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May 06, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-06

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The Weather
Fair and cooler today; prob-
able showers tomorrow.

C, r

M fitr igan


VOL. XLIV No. 155


May Day Ride Approved
By Conference After A
Stormy Debate
Final Meeting Is
th erwise Amicable
Pledge Against Support Of
Government In Any War
Is Adopted
The final session of the Anti-War
Conference was packed with drama
yesterday as warring factions debated
the question f adopting a resolution
to back University students involved
in the May Day ride to Detroit.
The meeting in Natural Science Au-
ditorium opened with the discussion
of the resolutions adopted by various
commission groups which met in the
morning. The fireworks came when
the commission on Fascism and War
reported out a resolution protesting
the refusal of police to allow 38 Uni-
versity students to hold a parade in
Detroit on May Day. The conference
was asked to adopt this resolution and
immediately there was heated discus-
sion from the floor.
Gordon B. Halstead, general chair-
man of the conference urged that the
resolution be withdrawn, saying that
the, members of the party that went
to Detroit did not have the strength
of their convictions, and that the res-
olution had nothing to do with the
prevention of, war.
Should Fight Own Battles
A delegate from Michigan State
College told the members of the con-
ference that the University students
should fight their own battles and not
ask the conference to do it for them.
Charges that the participants in
the May Day ride were mostly com~-
munists was refuted by Guy M. Whip-
ple, Jr., '35, and alleged police bru-
tality in Detroit was characterized as
fascism by Edward T. Cheyfitz, '34,
of the National Student League.
The resolution was finally adopted
by the conference, as was the Oxford-
modeled pledge which read, "We
pledge ourselves not to support the
government of the United States in
any war it may conduct." Other res-
olutions adopted condemned the ac-
A complete list of the resolu-
tions as passed by the Michigan
Anti-War Conference at its final
session yesterday will be found on
page 6.
tivities of the R.O.T.C. and other mil-
itary organizations in schools. The
conference affiliated itself with the
American League Against War and
Fisher Speaks
The first speaker on the program
was the Rev. Frederick B. Fisher of
the Methodist Church, who discussed
a questionnaire on peace sent to 100,-
000 clergymen in the United States.
Approximately 20,000 replied, 13,000
declaring they would not sanction or
participate in any future war, and
18,000 repudiating capitalism as a
Dr. Fisher touched on the suppres-
sion of May Day parades in Detroit
by comparing them to the peaceful
demonstrations of Mahatma Gandhi
and his followers which are sup-
pressed by the British government.
He added that the followers of Gandhi
are the only people in the world who

adhere to true pacifist methods.
Dr. Harold A. Bedient of the Cli-
max (Mich.) Methodist Church,
graphically described the blood and
horror of the World War and his ex-
periences in training camps and on
the Western front. He urged members
of the group to fight against war.
Capitalist System Attacked
Tucker Smith of Brookwood Labor
College spoke against the capitalistic
system, saying that profit taking in-
itiates war and patriotism or na-
tionalism keeps it going, adding that
both capitalism and patriotism would
have to be smashed before real peace
could be obtained.
He said the class struggle is violent
because of capitalism, but that death
was in the nature of things, and
that the real pity of war was not
being shot, but being shot for noth-
ing. He invited members of the con-
ference into the revolution against
capitalism, telling them that if they
were going to be shot, they should sell
themselves, and not die for nothing.
Attacks NRA
The closing address was given by

