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May 10, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-10

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Large Crowd.
At Opening Of
Rosa Ponselle Is Star Of
First Night; Dr. Stock
Conducts Orchestra

Architects Strive To Reproduce
Mystic Cave Of Sesame At Ball

The 41st annual May Festival had
a gala opening night at Hill Audi-
torium. Rosa Ponselle won the ca-
pacity audience by her richness of
tone as -well as her dramatic inter-
pretation of the compositions. The
Chicago Symphony Orchestra with
Frederick Stock as conductor justi-
fied their prestige as one of the four
ranking orchestras in the United
States by their performance.
The green and white striped awn-
ing leading to the entrance, the gay
corsages rushed down the aisles to
Miss Ponselle after her sensational
interpretation of Bizet's "Chanson
Boheme," the colorful attire of the
women in the University Choral Un-
ion, the blast of the silver trumpets
announcing the second half of the
progran, the applause which insisted
on encores dnd more encores, all con-'
tributed to make the occasion excit-
Miss Ponselle's gown further en-
hanced the glamor of the concert.
The white yoke characterized by
wings flashing brilliants was set off
by a black satin skirt cut on the bias
and gored.
Prominent Members of the faculty
followed the prima donna's lead by
wearing black. Dean Alice Lloyd
wore a dinner dress of black net with
contrasting white flowers at the
square neck. Dr. Helene Schutz was
attired in a black velvet dress cut on
princess lines.
Mrs. Irving Pond, Chicago, ap-
peared in a flowered chiffon. She was
escorted by her husband who de-
signed the League and the Union
buildings. Dean Joseph Bursley, Earl
V. Moore, musical director of the
University, Dr. William Brace, Prof.
Louis Strauss, Prof. Preston E. James,
Prof. Rudolf Winnacker, and Prof.
Charles Koella were seen among the
Dr. Margaret Bell was gowned in
a gay chiffon. Mrs. Boone Gross se-
lected an orchid dinner dress with se-
quins at the cuff. Others present
were: Jane Servis, '36, Josephine
Woodhams, '34, Mary Bursley, '36,
Ann Edmunds, Grad. Ellen Reeves,
Grad., Elizabeth Inglis Grad., and
Helen Bailey, Grad.

It may seem like a great distance
from the mythical lands of the Ara-
bian Nights to Granger's ballroom
for some people, but not so to the
group of embryo architects who are
preparing the decorations for their
party to be held Friday night.
In the large drafting room on the
main ficor of the architectural build-
ing the first of three operations in
the making of the setting takes place.
Huge rolls of heavy paper cover the
floor and under the brushes of cold
water paint wielded by 10 or more
students under the direction of Prof.
Roger Bailey they are gradually be-
ing transformed into the mystic cave
of Sesame and its surroundings.
Scenes from the Arabian Nights, cop-
ied from illustrated books on the sub-
ject, are carefully drawn into the
paper and then painted with bright
On the second floor of the building
other students are at work making
flowers and lettering the scenes with
excerpts from the ancient legends.
Practically all of the famous folk of
those glamorous lands will be seen
along the walls of Granger's Friday
night. Ala Baba's 40 thieves will
come to life from their resting places
in the huge jars of hot oil to raise the
lids of the jars and gaze upon the
dancing couples. Princes who stole
their princesses from their neighbors
will stop long enough in their flight
to lend their colorful presence to the
festive occasion. That they will be
merely paper figures with their com-
plexions the work of a few strokes of
a brush should not lessen their en-
joyment of the party, in the opinion
of the decorators.
After the scenes have been painted

May Festival: Jeannette Vreeland,
soprano; Paul Althouse, tenor; Chase
Baromeo, bass; Mischa Levitzki, pi-
anist; Palmer Christain; Choral Un-
ion; and Chicago Symphony Orches-
Motion Pictures: Majestic, "Blood
Money" with George Bancroft; Mich-
igan, "The Poor Rich" and All-Girl
Stage Show; Whitney, "King for a
Night" and "Cross Streets"; Wuerth,
"House on 56th Street" and "Havana
Dancing: League Grill Room, Den,
Tavern, Hi-Hat Inn, Preketes.

