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February 18, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-18

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They Had Leads In 'Love On The Run'


Present A Play
Next Week-End
'See Naples And Die' By
Ehmer Rice b Being Pre-
pared For Showing
All the gaiety of an Italian out-
door scene, with the bright colors
under brilliant sunshine, as well as
the cosmopolitan group of people
likely to be met with in a Naples
hotel, will be depicted in Play Pro-
duction's presentation of Elmer Rice's
"See Naples and Die," which will be
given next week-end, Feb. 22, 23, and
24, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The staging will be particularly ef-
fective, since for the first time it
will be possible to use the cyclorama
of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
to its full advantage. The cyclor-
ama, or semi-circular extension at
the rear of the stage, is used in out-
door scenes to give the impression
of distance. The cyclorama in the
theatre is almost unique among those
of university theatres in that it is
permanent, being made of plaster,
which also has the advantage of
having a smooth surface, instead of
the more usual cloth.
Scene: Hotel Courtyart
The entire play is set outdoors
in the courtyard of a Naples hotel,
which is surrounded by variegated
colored houses and overlooks the bay
of Naples. In preparing the settings
for the present production the Rob-
ert Edmund Jones drawings used in
the original New York Production
have been studied and modified to
suit the requirements of the Lydia
Mendelssohn stage.
Costumes which will correspond
vith the colorful setting have been
planned by Jane Bassett, '35, Reta
Petersen, '35, and Alice Morgan, '35.
Everything is being done to make a
setting which will supplement the
adroit vivaciousness and brilliance of
the play, which is unique among
those o'f Elmer Rice in its flippancy,
Valentine B. Windt, director of Play
Production, said.
Many Types Of People
Many types of people are repre-
sented in the play, due to the very
cosmopolitan setting. The American
tourists abroad, including the very
proper lady from the west, the mil-
lionairess and the good natured col-
lege body all receive their share of
satire, as do the members of the
m a n y other nationalities present,
such as the noble Russian refugees,
designing Germans, and of course the
native Italians.
The box office at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre will be open after
10 a. m. tomorrow, with tickets sell-
ing at 75, 50, and 35 cents. Mr.
Windt said that a new arrangement
had been made whereby more satis-
factory seats will be sold down stairs
for 35 cents.
Dean Lloyd Artist
O Cl .ub Proramn
A program of exceptional interest
will be presented at a meeting of the
Ann Arbor Women's Club at 2:30
p. m. Tuesday in the League. Dean
Alice Lloyd, who is contralto soloist
of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
choir, will be guest artist. Mrs. Pres-
ton W. Slosson, the chief speaker,
will talk on "An American Woman
in Europe." Mrs. Slosson spent last
year in Great Britain while Prof.
Slosson served as exchange professor
at the Universities of Bristol, Man-
chester and Glasgow.

Hostesses for the afternoon, will be
Mrs. L. B. Wines, M'rs. E. E. Leland,
Mrs. Edna Babson and Mrs. H. L.

To Give Singing
Rehearsal For
0 Pera Course


DIramiia (Cass hear1
'The Gondoliers'
Casting Of oles


A singing rehearsal for "The Gon-
doliers," the Gilbert and Sullivan
light opera to be staged as part of
the class work for the new music
drama course given this semester by
Play Production and the School of
Music, will be held at 3 p. m. today
in the Laboratory Theatre.
The rehearsal this afternoon is
intended to acquaint people with
the scores of the opera in prepara-
tion for the tryouts to beheld this
The new course, which is given for
credit, has a large enrollment, al-
though there are vacancies for all
kinds of voices, especially for tenors,
bases and contraltos, Valentine B.
Windt said yesterday. Since the cast
for "The Gondoliers" will be defin-
itely chosen by the end of this week,
Mr. Windt suggested that anyone in-
terested in enrolling see him as soon
as possible. All students, regardless
of the college in which they are en-
rolled, are eligible.
Since the casting is to be by com-
petition, it is suggested that stu-
dents interested in tryout out, get,
scores, which are available at Wahr's.
Mr. Windt will be present for con-
ferences at 11 a. mn. and after 2
P. r. on Monday in his office at the
Laboratory Theatre.

Charlotte Simpson and Mary Ann Mathewson played the masculine
and feminine leads respectively in last year's Junior Girls' Play, positions
which Marie Abbott and Charlotte Whitman hold in the 1934 production,
"Gang's All There" which promises to be even more successful than
the preceding play.
Dean Lloyd Believes Students
Will AppreciateNovelty J.G.P.


