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April 27, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-27

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Formal Will

Be Held At Lawyers


Speidel's Band
Will Play Forl
Annual Dance
Indirect Lighting With
Varying Color Effects Is
Decorative Scheme
Spring, they told us, came March
21, but the Lawyers will officially wel-,
come it tonight when they don the
customary flannels and escort young
ladies, in organdies and laces, to their
annual spring formal in the Lawyers
The club will cast aside for the time
its usual dignified, somber air, and,
though a novel decorative scheme
centered about a special system of
colored, indirect lighting a festive
atmosphere will be created, in keep-
ing with the occasion.
George Knowles, who has had gen-
eral charge of the dance, will at-
tend with Margaret Keal. The com-
mittee men and their guests, notables
of the club, and numerous others will
be present.
Dancing will be to the music of
Eddie Speidel's orchestra from Cleve-
land, which will be accompanied by
Jerry Dale, a torch singer. Speidel was
a student in the Law School last year.
Refreshments will be served during
the dance and a supper at midnight.
Stunt Night Shows
Stunt night at the League grill
this week featured a variety of home
talent. Among the performers were
Betty Bergener and Lucile Lucas who
sang "Crazy Rhythm" and "Bye-Bye
Blues" as duets. Then came Nan
'iebel, a featured performer in this
year's J.G.P., who offered a tap dance.
Marion Hill played a number of
popular songs as her piano solo.
Among them she included one of her
own compositions. Her numbers
were "Spin a Little Web of Dreams,"
"Stardust;" "Everything I Have Is
Yours," and "Moonlight Down In
As a decided novelty on a Stunt
Night program Edna Mae Gustave,
Edith Chubb, and Dick Fuller pre-
sented one of the numbers from "Jun-
iors on Parade," the dance recital
given recently by Roy Hoyer's danc-
ing classes.
Two students in the University,
Lucille Peloquin, '37, New Troy, and
Vernard McComb Stilson, Spec., Flint,
were married recently at a ceremony
solemnized in St. Mary's Student
Chapel. 'The Rev. Allen J. Babcock,
rector of the chapel, officiated.
They were attended by Joan An-
derson, '37, and Charles Young, '37E,
Mr. and Mrs. Stilson will continue
their studies.1

Backstage Happenings Just As,
Fuiin y As Those Out in Front

Enthusiastic audiences greeted the
premiere and second night perform-
ances of the new Union Opera "With
Banners Flying." They found the
struggle bctween the campus social-
ists and our R.O.T.C. men, as well
as the impersonations of prominent
faculty members, hilarious enough,
but had they been cognizant of the
happenings behind the scenes they
would have been even more amused.
Perhaps play-goers were annoyed
when an usher dashed madly down
the aisle and interrupted the antics
of the football chorus. However, the
intorvention was merited, in that he
was bringing flowers for our All-
American tackle. It seems that "Blon-
die" Wistert so entranced some mem-
ber of the audience that he was hon-
ored with a pink geranium. The card
read, "From an Unknown Admirer."
Stage door Johnnies are no unusu-
al sight at Broadway productions, but
imagine the surprise of the gentle-
man wanting a date with the charm-
ing, Lily Caboose when he found out
that Lily was none other than Thom-
as E. Powers, prominent Michigam-
But every chorine did not make
such tremendous successes. One gal
attempted to drown her sorrow be-
tween scenes - a thing not at all
impossible since the Whitney is lo-
cated west of Division street. That
she succeeded may be proved from
the fact that she was partly support-
ed during the finale. What would
Honor Society
Holds Initiation
Fo r Freshmen
Alpha Lambda Delta, honorary,
scholastic sorority for freshmen wom-
en, will hold its initiation at 4:30
tomorrow at the home of Dean Alice
Lloyd. After the ceremony Dean Lloyd
will honor the active members and
new initiates at a buffet supper.
Eligible for initiation into the so-
city are all those freshmen women
who have received a half A, half B
average for their first semester grades
this year or for the second semester
of last year.
Among this year's initiates are
Margaret W. Brackett, Thelma E.
Chasman, Muriel Curtis, Gail H. Duf-
fenback, Billie C. Faulkner, Betty J..
Flansburg, Elsie Hamilton, Voltairine
Hirsch, Phyllis L. Huston, Gretchen
C. Lilman, Marie E. Mette, Elsie A.
Pierce, Marguerite Knab, Nancy L.
Quirk, Helen C. Shapland, Grace O.
Snyder, Ona J. Thornton, Mary Lou
Traywick, Edythe D. Turtletaub, and
Louise Van Evera.

