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February 17, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-17

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Art Exchange
Shows Exhibit
Of Modern Art
Sculptural Pieces, Pastels,
Water Colors Are Done
By Exchange Members
Widely varied uses of color, and
unique massing of form mark the
predominant notes in the modern art
show sponsored by the Students' Art
Exchange, which opens at 3 p. m.
Sunday, a week earlier than previous-
ly announced, in the League.
Members of the Exchange have
used old and new mediums to get
new effects in their compositions, and
previewers claim that no little dis-
cussion will be caused by this distinct
change in the type of work the Shop
has been selling in the past year.
A conception of Syrian native life
done in water color and a pastel de-
picting life in a "Black and Tan" are
two of the outstanding works by
Banque Aubrey, Grad. A new slant on
student life, water colors by Frank
Lee Cochran and H. K. Beecher, jun-
iors, will be shown. Gerry Bauer;
Grad., has several water colors done
in unusual color schemes. A back of
a mirror has been used by Mason
Whitney, '34, for his composition.
Other contributors are Edith Higbie,
Dorothy White, and Lewisieuseman.
graduate students. Jonathan Taylor,
Grad., has done a unique etching
of human. forms, and Alexis Lapteff
Grad., has submitted an oil in the
style of Gauguin, the artist who was
famous for his South Sea composi-
tions. Several sculptural pieces by
Helen Bailey, Grad., and John Alls-
house, Grad., will be shown.
Many other members of the Ex-
change will be showing their work,
using everything from oils and water
colors to wood and glass in giving
their versions of the new idea in art.
o Wage Cut
. For Railroad
Labor Asked
Roosevelt Makes Plea To
Rail Chiefs Not To Make
llednctions lo P ay
WASHINGTON, Veb. 16. -- (/P ---A
White House plea that railroad wages
be continued without further reduc-
tion will receive consideration by rail
Railway executives gathered in
Chicago let it be known today that
Mr. Roosevelt's proposal would be
placed for discussion alongside one of
their own- a 15 per cent cut in the
basic pay rate effective July 1.
Only by Federal intervention was
a quarrel between railroad executives
and their employes settled last fall
with agreement on a 10 per cent re-
duction in the basic rate. The rail
chiefs now propose another 5 per
cent slash.
Employe views, voiced through A.
F. Whitney, chairman of Railway La-
bor Executives, were that "the rail-
roads are not suffering from the wage
scales paid their employs."
In a formal statement opposing the
projected 15 per cent cut, issued soon
after the President's plea, Whitney
"The real difficulty with the rail-
road industry is caused by the bur-
densome load of fixed charges and
the refusal of railway bondholders to
contribute their share to the relief
of the industry. Railway labor is not

disposed to continue to assume that
In his request to both rail labor
and executives the President said an
extension of the present wage agree-
ment for at least six months would
"be of advantage to those directly
concerned, and also to the entire
President R thven Will
Greet A.A.U.W. Meeting
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will attend a luncheon meeting of the
International Relations Group of the
A.A.U.W. to be held at 12:15 p. m..
today in the League. He will give a
short address of greeting.
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counsellor
for foreign students will introduce
Kaoru Hayashi from the Japanese
embassy staff in Washington. His
subject will be "Why I Chose Mich-
igan to Continue my Studies." Prof.
Robert B. Hall of the geography de-
partment will give the principal ad-
dress on "Japan and the Far East."
The meeting will be presided over by
Mrs. Albert Reed, chairman.
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary jour-
nalistic society for women, is plan-
ning a bridge tda to be held Feb. I
24 at the home of Mrs. Donald H.
Haines. according to an announce-

Most Popular Girl

Modern Version Of Pied Piper

Is Given ByChildrens'