Suits Prove

"On the contrary," Dean Alice
Lloyd said, "I believe that the stu-
dents will respond to any production
that is different if it is well done,"
when asked if she agreed with those
who state that a college crowd can
not appreciate anything that tends
toward the artistic.
The pantomime in "Gang's All
There" which will feature comic, styl-
ized, exaggerated dancing and an un-
usual musical composition by Paul
Tompkins, '34SM, will, according to
Miss Lloyd, have especial appeal for
a college audience. "They grow tired
of the same old stunts, the same old
clog dancing, and choruses," she said,
"and they enjoy a little wit as well
as clever staging."
This musical comedy which the
junior women are presenting in
March is quite a departure from
the usual type of production that has
previously been given, she stated.
"The book, written by Jean Keller,
has more action and is more original
in development than the ordinary
musical show," she remarked.
"The plot is quite unusual for a
SPhi Epsilon ro
.Iresen tMusicale'
Gamma chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon,
national honorary musical sorority,
will present a formal musicale at the
home of Mrs. Palmer Christian at
8:15 p. m. Tuesday,
The program, in charge of Mar-
garet Martindale, '34SM, will consist
of a group of vocal numbers pre-
sented by Virginia Ward, '34SM, con-
tralto, and two groups of violin se-
lections presented by Emily Mutter
Adams. Those present will include
patronesses of Gappa chapter, alum-
nae, and active members.
Dr. We d l (o Condude
1'Oruius About Religion
"What Is the Church" is the topic
of the lecture to be given at 7 p. m.
today at Harris Hall by Dr. Theodore
Wedel, in closing the session of a
three-day religious conference. The
general topic of the conference is,
"Is Religion Necessary?" After Dr.
Wedel's talk, a discussion of the'
speech and the conference in general
will be held.;

Junior Girls Play, as you know," she
said, "in that it is dealing with the
show business and a dangerous group
of racketeers and has nothing to do
with college at all." This is one mu-
sical comedy in which the plot really
matters, Miss Lloyd added. "The pre-
vious plays have all been good," she
remarked, "but each one has been a
step in advance."
The plays developed from a very
meagre beginning and gradually are
approaching a truly finished, profes-
sional production, said the dean of
women. "'Gang's All There' incor-
porates all the advances of 30 J.G.P.'s
which preceded it, and yet adds dis-
tinctive originality in plot, dancing,
and music that should make it out-
Hall, Hayashi Talk
To A.A.U.W. Gro1p
President Alexander G. Ruthven
opened a luncheon meeting of the
international relations group of the
A.A.U.W. yesterday, after which a
former attache to the Japanese em-
bassy in Washington, K. Hayashi
and Prof. Robert Hall of the geog-
raphy department spoke.
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counsel-
lor to foreign students, introduced
Mr. Hayashi whose topic was "Why
I Came to Michigan to Do My Grad-
uate Work." Dr. Hall's subject was
"Japan in the Far East."
The international relations com-
mittee of the organization is headed
by Mrs. Albert Reeves. All members
of the American Association of Uni-
versity Women board had places at
the speakers' table, and the Alumnae
Council of the University Alumni
Association, which is meeting here
this week-end attended as a group.
11ev. Fisher Opens
Series Of Sermons
Following an illness of several
weeks, the Rev. Frederick B. Fisher
of the First Methodist Episcopal
Church will return to his pulpit to
begin a series of sermons on "Re-
ligious Factors in the Present World

Types Are Latest
At last Ann Arbor is coming out
of the haze of doubt and obscurity
concerning spring fashions and is be-
ginning to feel really fashion-wise
and capable of coping with the prob-
lems of the spring wardrobe. All this
assurance comes from the fact that
word from the great fashion centers
has just seeped through into our
scholastic atmosphere.
According to all recently acquired
information the suit's the thing. Hon-
ors are divided between three sep-
arate and distinct types, including
the severely tailored type with the
short hip-length jacket, the well-
known swagger suit, and the en-
semble which features the long fitted
coat with the wind-blown effect. This
effect is achieved by the bunching
of the fullness in the front of the
coat under the snug belt.
Materials favored range from pas-
tel flannels to the rougher tweeds
and as for colors, we find that dark
blues are again most popular for
spring with beige and grey runners-
up in the fashion race.
Very little fur is used on these new
suits, most of the decoration coming
from the unusual blouses. Blouses
darker than the skirt with which
they are worn are popular again, and
much less surprising than they were
last spring wheh the combination
made its debut. Other popular blouses
are of the very vivid Mexican prints;
linen too is often used as well as
cottons to give that fresh and girlish
spring-like look.
On the other hand, if it is the
sophisticate appearance that one de-
sires, that too is obtainable by wear-
ing a strikingly tailored shirtwaist,
severely cut. Or for tea dates, the
unique type may wear the long-lined
tunic blouse with vivid coloring.