Survey Shows Activities Alan
Succeeds Oftener Than Scholar

A member of Michigamua, senior
honorary society, has a slightly better
chance of being successful in his
chosen profession after graduation
than has a member of Phi Beta
Kappa, honorary scholastic society, a
Daily survey of alumni of both groups
Michigamua is an all-campus so.
siety which annually elects to mem-
bership the heads of the student pub-
lications, the president of the Union,
captains and managers of the prin-
cipal Varsity teams, and other senior
2.5 Requirement
Phi Beta Kappa, in contrast, is a
national honorary scholastic society
with its principal requirement for
membership being a 25 honor point
average for seniors or a 2.8 average
for juniors in the literary college and
education school.
In general, results of the survey
indicate that the "activity man," as he
is often called, has a very slight
advantage over the scholar in re-
gard to prospects of future success.
These conclusions were reached by
means of a survey of the present oc-
cupations of all members of both
groups who graduated from the Uni-
versity between 1903, the year Mich-
igamua was founded and the first
class taken into Phi Beta Kappa, and
1913. In all, 220 members of the for-
mer and 205 of the latter were checked
in alumni records and an average
worked out for each group.
85 Per Cent May Make Good
On the basis of past performances,
it may safely be predicted that ap-
proximately 85 per cent of the mem-
bers of Michigamua this year, or any
year, will make more than a passing
No Action Imminent
On Proposition For
Swine out S ubstiide
The plan for a substitution for
Swingout, upon which the Under-
graduate Council labored so stren-
uously only a short whilesback, is
now resting pleasantly, if a little
awedly, in the laps of Dean Joseph
A. Bursley.
A substitute plan which called
for a general march around the cam-
pus terminating before the General
Library in a sing and possible speech
making by outstanding members
of the graduating class was turned
into the cean of student's office
May 1, the deadline date set by the
Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs for the Council to submit its
substitute plan,
Since that time the plan has
rested in the dean's office. No
meetng of the Senate committee has
been held and none has been called
for the immediate future. The
matter remains completely quiescent.
Last year Swingout was held May
Laymen Are To
Take Over Five
Pulpits Today
'Possibility Of Conversion
To Be Topic Of Harvard
Philosophy Professor
Five Ann Arbor pulpits will be
opened today to members of the Ap-

impression on the world in the next
20 years, while 80 per cent of the
Phi Beta Kappas will do likewise.
These figures are based only on the
records of the men in Phi Beta Kappa,
there being 114 of them out of the
205 graduates.
Including the women graduates in
the average brings the percentage for
the scholastic groupdown ton51.3, but
this could not be used in a comparison
with Michigamua.
A difficulty existed in choosing a
criterion to use in selecting which
were to be called successful and which
not, but by assuming that all those
who have distinguished themselves
in anyway are successful, a fair basis
was approximated, and the same re-
quirements for inclusion were used
with both sets of graduates.
Ideal Achievement
Eleven names appeared on both
lists of alumni, and invariably these
men were among the most outstand-
ing, indicating in general that the
ideal achievement as an omen for the
future would include winning both
the Phi Beta Kappa key and the
Michigamua badge.
There is a definite difference be-
tween the professions most often fol-
lowed by members of the two societies.
Including the women graduates, there
were 105 Phi Beta Kappas judged
successfully, and of these 52, or al-
(Continued on Page 6)
Council Is To
Consider Bond
Issue Payment
Tax Moratorium Declared
By State Has Resulted In
Revenue Problem
Ann Arbor's Common Council will
turn its attention to the problem of
the payment of the $110,153.64 bond
issue coming due August 1, at its
meeting tomorrow night.
The problem of meeting the bond
payment has arisen because the State
Legislature has made delinquent tax-
es uncollectable- until some future
date, thus depriving the city of the
funds by which it had planned to
meet the issue.
Sentiment has been growing among
the councilmen questioning the au-
thority of the Legislature to declare
the tax moratorium as it has done,
with the Moore-Holbeck Bill and
others of the last session. It is not
definite yet, howeve, whether Ann
Arbor will make a test case of the is-
Spanish Students Are
Listed As Extremists
ZARAGOZA, Spain, May 5. - (MP-
Several university students were in-
cluded in a list of extremists found
by police today. Authorities believed
discovery of the list would aid in solv-
ing recent bombings.
They disclosed that extremist lead-
ers had been paying youths consid-
erable sums to place bombs in the
streets and near electric conduits. A
huge bomb was discovered early this
morning at the foot of an electric
DETROIT, May 5. - (P) -Detroit's
first heat, wave of the season, Fri-
day, resulted in four cases of heat
prostration being reported while the i
mercury was up to 86 degrees. It was
the hottest May 4 in the City's history.

