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February 17, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-17

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_ C

The Daily is prepared to put the full force of its
editorial power behind the drive. The student
body voted overwhelmingly for East Side beer in
the Undergraduate Council poll so The Daily ca.n-
not choose to do otherwise. We are in the fight
to the finish.
If you are interested in seeing this issue settled
once for all, sign the petitions. The time is short,
so don't wait for the committee to come to you.
The petitions will be ready for your signature at
the Tavern, the College Inn, the Parrot, the New
Granada Cafe, and The Daily. If you are a duly
qualified voter of the city of Ann Arbor, sign the

WADP NT[ or$TV #rT I. M s v.o.'., m.. i
.shed every morning except Monday during
tity year and Summer Session by the Board
1of Student Publications.
ber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa:
e Big Ten News Service.


About Books*

lace -- and gold threads glisten in her brocade
evening gown and wrap.
THE fresh oyster industry had a unique com-
plaint to make at the hearings on its NRA code.
Some of the-companies, workmen from Louisi-
ana testified, have been paying in metal checks
good at the company store.
The men became so incensed at the checks
one pay day that they dumped their pay into
the Gulf of Mexico.
"And the next pay day," said the witness, "we
still got checks, but they were wooden so they'd
CAPITOLISMS: Tom Lynch, one of the Presi-
dent's "old gang," has to smoke cigarettes in
public gatherings instead of his favorite cigar.. .
He looks so much like Al Smith that the cigar
would just emphasize the resemblance. . . . Visi-
tors may not enter the financial section of PWA
wthout a satisfactory explanation of their errand
in advance.... The men of the house have almost
locked horns in an unofficial beauty contest....
The New Englanders claim the laurels for Mrs.
Edith Nourse Rogers of Massachusetts, but many
others incline to Mrs. Isabella Greenway of Ari-
As OthqersSe It


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Telephone 4925
OR...............ALBERT H. NEWMAN
TOR.................CAROL J. HANAN
RS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William
hn C. Healey, George Van Vleck, Guy M.

ADVANCE notices from one publishing house
after another indicate that books are yet being
sold and read, despite the Democrats. In con-
nection with this matter, it is a growing cer-
tainty that if the general public can read Ger-
trude Stein and get a feeling of thrilling, yet hazy
awe out of her work, such people as Eugene
O'Neill, with his "Days Without End" and "Ah!
Wilderness" (Random House), are fairly apt to
get a sizeably critical circle of devotees.
Miss Stein, in collaboration with Virgil Thomp-
son, recently developed an opera as the latest of
her excursions into the realm of refined Dadaism.
It is called "Four Saints in Three Acts," and the
consensus of judgment is that, despite two dis-
parities, it is a pretty good opera. Arrangements
have been completed by Random House, New
York, to publish this opera, which will shortly be
available to campus mystics.
The two disparities, by the way, are: first, be-
tween the number of saints and acts announced
and the number which make their appearance;
second between the meaning of the opera as Ger-
trude Stein sees n ana the meaning as the average
reader sees it.
The writer should explain that he has not read
the opera: he has seen only the press notices.



RTS ASSISTANTS.: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
tens, Sidney F3rankel, IRolaid IL. Martin, Marjorie
)MEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
los Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
PORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
aul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn,
ohn Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David
. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Park Cr, W1-
lam R. Reed, Robert S. -Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair,
rthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M.
'orothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
led, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth'Loebs, Josephine McLean,
[arjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn
ietdyk, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
MEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ...............
sARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
rick; Classified Advertising, Russell; Read; Advertising
ntracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
ard; Accounts, Allen Knuusl; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
er, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
mes Scott, David Winkworth.
e Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady,
rginia Cluff, Patricia- Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise
orez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
rckson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
-ustard, Betty Simonds.
gn An East
de Beer Petition..