The scarcity of fraternity and so-
rority dances, an aftermath of the
J-Hop week-end, brought a record
crowd of 275 couples to the first
regular 'membership dance of the
new semester at the Union Friday
An atmosphere of gayety, moti-
vated by the absence of final exam
worries, pervaded the darkened ball-
room. The orchestra felt it and re-
flected it in their music. And it was
especially carried out by the promi-
nence of vivid-colored dresses, her-
alding the approaching spring.
As we entered, in the waiting room
downstairs, we saw Julie Kane, '36,
Soph Cabaret chairman, wearing a
plain, black dress which successful-
ly accentuated her blondness. With
her was Bunny Bingham, '36, in a
stunning 'green ensemble.
Black, Red, Green Popular
Peg Cowie, '36, 'What's Doing'
character, chose a dark dress,
trimmed in green. Also in black,
but with blue satin trimming, was
Betty Anne Beebe, '37, prominent in
the dance work connected with "The
Pied Piper of Hamlin."
Eleanor Owen, '33, Sorosis, who has
just returned to school, chose red for
her debut at the Union.
In the hallway between dances
we saw Sally Place, '34, Senior So-
ciety, and music critic, wearing black
faille with rhinestone accessories.
Ann Timmons, '6, 'theta J-Hop
queen, appeared in a fitted wine-
colored gown. With her was Jean
Seeley, '36, golfer, tangoer, crooner,
and Soph Cabareter, in a black Sun-
day night dress with a white collar.
Others who chose the popular
black and white combination were
Janet Crow, '36, Alpha Phi; Louise
French, '36, campus p o p u l a r i t y
queen; Ruth Kaser, '35,'J-Hop chair-
man of invitations and Jean Hatch-
er, '37.
Play J.G.P. Hits
Forsaking their home ground, the
League, over the week end, Miss
Ethel McCormick and Russell Mc-
Cracken were on hand to review
certain pieces which the Union Band
may play in the coming J.G.P. Miss
McCormick's Floridian tan, recently
acquired, provided a striking back-
ground for her dress of vivid pur-
Plain black was also the vogue.
Virginia Koch, '35, connected with
this year's junior girls' production,
wore this in satin, and Dorothy Vale,
'37, chose velvet.
Pi Phi's Dorothy Roth, '36, Soph
Cabaret, and Virginia Hartz, '34, were
on hand to hear their sorority sis-
ter, Mary Ann Mathewson, '34, sing.
Miss Roth chose navy blue, with- a
white collar and cuff set, Miss Hartz
a simple blue tailored outfit, and
Miss Mathewson a green dress, and
a crimson corsage. Vera Sebastion,
'34, also appeared in green.
We saw Bob Saltzstein in the ball-
room, the hallway, the lobby, the tap
room, the tower, the billiard room,
the bowling alleys, the dining room,
the elevator, the library and the
To Organ1ize Houises
Socially At Mee ing
A meeting for social chairmen of
all the women's residences has been
called for 4 p. m. Monday in the.
League by Julie Kane, '35, League
social chairman. Miss Kane was re-
cently appointed to the position in
the League, and is at present organ-
izing the various houses under the
social chairmanship.
Representatives from each house
will act as part of the entire social
committee of the League. If the
social chairman cannot attend the
Monday meeting, Miss Kane urges
that they send some house member
in her place.

