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May 06, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-06

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Further, the courses listed below
will be examined as follows:

Education Al
Education B20
Education C1
Bus. Adm. 102
Bus. Adm. 122
Bus. Adm. 152
(Please note

Tue. a.m.
Thu. a.m.
Mon. p.m.
Mon. p.m.
Tue. a.m.
Sat, p.m.
that Bus. F



it Qd o t c c IVIC~ru ll11sr he Tue. a.m., June 5, was incorrectly
itted to the concert unless they pre-
nt such tickets at the rear doors at printed June 4 in May 5 Daily) .
ch performance. Examination Hours - a.m. 9 to 12;
Attention is also called to the fol- p.m. 2 to 5: Any class not included
wing rehearsals which members are in the above schedule may be exam-
pected to attend, being seated on fmed at any time on which the in-
me: structor and the class concerned may
Sunday, 2:30 p.m. sharp, Hill Audi- agree.
,ruiu stage, Choral Union and Stu- .Each student taking practical work
mt Orchestra. in music in the School of Music will
Monday, 7:00 p.m. sharp, Hill Audi- be given an individual examination.
rium stage, Choral Union, Student All such students should report to
rchestra and -Soloists. the office of the Director of Music,
Tuesday, 7 nd sharp, Hill Audi- and sign up, on blanks now available
rium stage, Choral Union and Stu- there, for a specified examination
mt Orchestra. period.
Wednesday, 2 p.m. sharp, Hill Aud- Regular class work will continue
Wenm stage, Choral Union, Chicago until Friday night, June 1.
ymphony Orchestra and soloists. This notice will appear three times
Thursday, 9 a.m. sharp, Hill Audi- only, May 6, May 18, and June 1.
nrium stage, Choral Union, Chicago Please preserve, as no offprints will
ymphony Orchestra and soloists. be issued.
Friday, 9 a.m. sharp, Hill Auditor-
im stage, Choral Union, Chicago Lectaiires
ymphony Orchestra and soloists. Unversty Lect'e: Mr, Otto M.
Members are respectfully requested porker t Instructor of Printing Arts
refrain from bringing guests to a tte Art Institute, Chicago, who
l-earsals. had charge of the exhibit of the Gu-
tenberg Museum of Mainz, Germany,
Dance Recital Tickets: May be se- at the Century of Progress Exposi-
ired at the box office of the Lydia tion, will lecture on "Gutenberg and
[endelssohn Theatre; open 9 a.mn. to the Book of ooks" Monday, May 7,
p.m. Monday, May 7, and Tuesday, at 4:15 p.m., in 25 Angell Hall. The
[ay 8. Phone 6300 for reservations. lecture will be illustrated with mo-
tion pictures showing the methods
Dress Rehearsals - Dance Program of printing in Gutenbergs time. All
unday afternoon, May 6-2 to 6 interested are cordially invited.
clock; Monday afternoon, May 7-.
to 6 o'clock; Monday evening, May University Lecture: Dr. Hans von
- 7 to 11 o'clock. Hattingberg, Special Lecturer in Psy-
chotherapy at the University of Ber-
C~tZl ItC N~trGe$in, will lecture on the subject "Wo-
Amcademic Notices an's Dilemma" at 4:15 p.m., Thurs-
Final Examination Schedule, June day, May 17, in the Natural Science
934: College of Literature, Science, Auditorium. The public is cordially
.d the Arts; School of Education; invited.
chool of Music; School of Forestry
,nd Conservation; College of Phar- Dr. Wiliam Erngst Hocking, Pro-
racy; School of Business Adminis- fessor of Philosophy in Harvard Uni-
ation; and Graduate School. versity, will give the Henry Martin
Each course in the College of Lit- Loud Lectures at the University of
rature, Science, and the Arts and in Michigan in the ballroom of the
he School of Music has been given a Michigan League building Monday
roup letter for examination pur- through Thursday afternoons, May 7
oses. Many courses appearing in the through 10 at 4:15, and Monday and
nnouncement of the Graduate Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock, on the
chool carry these group letters also. theme "The Modern Christian Mis-
Group Date of Examination sionary Movement." Admission by
A Wed. a.m. June 6 complimentary tickets which may be
B Fri, a.m. June 8 secured in Room 1210 Angell Hall or
C Mon.am. June 4 at the main desk of the League.
D Sat. a~m. June 2- -
Mon. a.m. June 11Exiio
F Mon. p.m. June 11
G Tue. a.m. June 12 An Exhibition of a selection of
H Tue. p.m. June 12 paintings from the Michigan Artists'
I Fri. p.m. June 8 Exhibition held in the Detroit Insti-
J Sat. a.m. June 9 tute of Art will be hung in the West
K Tue. p.m. June 5 Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall May
L Sat. p.m. June 2 4 through May 19. Open Thursday
M Wed. p.m. June 6 evenings May 10 and 17 from 7:3Q
N Thu. a.m. June 7 to 9:00 p.m. and afternoons from
o Thu. p.m. June 7 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. This exhibition
P Tue. a.m. June 5 is sponsored by the Ann Arbor Art
Q Mon. p.m. June 4 Association.
R Sat. p.m. June 9 --
X Each course in Group
X may be examined at Events Today
any time mutually Harris Hall: At 7:00 p.m. the stu-
agreed upon by class dent discussion will be led by Rabbi
arid instructor. Bernard Heller and the Reverend
Other courses not carrying the let- Henry Lewis. All students are cor-
ers will be examined as follows: dially invited.
Classes Date of Examination -
Ion. at 8 Wed. a.m. June 6 Dr. William Ernest Hocking, of
[on, at 9 Fri. a.m. June 8 Harvard University and chairman of
Ion, at 10 Mon. a.m. June 4 the Appraisal Commission of the
[on. at 11 Sat. a.m. June 2 Laymen's Foreign Missions Inquiry,
Ion. at 1 Mon. a.m. June 11 will participate in a symposium on
Ion. at 2 Mon. p.m. June 11 the the Laymen's Report, "Re-Think-
Eon. at 3 Tue. a.m. June 12 ing Missions" at a union service of
'ue. at 8 Tue. p.m. June 12 Ann Arbor churches at 8 o'clock this
'ue. at 9 Fri. p.m. June 8 evening in the Mendelssohn Theatre.
'ue. at 10 Sat. a.m. June 9 Other members of the Commission
'ue. at 11 Tue. p.m. June 5 who will speak are: Dr. Frederic
'ue. at 1 Sat, p.m. June 2 Woodward, Vice-President of the Un-
ue. at 2 Wed. p.m. June 6 iversity of Chicago, Dr. Orville A.
ue. at 3 Thu. a.m. June 7 Petty, of Yale University, Dr. Charles