they are taken to another room where
they are cleaned and repaired if they
have suffered any damage from the
footsteps of the painters. From there
they are sent to the ballroom where
another crew is busy putting the right
scenes in the right places. Just op-
posite the reproduction of the rock-
bound entrance of the cave through
which the guests will pass to reach
the dance floor the orchestra will be
enclosed in a huge globe flanked by
genii guarding the entrances to the
lounges. Persian lamps hanging from
the ceiling will illuminate the floor.
Committee members in charge of
the party again wish to emphasize
the fact that the wearing of cos-
tumes is entirely optional. "The whole
spirit of the party is one of easy in-
formality so that any mode of dress
from an Arabian bandit's costume to
spring formals will be in order," ac-
cording to Don Lyon, '34A, general
chairman. TPickets for the dance can
be obtained at Slater's, Wahr's, the
Union, and from committeemen. They
are priced at $2.
.. ithvenSGive
Ta InHm
For Soeties
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven held the last of the presi-
dent student teas from 4 to 6 p.m.
yesterday in their residence on South
University avenue.. Members of all
the scholastic honorary and honor-
ary societies were invited as special
With the inauguration of the new
League merit system Ann Osborn, '35'
head of the social committee, has
replaced Miss Ethel McCormick as
director of these teas. Miss McCor-
mick, smart in navy blue and white,
was seen chatting with Julie Kane,
'36, and Frances Manchester, '34. Miss
Osborn wore a brown and white print
cut on simple lines.
Representatives from the following
societies were present: Beta Kappa
Rho, sorority for women who work in
private homes, Stanley Chorus, for-
merly known as the University Wom-
en's Glee Club, Cerche Francais, Athe-
na Literary Society, and Zeta Phi
Eta, both women's speech societies,
Adelphi House of Representatives and
Alpha Nu, men's speech clubs, the
Chinese Students' Club, Comedy Club,
the Cosmopolitan Club.
Members lso attended from Dru-
ids, senior honorary society, Galens,
medical honorary society, Michigam-
ua, all-campus honorary society for
senior men, Mortarboard, women's
national honorary society, Quarter-
deck, Scabbard and Blade, Senior So-
ciety, Sphinx, junior men's honorary
society, Tau Beta Pi, engineering
scholastic honor society, Triangles,
junior honorary society for engineer-
ing students, Vulcans, senior engi-
neering honor society, and Wyvern,'
junior women's honor society.
Dorothy Vale Sings Own
Numbers At Stunt Night
The regular Wednesday stunt night
was held last evening at the League
Grill with Al Cowan and his orchestra
furnishing the music. Featured on the
l4ogram was Dorothy Vale, '37, who'
presented three of her own composi-
tions, "One-Sided Love," "It's All
True," and "Indiscreet."
June Warsaw, '34, entertained with
eats of magic, and Bob Young, '36,
nd Boyd Boiitho, '36, gave their own
cnception,: a ;modified version of
Frankie and Johnny." They respond-
Ed with "The Old 47," accompanied
y the voices of the members of Phi
Delta Theta Fraternity.


Fine Antiques
To Be On Sale
At H-arris Hall
An exhibition of antiques spon-
sored by an association of 16 local
antique dealers will be held today, to-
morrow, and Saturday in Harris
Hall, at the corner of Huron and
State streets, it has been announced.
The exhibitors have assembled only
their best collections and individual
pieces in order that the show will be
representative of the finest antiques
to be found in this locality, according
to officers of the association. The ex-
hibition will include rare specimens
of early American glass, furniture,
jewelry, silver, prints, china, cover-
lets, and rugs.
Thpeln h ,ursdu-in Whinh thP


