kasant Nights Bring More
Than 20 House Dances This Week-
Ten Houses To
Entertain With
Parties Tonight
Fraternities, Sororities To
Feature Spring Formals
This Week-Enl
Continuingrthe week-endactivi-
ties, ten more fraternities and so-
rorities are giving parties tonight.
Spring formals are the choice of most
of the houses.
Collegiate Sorosis is holding a sum-
mer formal, with music furnished by
Max Gail and his orchestra. Mrs.
Hazel Robertson and Mr. and Mrs.
George Dalliser, Jr., will chaperon.
An informal party is being held at
Alpha Xi Delta sorority tonight.
Chaperons will be Mrs. Dillingham,
Mrs. F. B. Anderson, Mrs. Maude
Cushman Thompson, and Mrs. Myrtle
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity is hold-
ing another closed formal as part of
the house party program. Kappa Nu
fraternity will hold a closed informal
tonight. The house will be decorated
to represent a ship and dancing will
orchestra will furnish the music and
be on the ship's deck. Buddy Friend's
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Remez, Lansing,
Rabbi Bernard Heller and Mrs. A.
L. Kaufman will act as chaperons.
Roland Waters, '36E, is in charge
of the open spring formal which is
being given at Phi Mu Alpha fra-
ternity tonight. Reed Pierce's or-
chestra will furnish the music and
the decorations are to be in modern-
istic theme. Prof. Otto J. Stahl, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Schalanderer, and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schalanderer have
been invited as chaperons.
An open summer formal will be
held at Trigon Club tonight. Yeat-
man's orchestra will furnish the mu-
sic for the party which has been
planned by Bruce Klein, '35E. Mr.
and Mrs. Ward Parr, Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Thompson and Dr. William
Brace will chaperon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mathes will
chaperon the informal dance to be
held at Theta Xi fraternity tonight,
Mr. and Mrs. William De Hann will
be the guests at Delta Theta Phi fra-
Hrowni Is Popuflar
Shade For Clothes
For Spring Season
Has anyone been under the mis-
taken impression that brown is dis-
appe4ring from the scene these days?
If anyone does feel that way, may we
announce that they are very, very
much mistaken. Brown is with us to
stay, for by past performances it has
proved its suitability for summer wear
as well as for more wintry clothes.
Brown combined with white seems
for some reason or other to be quite
as cool a combination as can be found
in any of the pastel shades. We are
all familiar with the brown and white
shoe, primarily for sports wear which
has maintained its popularity, but
now we have brown coming to the
fore in many other kinds of accessor-
ies as well as in frocks.
Linen Blouses Shown
The brown linen blouse which has
been worn with the spring suit may
be combined for summer wear with
the white linen outfit. The solid color
blouse is perhaps the smartest, but
there are prints in linen and in or-
gandy which are very good.
Street costumes combining brown
and white are especially popular and
the somewhat dressy suit for after-
noon as well as the street has taken
brown for its very own shade.
Such costumes may be seen in
printed chiffon, either a white figure
in a brown background or a pale
yellow or green note. Taffeta too
is used for these suits and one es-
pecially attractive outfit combined an
all brown crepe dress with a brown
and white taffeta coat.
Brown For Evening!
Even evening gowns are going all
brown; brown net and mousseline de
soie are appearing in great quantities
made up in all sorts o fluttery femi-
nine styles. A sort of reddish brown
shade seems to be the most popular
for evening and proves very becom-
ing to spr-ing[,tn.
A charming tennis dress recently
seen on the courts at Palmer Field
was of a brown and white gingham
check, made with a low back and with
larg'e wite buttons fastening it on
the thoulder,. Speaking of sports
we hear thai the all brown bathing
suit will be a featu-e of the beaches,
and the very betstbeach.les, too, this
Were To1G
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "The
Mystery of Mr. X" with Robert Mont-
gomerv: Majestic. "Bolero" with
The fraternities have announced
their guest lists for last night's par-
Phi Sigma Sigma
For the past week Miss Muriel Levy,
South Bend, Ind., has been the guest
of Phi Sigma Sigma.