kitchen. His fiery hair was offset
by a creation in brown.
Crowd At Chubbs
Possibly because of theclosing of
the Hut and the Den, the dance
floor at Chubbs was crowded last
night to the point where not one
m o r e c o u p l e could have been
squeezed on. Men-about-town Peko
Bursley and Graften Sharp were
there in brown and grey respectively.
Mary McCarthy, Pi Phi, was seen
dancing in a smart black ensemble
topped becomingly by one of the
new off-the-face hats, which very
few of the damsels seem to be able
to wear well.
Margaret Annis, Alpha Phi, chose
a smartly tailored olive green after-
noon dress with a harmonizing tur-
ban. Martha Bowen, Mosher Jor-
dan, was dressed in brown, while
Kay McHenry looked charming in
black crepe. Mary Brimjoln chose
black and white for her chic res-
taurant gown, and with it wore a
small black hat with a tiny net veil.
Dorothy Bromley, Zeta Tau Alpha,
appeared in a Sunday night dress
of red crepe.
Math a Cook PIns
A Faculty Musicale
A number of faculty members will
be entertained at supper tonight by
members of Martha Cook Dormitory.
Prof. and Mrs. A. E. Wood will be
the guests of Doris Campbell, '34,
and Marabel Smith, '34. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Sawyer, the guests of Donna
Becker, '34, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Koella the guests of Gertrude Schutz,
'35, and Margaret Kaseley, '35, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Bittinger the guests
of Barbara Jenkins, '34, and Miss
Ruth Pfohl, the guest of Mary Jane
Clark, '35.
After supper Helen Bentley, Grad,-
S.M., will give a piano program. The
numbers include Minuetto and Scher-
zo from Sonatina by Ravel, Siluetea
de la Calzado by Turina, Intermezzo
in C Major by Brahms, and Prelude
in G Minor by Rachmaninoff.
Will Resume DIance
(asess On Moday
Dancing classes for faculty mem-
bers proved so popular last semester,
said Miss Ethel McCormick, social
director of the League and sponsor
of the dancing classes, that they will
be resumed this semester starting
Monday night. A great number of
requests for their continuance had
been made by faculty men and wo-
men, said Miss McCormick.

Dramatie Group
[To 1loAd Tryouts
C(medy club Will Select
Mernhership This Week
]n Two-Day Test
Comedy Club will hold tryouts for
niembership at 4 p. in. Wednesday
and Thursday of this week in the
L a b o r a t o r y Theatre, it was an-
nounced y e s t e r d a y by Clarence
Moore, '34, president. Anyone on
ca mpus who is eligible may try out.
but freshmen and sophomores in
particular are urged to come. Any
memorized selection about two min-
utes in length, except Shakespeare
or poetry, may be given, Moore said.
Those who tried out unsuccessfully
in the fall will be permitted to try
out again, -provided they choose a
different selection.
Generally three plays a year are
given by the club, the only drama-
tic organization open to the campus
at large. The officers, in addition to
Moore, are Billie Griffiths, '35, vice-
president, Kathleen Carpenter, '35,
secretary, and Hubert Skidmore, '35,
New Location, 236 Nickels Arcade
Special Prices for Opening Week
Shompoo & Fingerwove 35c
Over Van Boven's Dial 6442
Michigan Union
Swimming Pool
fOr-morly with)
The Michiganz League
Ida~t Shop
elite fird Hair,
S ho/) P'e
5 Nickels Arcade
Phone 9616

Take Pictures
And have a permanent record
of your student life on the
See us for material and sup-
ples necessary for either in-
door or outdoor pictures
FranciscoaBoyce Photo Co.
Open Evenings and Sunday

Sylvester Chadmali,
Lucy Austin, '29,




wht lToGof

Lucy E. Austin, '29, and Sylvester
B. Chadman, '29, were married at
4 p. m. yesterday at St. Andrews, it
was announced yesterday. Eugene
C. Mathivet, Jr., '29, was best man,
and Margaret Coates, Detroit, was
maid of honor. The bride is affiliated
with Chi Omega sorority.

Moion Pictures: Michigan, "Fol-
lies of 1934;" Majestic, "Gallant
Lady" with Ann Harding; Whitney,
"The Death Kiss' with Bela Lugosi.
Dancing: Chubb's, Dixie Inn, Joe
Parker's, Preketes.
Faculty Recital: Palmer Christian
and Mr. Brinkman, Hill Auditorium,
4:15 p. m.
The annual Spring invasion
of "Blues," and since blue is
the most feminine of all fem-i
inie colors, promises to be
an interesting one, shades
ranging from navy to dusty
pastel . . .-and we are inter-
ested in showing to you our I
{ collection of "Slues."
Sizes from 12 to 24

Michigan Union
Dining Room







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