--Associated Press Pnoto
Miss Theresa Fleming, of the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma, has been voted
the most popular girl in the Oklaho-
mia campus in an all-campus vote
in which only men were allowedto
take part. She lives in St. Louis, Mo
Brillan Clitps Are
Worn hInIa rAn1d
A . New Earrins
After a brilliant J-Hop week-end,
we find that we are more and more
formal-conscious. And after watching
niany and various varieties of formal
outfits floating past us for hours
on end at the premier social function
of the campus, we have come to the
conclusion that the accessories and
not the gown itself make or break
the eostum .
Of course, the most imi(wt1ant ac-
cessory of the costume is the jewelry
worn with it. Of late, interest has
bsen focused on the head dress be-
ca use of the great: popularity of the
tiara, an innovation or rather reno-
vation, which has had us all doing
our level best to act regal and state-
flowever, with the approach of
spring and the softer and more dain-
ty fabrics which have come into
prominence, the glittering tiara of
rhinestones is losing its popularity.
Bands of material which match or
contrast with the gown are still much
worn, and feathers are also seen,
Jewelry for the hair is now worn
lengthwise on the head. Brilliant
clips, along the part, are very, very
new and, when you get over the
shock, very attractive. Other clips
are of course still worn in various
positions, those which simulate feath-
ers being generally adjudged the
As for earrings, clip styles are
smartest there too. There are many
new shapes, all of which accent the
natural outlines of the ear, some
spiralling around the lobe and others
following the rim of the ear with a
sweeping upward curve.
Fe ininity Is
efinitely 'In';
uffles Srt
Appear as tom-boyish as you like
on the campus in low heels and sport
suits this spring, but when starlit
evenings come, you must possess the
utmost in femininity. Looking over
the informal frocks for the coming
months, one sees a vista of ruffles
and delicate fabrics, with smart sim-
plicity of cut.
The materials for the evening are
primarily laces, nets, starched chif-
fon, which is mistaken for organdie,
and that newest of sheer cloths, mat-
elasse chiffon. The latter, by the way,
is pronounced mat-a-less-ay. It is a
chiffon with the blistered effect
which crepe achieved during the
chillier months. The latest in lace is
an angel skin, (peau d'ange), and is
silky smooth to the touch with the
most minute of designs in its weave.
The tints, for one no longer wears
re'al colors, are na~vy blue, of cours,
nile green, beige, and that subtle yel-
low called champagne. Nile green is a
refreshing shade of pure "vividity
which combines easily with yellow
and white. Silver or gold accessories
can be worn if you're worried aboum
uing the old accessories with your
new frock.'
For informal wear, backs may b
moderately low or slit, just to add
tm dresscd manner. Peplums give a

1C .w flaring line, and rufles center
out the neck or cascade fromiu
waist in back to the floor acd then
Ve a sweet and girlish air. SliOleers
still are out of favor and cap or
diop sleeves cover them almost oblig-
igly. Corrugated pleats are well
planned for the net frock which calls
for a more striking line.
If the sheer fabrics do not appeal
this early in the year, the problem