Police Actioni
On May Day
Says Right Of Asse -bly Is
Subject To Limitations
By State Police Power
Law School Dean
Discusses Situation
Constitutional Rights Said
Not Transgressed Since
Students Invited Trouble
Although freedom of assembly is
guaranteed under both the Federal
and State constitutions, the use of
that freedom is subject to limitation
by the police power of the states, in
the opinion of Dean Henry M. Bates,
of the Law School.
The question was brought to the;
fore by the recent order of Mayor
Frank Couzens of Detroit prohibiting
parades on May Day in the city, andI
the charges made by Communist;
sympathizers that this order was an
infringement of constitutional rights.
No Valid ReasonI
Dean Bates said further that he.
did not think the students who went
to Detroit to take part in the "exer-.
cises" on May 1 had valid objection
to being ordered not to hold meetings'
where they might lead to disorder1
on the grounds of constitutional
rights, since they were inviting trou-
ble by their presence and their at-'
"They have good grounds for ob-
jection if they were brutally mistreat-9
ed by the police," he said. "I do not;
wish to condone any attempts to
strangle free speech, but am in-,
clined to believe that these Michigan1
students were not gathered there
merely to express an opinion.1
Must Not Abuse Freedom
"Just as freedom of speech and of'
the press are subject to the limita-
tions that they musit not be abused to
permit the dissemination of slander
or incendiary material, the freedom
of 'ssembly must e orderly and in
the cities is subject to the power of
state and city authorities to forbid
the holding of meetings where they
might impede traffic or business or
are likely to cause disorder," he de- I
clarde yesterday.
The recent action in Detroit in re-
stricting demonstrations to certain
localities was not an abridgement of
the right of peaceable assembly be-.
cause it was obvious that violence was.
likely to result from May Day pa-
rades, Dean Bates believes.
The whole affair of the participa-
tion of the students in the May Day
"junket" is ridiculous if an attempt
is made to tie it to an attack on
American institutions, he said. "Such
an attack is inferred in the attitude
taken by many newspapers. Those
participating are more to be laughed
at than censured."
Alumnus Review Judged
As Leading Publication
The Quarterly Review of the Mich-
igan Alumnus was judged the best
periodical in its class at a recent
meeting of the American Alumnae
Council, according to a report re-
ceived in the offices of the Alumni As-
sociation here.
A leather desk folder was awarded
to the editorial staff of the maga-

ago Symphony
e inners' Friend
tists to the fore by giving them the
chance to play with a major orches-
The sympathy and help that Stock
gave Mr. Brinkman on that occasion
is characteristic of his attitude to-
ward young musicians. He is ever
friendly, truly interested in the new
people who are trying to rise in the
music world. This humanness has
become famous among music lovers,
and, when transposed to ,his sym-
phony orchestra, fills the organization
with a warmth that most critics
maintain is the distinguishing quality
of the Chicago Symphony.
Stock, himself, regards his men as
more than people with whom he
comes in contact for several hours
of the day. He is anxious for their
welfare as individuals. During an
uneasy time two years ago when the
Musicians Union was making a dis-
c _srhrrn Ctn _ nn _ar" vin nn

