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April 27, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-27

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nujm-'- Iwwae--..-
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
$zgociated ~okiate $rtes
1933(NATONM ' COV{RAGE 1934 -
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathces credited to"it or
not otherwise credited in thli paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of-special
dispatches are reserved.
Eantered at thetPost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Asistant Postmaster-General.
Sbscriltion duringsummer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50, During regulai school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: PCollege Publications Representatives,
Inc., 4C East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITYEDITOR...................B ACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR ..................CAROL J. HANAN

advice offered the council was so weighed under
by the flood of popular prejudice based on political
pressagentry, that the Council dared to take no
action at all.
The Daily does not presume to decide which
system for improving the water supply is best.
It does, however, insist that regardless of how it is
done, it must be done without further delay!
Technical experts, men who have made a life
study of such situations, say that there are three
bases for the consideration of a proposed water
supply: quality, dependability, and cost.
In quality, University experts say, well water,
if softened, would excel softened water from the
Huron River. It is clearly free from pollution, its
temperature is more desirably uniform, it has no
taste or color, such as might affect river-derived
In dependability, technical advices disagree.
It has been stated that our underground source
is clearly undependable, and might run out within
the next five years, necessitating the drilling
of additional wells, at additional expense. On the
other hand, it is true that no comprehensive sur-
vey has ever been made to determine exactly the
extent of our underground sources. It is true un-
deniably that the dependability of the river source
is unquestioned. Even though no rain should fall
for a period of eight months, the water in Barton
Pond from which the supply would be taken could
easily supply the needs of the city. It has been
mentioned that some commercial firm might use
the river for industrial waste drainage, but the
possibility is remote because of the nature of the
Huron River.
The final consideration is the cost. It should
be the least important of the three, for the
quality of our city's water should be the finest,
regardless of the expense entailed. Clearly, it
would be less expensive to use the Huron River
as a source than to build a softening plant using
the present source of supply. The Board of Water
Commissioners has recommended to the Council
that a plant for the extraction, filtration, and
softening of water from the Huron would amount
to approximaely $300,000. At the same time they
reported that the cost of softening the present
system would be very obviously out of the ques-
tion. Although no figures are quoted, it is stated
that the cost of piping the water from each of
the wells to one place for treatment would be a
tremendous expense. Further than that, the board
warns that with the well system, there is always
the possibiliy that another well might have to be
drilled at additional expense.
Such are the facts. They are clear and unbiased.
The Daily pleads that the judgment of them be
left to technical experts, that laymen refrain from
presuming to offer opinions. But above all, and
by whatever means, let us have action at last,

Screen -Reflections



TIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Bal. Ralph G. Coulter William
G. Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Vleck, E. Jerome
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Bek, Eleanor Bum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott,
Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thoma A. Groehn
John err, Thomas H. Keene, Bernard B. Levick, David
G:. McDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell,
Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed. Robert S. 'uwitch,
Arthur S. Settle, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Silverman,
Arthur M. Taub.
Dorothy Gie, Jean Hanmer. Florence Harper, Eleanor
Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor-
rison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
............................... CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur-
ner; Classified Advertising; Russell Read.; Advertising
ServIce, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Ifnuusi; Circula-
tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson.
ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ros-
enthal, Joe Rothbard, George Atherton.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise
Florez. Doris Giminy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds.
FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold-
smith, David Schiffer, William Barnt, Jack Ricardson,
Charles Parker, Robert Owen, Ted Wohgemuth, Jerome
Grossman, Avnr, Kronenberger, Jim Horisey, Tom
Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall,
Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin,. Lyman
Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Alien Ulpson, Richard
Hardenbrook. Gordon Cohn.
Time For Action
On Local Water Supply...
T is clearly unsatisfactory and ought
to be improved. Although the Water supply has
degenerated to the point of-offeisiveness, and al-
though unfavorable comment and reports have
been made for over 20 years, nothing has been
done to improve the supply. The City Council
will consider the report of the Board of Water
Commissioners at its next meeting Monday, and
ought to act while the opportunity presents itself.
Since the water board took over the problem
of supplying the city with water in 1914, Ann Arbor
citizens have been protesting the unsuitable sup-
ply. Until 1918, the city was using Huron River1
water with an antiquated system of purification.
At that time, however, the supply became so
clearly unsatisfactory that, impelled by popular
clamor, the city ran a pipe out to the Steere
farm, four miles south of the city, where water
was derived from a group of wells. This project
cost the city $350,000. From that time on, the
Steere farm water became steadily so distaste-
ful, so filled with mineral ingredients, and dif-
ficult to use that a few years ago, the water board
had two more wells drilled, the Montgomery and
the Barton, which together with the Steere wells,
have been supplying the city since.
That the present water system is bad is unde-
niable. The people of Ann Arbor have been com-
plaining of the water constantly; yet no real ac-
tion has been taken. The City Council has had
over a half dozen technical reports and recom-
mendations made to them; one of which, by
Maury & Gordon, consulting engineers of Chicago,
in 1926 post the city $10,000 and yet was put away
-seemingly without being read.
The University, which uses over one million
gallons per day, about 30 per cent of the total
city's consumption, has had to incur needless ex-
pense because of the corrosive effect of the water
on the plumbing, and has been so dissatisfied with
the quality of the water, that in 1926, the Uni-
versity considered installing a water plant of their
own, to extract water from the Huron River, and
had University experts draw up plans for such .a
venture. The plan was deemed feasible, but the
financing of such a scheme was prohibitive to the
It is evident that the water might be improved in

