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May 09, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-09

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Ruthvens Will
Hold Last Tea
Today In Home
Old And New Members Of
Honor Seoieties To Be
Special Guests
Members of all of the honorary and
scholastic honorary societies on cam-
pus have been invited as guests to the
last president-student tea of the year,
this afternoon at the President's Res-
idence on South University avenue.,
President and Mrs. Alexander 0.
Ruthven will receive their guests from
4 until 6 p.m. while members of the
new League social committee which
has charge of the tea will act as
These teas which have been given
on the first and second Wednesdays
of every month have been for thc
most part of the year, under the di-
rection of the League of which Mis,
Ethel McCormick is social director.
With the inauguration of the new
League merit systems which makes
use of special committees, the social
committee, headed by Ann Osborn,
'35, has taken over their manage-
Among the societies whose mem-
bers have been extended a blanket in-
vitation, are Beta Kappa Rho, so-
rority for women who work in pri-
vate homes, Stanley Chorus, formerly
known as the University Women's
Glee Club, Cercle Francais, Athena
Literary Society, and Zeta Phi Eta,
both women's speech societies, Adel-
phi House of Representatives and
Alpha Nu, men's speech clubs, the
Chinese Students Club, Comedy Club,
the Cosmopolitan Club, Druids, senior
honorary society, Galens, medical
honorary society, Michigamua, all-
campus honorary society for senior
men, Mortarboard, women's national
honorary society, Quarterdeck, Scab-
bard and Blade, Senior Society,
Sphinx, junior men's honor society,
Tau Beta Pi, engineering scholastic
honor society, Triangles, junior honor
society for engineering students, Vul-
cans, senior engineering honor so-
ciety, and Wyvern, junior women's
honor society.
Members of other honorary socie-
ties which have not been extended a
special invitation, are invited to at-
tend also, said Miss Osborn.
54 Men Initiated
By Phi Eta Sigma
(Continued From Page 1)

MetropolitanOpera Star To Sing Tonight

Acacia fraternity entertained the
following guests at Sunday dlinner:
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Norris; Dr. and
Mrs. Donald Marshall; Bun Sprinkel,
and Miss Barbiara Shuker both of
Detroit; Miss Mildred Shuker, of
Charlestown, W. Va.; Winton Eldred
and Russell Moore, both of Lansing;
Marjorie MacDonald. '34, Marian
McPhee, '36, Virginia Morgan, '35,
Ruth Rowell, '36 Betty Scott, '35, and
Sue Scott '36.
Adelia Cheever
Adelia Cheever House is honoring
15 girls whose birthdays are between
March and September tonight at a
dinner. Individual birthday cakes
wilt be served to each girl. Edith
Daves, '34, in charge of the dinner,
has planned table decorations of
spring flowers and yellow candles.
Alpha Sigma Phi
The new officers of Alpha Sigma
Phi fraternity for the next year are:
president, George Hall, '35; vice pres-
ident, Harold Hertz, '36E; secretary,
William McClintic, '35E; and rushing
chairman, Eugene Deming, '37.
Delta Gamma
Betty Aigler, '35, is making the ar-
rangements for the formal dinner
which is being given tonight for Dean
Alice Lloyd and the other members
of the staff of the Dean of Women's
Delta Sigma Pi
Delta Sigma Pi wishes to announce
the recent election of the following
officers: Headmaster, William White;
Senior Warden, Robert Allmand;
Junior Warden, Jack Campbell; Trea-
surer, William Clay; Scribe, Harold
Francis McQuillen and Donald Mc-
Guire were pledged Sunday after a
dinner at which Professor and Mrs.
William A. Paton were guests of hon-
Trigon announces the election of
officers for next year. They are as
follows: Edward Downs, '35, presi-
dent; Walter Courtis, '35E, vice-presi-
dent; Jack Cooper, '36, secretary;
Robert Warner, '36E, auditor.

Large Crowd
A ttends Fifth
Seulpture Show
Last night's reception in the League
honorng the students and instructor
who put on the annual student sculp-
ture ehhibit saw a large crowd of
promninent people in attendance. This
is the fifth year that the exhibit, the,
only one of its kind in the country,
has been given.
Prof. John C. Winter, who is in
charge of the exhibit, was assisted in
receiving the guests by Mrs. Winter,
Mrs. William Comstock, Mrs. Edward
Kraus, and Mrs. Avard Fairbanks.
Proiessor Fairbanks, the instrue-
tor of the students, and the students
themselves, acted as hosts and host-
esses for the parents of the students,
and ot her especially invited guests.
Dr. Margaret Bell was seen beside
the portrait of her done by Helen
Bailey, Grad. Mrs. Winter had sculp-
tured a likeness of her husband,
which was on display. Prof. Walter
13. Pillsbury, whose likeness will ap-
pear in the exhibit after tonight was
seen at the reception, together with
Prof. and Mrs. Henry Sanders, Dr.
and Mrs. John Huber, and Dean Carl
Huber, Dr. William W. Bishop, Prof.
and Mrs. Roy Cowden, and Prof. and
Mrs. Ferdinand Menefee.
Former Mich igan
Students Marr"14(1
The wedding of two former stu-
dents of the University, Anne Mar-
garet Tobin, '20-'31, and Francis
Palms, Jr., '30-'33A, was solemnized
Friday at the home of Miss Tobin's
aunt, Mrs. Ring Lardner, at East
Hampton, L. 1.
Mrs. Palms is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Griswold Tobin,
Douglaston, L. I., and Mr. Palms the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Palms
of Bloomfield Hills. The couple left
for . a five-months trip in Europe
where Mr. Palms will continue his
studies. On their return they will make i
their home in New York city.
i Miss Blanche Tobin and Mrs. Rich-
ard Overton, Williamston, Mass., at-
tended the bride and Edward Skae,,
Detroit, was best man.

