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April 24, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-24

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a.'. -

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
-sorilated 0olkrat )reSz
1933 w 0co.raG.9 34
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathces; credited to it or
not otherwise credited 'in thbi paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the cost Office 'at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class" matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third ASistant Postmaster-General;
8r15scrit ion during summer by carrier,r $y00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75. by
wail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publicatit.-ns Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 4C East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston; .812 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
LIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter. William
(i. Ferris, John C, lleatley, George Van Wleek, E. Jerome
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
s-ens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: 4arjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REnPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott,
Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thoms A. Groehn,
John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard B. Levick, David
G. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell,
Kenneth Parker, William H. Reed, Robert S. RuWitch,
Arthur S. Settle, Jaco C. Seidel, Marshall D. Silverman,
Arthur M. Taub.
Dorthy Gier, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor
John1lr~n, Rto Loebs, Josephine 'McLean, Marjorie Mor-
riso1, ;ally Plare, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
........ .... .....CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur-
ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Head, Advertising
Service, Robert Ward; Accoutnts, Allen Kmunst; Circula-
tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymon.
ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ro-
enthal, Joe Rothbard, George Atherton.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise
Plorez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths. Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonda.
FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold-
smith, David Schiffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson,
Charles Parker, Ro'oert Owen, Ted Wohlgemuth, Jerome
Grossman, Avncr, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom
Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall,
Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman
Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard
Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn.
Tonight's The Night
At The Whitney . .

although huge in itself, was definitely limited in
Pension payments fall into no such category.
They grew out of the Civil War, and for the rest
of the nineteenth century the G.A.R. was a na-
tional power in politics, holding the threat of its
voting. strength as a bludgeon over recalcitrant
Presidents and Congressmen. The comic-opera
Spanish War has furnished another sorry example.
Today payments to veterans and dependents of
men who were in that war exceed by far pay-
ments made before the World War period.
And now it is apparently proposed to create
another privileged class, to pay a man the rest
of his life if he spent six months at a southern
training camp during the war. The veterans' lobby
will, if not curtailed in some manner, make a
uniform the one-way ticket to life support, which
.was just what President Roosevelt was attempting
to stop. Because a veteran became ill in 1923 is no
cause for his automatically becoming eligible for
life to dip into the public funds. But the vet-
erans' lobby thought it did. And what is more
important, they forced Congress to adopt that
view. The grab-bag was open.,
Roosevelt found it imperative to attempt to
close it. In the hysteria of . the special session
Congress did close it partly. But now, with' elec-
tions coming on and the lobby operating with
full force, Congress gave in, notwithstanding.
Presidential disapproval.
The Michigan delegation in both houses showed
no concern over either an unbalanced budget or
broken promises of economy. Early in this year's
session, Horatio Abbott, Michigan Democratic
national committeeman, wired Michigan Dem.
ocrat members in the House, asking them to sup-
port the President. Among the ones who indig-
nantly told Abbott to mind his own business was
Rep. John C. Lehr, who represents this district.
Retorted Lehr: "I have, ever since I have been in
Congress, unqualifiedly and absolutely supported
the program of the President, and it is my present
plan to do so." He further mentioned his "38
years of unselfish support of the Democratic prin-
Yet Representative Lehr was among the Mich-
igan delegation who three weeks ago voted unani-
mously to override the President's veto of the
pension bill. What could have worked to halt his
"unqualified and absolute support" of the Presi-
The answer is clear. He comes up for election
next November and he might well have feared the
influence of the veterans' lobby.
That is the situation nationally as well. The
lobby is triumphant. Whether it will remain tri-
umphant depends on the electorate. Despite the'
great American tendency for glossing over the de-
fects in the country's system, such a pernicious-
ness cannot and will not be permitted to exist