P. Emerson, of Indianapolis, Ind.
Admission by complimentary tickets
which may be secured in Room 1210
Angell Hall or at the main desk of the
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship: 8:00 a.m. Holy
Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church
School; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Ser-
mon by Dr. Fredric C. Woodward,
vice-president and dean of faculties
at the University of Chicago. Dr.
Woodward will speak on "Has Chris-
tianity anything to say to the Ori-
First Baptist Church: 10.:45 a.m.,
Mrs. W. E. Hocking will be the speak-
er at the morning worship hour.
Roger Williams Guild: Sunday, 12
Noon. Mr. Chapman will lead the
discussion in the student study group
meeting at the Guild House from 12
to 12:45, following the morning serv-
ice of the church.
6:00 p.m., Mr. W. E. Doty, church
organist and instructor in organ in
the School of Music, will speak for
the student's guild at 6 o'clock, with
the topic, "Worship." The entire
service, in charge of Fred Cox, will
be in keeping with the subject of the
Congregational Student Fellowship
and Unitarian Studen't Group: The
two organizations will hold a joint
supper meeting at 6:15 p.m. today in
the Congregational Church parlors.
The speaker will be Prof. Robert J.
Hutcheon of the Medville Theological
Seminary of the University of Chi-
cago. He will speak on "American In-
dividualism - Its Sources and Its Fu-
St. Paul's Student Walther League:
Annual Senior-Alumni Banquet un-
der the auspices of St. Paul's Stu-
dent Walther League is being given
at 7 p.m.
Young People's Society, Church of
Christ (Disciples): Two subjects will
be taken up in this week's meeting.
Frances Loucks will present a paper
on "Early Christianity" and Louise
Jackobus one on "Mohammedanism."
Until the end of the semester, this
society will meet at 5 p.m. rather than
at 6 p.m. as formerly.
Presbyterian Student Appoint-
7:00 Breakfast at the Island.
9:30 Student Classes at the Church
10:45 Morning Worship, "The Hu-
man Side of Pentecost."
Dr. Norman E. Richardson.
5:30 Social Hour, Supper and Stu-
dent -Forum. "Do You Believe in
Foreign Missions?" Dr. Orville A.
Archery: There will be archery for
men and women students on Palmer
Field from 9:30 to 11:00. Men are
asked to bring their own equipment.
Coming Events
Physics Colloquium: Mr. J. H. Man-
ley will speak on "Action Cross Sec-
tion in Collisions of the Second Kind"
at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, in Room 1041,
East Physics Bldg. All interested are
.cordially invited to attend.
Botanical Journal Club will meet
Tuesday, May 8, at 7:30 p.m. in room
1139 N.S. Papers by Dr. C. D. LeRue,
Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Schopf, Mrs.
Smith, and Mr. Hermann. All .inter-
ested are cordially invited.
Mathematical Club: Regular meet-
ing will be held on Tuesday, May 8,
at 8:00 p.m. in 3201 A.H. The speak-
ers will be: Sister Leontius on "Ad-
ditions in Arithmetic, 1500-1700, to

the Sources of Cajori's "History of
Mathematical Notations" and Tropf-
ke's "Geschichte ,der Elementar-
Mathematik," Mr. B. C. Getchell on
"Integration of Interval Functions,"!
and Professor C. C. Craig on "The
Frequency Function of xy."


r s

Life Saving for
saving class will
stead of 8:30 on
May 8.