1110IIVUu,.air ,1,ird, +h11c ,!. u11e- Rubberized silk materials are very
hibition will. be open today and to- good, also thicker rubberized cottons.
morrow will be from 9:30 a.m. until Suede cloth in the deeper shades is
10 p.m. Saturday the exhibition will popular and such costumes are usu-
be open from 9:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. ally trimmed with enough brass.but-
tons to make a drum major look
C HA PT ER H OU SErThecape style is something of an.
iAnovation this spring and even the
tailored coat styles sometimes have
-------- - - .detachable capes buttoned on at the
Soi'ormties continue to hold rush- -Checked materials are just as pop-
ing dinners and entertami guests. ular as ever for the stormy weather
Chi Omega ensemble and the other day we saw a
Frances Drake, '36, was in- charge very clever addition to the outfit. It
of khe rusbing dinner at which Chi was an umbrella made of the same
Omega sorority entertained six guests 1 checked fabric with a pair of rub-
last night. bers curled snugly around the handle
Jordan hall in a little leather case.
Miss Isabel Dudley, social direc-
tress of Jordan Hall will entertain her
sister, Mrs. William J. Fenton, of Informatio De
Grand Rapids over the week-end. Ad e T Lr
Mrs. Fenton is the head of the vocal Added d dded
department at Hope College, Holland.
Kappa Kappa Gamma An information bureau has been
Mary Edna Travis, '35, and Kath- added to the League lobby, and there
erine Byaris, a guest from Kentucky, have been many questions as to the
gave a miscellaneous shower for purpose of it, according to Maxine
Catherine Williams, '34, at the chap- Maynard, '35, president of the League.
ter house yesterday afternoon. The desk was put up by the members
Miss Williams will marry Gardner of the reception committee, and will
Smith, '32, June 21, at her home in be used on special occasions for the
:Danville, Ill. Smith was affiliated benefit of strangers to the town.
with Sigma Chi. Members of the committee will be
Theta Phi Alpha in charge in the lobby from 9 a.m. to
The members of Theta Phi Alpha 5 p.m. and will answer all questions
sorority will entertain with a rushing pertiining to the town, and how to
dinner tonight. Pastel tapers and find places, and will guide guests to
tulle bows will furnish table decora- their rooms or show them the League
tions. Patricia Kelley, '36, is in building. The May Festival and
charge of the dinner. Dramatic Season are two occasions
Alpha Delta Phi when the services of the committee
Election of officers of Alpha Delta will be needed. Marie Metzger, '35,
Phi fraternity for the first semester is chairman of the committee.
of next year made recently are: pres-
ident, Owen W. Crumpacker, '35;
vice-president, Richard James, '36; Prof. Brumm Speaks
corresponding secretary, John H. Uhl,
'37; recording secretary, Homer C. To Graduate Students
Lathrop, '37; and librarian, Howard The average person becomes edu-
S. Holmes, '36. cated within five years after he is
graduated from college, declared Prof.
01Iicers Installed John L. Brumm, in a speech before
members of the Graduate Luncheon
In M Phi Epsil u Club yesterday noon. This is be-
- cause he becomes such a creature of
habit that he refuses to lose himself
New officers of Mu Phi Epsilon, na- i h ol fiamtosi
tional music sorority, were installed in the world of imagination, said
at a meeting held Monday at the Professor Brumm.
home of Mrs. George F. Muehlig. The subject of Professor Brumm's
Those installed were Mrs. Lee O. speech was "In Pursuit of One's Cha-
Case, president; Miss Nell Brown, peau." The pursuit of a wind driven
vice-president; Miss Mildred Webber, hat proves disconcerting because the
secretary; Mrs. Howard Y. McClusky, average person has fallen into such a
treasurer; Mrs. W. B. Muehlig, war- rut that it is painful for him to make
den; and Mrs. Helen Rose Helferich, himself conspicuous by even the in-
historian. significant act of chasing a hat, Pro-
The next meeting will be held on fessor Brumm stated.
May 27, with the senior members as Pursue your chapeau, he advised,
honored guests and plans will be and you will prove that you refuse to
made then for the national con- fall into an intellectual rut and so
vention to be held on June 9. become uneducated.

Even though April showers are the-
oretically over for the time being,
good old Ann Arbor won't let us for-
get our umbrellas and overshoes. And
perhaps it's a good thing, for with-
out a lit of rain now and then, when
would we get our studying done? Af-
ter all, there's nothing more uninspir-
ing than canoeing in the rain.
Rainy day outfits were all the vogue
yesterday and they looked better worn
without sweaters and coats bulging
from beneath them in a desperate ef-
fort to keep warm. Thinner fabrics
are the play and they are more se-
verely tailored than before.

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WeWelome May Fstival
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We cordially invite you to come in and browse.

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