screen Reflections
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w by

G-.t OD?1

Mary ................... Norma Shearer
Tommy ............ Robert Montgomery
Lord Rexford ......... Herbert Marshall
After an absence of 18 months, Norma Shearer.
who somehow got the title of "First Lady of the
Cinema," makes a reappearance on the talking
screen in "Riptide," an ultra-modern story with a
Continental background, written and directed by
Edmund Goulding. It is unfortunate that an old,
threadworn story should have been given to the
star of "Smiling Thru" and "Strange Interlude."
It is the aged triangle of a woman torn between
love for her husband and her playboy acquaint-
ance. Lord Rexford must leave Mary to attend to
business, and she wants lovin'. On the verge of
boredom, Tommy gets a new interest from Mary
who leads him on in order to relieve the monotony
of her existence. The newspapers pick up the
scandal and smear it over their sheets. Friend
husband comes home with divorce papers in his
pocket. The remainder of the time is spent with
the portrayal of Mary's indecision.
Robert Montgomery is an excellent comedian
and plays the part of the intoxicated playboy very
well. Norma Shearer-is at home in her part and
makes the best of the trite dialogue she is supplied
with. Herbert Marshall is disappointing as the
husband in as much as he is just too, too, too noble.
He thinks Mary is too, too, too divine. Everyone is
too, too something or other. Technically well
mounted, "Riptide" will please those patrons who
like the drawing-room problem drama in which
there is much anxiety, conversation, and too many
tears. On the other hand it will bore those who
like to see something different for their money.
~J. C. S.
T~4 h nt ^ t-


The Twentieth Book in Harpers Monthly Pulpit


Musical Events


AFTER A WINTER of comparatively tranquil
hibernation the Detroit theatre is beginning
to stir restively, to prove that night is not eternal,
to provide entertainment other than lecture series
and first-run movies. This awakening is extended
to the Cass and Wilson Theatres. Walter Hampden
is the famed star who will give the Cass its 1934
baptism, with a repertory program which, having
started last night, will extend through Wednesday
night. The De Forest Famous Players, a glorified
stock company, will open next Monday at the Wil-
son, continuing for several weeks with a new play
each week.
Mr. Hampden's offerings will be as follows:
Monday and Wednesday evenings, "Richelieu";
Tuesday evening, "The Servant in the House";
Wednesday matinee, "Macbeth." The De Forest
Players (with Margaret Fitch, Melva Gerard, Mar-
tin Burton, and Phillip Dakin) will open with P. G.
Wodehouse's comedy, "Candle-Light." All will be
reviewed in this column.

- - - - - - - - - -I
contact the Student Body throunh
ihe Michigan Daily Classified Ads
F.otnomitla. .. Efficient.*
I tt Zt U14at
420 Maynarif Street
The 1934
will be out the first week
in May.
Make 2nd and 3rd payments at
St udents Publications Bldg.

Where? At the opening perform-
ance of the revival number of the Union Opera,
"With Banners Flying," at the Whitney Theatrej
They will come to watch some 75 men students
don dresses, falsetto voices, and what not, to show
women students, men students, faculty members,
and administrators how others see them.
Advance notices promise that everyone from
President Alexander G. Ruthven to Etaoin Shrdlu,
'37, will come in for ,his share of the "razz fest"j
that will follow the opening curtain. The show,
meant to be a satire of all those things which we'
cherish so on the campus - to show us up ast
others see us, will also furnish an evening of real
For your own edification, as well as for fun's
sake, we'll see you there.,
The Gr i B.. . .
W RITING in the March issue of}
The Forum, Editor Henry Goddard
Leach came out, with enthusiastic praise of Presi-
dent Roosevelt's accomplishments in his first year
of office. To Editor Leach the New Deal was man's
supreme gesture toward perfection. In a sweep-
ing disregard for the oft-spoken view that it
approached a New Deck rather than a New Deal
he described Roosevelt in glowing and compli-
mentary terms.
It is not our purpose here either to applaud or
gainsay Mr. Leach's editorial. Yet in one detail,
his discussion of the veterans' lobby, we agree most
strongly with him. .Said Mr. Leach, in discussing
the President's achievements: "First, the smash-
ing of the veterans' lobby. The pension racket
had become an octopus of billions of tentacles
threatening to throttle and emasculate the eco-
npmic freedom of American life. ,At the rate we
were going over half the tax-burden of the peace.-
loving American people would in a few years have
been required to support in princely pauperdom
the widows and derelicts of war. It was Roosevelt
who laughed fearlessly at political expediency and
administered the nension lohhv a definite check-