The Theatre
A T LAST we can say it! Play Production's 'Once
in a Lifetime" is a show without a flaw! This
is a statement of considerable breadth, and it
should be borne in mind that it is a comedy, not a
drama, "Elizabeth the Queen" is still the finest
production that Ann Arbor has seen this year. But
"Once in a Lifetime" is the snappiest, technically
the most perfect, from an entertainment stand-
point the most uproarious, of any of Ann Arbor's
1933-34 non-musical presentations.
Many of you know this play. You have seen
it on the stage or in the movies. You have experi-
enced the delight of its sharp satire on the Holly-
wood movie industry, the pure comedy of its char-
acter sketches. You have learned to like immensely
the unmatched trio of cynical but lovable May
Daniels, the voice-culture expert (Sarah Pierce),
Jerry Hyland, the dynamic promoter (John A.
Silberman), and mentally nebulous George Lewis
(Goddard Light), whose ineptitude at supervising
a cinema production is matched only by his genius
at cracking India nuts. But the fact that you have
previously met these people has no bearing on the
problem of whether you should see Play Produc-
tion's version. The play is identical, but the con-
ception is filled with a bright, sizzling newness
that makes the production different from anything
that you have seen this year.
The George S. Kaufman-Moss Hart play is
sound comedy. It does not depend on artificiality
for laughs; no elaborate stage machinery is
needed. All is there, all is seen, and yet all is side-
splitting. There is, of course, much subtlety in the
lines- which are necessarily masterful - but the
true joy of the play is in almost unbelievable cari-
When Russell McCracken was announced as di-
rector, I foresaw an amusing evening. The results
have proved that Mr. McCracken, if past work
means anything, is almost incapable of producing
a lemon. His tempos were matched and harmo-
nious with unerring accuracy; his groupings, his
business, his complete grasp of the character im-
plications made the seven somewhat episodic
scenes into a unit hazardous to visceral well-being.
Miss Pierce once again demonstrated her out-.
standing worth. She has, in particular, two at-
tributes of high importance: great powers of con-
centration, and an unusually permeating and
thrilling voice which is capable of a wide range of
versatility. When her voice is ultimately brought
under her control, she will be about as close to per-
fect as'an actress at her stage, of experience can
be expected to be. Last night her voice was, with a
few exceptions, nicely under control. Had the re-
mainder of the cast been less notable, less beau-
tifully harmonized, her performance would have
been unusually conspicuous for its mingling of
pathos and comedy.
Mr. Light, cast in a role in every respect fitted
to his talents, rose to the occasion - rose, in fact,
above it. His business with Indian nuts, his demon-
stration of execrable stupidity, his almost Harpo
Marxish moments of rising ire, brought pleasing