It was 750 years ago that a mys-
terious stranger dressed in a motley
coat of red and yellow played magi-
cal tunes on his pipe, such that all
the children of Hamelin followed him
into the mountain and were never
seen again.
A modern version of the old leg-
end, written recently by Charlotte
Barrows Chorpenning, Will be given
by the Children's Theatre of Ann
Arbor on Mar. 1, 2, and 3 at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Mrs. Chorpenning wrote her play
during the time when Chicago vot-
ers were attempting to oust Thomp-
son from the mayorial position. The
resulting story is a gay political sat-
ire on conditions in Chicago, in which
the reason for the infestation of rats
is that the mayor of Hamelin was
the owner of a rat-trap factory, and
therefore required all the people to
buy his useless, inefficient traps.
The Pied Piper arrives, and is hired
to drive the rats away, but receives
no payment after he does so. In
revenge he pipes all the children
away. All those poor adults who
Alumna Group
Will Consider
The alumnae council of the Alumni
Association of the University is meet-
ing this week-end at the League. The
boar'd of directors met at 4 p. in.
yesterday and the meeting was fo-
lowed by dinner at the League with a
farther discussion meeting after din-
Today a meeting of the council
will be held with reports from coun-
cillors of organzed group through-
out the adjoining states At this
meeting a disccusion will be held
cnerning the next bg project of
the council which is to raise a $150,-
000 fellowship fund to provide 10
capital scholarships 'for Michigan
graduate women.
This project is part of the "ten-
year plan" of the Alumni Assoitio-
which was put into operation about
three years ago but has not been
pushed on account of the financial
The Detroit alumnae group has
pledged one entire fellowship of $15,-
000 which will be called the Lucy
Elliott Fellowship in memory of a
prominent Michigan alumna who for
many years taught in the Detroit
Today the council will join the
luncheon meeting of the interna-
tional relations group of the Amer-
ican Association of University Wom-
en. The group will be addressed by
Prof. Robert B. Hal who will speak
on "Japan and the Far East"
Efrem Zinibalist To lay
Withi Cadi lac Symphony
Efrem Zimbalist, violinist, will be
the soloist with the Cadillac Sym-
phony Orchestra at 6 p. m. next
Sunday over station WJR, Detroit.
Vladimir Golschmann will be the
guest conductor for this week's pro-
Zimbalist is a pupil of the famous
Leopold Auer, who was also the
teacher of J a s c h a Heifetz. His
Stradivarius violin is considered one
of the finest in the world.
New Chairmai Named
For Compliance Body
DETROIT, Feb. 16.- (A) -Fred-
erick T. Harward, an attorney, has
been named chairman of the Detroit
NRA compliance board to succeed
Abner A. Lamned, who resigned. Ha-
ward was appointed to the board
last November by the Detroit Bar

An apparatus for the synthesis of
one atom from two atoms of another
element has been designed by Prof.
Bergen Davis of the Columbia Uni-
versity physics department.

have been down trodden by the rich
members of the city council, and
who are still children at heart, als
join the throng which follows the
piper through the mountain and into
the happy land, leaving the mayor
and his cohorts with no one to dom-
An actual celebration of the ap-
pearance of the piper is planned for
this J u n e in Hanover, Germany,
where the event is supposed to have
taken place in 1284. Some truth is
undoubtedly back of the legends,
since Hamelin, in common with many
other cities of the middle ages, did
suffer from numerous plagues caused
by rats, and a stranger did come to
the town and offer to rid it of the
Numerous versions of the story
have grown up, one of the early ones
being French, called the Rat-Catcher,
n which the Piper, oddly enough,
pays the bag-pipes. The coventional
version, of course, is that of Brown-
ing in his children's poem "The Pied
Piper of Hamelin."
Our mothers wept at the Josephine
Preston Peabody version of the Ory
written in a fake Maeterlinck style
and based on a spinster morality, in
which the Piper eventually realizes
that he had done wrong in taking
the children from their parents, amd
remorsefully returns them. This play
has a new angle in that a "tearjerk-
er" scene inside the m'untain is
shown, in which all the poor parent-
less children appear, and the piper
is persuaded to return them. The
present v e r s i o n, however, is ap-
proached from satiric ratheri than
a melodramatic angle.
yive Activiry Points
For League Work1
Activity points will be awarded to
women who work in the League Hos-
iery Shop, it was announced by Miss
Helen Maches ter, manager of the
shop yesterday.
One activity point will be awarded
for one hour ' work weekly, with a
-corresponding increase in the mni-
ber of points accordmg to the
of work. This ultimatey w ts ou±
to be one point for every igteW
hours of work, as the League regula-
tions require. Women who are inter-
ested in earning points in this way
should call at the. Shop before Mon-
day noon, Miss Manchester said.
Profits from the hosiery shop are
turned into the League Undergrad-
uate Campaign Fund.
Women are also wanted to work
at the Candy Booth at 1 p. m., Ruth
Kurtz, who is in charge of the booths
announced yesterday. Points are
awarded in the booth on the same
basis as in the hosiery shop.
Three At Mid-
Year Dinners
Several campus houses are an-
nouncing their first pledgings of the
new semester though other activities
are few, many students spending
the week-end out of town.
Collegiate Sorosis
Barbara Sutherland, '35, is visiting
Margaret Anderson, '34, in Detroit
over the week-end. Helen Mason, '34.
and Elizabeth Kanter, '35, are spend-
ing the week-end with their parents
in Detroit.
Theta Phi Anha

