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April 24, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-24

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4, 1934



Man-Hunting . .
JUST RECENTLY there has been a
tendency to take' hunting and
shooting out of sport and make some-
thing of a business of them. It is all
due to a person named John Dillin-
ger, a character from a nice, placid
little mid-western town. John is num-
bered among the less conservative
citizens of the place but the home
town folks seem to regard him as
merely somewhat high-spirited and
possibly a wee bit misguided in some
of his notions
The hunting and shooting business
referred to is due to the fact that
some people have become a little nar-
row minded about John and his go-
ings-on. You see, John has allowed
the beneficial ultra-violet sun rays
shine through quite a few people by
boring holes through them with lead.
It probably wasn't so agitating until
John overstepped himself by shoot-
ing up some limbs of the law. But
other limbs of the law are always
prejudiced against that sort of thing
and consequently John has been
hunted with considerable violence
and an almost unprecedented stupid-
JOHN'S EXPLOITS have really been
something to write home about.
Of course John probably doesn't get
much time to do much writing home,
but if he did he could tell the old
folks plenty of stories that would
make the pirate Morgan look like a
little boy playing sailboat.
The average citizen might be led
to believe that with modern inven-
tions such as the radio, automobile,
airplane, and quick-firing arms at the
service of the authorities the chase
would be very, short. And with pub-
licity services and the movies to carry
the image of the man from coast to
coast, he should be recognized in very
short order.
But to tell you the truth, I can't
remember seeing any pictures of the
desperado . . only the jail he
escaped from, and it seems to me that
there has recently been some edict
against the showing of John's fea-
tures on the celluloid for some ridicu-
lous reason or other.
IN FACT, only yesterday an inno-
cent man was killed by the au-
thorities when he was mistaken for
John. They don't seem to know who
they are looking for.
Then too, these modern weapons
seem to be turned against the au-
thorities rather than used for the
benefit of the forces of the law. Yes-
terday, John shot his way out with a
machine gun, and there doesn't seem
to be any record of the authorities'
possessing one.
And the attitude of the public is an
amazing one. People don't seem to
regard John as particularly harmful
to the public welfare, but rather as
a mythical person whose exploits are
to be followed with no little admira-
tion in the columns of the daily
papers. John Dillinger is a killer and
a potential menace to every law-abid-
ing citizen. Let's all get narrow-mind-
ed about him.
Barney Ross, lightweight cham-
pion, never has been knocked off his

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Wolverine Nine
To Face Normal'
TodayAt Ypsi
Oliver's Single With Two
Out In Ninth Saves Game
Against Wildcats
Patchin Hurls Well

Walker Cup Team Sails For Matches In Scotland

Fans Fooled As
Team Rallies
To Tie Score

In Ninth

Big League Veteran's Conditio
Keeps Rookie On Bench - Fish

"The ball game isn't over till there's
three out in the ninth." The Michi-
gan baseball club proved this base-
ball adage to the discomfiture of the
doubting Wildcats of Northwestern,
Saturday, at Evanston
With Northwestern leading the
Wolverines 5-3, going into the ninth,
half of the huge crowd of spectators
began filing towards the exits. How-
ever, had those fans been aware of
the do-or-die determination which
emanated from the Michigan bench
as the boys came in to take what ev-
erybody, but themselves, thought
would be their last raps, those fans
would have sat glued to their seats.
Wolverines Fool Fans
Captain Artz started it by singling
over second base. Auguston made a
fine stop of the ball but he threw
wildly to first although he had no
chance to get his man, Artz taking
second. Regeczi singled, scoring
Artz. The departing spectators hesi-
tated. Chapman singled to left, send-
ing John to second. The spectators
started back for their seats with the
tying run on second. Patchin flied
out to right, Regeczi taking third.
Waterbor tried to squeeze Regeczi
across with the tying run, but the
Northwestern pitcher handled the
ball fast and threw
him out at the
plate. Two outs,
the tying run on
second, and Russ
Oliver up.
The crowd start-
ed for the exits
again as Oliver
hadn't made a hit
in four previous
times at bat. Russ
caught hold of thej
scond ball pitched, L
smashing a hard single to right which
tied up the ball game and brought
back the fans for good.
In this spot Northwestern pulled
a bit of strategy that few college ball
teams ever attempt. With Waterbor
on second, Oliver on first, Pederson I
walked Petoskey purposely, much to
the chagrin of "Pete" and Wistert,
the cleanup man. Petoskey was sore
because they wouldn't give him a
chance to hit, and Wistert was dis-
gusted to think that they'd walk the
third man to get at the cleanup hit-
ter. The Wildcat hurler was a for-
mer high school teammate of Wis-
tert's, which made it more galling.
The strategy materialized when Wis-
tert popped out to the shortstop,
Patchin Is Versatile
In the tenth inning, Michigan went
to work immediately. Paulson was
safe on an error by the pitcher. Artz
beak; out a perfect bunt for a hit,
Paulson taking second. Another time-
ly hit by Chapman, mixed with an
infield out and a double by Water-
bor scored the two winning runs.
Art Patchin is of great. value to
Coach Fisher's ball team. He is a re-
liable pinch hitter, an excellent re-
lief pitcher, and a good starting
hurler. Patchin pitched the best.
game he ever hurled as a Wolverine
against Western State, Thursday,
confining the Hilltoppers to five hits,
and but for a little wildness, he would
have won easily.
In the North-
western game Sat-
uiday, with Paul-
;4, s: on on second and
Chapman on first
in the sixth inn-
ing with two down,
Fisher sent Patch-
:x~s"">in to the plate to
pinch hit for Til-
lotson. Pa t chin
t ripled to right on
the first p itc h
scoring Paulson and Chapman, and
bringing the Wolverines to within
one run of Northwestern. Then with
only one day's rest, Art pitched the