Aubrey Piper ............Spencer Tracy
Amy .. .... ........ ....Madge Evans
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's screen version of
George Kelly's "Show-Off" is a one-man show but
the kind in which it is impossible to tire of the
antics and the personality of that ever vital indi-
viduality who calls himself Spencer Tracy.
The story deals with the tribulations that beset
a chronic boaster. As J. Aubrey Piper, the hero of.
the play, Mr. Tracy all but breaks his arm in
patting himself on the back. He is one of those
fellows who knows everything about everything.
He tells his boss how to run his business, settles
matters of importance with a grandiloquent wave
of the hand, and in general makes a nuisance of
himself. He brags of his social position, his motor
cars, his estates, none of which he has. Through
all of his experiences, as manager of his brother-
in-law inventor, as a sandwich man advertising
a cheap beanery, as a bookkeeper in a railroad
office he remains true to his character, his dom-
inating "humor," as our drama professor would
term it, the braggart, the entrepreneur, the show-
Since this film concerns itself chiefly with Spen-
cer Tracy, it is no more than fitting to devote
character analysis to him. Made famous by his
sincere and effective portrayal of the convict in the
stage production, "The Last Mile," Mr. Tracy has
been gradually building up for himself a reputation
as an actor capable of portraying the most varied
dramatic roles. It is true that the movies, true to
form, havekept him down to a stereotyped char-
acter in most of his screen roles, but he has
overcome this handicap by his injection of touches
of originality, humor, and spontaneity. Unlike the
slick, well-groomed clothes-model Hollywood us-
ually presents as the hero, he is the human young
man of today, putting over a polished perform-
ance instead of a polished appearance.
"The Show-Off" is a good comedy. It shows the
average family with its matter-of-fact troubles, its
mother-in-laws; father-in-laws, brother-in-laws,
and sister-in-laws. Well photographed and consis-
tent in its theme and continuity, it brings home
to one the spirit of the typical American family.
Manager Hoag must be complimented for secur-
ing short subjects that are different and genuinely
funny. There is a two-reeler, I think, in which the
"Barber of Seville" is presented in a modernistic,
burlesque style that tickled my ribs and should
yours. ur ..S.
"The Mimic World," is the stage attraction at
the Michigan starting Sunday. According to ad-
vance announcements, the Michigan Theatre will
present a stage show in conjunction with its fea-
ture film that promises to be different from any-
thing previously presented on the Michigan stage.
As the title suggests, it consists of a coterie of
clever artists selected for their ability to imperson-
ate stars of theeradio, stage, and screen. Among
those to be impersonated are Mae West, Amos &
Andy, Joe Penner, Lupe Veez, Ed Wynn, Bing
Crosby, and others. Accompanying the performers
is the Cadman-Wayne Orchestra of eleven musi-
cians who gained their reputations last summer
playing at the "Dance Ship" at the World's Fair.
Collegiate Observer
The following is a letter which was found in the
editorial office of the Brown student publication:
"Dear Dad:
Just a line to tell you I've a swell prof who
says A's aren't important to success at all.
You know, Dad, Einstein once flunked out in
Math.; it just goes to show, Dad, what a racket,
this marking business is. The profs select pets
and you can't beat it. If a fellow doesn't wear
smoked glasses and stoop like a longshore-
man under a stalk of bananas, he doesn't
stand a show.
I'm a sort of conscientious objector, Dad;
I think if you get the worth out of a course,
exams don't matter. They're just a grind that
weakens your eyes and your health, and mums
is always warning me about that. Travel
broadens, but studying just thinnens.
Profs can't correct all the papers in large
courses, so they just give you what they think
you deserve, and if you haven't agreed with

them in everything you don't stand a chance.
But I was always like you, Dad, I stood up and
objected if something seemed wrong to me.
Well so long, Dad, and love to Mums,
Respectfully yours, your son J
P. S. By the way, Dad, you'll find my last
semester grades enclosed."
Here is good news for the seniors. According to
the best available statistics only 15 per cent of the
1,500,000 graduates from American colleges and
universities have succeeded in securing something
that we might call a job.
* * * *
In the spring a young man's fancy turns to
thoughts of - finals. But spring also brings ro-
mance and romance brings headaches, and head-
aches bring

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-- -


of William

XWilson Cook



c 1 UjIE i 1 the LaW uadraifige
U'of' the university of Mlichigan
will be dedicated, a gem of architec-
tualtyauty? preachment in stone
and a aen uic iation of certainlel
practices. W inspird Cook to
endow this magnificent Law Club
Why were the Iwo sculptured heads
4wuntaent x ig the base of twe arce- js
Who was William Wilson Cook? The

answers to these questions forix


A danca
A data
Next Daya
A quizza
No passa
Gee whizza!
but then what is these days?

most fascinating story

0 s 0


Not original,

A registrar at the Barber's College is reported



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