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May 09, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-09

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Headquarters Of Kentucky Field Station

This buld Eing
in geography and
Mill Springs, Ky.

, rovides living aind teaching fa iitkis for
geology attending the University sumner

camp at

Enrollment For Geology /lnd
GeographyField Station Beoins

Students of the University who con-
template attending the fifteenth ses-
sion of the Geological and Geograph-
ical Field Station, to be held Jne 19
to July 28 at Mills Springs, Ky., should
make their applications immediately,
according to an announcement made
by Prof. G. M. Ehlers, director of the
The total registration is limited to
45 students and a large number have
already expressed their intentions of
attending the station.
In an interview yesterday, Professor
Ehlers emphasized the fact that stu-
dent instruction given in these field
courses is designed primarily as a
practical application of textbook ma-
terial studied in the regular college
The student gains a first hand
knowledge of field methods and the
use of instruments which is closely
correlated with actual work done by
professional geographers and geol-
ogists. He also receives a type of edu-
cational experience arising from an
intimate contact with the outdoor
world which is entirely distinct from
that of the classroom.
Students To Study Area
The courses offered by the station
are primarily for the undergraduate,
and are under the direction of Pro-
fessor Ehlers, Prof. I. D. Scott of the
geology department, and Prof. Pres-
ton E. James of the geography depart-
Further opportunity has been creat-
ed this year, however, for graduates
and independent investigators to use
the station's facilities and equipment
for the development of specialized
geographical and geological problems
which are presented in the region.
After having learned the use of the
various field instruments, the budding
geographers and geologists are as-
signed a definite area in which a de-
tailed analysis of the landscape pat-
tern and characteristics is made on
the basis of previous University train-
ing. The data which is gathered is
revised and compiled by members of
the staff into maps setting forth an
exhaustive study of the phenomena
observed in the region.
Will Tour Eastern States
These maps have proved to be of
high scientific interest, and several of
them have accompanied published
reports written by staff members and
graduate students of the station.
Recreational activities are entered
nual Visitation. A representative of
the national office will be here to
meet the chapter.
A short address by Mr. Lee A. White
of the Detroit News will follow the
dinner. Other visitors will include
Frank Peck, assistant managing edi-
tor of "American Boy," George Tau-
beneck, editor of "Electric Refrigera-
tion News," and Harold Fowler, head
of General Motors Publicity Depart-
Coing Events
English Journal Club will meet Fri-
day, May 11, at 4 o'clock in the
League. Business meeting at four,
including the election of officers for
next year, and an amendment to the
constitution. A full attendance is
desired. Meeting open to the public
at 4:20, when Mr. J. L. Davis will,
speak on: The Re-interpretation of
17th Century Comedy.
St. Andrew's Church: On Thurs-
day morning, Ascension Day, at 8
o'clock there will be a celebration of
the Holy Communion.

into with much enthusiasm by both
the students and staff. Swimming,
horseshoe pitching, and baseball are
among the most popular of their
:ports. "The 'Varsity' baseball team
has earned for itself quite a reputation
in the surrounding countryside,' Pro-
fessor Ehlers admitted.
After five weeks of intensive field
work in the station district, the stu-
dent geologists and geographers will
take a reconnaissance trip eastward
across the Cumberland Plateau, the
Great Valley of eastern Tennessee, the
Great Smoky Mountains, the Pied-
mont Plateau, and the Atlantic Coas-
tal Plain.
During the course o01this trip, stu-
dentts in physiography and strati-
graphic geology will visit many of the
classic areas examined by the Inter-
national Geological Congress las
summer. The reconnaissance trip will
end in Washington, D.C.
In determining the location of the
field station, its proximity to Ann Ar-
bor has been considered and its ad-
vantages for the work for which it has
been designed. The station is situated
on the wooded valley slopes of the
Cumberland River in southern Ken-
tucky. About 300 feet above the level
of the camp, the valley sides give way
to an extensive area of upland sur-
face known as the Highland Rim. Ris-
ing 600 feet above the Highland Rim
are found the rugged landscapes of
the Cumberland Mountains, inter-'
spersed with wide basins that present
an opportunity for an unique diver-
sity of geographical and geological
study, Professor Ehlers pointed out.
Favorable Location
The geologists find in this location
an area nearest to Ann Arbor in which
extensive rock formations are ex-
posed at the surface. Successive strata
of rocks widely differentiated in age
and type of formation are available
for study, and insure ample data for
geological interpretation. In Michigan
the last glacial period has left heavy
deposits of material which cover near-
ly the entire state, bed rock being
found only in distantly separated
Geographers find that the weather-
ing and erosion processes acting upon
these rocks have produced various
types of soil formations. The intimate
relation of crop development to soil
conditions can thus be observed in the
greatest of detail. In Michigan glacial
depositions have brought about a con-
fusion and complexity of soil types
which can be analyzed only with dif-
Interesting Features
Other features which have con-
tributed to the interest of this area
are found in the natural bridges
which have been formed by unusual
geological processes, numerous lime-
stone caverns which contain weird
and picturesque deposits left by un-
derground water, and archaeological
remains which have yielded a
wealth of material giving an in-
sight into the lives of the Indians who
formerly inhabited the Cumberland
Students. interested in attending
the station should consult the special
University bulletin describing the
courses and the station in more de-
tail. Copies of this bulletin may be
obtained at the Summer Session of-
fice or at the office of the director,
1535 Museums Building.
In tlhe last four seasons, football
and swimming teams have won four
Conference titles, outdoor track
three, indoor track, hockey and golf
two, and tennis and wrestling one.