Sigma Kappa
Audrey Dykeman, national presi-
dent of Sigma Kappa sorority, and
three members of the local chapter
attended the formal initiation of Al-
pha Tau chapter at Michigan State
today. Those accompanying Miss
Dykeman were: Cecily Sellars, '35;
Marjorie Cauffiel, Grad.; and Doro-
thy Shapland, '34.
Alpha Chi Sigma
Among the guests attending the
closed, informal party yesterday at
the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity were:
Esther Lincoln, '35, Kate Landrum,
'37, Betty Woodruff, '35, Eva John-
son, '34Ed., Causby White, '34D, Va-
lerie Roncu, '36, June Bradley, Ivy
Yarak, Milan, Clarissa Melloy, De-
troit, Madaline Marols, Lansing, and
Eleanor Wonderlic, Port Huron. The
chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. Claude
C. Peavy.
Alpha Kappa Lambda
The members of Alpha Kappa
Lambda fraternity announce the
pledging of Gordon Jeynes, '37, De-
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity enter-
tained with a spring formal dance
Friday night. Clarence Carlisle and
his orchestra, Detroit, furnished the
music. The chaperons were: Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Wilson, Lieut. and Mrs.
Coursey, and Dr. Brace.
Among the guests were: Edithf
Fromm, '37, Rebecca Gregory, '35,
Virginia Rapp, '37, Betty Bergner,
'34, Ardell Hardy, '36, Helen Wilson,
'35, Jean Durham, '36, Margaret
Sweetnam, '34, Frances Allen, '34,
Gertrude Bluck, '36, Jane Reynolds,!
'37, Kay McIntyre, '37, Catherine
Stoll, '35, Helen Holden, '36, Lucille
Johnston, '35, Catherine Thompson,
'34, Virginia Blight, '36, Mary Gar-
r ettson, '36, Harriett Heath, '37, Elea-
nor Noyes, '36, Jane Laing, '34, Isa-
bel Bonicave, '34, Ann Fitzgerald, '37,
Harriet Hathaway, '37, Calla Hean
Wilson, '34, Mary Margaret Camp-
bell, '37, Mary McIntosh, '37.
The out-of-town guests included
the Misses Betty Howey, Dorothy
Johnson, and Margaret Howes, all of
Chi Omega
r Chi Omega sorority announces the.
-l -
Riding Club Is
Organized Foe
20 Women Selected For
Membership In ' r o p
And Saddle'
The new riding club, The Crop and
Saddle, organized by Jane Brucker,
'35, and Miss Hilda Burr, instructor
in physical education, will be com-
posed of 20 members. These mem-
bers were selected from a group of 40
tryouts who went through various
manoevers on the Fair Grounds last
week. President and Mrs. Alexander
G. Ruthven, Captain and Mrs. Ar-
thur Custis, and Dr. Margaret Bell.
will act as patrons and patronesses.
To celebrate their election the new
members held a riding party last
Wednesday night which was so suc-
cessful that tney are sponsoring an-
other ride next Wednesday.
The Club has arranged a horse,
show for Saturday, May 19. Eliza-
beth Cooper, '35, Elizabeth Kanter,
'35, and Ada Moyer, '35, are now
working on plans for the event.
. The new members include: Martha,
Eragg, '37, Nancy Johnson., '35, Eliza-
&;eth Cooper, '34, Betty Miller, '37,
Franes O'Dell, '37, Elizabeth Kanter,
'., Miss Moyer, Mary Elizabeth
Moore, '37, Catherine Thompson, '34,
Josephine Hadley, '36, Josephine Wil-
cox, '37, Betty Vinton, '37, Dorothy
Groff, '35, Mary Potter, '37, Mary
Stirling, '35, Florence Bunton, '34,
Marion Holden, '37, Eileen Lay, '37,
Betty Greve, '36, and Stella Glass, '35.
pledging of Shirley Boening, '34D,
Green Bay, Wis.
Dorothy Park, '35SM, is in charge
of the arrangements for the Alumnae
Association meeting and luncheon
which the sorority is having today.