last four innings, holding the Purple
Superstition Works
A bit of superstition also had a
hand in the Wolverines' victory. Be-
fore the game, Artz asked Coach
Fisher to change his position in the
batting order. He was willing to bat
any place but second, in which spot
he had not been hitting well. Coach
Fisher switched him to sixth place in
the batting order and placed Oliver
in the second position. Oliver singled
across the tying run with two out in
the ninth; Artz got three hits.
The Wolverines will meet Michigan
State Normal at Ypsilanti this af-
ternoon. Fisher is anxious to win

There is no lack of baseball recruits
to step into the major leagues, and
interest in baseball is not declining,
according to Ray Fisher, coach of the
Michigan nine.
Veterans are hanging on longer in
major league competition, but not
because there are not scores of ambi-
tious recruits waiting for a chance to
displace them, but because they are
able to play first-class ball for longer
than they could when Ty Cobb and
Walter Johnson and Ray Fisher him-
self were breaking into the big time.
"When I was breaking in a player
was usually through when he reached
30 or 31. The reason for this was that
the player didn't keep in condition.
Nowadays a player doesn't arrive
at training camp 30 or more pounds
overweight - at least not often. And
he keeps on playing ball for eight
or nine years after the old-time
player was through," Fisher declared.
The increased number of college
men playing in organized baseball
JoT nstone TO Pick
Tennis Team For
Ypsi Meet Tonight,

explains this, at least partially. "O:
half or more of the rookies comli
up now are college graduates or ha
attended college," Coach Fisher sa:
"and a college man knows that :
will have to look after himself if l
wants to keep his position agair
the attack of a strong, young x
Despite the competition of tenn
golf, and the so-called "kitten-ba
there is- not noticeable lessening
baseball interest on the part of t
generation that has grown up afi
the days of the great Hans Wagn
Rube Waddell, Chief Bender, a:
Frank Chance, Fisher declared.
Neither college baseball teams r
semi-pro teams play consistently be
ter ball than the other, he point
out. The quality of play varies wi
the town or with the section of t
country. Coach Fisher is confide:
however, that college baseball
played in Big Ten circles is equal
or better than most semi-pro play
"If the quality of baseball is bet
in any section of the country it
in the South and Far West," Fish
said. "They have better playing cc
ditions there. They have bet
weather and can start playing earli
On the Coast they are finishi
their schedules now."

.-Associated Press Photo
The United States Walker Cup team, pictured above, sailed Saturday from New York aboard the S.S.
Caledonia for the golfing wars in Scotland. Included on the nine man squad was Johnny Fischer, the
Michigan captain-elect who left school in February to get in shape for the title quest which begins May 11
on.historic St. Andrews. Most of the squad members will remain in Scotland to compete in the British Amateur
which will take place the week of May 21. Front row, left to right: George Dunlap, Jr., National Amateur
'Champion; Johnny Goodman, National Open Champion; W. Lawson Little, Jr.; H. Chandler Egan, former
Amateur Champion. Rear Row: Harold Pierce, treasurer; Fischer, Gus Moreland, Capt. Francis Ouimet,
Max Marston, Jack Westland.