Michigan Defeats Illinois
In Three Fields Of Athletic
Com petition Over Week-Enc
Track Team Overcomes High Scorer Wistert Restricts Illino
Handicap Of injuries To .-To Three Hits; Michiga
Defeat illini, 73-53 Scores Upset, 4-1
Balance Big Factor Artz, Oliver Each
In First Dual Win -* Get Three Safetie
Willis Ward, Although Off Wolverines Garner Eigl
Form, Scores 10 Points;N. Blows From Two Illino
Lamb, Hunt Star Pitchers
A crippled Michigan track team, By MARJORIE WESTERN
minus the services of its captain and Playing a brand of baseball n+
two sprint stars, came from behind a w seen in Ann Arbor for several yea
at the finish of an exciting see-saw ... Michigan's baseball team round
battle to spring a surprise 73 to 53 out a day of victories over Illinois
victory over the Orange and Blue defeating them 4 to 1 yesterday a
tracksters from Illinois here yesterday ternoon at Ferry Field before a lar
afternoon. crowd.
It wasn't record-breaking first The Maize and Blue nine set do
places that gave the Wolverines their the team rated as the best in t
first home meet of the season, for Conference last year, and picked
they won only seven of the fourteen some authorities for the title aga
events; but team balance, exemplified this season, with a combination
by second and third place strength. x ..excellent pitching, good hitting, a
When the final race ended and the fielding.
crowd of 2,500 fans moved on to see Whitey Wistert was the hero of t
the baseball team turn in a duplicate z? _, "aday, pitching the best game of his c
performance, the summaries con- WILLIS NARD reer. He allowed only three hits
tained an amazing number of soph- -M/CHJGAN- ;"the invaders, while Michigan g
omore point winners. eight from Masek and Carlson, t
Lamb Takes 2 Seconds Hr a.Z i Illini hurlers. On the strike-out si
There was Bob Lamb with seconds of the card the Michigan star
in the 100- and 220-yard dashes and tired eight men, while Masek w
a thirdin the low hurdes"Mo'HutGolfers Defeat able to strike out only one for t
wihafradathird in thelo hurdle"Hn Illini.
events; Neree Alix with a second in Ca in n tH his pla
the two-mile; Dave Hunn with ties at the top of the batting heap
for first place in the pole vault and connecting three times out of fo
high jump; and Jake Kauffman, Ndl- By B ig M argin trips to bat. Oliver's percentage
Stone robardsicek, EtHarves, AdaPttn, the day was perfect, with three h:
MrsnlB Siean, arvScheynPaoout of as many times at bat.
Marshall Silverman, Dan Schwenger, Dayton And Kocsis Make The first Michigan score came
ing column. Round In 70; Final Score the fourth inning. Wistert took
'T 3base on balls, and Regeczi, followir
Willis Ward, Wolverine all-around is 231 2T2him at the late; sacrificed him
star, although definitely off form, was second. Ratterman, coming up ne:
high-point man with a first in the With Captain Eddie Dayton and singled to right field, and Wlst
high hurdles, a tie for first in the Chuck Koesis each blasting out sub- crossed the plate for the score.
high jump, and a third in the dash,
for a 10-point total. Coach Hoyt was par rounds of 70, the Wolverine golf- Complete track, baseball and
competing him "under wraps." ers completely routed a six-man Ili- golf summaries will be found on
Cook Sets Record nois team yesterday on the Universit page 3.
Capt. Dave Cook of the Illini was Course, 23% to 3%. In the next inning Artz started t
responsible for setting the only rec-
ordpofsthe ftrnoon. th a hev The Illini failed to take a match in action with a single. Oliver repe
of the ften ion. Wit a heoe e either the singles or foursome events, ed, and Petoskey drove one out o
he shattered existing COnference and but garnered 1% points when Lyk( third base, scoring Artz and advar
Ferry Field records. Hoffman finished strong to halve ing Oliver to second. Paulson fo
Harvey Smith, Michigan half-miler with Kocsis in the single match, lowed with a sacrifice, giving be
who formerly ran for Illinois, had a each shooting a 75. The Wolverine runners a base. Then the Illini cate
satisfactory time at the expense of sophomore ace carded his 70, two er, Toncoff, trying to get Petoskey
his former teammates, beating out below par, in the morning round, second, threw to Weber. Petosl
Landmeier for a second in the mile when he teamed with Dayton to was safe, and Oliver broke for hoi
and Daughman to win the 880 event. blank Captain Baker and Hill, 3 to 0. A wild throw from Swikle to T
In the latter race he turned in the Dayton swept through his singles coff which the latter missed let C
best time of his career - a 1:54.7, only match with Hill to take a 70 and ver in safe.
.5 seconds slower than the 15-year-old win, 3 to 0. The Michigan leader Lewis Makes Only Run
Ferry Field mark, missed a 69 when his second shot on The seventh inning closed' I
Russell Wins 100 the 18th hole was trapped. Michigan scoring column. Artz s
Hunter Russell gave the Illini a fly- Illinois took a point in each of gled for the third successive tir
ing start by winning the opening 100- the other foursome matches of the With Oliver at bat, he stole seco
yard dash from Bob Lamb and Willis morning when Malloy and Markham Then the third baseman drove a v
Ward in 9.7. Then the see-sawing downed Hoffman and O'Neal, 2 to 1, uable single into left field, and C
began. Jack Childs won the mile. Vern and Larry David and Dana Seeley tain Artz made a quick trip across I
Eckert (I) took the 220-yard dash, defeated Barr and Miller by the plate, making it four for Michigan
Willis Ward broke the tape in the same score. The Illinois score came in t
120-yard high hurdles. Marsh Miller Hoffman took medal honors for second inning. Lewis, the India
(I) nosed out Ed Lemen in the 440 the Indian team, with his 75 carded third baseman, singled to Ratterm
and Jack Dufresne (I) beat Neree gai ocs Woody Malloy with He took second when Moyer gro
Alix in the two-mile. Dave Cook (I) a in his singles match with Baker ed out, Oliver to Lerner. On a pas
had woi the shot put. Michigan's out- followed Dayong and Ksi for ball he want to third, and came in
look was decidedly gloomy. medal honors o oei an infield hit by Duffner.
Things began to pick up when Hunt squad. Wistert's pitching, which Co
won the low hurdles and Smith won leave.Ray Fischer says was the best of
the half mile. Then the results of The Wolverine team will leave career, was characterized by a ha
the field even. taed to ces i. Thursday for Columbus where they very fast ball
will meet Ohio State on Friday in an