'rip Is Taken
IBy Foresters
F or e s t r y Operations In
Northern Michigan Are
Vicite1 By-Stdets
Students in fire control and forestry
administration returned recently
from their annual field trip into
northern Michigan where they ob-
.erved forestry operations supIle-
menting their courses. They were ac-
companied by Professors S. W. Allen
and Robert Craig, Jr.
On tle three day rip, which stated
Thursday afternoon ,they visited't he
Rosconmmon State fire experimnental
station, the Iiartwicl Pines State Park
near Grayling, and the Higgins Lake
State forest nursery. They also in-
spected operations on a commercial
timber sale area near Mio where cub
ting is being done under approved for-
esty principles by a private operator.
They saw the process of obtaining
wood pulp that was being cut for con-
sumption by a Muskegon paper mill.
The foresters also examined several
cultural operations in the heavier
second-growth timber area along the
Au Sable river. They made a special
study of the public camping grounds
near the Five Channels Dam on this
same river, Some time was spent in
the office of I lie national forest su-
pervisor's office in East Tawas and at
the Silver Creek Ranger Station going
over the fire control system and the
general administrative organization of
the forest service.
Harvard Man Has His
Conscience Pricked
CAMBRIDGE, Mass, May 8. -No
matter whether the cause be sadden-
ing business expeliiences or just the
tortures of remorse, Harvard men's
honesty seems to increase the moment
they receive their sheep-skins. In
proof thereof is offered this letter re-
cently received by the Harvard Ath-
letic Association:
Dear Sirs:
In the fall of 1932 [ used my room-
mate's H.A.A. book to see a football
game between Harvard and New
Hampshire. I knew that this was not
right. If I had gone honestly I could
have sat in the bleacher section for
$1. Please accept the inclosed dollar
as restitution and forgive my dis-
es Application
Applications for registration for
the Summer Session of the University
Biological Station are the average
number for this time of year, Prof.
George LaRue, director of the station,
announced yesterday.
The Biological Station, located on
the shores of Douglas Lake in Che-
boygan County, has sufficient space
for about 100 students, provided there
is a proper distribution of men and
women. Up to date there have been
applications from 87 students: 37
single men, 32 single women, 16 men
who would come with their wives, two
of whom would be students.
Prof. LaRue also stated that refor-
estation on part of the tract would
be begun again shortly under the di-
rection of Prof. W. F. Ramsdel. This
reforestation, made possible by funds
from the Pack Foundation, is carried
out through the School of Forestry.