Delta DeRa Delta
Nautical decorations provided the
setting for the formal dance given
for the active members by the irliti-
ates and pledges at the Delta Delta
Delta house yesterday. Al Cowan's
orchestra played for the affair, which
was under the direction of Martha
Bragg, '37.
Out-of-town guests for the dance,
were: the Misses Norma MacIntosh,
Chicago; Frances Lawrence, Eileen
Cla+k, Virginia Macomb, Barbara
Braun, and Dorothy Lutes, all of De-
troit; Margaret Fuller and Viva Rich-
ardson, both of Lansing.
Plans For
Meet With
W-1 ?- ' V1 a
h estA p p
"The creation of the Freshman
Project Committee with the objec-
tives set up for it, I consider to be
the most important contribution to
the development of educational fa-
cilities for the Michigan women that
has been made in many years." This
was the written statement made by
President Alexander G. Ruthven in
reference to the plan recently formed
by the League Council to extend the
opportunities of freshman orientation
throughout the first semester. .
The plan which has been outlined
will place a group of five members of
the faculty at- the head of the com-!
mittee which will advise the presi-
dent of the League and the 20 stu-
dents in charge of the 20 freshman
groups. Regular weekly meetings
with the groups, extending through-
out the first semester, will be held to
acquaint the students with the op-
portunities of the University, to help
them with problems of curricula, and
to help determine the student atti-
tude which will be maintained dur-
ing the four years here.
Dean Alice Lloyd, upon being asked
about the plan, said that it met with
her "heartiest approval." Professor
Henry C. Anderson expressed his sat-
isfaction with the plan, when he said,
"f regard the new freshman project
as one of the real forward steps in
the education of the students. It has
my absolute sanction."I
Supplementing the direction and
assistance of the student advisers,
members of the faculty will assist by
giving regular weekly talks on es-
sential features of the university.
tnian Project
royal Of Faculty
Typical of the topics that they will
discuss will be the arts and social sci-
ences, and suggestions on social rela-
1and CO(et Will
A tractSoeal S e t
Society leaders from Ann Arbor,
Detroit, and suburbs are actively in-
terested in the Varsity Band con-
cert benefiting the Starr Common-
wealth for Boys, to be given at 8:15
p.m. Sunday in the Naval Armory,
An imposing list of patrons and
patronesses has been announced for
the concert, and debutantes and sub-
deb~ will be ushers and venders of
candy and flowers. Leaders from all
the important social clubs and groups
are on committees for the program,
the purpose of which is to raise funds
for further construction at the Com-
monwealth, west of Albion.
Led by Leonard Falcone, director
of the Michigan State College Mill-
tary Band and. guest conductor for
the occasion, the band will play a
program of six classics and semi-I
classics by comnposers .representing
five nations - Tshaikovsky .Liszt,
Ilerllioz, hiol t, Delibes, and .Wagner,
Three Michigan marches, "M Men,"
"Varsity," and "The Victors," will
comuplt-te the program.
Prof. Joseph Brinkman of the mu-
sic school faculty, pianist of the cele-
brated School of Music Trio, will
again appear on a Varsity Band pro-
graim as the soloist, playing Liszt's
, igai an Rhap :ody" in the Piano-
:ir id-band transcription by Nicholas
Valcone, a number which has been
adlded to the band's repertoire only
this year.
Tickets are on sale at Grinnell
Brothers' Music House, Detroit.
t-rd Baniers Wil
The first regular meeting of the
Michigan Bird Banders since its or-
ganization will be held at 1:30 p. In.
in Natural Science Auditorium today.
The program of the meeting in-
cludes a field trip to the Forestry
Farm where the members will observe
bird banding stations in operation,
and make general field study of birds.
There, will, be a dinner at 6 p. m.
in the League and a meeting at 7:30
p. m. in Room 2116 Natural Science
clu Will Hol
Spring Dance
And Programn
The members of the Cosmopolitan
Club will, hold their annual spring
formal tonight from 9 to 12 p.m. in
Lane Hall Auditorium. The Civic
Club orchestra, radio entertainers,
will play Cuban, Hawaiian, and Vi-
ennese music to provide a cosmo-
politan atmosphere, which will be
carried out in the decoration of the
hall with flags representative of all
foreign countries.