Women: The life
meet at 7:30 in-
Tuesday evening,

Junior Mathematical Society: Reg-
ular meeting will be held Tuesday,
May 8, at 8 p.m., in 3212 A.H. (Pleasel
note the change of place of meeting).
Professor N. H. Anning will speak on
"Angles and Sines."
Acolytes (Philosophical Society):
Professor C. H. Langford will speak
on "The Principle of Consistency"
Monday evening, 7:30, Room 202
South Wing.
Graduate Club of the School of
Education will meet in the, Elemen-
tary School Library Monday, May 7,
at 7:15 p.m. Miss Poole of the Uni-
versity Laboratory School will dis-
cuss her work on, "The Genetic De-
velopment of the Articulation of Con-
sonant Sounds in Children's Speech."
Manley MacDonald will talk on "Re-
cent Trends in the Employment of
All graduate students in education
and faculty invited.
Metallurgical Group Meeting will
be held on Tuesday, May 8, at 7:15
p.m. in room 4215 E. Eng. Bldg. Mr.
Charles Purnall, Field Metallurgist
of the Carnegie Steel Company, will
address the group on "Fine Grained
Steel, Its Production and Uses."
Industrial Law Society: The an-
nual meeting will be held on Monday
May 7, at 7:30 p.m., in the Upper
Lounge of the Lawyers' Club. Of-
ficers will be elected and installed for
the ensuing year.
Student Press Club will meet at 8
o'clock, Monday evening, May 7, 213
Haven Hall. Mr. Harold D. Smith,
Director of the Michigan Municipal
League, will speak. All students of
Journalism are urged to attend.
Tau Beta Pi: Dinner and business
meeting at the Union Tuesday, May
8, 6:00 p.m. Election of officers for
next year.
Sigma Rho Tau: Debate with De-
troit Institute of Technology will be
held in the Union at 7:30 next Tues-
day. The Michigan chapter will up-
hold the affirmative side of the ques-
tion: "Resolved, that the U.S. govern-
ment should own and operate all air
mail planes."
Regular meeting Wednesday at
7:45 in the Union. Project speaking
prize contest and announcement of
elections to higher degrees of mem-
Michigan Technic: Very impor-
tant staff meeting Monday at 5:00.

Phone 2-1^14. Place advertisements with
Clssed dertiin Departmnt.
The clas'sified coluns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertions.
Box Numbers nay be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance---Il per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two ins ertions.
lOc per reading line for three or more
Mltinimnum three lines per insertion.
TelephonemRate-1he nperreading line for
one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertlon,
Minimum three lines per i nsertion,
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month.... ...........8c
4 In'es E.., 2 months ......3c
2 lines daily, college year......7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year .. . .7e
100 lines used as desired ......9c
300 lines used as desired ........8c
1,000 lines used as desired ......7c
2,000 lines used as desired ..6
'he above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inck of
7 point Tonic type, upper tazd lower
case. Add 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Add 6c per line to
above for bold face, upper and lower
case. Add 10 per line to above rates for
bold face capital letters.
FOR SALE: Two May Festival tickets.
Center section, aisle seats. Phone
8769. 447
All staff members and tryouts must
be present.
Tryouts, Hli,lel Players: Everyone
interested in further tryouts for
membership in Hillel Players please
prepare a five minute reading to be
given from 3 until 5 Tuesday at the
Michigan Dames: The Child Study
group will meet at 8 p.m., Monday,
May 7, at the home of Mrs. Eleanor
Di Guiulio, 535 Church Street. Miss
Bader, supervisor of reading in the
Ann Arbor Public Schools, will be
guest speaker.
Monday Evening Drama Section of
(Continued on Page 6)

ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
TAXI--Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. Ix
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problem of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty,
Call for and deliver. 2-3478, 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 9x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
MONDAY and Wednesday, Marcel or
shampoo and finger wave, 50c.
Raggedy Ann Shop. Phone 7561.
Bring your title
Associated Motor Services, Inc.
311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-2001
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 5x
FOR RENT: Out Packard a 7-room
modern house. Large lot, garage,
good condition. Reasonable. Phone
9681. 448
Dr. W. W. Sylvester
Only Licensed Chiropodist
and Foot Specialist in City
Lady Attendant App'tment 2-1001
Over Campus Bootery
Read The Classificds



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Oalidty Work at Considerate Prices
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They "took" and "took"a . a
chance, bg money, Holly.
wood's moguls, a new inter,
est in life, and finally...the air!
They gave-a homeless little
girl her happiness, a man
the love he needed most1
More laughs, tears and
songs than the same pro.
dicers' "Sunny SideU p"t
a with
t , r.t 1 1 . 1 . r S1&.#

II K / ANhiiI P1 orIgInQT~roT ine Toil 14/i A II

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