Theoutookwasroserattempt to extend their string of A B R H PO
Ward and Dave Hunn tied for first! dual meet victories to four. Coach Kasch rf ss 4 0 0 1 0
place in the high jump. Hunn also Ksh f s..
tied Irv Seeley (I) in the pole vault. (Continued on Page 3) Weber, 2b rf.. 2 0 0 1 3
(Continued on Page 3) Mellino, 2b .......2 0 0 1 1
Rusnhing Fee Frink, if..........4 0 0 2 0
Lewis, 3b........ 4 1 1 1 5
Sheriff Or No, Ring For Toncofi, c....... 4 0 1 3 2
Proposed Moyer, cf........ 4 0 0 1 0
Will .Reoen Nudist ,Duffer, b..-...4 0 1 11 1
° V Swikle, ss .....
Council Vote Masek, p........3 0 0 1 2
Colony Next Week Carlson p.....
ALLEGAN, May 5. - (I) -If Fred Entering students who desire to be T s4
rushed by fraternities will be forced Totals.... 34 1 3 24 16
C. Ring tries to open his Sunshine to pay a special rushing fee to the Michigan
Sports League nudist camp next week Interfraternity Council if a motion AB R H P A 2
he will be met by plenty of opposi- proposed by the finance committee Artz, rf..........4 2 3 2 1
tion from Sheriff Fred W. Miller. is passed at a council meeting Tuesday Oliver, 3b. . .3 1 3 2 1
night. Petoskey,ss.....4 0 1 2 1
Clare E. Hoffman, attorney for The motion reads: "All entering Paulson, 2b...... 0 0 1 2
Ring during his trial here on a charge students who wish to be rushed by Wistert, p -....... 3 1 0 12
of indecent exposure last year, an- a general fraternity shall register Regeczi, if....... 3 0 0 2 C
nounced Thursday that Ring planned and pay a 50-cent fee upon arriving Ratterman, cf . 3 0 1 0 0
to reopen the camp pending his ap- in Ann Arbor." Chapman, c.....4 0 0 11 1
This prospective measure is de- Lerner, b-...... 3 0 0 6
peal from his conviction on the in- signed to prevent men from eating --.-.4
decent exposure charge. Ring was free meals at the expense of frater- Totals........29 4 8 27 7
sentenced to serve 60 days in jail nitis. under the guise of being inter-; Illinois........010 000 000 -1

praisai tommission of uhe Laymens
Foreign Missions Inquiry in a Lay--
men's Foreign Missions Field \Day Director Of C ic
program scheduled for the entire day.-
The members of the Appraisal Com-
mission are noted for their report Is Known As B
published in the fall of 1932 under the
title "Re-Thinking Missions" which
was the direct result of an intimate By SALLY PLACE
study of educational and religious For a young, inexperienced pianist
institutions, established and main- to play a Liszt Concerto in public
tained by the Protestant churches in without previous rehearsal with the
India, China, and Japan. orchestra, is to say the least, a nerve-
Dr. William Ernest Hocking, pro-rchestrato
fessor of Philosophy at Harvard Uni- r
versity, will deliver the morning ad- Joseph Brinkman some 10 years
dress at the First Methodist Episco- ago was appearing with the Chicago
pal Church today at 10:45 a.m. The Symphony Orchestra under such con-
title of his address will be "The Pos- ditions in a contest at a public audi-
sibility of Conversion." Dr. Hocking's tion. Young Mr. Brinkman was nerv-
work in Oriental and Occidental phil- ous, apprehensive lest he and the or-
[osophical and religious thought has chestra should go each its own way
especially prepared him for the con- without being able to come together.
structive leadership he gave the Com- 'He envisioned his first appearance
mission of 15 laymen in their study ending, not, as he hoped, in triumph,
of the "foreign" field. Dr. Hocking but in a complete and hopeless fail-
is especially interested in primary ure.
and secondary educational institu- It was at this moment that Fred-
tions. erick Stock, the conductor of the
Mrs. Hocking, founder of the Shady Chicago Symphony Orchestra, which
Hill School in Cambridge, Mass., will will play here in the May Festival,
t,_ .1- ,.,-+ ,++L.,vi i- canial nrtrrr t Arr 'R inrm n

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