Eight Engineer
Seniors Named
To Head Dance
William H. Mohrhoff, '34E, was
named yesterday to be assistant
chairman of the Slide Rule Dance by
Chairman Stanley C. Killian, '34E.
Other members of the committee
selected by Killian are: Steinar Vaks-
dal, '34E,.orchestra; Kenneth G. Roe,
E. Salmon, '34E, publicity; Donald C.
'34E, programs and invitations; Jack
Anderson, '34A, decorations; D. Joy
Burnett, '34E, floor, and J. Stuart
Smart, '34E, and Arthur H. Mosier,
'34E, tickets.
Choice of an orchestra for the
dance, which takes place March 23
in the Union ballroom, will be made
within the next two weeks, committee
members said yesterday. The com-
mittee policy calls for moderately-
priced tickets.
lon or Society
IGroups'Tell Of
Future Plans

Women Are Permitted

Women may still be denied en-
trance to the Michigan Union through
the front door, but for the first time-
they are privileged to use the intra-
mural athletic equipment. Thirteen
squash-racket courts are available to
women Tuesday and Thursday morn-.
ings, according to Miss Hilda. Burr,
instructor in Physical Education for
women. Those students interested in
playing are requested to leave their,
names at Barbour gymnasium.
Squash-racket issthe English game
"racket" with a soft India rubber
ball, designated as a "squash," sub-
stituted for the usual hard white
skin-covered ball made of closely
compressed cloth. The game, now
popular in clubs and univetsities,
grew into vogue in public houses. In-
deed, until recent years all those who
successfully competed for the posi-
tion of racket champion were born
or brought up in debtor's prison.
The sport is played in an enclosed
-- -- - - -; --

space, the front wall of which is
marked with a service and a base
line. The server stands in a box half
way down the court and in two trials
must strike the ball above the service
line in such a manner that it pitches
into the back court without touching
either sides or ceiling first.
The opponent must- retrieve the
"squash" before its second bounce
and return it to the front wall above
the play line, A game consists of 15
points and a person serves until he
loses a point;
The technique of handling a squash-
racket differs from that of tennis in
that the racket is manipulated with
the wrist instead of the arm. Since
the player may be required to take
the ball in any position, the greater
the number of joints at his command
the greater will be the ease with
which he can meet the unexpected
return. However, the similarities be-
tween the two games are close enough
so that our champion netters prac-
tice squash racket during the winter
months to beep in practice for the
spring tennis season.
Earl Riskey, assistant director of
intramural sports, coaches the game.
If a student is endowed with natural
athletic ability, Mr. Riskey is able to'
develop her technique until she dis-
plays a delicate touch and all-round
Bridge Tea Honors
Newcomer's Group
Mrs. Jean Hebrard entertained the
members of the Newcomer's Section
of the Faculty Women's Club on
Thursday afternoon with a bridge tea
given in the Grand Rapids room of
the Women's League,
Mfrs. A. L. White and Mrs. Albert
P lek poured at a table attractively
decorated with rose tapers and srng
,Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Mark

