of any purse.

Uitewui r eJa d tiner, t LA14jJalter
house for bot h mothers and fathers.
Ruth Bosse, '35, is in charge of ar-
Sigma Kappa
Cecily. Sellars, 135, was in charge
of a mother and 'caughter banquoet
last night at the Sigma Ka:ppa soror-
ity. Table decorations were American
Beauty roses.
Mrs. R. M. Bierse,, Youngstown,
Ohio, has been the guest of the soror-
ity since Tuesday.
Sigma Nu
The alumni of the fraternity are,
being entertained this xegl -end by
the mnembers of Si gmra Nui. There will
b3e a baseball geme this afternoon be-
tween the active and former rnem-
bers, while a bridge party is being
planned for the wives of the alumni.
Tonight the former members and
their wives will be honored at a bn
quet which is being plan'ned by'Ken-
:reth Hildred, 3A
Sigma Nu'
Coe Glade, as the guest of Paul I.
Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oakes, of
Ann Arbor, Mrs. C. R. Boyce, Miss
Rae Boyce, Mrs. W. H. Vodrey, IT,
of East Liverpool, Ohio, were the
guaests of Sigma Nu fraternity at a I
formal dinner held last night.
Miss Glade is appearing in Hill
Auditorium in the May Festival Series
of concerts this eveiiing, and comnes
from the Chicago Civic Opera com-

'Dacues Given
As, Celebration
At Homecoming,
The many events which have been
planned for this Spring Homecoming
week-end have monopolized the cam-
pus' interest.
H owever, the Alpha Kappa Kappa
house is entertaining tonight with a
closed spring formal. Franklin Mel-
Irencamp, '34M, is making the ar -
ranagements, and Dr. and Mrs. Nelson
.M. Smith and Dr. and Mrs. Robert
G. Dalby will attend as chaperons.
An oriental theme of decorations
% 'ill be seen at the informal closed
radio piarty which is being given
athe Alpha L ambda fraternity. W il-
hain Wu, '36M, is in charge of the
party. Prof. and Mrs. J. R. Nelson,
will be guests of the house.
Phi Beta Delta is entertaining; to-
night at the Huron Hills Country
Club with a formal dinner dance.
IIvar Strand, '36, is chairmani of
thll spring sports party which 11cr-'
mni tge is giving tonig ht. Mr. and i's.
Dale, Darling of Detroit will chaperon.
Psi Omega is entertaining with a
spring, closed foral. Mr. and Mrs.
B. Young of Muskegon will chaperon.;

..a ookYou will find Slater's two fine bookstores, locaited
l _ at bo th ends of the campus, are stocked with the
highest quality merchandise of permanent value.
" - We cordially invite you to come in and browse.


For Mother's Day.. .
A special selection of the latest books in fiction and
non-:fiction. Selected gift boxes of stationery andl
other Mother's Day remembrances. Complete assort-
ment of Mother's Day Cards.

{I!r efiV' . tr ynr r ' !± + Mn rr. .-.--. A. :. r . br/ iV f - I .nII.



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