President Rutabaga or Dean Beer-
sley have to say about this?
The rest of the cast waited until
after the show for refreshments, at
which time they rendered the "Ja
Bier" song. Popular opinion forced
them to go through the entire reper-
toire. Salvation Nell's ditty crooned
by Mike Brennan, '36, was enthusi-
astically applauded.
Epidermis, the leading Commun-
ist, played by J. Gordon McDonald,
'35, caused his colleagues much em-
barrassment when he failed to appear
at his cue. The dishwashers had to
ad lib for almost two minutes while
their hero finished a cigarette in back
of the theatre.
The Communists "ad libbed" be-
cause of necessity, but- Bid Cutting,
'35, volunteered cracks for the joy of
it. Some of these were so well re-
ceived that they will remain in the
Opera. Milt Peterson, director, says
the show changes every night, thanks
to the ingenuity of the cast.
Lecture Series
is Sponsored
By Fraternity
The fifteenth in a series of lectures
delivered by prominent members of
the University faculty before the
members and guests of the Gamma
Alpha fraternity was given recently
by Prof. Malcolm H. Soule of the
department of bacteriology. Dr.
Soule, on leave of absence last se-
mester and recently returned from
the Philippines, address the group
on the topic, "Leprosy in the Philip-
The Michigan chapter of the Gam-
ma Alpha fraternity, composed of'
graduate students in science, for a
number of years has had the custom
of having well known members of the1
University address the fraternity at
its open meetings, which are held
every two weeks. This feature, a
unique one in many respects, has
attracted much attention. By this
means new researches in the various
fields of science and the arts are
brought before the group for dis-
Those to lecture during the re-
mainder of the semester are as fol-
lows: on May 7, Prof. H. H. Bartlett,
chairman of the department of bot-
any; and on May 2-1, Prof. G. R. La-I
Rue, chairman of the department of
At the banquet to be held early in
June, Dr. E. C. Case, professor of his-
torical geology and paleontology, will
be the speaker.

Hit Opens To
Lai'"'e Crowd
A large house saw the opening last
night of Play Production's "Once in a
Lifetime," by George Kaufman and
Moss Hart. The audience included
members of the visiting Schoolmas-
ter's club as well as faculty members
and students.
Leading roles in the play, a satire
on Hollywood, were taken by Sarah
Pierce, '35, Charlotte Whitman, '35,
John Silberman, '34, Jack Nestle, '34,
and Goddard Light, '35, all of whom
have been prominent in campus dra-
matics during the past year. Miss
Pierce will be remembered for her
work as Elizabeth in Maxwell Ander-
son's "Elizabeth the Queen"; Miss
Whitman appeared as the feminine
lead in this year's Junior Girls Play;
and Mr. Silberman was the Duke
in the recent production of the Gon-
doliers." "Once in a Lifetime" will be
given again tonight and tomorrow
Play Production is also co-operat-
ing in the production of "Jack and
the Beanstalk," Children's Theatre
offering which will be given at 3:30
p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, under the direction of Rus-
sell McCracken, who also directed
"Once in a Lifetime." Tickets are
available at 25 cents for children and
50 cents for adults, although special
admission is charged for the members
of the Schoolmasters Club.
Nigh-Club Opened
At Betsy irbour
TO( 1101r Jly
Night clubs have opened with a
grand flurry one night and closed the
same evening. Such is the short
history of Betsy Barbour Club, but
no one-night run was ever more
Honoring the staff of the Dean of
Women's office, members of the de-
partment of physical education and
several women faculty members,
Mme. Diekema, as the invitation
stated, opened the cabaret.-
Welcomed by the hostess, Betty
Vinton, '37, guests were seated at
small tables set in the living room.
A tuxedoed master of ceremonies,
Mary Potter, '37, introduced the acts
of the show. Carolyn Sherman, '37,
coq feathers and all, was one of the
torch singers. Grass-skirted, Marya
Hoffman, '37, danced the hula to the
familiar "I want to go back to my
little grass shack."
While Doris Everett, '37, cigarette
girl deluxe, vended her wares, Doro-
thy Vale, '37, Jeanne McLean, '37,
and Rachel Lease, '37, harmonized
on some of the latest popular songs.
Miss Vale, as the gentleman, was
assisted by Marion Holden, '37, mak-
ing up a ballroom dancing team.
Climaxing the entertainment was
the presentation of the "Sensational
success of the Penny Carnival," "Wild
Nell, the Pet of the Plains."


open formal tonight, with Dr. and
Mrs. R. C. Fuller chaperoning. The
dance has been planned by Robert
Hensel, '36.
An informal, closed dance will be
given by Theta Chi tonight under
the direction of James Bauchat, '35.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Nielson will attend
as chaperons.




Ann Arbor's Largest Reslauranlt - Established 1899
Special Tenderloin Steak Dinner Every Day at 45c
Also T-Bones, Porterhouses and Chops
Dancing Friday; Saturday, Sunday, of course
Friday 6:00 - 7:30; 9:30 - 1:30 Saturday 6:00 - 7:30; 9:30 - 12:30
Sunday 6:00 - 11:00

Mae West Will Choose
College Beauty Queens

i+. . .. .E. .. . .,. . ..... .'.®-. , . 4, .. . A.,..... , ....,.., a

Spring Women's Shoe
450 Pairs go at

Louisiana "Tech" beauties rate
highly this year. Mae West will se-
lect the beauties who will be featured
in the beauty section of the "Lagni-
appe," college yearbook. Perhaps she
can be serious after all. She is the
second movie star to choose the most
beautiful of the co-eds. Buddy Rog-
ers acted as judge in.1930.
The "New England Model League of
Nations" met recently on the Har-
vard campus to discuss world prob-
lems in the manner of the League of
Nations at Geneva. The model league
has an annual meeting which closely
follow$ the procedure of the real)
league. Clark University, Rhode
Island State College, Connecticut
College, Smith College, Mount Holy-
oke College, Yale University, and
Harvard University were represented.
Friday, Saturday, Monday
S ts for
Sports, Afternoon, Evening
Sizes 12 to 44
Values from $12.75 to $25.00
Crepes - Sheer - Prints
Three Groups
$7.95 $12.75 $16.75
s1 Slipover and Blouse Type
Tweed and Flannel
Sizes 206- 30, at }

a O-C-
f -
They're styles that *
when it comes toswag-
ger, novel trimming
and smart style .. of
smooth calf...buck or

But Not In
Every Style


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