Swimmers Will
Choose Captain
Thursday Night
Mann To Lose Only Three
Men In June; Prospects
For Next Year Bright
Michigan's Varsity swimming team
will meet at the Union Thursday
night to elect a captain for the 1935
season, when the Wolverines will
seek to capture their seventh Na-
tional Collegiate championship in
nine years.
At the banquet Coach Matt Mann
will also announce this year's letter
and numeral winners.
Losing only Captain Jim Cristy,
Dick Degener, and Henry Kamienski
from this year's championship squad,
Mann needs to develop a free-style
distance man to round out a 1935
squad which, on paper, appears to
have tremendous strength.
Has Squad of 35

Baseball Schedule



Michigan Normal, away
Ohio State, away.
Ohio State, away.
Michigan State, here.
Illinois, here.
Michigan Normal, here.
Ohio State, here.
Ohio State, here.
Indiana, away.
Purdue, away.
Illinois, away.
Western State, here.
Indiana, here.
Michigan State, away.
Iowa, here.

12 Wolverines
To Compete In
Drake Relays
Strong Squad Is Expected
Make Bid For Team Title
At Des Moines
Twelve men will represent the Wol-
verines at the annual Drake Relays at
Des Moines next Friday and Satur-
day. This gives Michigan one of the
strongest teams ever entered, and
Coach Charlie Hoyt expects to annex
a considerable number of the total
The Wolverines have entered men
in the 440-yard relay, mile relay, high
jump, 100-yard dash, discus, javelin,
pole vault and two-mile events. Of
the 12 men named, 7 will be compet-
ing outdoors for Michigan for the
first time.
The squad, named following time
trials Saturday, is as follows: Capt.

Coach Johnstone is on the spot!
The first tennis match of the year
is to be played on Wednesday, and
until Tuesday night, he will not try
to pick his team. At present, a squad
of ten men are fighting for the priv-
ilege of representing the University
against the team from Ypsilanti here
on Wednesday.
To date, each man on the squad
has played five amatches. Before the
team will be chosen on Tuesday
night, each of the ten will have played
ten matches. At present, Seigel and
Kean have each won four and lost
one matches; Captain Sandusky, Ap-
pelt, Kahn, Bowles, and Eskowitz
have won three and lost two; Baldwin
and Nichols have lost four and won
one; and Durand has lost all five
of his matches.
Of the ten candidates, four are let-
termen, and one, Kean, has played
two years of Varsity tennis at Fiske
College in Tennessee. The four "M"
winners are Seigel, Captain San-
dusky, Appelt, and Baldwin.
"You ask me to pick a team of six
from that group," complains John-
stone. "Whom can you suggest? Sei-
gel is the best in contests here, but
last year he won one of the thirteen
matches he played in Varsity compe-
tition. Kean has played two years of
Varsity tennis, and this will be his
last year. Sandusky has some prefer-