A colorful international atmos-
phere will undoubtedly prevail if the
guests will appear in their native'
garb as is the custom at this dance.
The club is offering prizes for the
best outfit of any nationality. 'Dur-
ing the intermission, therewill be an
interesting program given by some
of the members of the organization.
Besides a Chinese group dance and a
Spanish song, there will be a South
American tango dance. Emiliano
Erum, Spec., is in charge of the dance.
There will be refreshments dur-
ing the evening and an admission
charge of 50 cents for the men will be
made. The women are invited free of
charge. Anyone interested in may attend,
said those in charge.
Party lo 'Be Vv
l'ol~lchig'ai Chub>
IDressed in black and white and
wearing dominos, the Connecticut-
Michigan club is entertaining the.
Rochester-Michigan club tomorrow
night in the Ethel Fountain Hussey
room at the League.
Monroe Levin, '35, is chairman of
the dance, and it is hoped that this
affair will promote friendly relations
between the two organizations, he
The chaperons for the evening will
be Dr. and Mrs. Maurice R. McGar-'
vey and Mr.-Karl Reichenbach.
Reception Hlono-s
'Little Love' Cast
Vincent Wall, Grad., the author of
"Little Love," the play ,being pre-
sented at the League theatre, and
those members of Comedy Club who
are making their farewell perform-
ance in the play were honored at a
reception held last night at the
Thegraduating members who were
guests of honor are Ruth Hussey,
Grad., Barbara VanDer Wort, '34,
Frances Manchester, '34, Jay Pozz,
'34, Clarence Moore, '34L, and Lester
Griffith, Grad.
Members of the League Council and
their associates will act as hostesses
in the League dining room for the
next week. Georgina Karlson, '35,
under the supervision of Marie Metz-
ger, '35, head of the reception com-
mittee, is in charge of the plans.
The League dining room opened
this week and will remain open for
the rest of the year.
** *
Applications for positions on the
League committees may be turned in
to the Undergraduate Offices any
time before 5 p.m. Wednesday. Ap-
plications handed in after Wednesday
will be considered in special cases by
the League council, according to Bar-
bara Sutherland, '35Ed., secretary of
the League.
Positions are still open on the re-
ception, art, house, point system, pub-
licity, undergraduate fund, freshman
project, and social committees.
At a recent meeting of the junior
group of the local A.A.U.W., new of-
ficers were elected for the coming
year. The slate presented by Miss
Sarit~a Davis, chairman of the nom-
inating committee, was unanimously
Mrs. Karl V. Malcolm will serve as
president, Miss Mildred Weber, vice-
president, and Mrs. A. A. James, sec-
At tendil Co ( ~biC
Of Wonjell's
Mrs. Julio del Toro, president of
the Washtenaw County Federation
of Women's Clubs, attended the 16th
annual conference of the Southeast-
ern district of Federations yesterday
and Thursday inM Holly. Mrs. John
S. DeTar, Milan, attended as the of-
ficial delegate of the Washtenaw
Mrs. del Toro acted as chairman of;
the courtesy committee for the meet-
ing, and also took part in a forum on
"What Contribution Have You Made
to Your Community?"
.... ___________ _ ____
Michigan's tennis team won
first Conference- title in 1897;
second in 1925.
Can kour
, ,.°
I --
m i
. . r
ilk -J
to operate an
Mother's Day
is a week from
Sunday, don't
forget, we im-
plore you, and
in tune with
s u c h remem-
brances Gad-
About has in-
cluded shopping hints of things
that she will appreciate. Smart
folks will not put this important
item until the last of next week,
for a gift should arrive on time!
* *: *:
Like Gad-About, you probably
want something for your mother
that is personal and yet different.