Intramural Athletic Equipn

L d

Reports of the work being done
by members of Wyvern's activity ad-
visory committees were received by
the junior women's society at a meet-
ing yesterday afternoon. Further re-
ports will be discussed by the group
at luncheon at 12:15 p. in. Friday in
the Russian Tea Room of the League.
Kathleen Carpenter, chairman of
the group advising freshmen women
imtterested in dramatics, said that her
group has been assisting with the
Children's Theatre and plans to pro-.
duce a comic drama on the occasion
of the League Open house. She
aided in) her work > }by Sue lut
Mary Siibin, Nan Diebel and Alice
Eleanor Blim and Marie Murphy,
chairmen of the publications group,
assisted by Virginia Roberts, Mary
O'Brien and Hilda Kirby met with
for campus publications a t ue
ag in the SuetPbia~
the Michiganenrsian and the Gar-
goyle by women heads in the work.
Maxine Maynard, president of Wy-
vern and chairman of the music
group reported that the Freshman
Women's Glee Club which is under
the sponsorship of Wyvern will pre-
sent a concert sometime in early
spring. She is assisted by Betty Aigler,
Marie Metzger and ~Bobby Jean 1
Owens. I
Barbar a Sutherland, Chaiman of+
the athletics group and her assistants
Billie Griffiths, Mary Stirling, Doris
Gimme, Beatrice DeVine reported
that her group will entertain with
W.A.A. Feb. 22 and will participate in
the outing planned for that time.
Whitmire, Lake iDotor
)ead Froi hleart failure
Dead from heart failure, the body
of Dr. Edward Payson Waid, 71 years 1
old, of Whitmore Lake, was discov -
ered yesterday morning in a newly
constructed ditch near his home.
The body was found by the son !
of the diseased. Coroner EdwardsC.
Ganzhorn stated that death was
caused by heart failure. No inquest
will be held.

Dr. Jimenez To Lecture
Before Child Study Group
An address which promises to. be
of interest and value to many people
will be delivered by Dr. Buenaventura
Jiminez at the meeting of. the pre-
school child study group of the Amer-
ican Association of University Wom-
en, to be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Russell
L. Malcolm, 1527 South University
Dr. Jiininez, who has chosen to
speak on the subject of "Sensitiza-
tion" is a physician at the Univer-
sity Health Service and is assistant
in the sensitization clinic in the de-
partment of pediatrics of the Univer-
sity hospital.
Frederiek Saudall, asistant gen-
eral secretary of Whe Altunni Associa-
tion and manager of the 1ichigan
Alumi Travel Buotau,has beepro-
moted t hernk .fFirst L..en.

Lighted Signs


ler, '35.

Phi Alpha sorority . an-
the pledging of Esther Mil-


Theta Xi
Theta Xi fraternity announces the
pledging of William Mason, '37E, and
Lyle Williams, '37Ed.
I see no practical difference between
taking a drink sitting down and tak-
ing one standing up. And no partic-
ular efficacy in requiring one to eat
a meal because he wants a drink. -
Gov. Albert C. Ritchie.

Sp ecial!

ELECTRIC SIGNS bring customers to your store.
Merchants frequently report trade increases
of from 10 to 50 % after installing a new
electric sign. Pedestrians cannot escape its
influence, for light is a natural magnet of
HERE are some hints which, for a few cents a
day, will make your sign lighting more effec-
tive: 1. Leave your sign on later in the eve-
ning-until 11:30 or 12:00 o'clock. 2. Light
your sign earlier - at 4:30 in the afternoon,
3. On dark days turn it on earlier.
IT WILL be profitable for you to leave your
sign on longer hours during the evening.
Electric signs sell for you after the store is
closed, burning your message on the public
mind. Let your sign tell its story to the after-
theatre crowds at night.
THEL EFFECTIVENESS of sign lighting is not
limited to night-time.: Late afternoon finds
increasing numbers of pedestrians on the
street - all of them potential customers.
Turn your signs on early enough to impress
these afternoon shoppers, while your store is
open for business.
YOUI SIGN is your 'tcallhig card"-'to your
customers. Keep it effective.


f - - -- _- - - - i

R -

-, ,J\ A 1\ j/N ( C ^,

, ,, ,,.,; ::.x,

the Hat of the Monmet!
The perfect Silhouette Hat so
popular this season. The cap
is of fabric straw with an al-
luring grograin pleated halo
conforming the head. You'll
love it . . at only
$ .95

For Your Convenience

lighting engineers will inspect your
sign and store lighting-and will make
suitable recommendations without
charge. Call the Detroit Edison of-
f.'Reqests for this service will
Je filled in the order in which they
are rceived.


Ar eoi SAVINGS BA N K has always had the

,; $-*, I

best-interests of Ann Arbor and its surrounding corn-
munities at heart. For your c001veniencc, we have two
centrally located pffices eager to serve you. One IS in
the h1art of the downtown district, and the other is

* Let us measure your
ing with a Sight Meter.

store light-




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