Rosa Ponselle, soprano, will sing tonight at the ,opening concert of
the Ann Arbor May Festival. She will also appear Thursday, Friday and

because men are graded more strictly
throughout life.
Those initiated, all ,freshman ex-
cept four, are as follows: William Da-
Lee, '36, Francis Hamilton, '36, Kaj
Nielsen, '36, Carlyle Parker '36, Mar-
vin Becker, Milton Campbell, Alex
Chertoff, Daniel Cohen, Benjamin[
Cox, Edward Cushman, David, Dun-
lap, David Eisendrath, Benjamin Far-
mer, Robert Freehling, Israel Finkel-
stein, and William Fleming.
Robert French, Raymond Gehl,
Benjamin Goldberg, May Goodman,
Clinton Harris, Charles Holkins,
Frederick Hull, William Jewell.
Bertram Kanwit, James Laurenson,
Herbert Levy, William Lowell, Charles
Lurie, William McCarthy, Stanley
Morford, Donald Parry, Willis Player,
Delmer Rogers, Alvin Schottenfleld,
Stanton Schuman, Irving Shalek,
Samuel Sheiman, David Swann, Don-
ald Sweeny, Stanley Thomas, Frank
Upson, George Varga, Thomas Wag-
ner, Frederick Walter, Robert War-
show, James Wiegand, William Wil -
son, Joseph Yager, Ray Young.
"Women" were voted to be the
"greatest need of Dartmouth College"
today, in the annual vote of the
"senior preference;." Likewise, it
was found that the greatest regret
of the senior class was "No Women."
The departing class wanted a course
in marriage, and designated Smith
College "the institution doing most
for Dartmouth." Nevertheless, the
typical senior chose milk as his fa-
vorite drink.
Our Suggestions for
If she's in town, bring her in
and let her see how smart '
and economical her daughter
is- She may even reverse
c t radition and buy you some-
If she's away, send her a
small gift of lingerie or hos-
iery. She'll appreciate some-
thing practical.

Mode~rn' Michitgan,
Miss Keeps iCool
In Sheer iFormal
Despite exams which are approach-
ing slowly but surely and despite the
open season on roller skating which is
in full swing, there still seems to be
enough enthusiasm left for various
other forms of merrymaking, notably
ormal fraternity dances. How the
;ay young thing can spend her morn-
.ng hiking, her afternoon playing ten-
ais, and still be able to blossom forth
ill fresh and cool and fragile-look-
ing in the evening is a mystery.
Some credit for the transformation
is due of course to the exceptionally
fresh, cool, and fragile evening gowns
which are the mode. The fabrics are
such as to make dancing on the hot-
test evening a pleasure, in other
words they are as cool and sheer as
they can possibly be.
Organza, mousseline de soie, chif-
fon, nets and laces all do their best
to keep the dancer cool in spite of
everything. They are all soft and
fluttery, but if you prefer something a
bit crisper you may choose an organ-
dy or starched chiffon. Even lace
has its stiffened version in the horse-
hair lace which is more like a stiff
net than lace, though it does have a
barely distinguishable pattern.
Even as you can get either soft
clinging materials or stiffer, crisper
fabrics, styles vary so that the per-
sonality or the mood of the wearer
can be expressed in very feminine or
very tailored evening dresses. The
feminine mode is expressed in ruf-
fles, ruffled capes, ruffles on the
skirt, and even tiny ruffled muffs, or
gloves ending in huge frills.
A new feature in ruffles is the un-
der arm frill which has just made
its appearance. This sticks up from
below the arm and almost forms a
sleeve when it meets a tiny cap sleeve
which approaches from the other di-
The tailored type of evening gown
is the shirtwaist frock or its modi.-
fled version, the tom-boy dress. These
are made with the regulation but-
toned up the front style of the shirt-
waist frock and some have little round
collars and great flowing bow ties un-
der the chin, very much after the
style of Little Lord Fauntleroy.
The skirts of these tailored gowns
are rather trim as compared with the
exuberant flounces of other evening
frocks, but several of them achieve
fullness through large puffed sleeves.

Shier Chosen
President O
Researeli Club
Officers were elected for the com-
ing year by the Women's Research
Club at a dinner meeting Monday
night in the League. Dr. Louise Shier
was chosen as president; Dr. Doro-
thy Bard, vice-president; Miss Caro-
lyn Sheldon, secretary-treasurer; ex-
ecutive board members, Miss Ellen
Bach, h o n o r a r y; Dr. Elizabeth+
Thompson, active; and Mrs. William
R. Taylor, associate.
A paper on "A genetic study of
musical imagery in its relation to the
Wagner-Hanslick aesthetic contro-
versy" was presented by Dr. Martha
G. Colby. According to the result of
experiments conducted over an eight-
year period with the Griffitts gen-
eral imagery tests, it was discovered
that 84 per cent of adult subjects
have vivid visual and kinaesthetic
imagery as a factor in their musical
response, causing their musical pref-
erences to run largely to descriptive
or programmatic music. Much more
rare is dominant auditory imagery,
which seems to be an essential part
of musical success.
Alpha Xi Delta sorority announces
the pledging of Ann Letson, '37,
Wayne, Mich.; and Peggy Peterson,
Oak Park.
Notling will please,
Mot her like a proc-
ticnil gifft . .
315 South Stote

- -0 -..__ . .. - -...-_. e.......


A three-eyelet Tie of white
sponge leather that is soft
and pliable. A comfortable
last with a heel of medium

5? !r

Another hree-eyelet Tie of
white Paco-pig leather that
will wear- an unusually
fine fitting tie, combining
style ind comfort.
"'.0Dpu qg OO
0 'li l "'





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