The selection in that case should
include the Elizabeth Arden Bath
Mitts from The Quarry Iqc. A box,
costing what you will prefer to pay,
contains enough of these luxurious
sponge mitts, saturated with al-
mond soap to last a half year, and
one needs no soap, salts or soft-
ener when they are used. Isn't
it time these mothers had a rest
frcom th non-committals of hum-
drum life? After all, rompers days
are over for us, and it's time we
started providing those little items
that make living so much more en-
joyable and even a little gay and
giddy. This is in the nature of a
menon, so forgive but don't for-
This business of
"Saying It With Flow-
ers" isn't so prosaic af-
ter all, for there is. so
much one's mother can
read between the blos-
soms on hei' day. We
believe it particularly
when the flowers have the appeal
of those at Schegel's Florists. They
offer telegraph service and mailing
service if your order is in soon
enough. And after all, it is spring
and a gift of flowers is the offering
which is adored by any woman,
they mean so much and mean it in
the most thoughtful of manners.
W d mhc*
What dnin Votr mnthpr'e rmm-
signs of blue and white with navy-
ish covers. They are sure to give
mother's day and invigorating
touch and are so very useful! This
well known cosmetic array in-
cludes bulk perfumes, of Houbi-
gant, Chanel, and Coty. If scents
are your preference for a gift, why
not consult the Calkins-Fletcher
expert as to the appropriate choice
for a gift?
* * *
So that your mother will be
proud of you when you do the town
up together during Mother's Week-
end, we suggest a visit to
the Elizabeth Dillon Shop.
The person who means so
much to you can't help
but appreciate these
printed crepes and chif-
fons for campus and Sun-
day occasions. They are
the kind of frocks that go
places and do it with the
right degree of dash, col-
oring and comfort. Worn
with dark accessories on
gloomy days and with
white on sunny days, they are
turning the town print mad. And
wi ith the conservative prices, one
can give way to that well dressed
* * *
We dashed right back from Ja-
cobson's and ,ut aside our moth-
er's day theme in our enthusiasm
over the "Bolero" sandals which
they are showing in black and
brown with white. The same toe-
less and heelless exuberance in
which they succeed so splendidly
can be obtained in different tints
to match your campus fi'ocks. And
it's beyond power of words to por-
tray the sophisticate touch they
give you. Smart Floridans and
New Yorkers have simply gone
"Bolero," you
know, and a1
campus town
mustn't be be-
hind the times.
Cool Off
Dine where it's cool . . . where the menus feature
meals that make dining a delight, even in this
weather. *Let the Main Dining Room of the
Michigan League prepare you for the week-end
festivities . . . cool, comfortable and quiet. 0 The
League will be serving from now on: Luncheon at
thirty, fifty and sixty cents . . . dinner at fifty-
five, seventy-five, and eighty-five cents.
,UNC lII:ON: 12 TC I:30
DINNER: 6 to 7:30
:00 ' jO 2:301
HEN your morning co e bubbies
merrily in your electric percolator
... when you pour the fragrant amber
brew into china cups and sniff its rich
aroma.. when you sip its warming good-
ness and taste the smooth, full-bodied
flavor of this mellow brown liquid, zest-
fully appetizing and steaming h..ot .
have you ever wondered how much it
Your electric percolator operates for
2 cents an hour and gives you coffee deli-
cious as only coffee made electrically can
be. And your electric percolator is only
one of many econonical appliances. A
vacuum cleaner, for example, costs one
cent an hour. And electric cloc costs
one-fifth of a cent a day. An electric
washer costs 2 cents a week.
Your electrical servants are faithful
and dependable. Their wages are meas-
ured in pennies or fractions of a penny.
\Vhat other helpers can you find to
accomplish equivalent amounts of work
at wages so ridiculously low?
,- _ .. T
P '.'s - fr'"
5 ^
-c_ t 's
'4 4 . ? t .
P l
Ie sure that when your children are a little older that
they can have the preparation for life that they de-
serve. Start a savings account now for then, so
they may have every advantage of modern education
and can meet the world successfully.
"The neoits in this hank are insured by the Federal
T 7"h . - ,. ___ &
. 1