Introduction (Sonata in the style of
Suite : A Chinese Garden ........ DeLamarter
The Fountain
The Legend
Scherzo (Sonata for Organ) .........Parker
Soul of the Lake (Seven Pastels from
the Lake of Constance) ........Karg-Elert
Two Choral Preludes:
"O Welt, ich muss dich lassen" . .Karg-Elert
"O Welt, ich muss dich lassen" . . . .Brahms
Fugue a la gigue .. ..................Bach
Prelude and Fugue in D Major ........Bach
Mary Anne, Mathewson, who has made several
musical appearances on the campus before this,
will present her graduation organ recital this
afternoon in Hill Auditorium. With a native gift
of music,"Miss. Mathewson is at home in many
branches of the art. Shehas aadifficult program
cut out for her.
In Review
The recital had its high spots and its low spots.
It began on high with the double concerto of
Chausson, with .solo work and ensemble work well
balanced, well blended and distinctive. But with
the Bach (arranged by Harold Bauer for the mod-
ern piano .and, still in manuscript), which may
have been too delicate a thing for Hill Auditorium,
there was a let down. It somehow didn't register
tonally or in flowing coherence. Speaking impar-
tially, the Debussy quartet, performed by four
young women, was the peak of the program, for
in tempo and ensemble, in plausibility, that is, it
seemed to have been assimilated in its entirety,
in all its contours ebb and flow; this quartet
moved in a finished performance.
The next two numbers, Mozart-Grieg piano so-
.ata, arranged here for chamber orchestra, and
the Pillois Rhapsody chiefly proved the training
and co-operation of the ensemble, with good bal-
ance and color values nicely drawn. The Pillois
was of the two more enjoyable, from' a musical
standpoint. The Brahms Sextet, after a hiatus, got
into full swing, for an effective, smooth, artistic
performance. To conclude, the Dvorak, with addi-
tion of harp, which in Hill Auditorium, obviates
the tonal purpose of the piano by its opposite,
more reverberating tone, swung to a noble finish.
The chamber music class is probably one of the
largest of any school in the country. This program
demonstrates that it is doing an ambitious task
well, for the performance of these students com-
pares, if, actually, is not superior, to the work
being accomplished in other studios. Some cham-
ber music recitals have been broadcast; few have
been on such a scale as this, and few have been
superior in finish. Mr. Pick may well be satisfied
thatThis work and plans, which are cumulative in

Collegiate Observer
The head of the botany department at the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario stated that the average
professor told from eight to 18 down-right lies per
lecture and that most text books contain an aver-
age of 120 false statements or mistakes. Then he
claimed that the students were suckers or chumps
for taking them all in. (What's the poor student to
When two freshmen were questioned at the
University of Illinois about turning in the same
answers on a history quiz they replied, "History
repeats itself."
Cribbing was made compulsory on a quiz given
recently in a University of Texas psychology class.
Each student was directed to look at other papers
and compare answers, and to cheat in any other
way provided he did not talk. The purpose of the
test was entirely experimental, the material having
been previously covered. No results were an-
* *
At last the dance drunk has been given a
break. A story in the Purdue Exponent says,
in regard to a certain dance: "Pass-out checks
will be issued."
Some (practical) joker placed a large cannon
firecracker under the hood of a North Carolina
State professor's car, and connected it to the
starter. When the savant stepped on the starter,
the firecracker went off. Some choice, fancy and
unadulterated language followed.
Here's a statement coming, from a disillu-
sioned junior at Ohio State University. When a
bee stings you, it dies; but co-eds just try it
Freshmen women at Adelphi College, according
to an old tradition, must have a bald spot shaved
on their heads which is to be covered with a hat
and three feet of purple ribbon.
* * * *
A co-ed at Olaf University, in an examina-
tion defined "prerogative" as a cure for tape-
* * * *
Harvard University officials certainly outdo the
proverbial Scotchman in making money go a
ina wqm. Whe n .00dars nwas recently do-



25th Union Opera
Curtailn at 8:15


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