Students in the School of Forestry
and Conservation will hold their sev-
enth annual field day in the Saginaw
Forest, commonly known on the cam-
pus as the "forestry farm" next Sat-
urday. The day's program which will
include shooting, chopping, sawing,
canoe racing and tilting and other
sports will start at 9 a.m.
See Our Window-
302 South State St.

phone 2-1214 lace advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'lock previous to day of insertions.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance--Ile per reading line
(on basis of nv average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone Rate-15c per reading line for
one or two Insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Mini um three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line---2 lines daily, one
month ...........................8
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.......:e
2 lines daily, college year ......c
4 liies L, . 0DI., college year ... .7c,
100 lines used as desired......9
300 lines used as desired ........ 8c
1,000 lines sed as dsred..7
2,000 lines used as desired...6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch of
7% point ionic type, upper zkd lower
case. Add 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Acd 6c per line to
above for bold face, upper and lower
case. Add 10 per line toabove rates for
bold face capital letters.
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi
cago Buyers. Temporary office. 200
North Main. 5x
Bring your title
Associated Motor Services, Inc.
311 W. Huron, Ph. 2-2001,
Swwest Names
For Presidet's
Imestead Plan
Numerous Ideas Submitted
To Change 'Subsitence
Homestead' Title
WASHINGTON, May 8. -(03) -
Many an inventive mind has set itself
a-buzzing to help President Roosevelt
find a new name for "subsistence
"Roosevelt homesteads," "new deal
homesteads," and "independence
homsteads" have been suggested from
all parts of the country, in letters
to M. W. Wilson, director of the sub-
sistence homestead program.
The heavy inflow of ideas received
all the more notice because the chief
executive more or less hinted the
brain trust should think up the new
name. Some of its members, however,
conceded themselves stumped.
The name most often suggested by
the letter writers was "security
homes," connoting the feeling that the
homesteaders hoped to find.
More bizarre were such names as
"Elysian homesteads," "happiness
homesteads" and "acreage farmlets,"
One man, who suggested "freedom
farms," requested that the prize be
sent to him pronto.
Wilson said no prize was offered
-the President had merely humor-
ously suggested that there might be a
prize contest on the subject.
"I am sure, however, if any new
term for these small homesteads is
found and proves satisfactory, proper
recognition will go to the clever per-
son responsible for it," Wilson added.
However, the subsistence home-
steads administrators themselves feel
that subsistence is a good word in
that it is "modest" and does not try
to "over-sell" this new form of pio-
Fordham University

Case System
Three-Year Day Course
'Four-Year Evening Course
College Degree or Two Years of
College Work with Good Grades
Required for Entrance
Transcript of Record Must Be Furnished
Morning, Early Afternoon
E vening Classes
For further information address
233 Broadway, New York



FOR SALE: Tuxedo, Size 36. In ex-
cellent condition. Will sacrifice very
cheap. Call 4521. 451
FOR SALE: Two May Festival tickets.
Center section, aise seat . Phone
8769. 447
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. IX
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
FOR RENT: Out Packard a 7-room
modern house. Large lot, garage,
good condition. Reasonable. Phone
9681. 448
COSTUMES and wigs rented, Wuerth
Theatre, second floor. 450
DpentiaJ Students To
Visit IDetroit Plants
Members of the senior class of the
School of Dentistry made their annual
pilgrimage to Detroit yesterday where
they were guests of the Parke-Davis
I'he students who made the trip
toured the com~any's plant and
studied the manufacture of pharma-
ceutical products. Members of the tour
were luncheon guests of the Parke-
Davis Company.
A visit to the new Ford-Edison ex-
hibit in Dearborn was also included in
the plans. Arraangements for the trip
have been made by Dr. U. G. Rickert,
professor of therapeutics in the School
of Dentistry.
BROOKLYN, N. Y., May 8. - (/P) -
Five men armed with machine guns
and automatic pistols held up Pru-
dential Savings bank this afternoon
and escaped with several thousand
The thirty months' course, pro-
viding an intensive and varied
experience through the case study
method, leads to the degree of
Master of Nursing
A Bachelor's degree in arts, sci-
ence or philosophy from a college
of approved standing is required
for admission. A few scholarships
available for students with ad-
vanced qualifications. For cata-
logue and information address:
New Haven C: onnecticut
- -rof-I
Kay )r0NJ
6th Wd0'

Ends Tonight
"Man Of Two Worlds"
T he blazing star of " Autumn Crocus"
in his first picture


It- -=


- -- -- - ---- --- - i. .® .

Laughs, Laughs, Laughs
More tough, tears and
songs, than the some pro-
ducers' "Sunny Side Up"I

JOSEPH M. sCHENCK present&e
AN 1 2ML AVa




~r ~



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