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Mann has listed for next year's nines now signed up for the race
team 35 men whom he believes to will have a chance to train for a week.
be of Varsity caliber. The loss of Two practice hours each day, one at
Degener's almost certain points in 4:15 p.m. and one at 5 p.m., will be
the diving is offset by the acquisition set aside all this week, and all houses
of Jack Kasely, who was runner-up are urged to send out their teams
to Leonard Spence in the breast- to take advantage of the pre-season
stroke event of the A.A.U.'s this year "conditioning."
and is expected to sweep all collegiate Tn addition to the chance to work!
opposition before him next year. out a few times and get co-ordinated
Other men listed in the breast before playing elimination softball,
stroke are Lawrence of the Varsity; the teams which avail themselves of
McLeish, ineligible this year; and the practic' opportunity will have
Crittenden, Larson, Vanderveldt, and coaching if they so desire. Misses
McGurgan, all freshmen. Maie Hartwigirginia Pe<asely, and
The divers will be led by Dlerland Dorothy Beise wil be on hand to
Johnston and Frank Fehscnfeld, both I til the(c.vans omd civC them point-
of whom won points this year; Die- err
fendorf, ineligible sophomore; and 'TwC visions
Grady, Ferstenfeld,a uri K esel, l(I 1w f irti h(, tiekrscbai
freshmen. m u vill b divided into Cbis
With Taylor I)arysdale, MIchigaa' s j Td . The former will be for the
position at the top of the back-stroke teams which keep unsi illied records
swimming world is assured, but the through to'the last games, while the
curly-headed speedster will have help Clas:; 3 Bdivision will be for the teams
from Cody, Mowerson, and Grady, all 1f iJ only one i'am.e h1fd sme
freshmen, and FBoice, Varsity reserve 1cm was successfully employed
16 Free Stylers throahout the basketball season Ih5
Mann has sixteen listed men in the twper, and consequen,'itly will he taied
different free style events. From for the favorite spring sport.
these 1w will choose his 400 yard reclay
team and men for the 50, 100, '')
and 440-yard events. Drysdale has I(a'I' STANDINGS
revealed possibilities in the 220 and Prii'tlue..........2 0 1.000
will probably swim this event along IllHno ..is.........2 0 1.000
with Robertson, of the Varsity, and Michi ......1 1 .500
Barnard, promising freshman. Northwestern,.:.t..1 1. .500
Mann will look for a successor to Indiana..........1 1 .500
Jim Cristy in the 440 among Law- Dhio State ....... .1 2 .333
rence and Blake of the Varsity, and Wisconsin ....,... 0 1 .000
Barnard and Mowerson, freshmen. Minnesota . .. ...,.0 2 .000
Dalrymple and Renner, Varsity reg-I [owa ........ . . ... 0 0 .000
ulars, are the class of the available nhicago . .........0 0 .000
sprinters, but Osgood, reserve this
year, will be bidding for a regular po- FACULTY GOLF BEGINS
sition as will Dersch, another reserve. In the Faculty golf tournament
Freshmen seeking free style sprint now being organized, all first round
places include Drew, Keeler, Allen matches should be played by May 6,
Sielski and Vanderveldt. according to Earl Riskey. The tourna-
ment is to be run on a handicap basis
ONE MORE YEAR FOR BRONK the handicaps being determined from
Bronko Nagurski plans to play one play in past tournaments.
more year of professional football and The leading players are H. C. Car-
then will devote his time to wrest- ver, winner last year, Marvin Niehuss,
ling. Carleton Wells, and Art Decker.
_ _ _ - --- - - --- - - -

Tom Ellerby, Willis Ward, Cass Kemp ence, being captain of the team, and
and Bob Lamb in the 440 relay; El- Appelt's experience gives him an edge
lerby, Harvey Smith, Ed Lemen and 'npot'expmeneagineshmIangea
Harvey Patton in the mile relay; ! poor showing now, but he has ex-
Ward for the high jump and 100- perience in intercollegiate play, so
yard dash; Rod Howell and Neree what s I do
Alix for the two-mile; Widmer Etch-wheshisdo
ells for the discus; Dave Hunn for the Besides his trouble with the Var-
pole vault, and Edward Stone for the sity, Coach Johnstone has 176 fresh-
javelin, men coming down for instruction, 48
fraternity teams in competition, and
Lamb, Smith, Patton,. Alix, Etch- 38 men competing among themselves
ells, Hunn and Stone will make their frFeha ueas
outdoor debut for the Wolverines. ifor Freshman numerals.
o d. We repeat, Coach Johnstone is in
The performance of Harvey Pat- something of a hole!
ton in the quarter-mile Saturday led
Coach Hoyt to believe his mile relay
t eam will be no slower than the one2
Ihat was victorious at Drake last R
Patton Breaks 50 i1 440

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Patton, in the trials, ran the 440
in 49.5, the first time he has broken
50 seconds, and thus won the fourth
position on the quartet, Hoyt had
been mu'ch perplexed until Patton
gave him an unexpeI,(-edly easy an-
Tom El lerby showed his versatility
by running the 100-yard dash in
10 seconds on the basis of which he
was selected as a member of the
sprint relay team.
Ed Stone, a sophomore, was, also
an unexpected last minute selection.
He will go on the basis of a 180
foot throw which he made Saturday
Neree Alix, indoor Conference two-
mile champion, and Rod Howell will
run into first-class competitionrin
this event from Ray Sears, the great
Butler racer, who has a 9:07 race
to his credit this year, and Ward will
meet none other than the great Ralph
Metcalfe in the century dash.









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