Incidentally, E. E. Cummings, who runs neck
and neck with Miss Stein in the matter of emo-
tionally expressive incoherence, has recently pro-
duced another book, whose name I have momen-
tarily misplaced. It will be reviewed in this col-
umn soon.
The Random House proof-readers, say the press-
agents, are "fresh from a tussle with the 780 pages
of James Joyce's 'Ulysses'." Mr. Joyce won ac-
claim some years ago with "Portrait of the Artist
as a Young Man," and in recent years has loomed
importantly on the literary horizon as an advocate
of a richer language. This opulence of verbiage
sometimes makes him difficult, but when the full-
ness of his meaning is appreciated, it is quickly
seen that his method has much value. "Ulysses"
has had troubles vaguely reminiscent of those that
"Jurgen" experienced in its infancy, but it has
weathered adversity sufficiently to allow a copy
to reach us. It will be reviewed by Leo Kirsch-
baum of the Engineering English department very
Off The Record
FERDINAND PECORA, the fiery little prosecu-
tor of the senate banking investigation, has a
new claim to fame.
He turned down a date with Peggy Hopkins
Joyce, the much-married. She 'phoned his sec-
retary to say that she had some financial in-
formation she wished to turn in.
"Ask her if she will please write me all about
it in a letter," instructed Pecora.
THE White House staff is accustomed to sur-
prises. But it was more than the usual shock
when the well-known Washington "grande dame"
steamed down the reception line to greet the
President, threw wide her arms and exclaimed;
"My Hero!"
"BOBBIE" REILLY, one of the small capitol
pages, was assigned to his desk in the school,
room where the boys study between sessions. They
sit at desks once used on the floor of the house.
Bobbie found on his desk the brass name-plate
of the late Thomas L. Reilly, representative from
from Connecticut-Bobbie's grandfather.

p ETITIONS for an initiative sub-
mission of the repeal of the city
ter amendment banning the sale of beer and
east of Division street are being circulated
ae present time by a Citizens' Committee. It
le purpose of the Committee to submit the
to the voters at the April election and give
roters a chance to decide the issue which the
mon Council refuses to submit to them.
spite the fact that every meeting at which the
ect of liquor in the city has been discussed
East Side ban has almost monopolized the
ission, the dry members of the Council still
t that there is no interest in the subject and
it is not important enough to be submitted
ie election. The Committee could have gone
e Council with a petition for the submission
he issue but they did not choose to do so
ise the matter would, in all probability, have
shelved. If you doubt that the Council would
such a step, look at the tactics which have
practiced during the past year.
hen the East Side question first came before
,ouncil, Professor Paton insisted that an elec-
would be unnecessary because the charter
.sion would not ban the sale of such a weak
rage as 3.2 beer. The wets on the Council
deceived into accepting the professor's ver-
But when the matter of granting licenses,
e East Side merchants came before the Coun-
Professor Paton and his colleagues "discov-
' that this "weak beverage" was covered in
prohibition. Professor Sadler, the leader of
trys, once said that he would stop at nothing
e fight to keep liquor off the East Side,
ter the citizens' committee meeting, a few
s ago, Professor Young said that, if he had
the choice, The Daily would never have been
sented on the Committee. The fact that we
sent a group of 8,000 persons who keep this
going and provide Professor Young with the
ortable job which he holds is not important-
e professor. The student body has long been
in contempt. The large majority are banned
aw from voting here. We do not want to
fere in those affairs of the city which are
ly of city import. But when an issue comes
aat vitally affects us, when a discriminatory
s directed against us, it is high time that we
ted ourselves and impressed the city fathers
the fact that we are an important part ofj
.e Daily .represents the student body and it
ids to fight in its interest whenever necessary.
will not remain silent to satisfy any member
iefaen whn thinks m th a is ~teare a.

HE Hitler regime continues to provide an object
lesson in Fascism. Workers and liberals in
other countries may study it with profit.
Beginning with attacks on Communists, the
regime ends by proscribing not only Socialists and
liberals but even conservative parties like the
Beginning with attacks on the Jews, the regime
ends by persecuting the Catholics and attempting
to foist pagan and un-Christian doctrines on the
Beginning with fake attacks on big business
and the "moneyed interests," the regiment ends by
increasing the power of the great trusts and in-
tensifying the plight of the middle classes.
Beginning with talk of a new social order, the
regime ends by crushing the labor union, con-
fiscating their funds, and abolishing the right to
strike: thus enslaving labor.
Is it any wonder that Lord Rothermere and a
certain section of British big business, seeing all
criticism suppressed, profits made at expense of
workers and middle classes, labor shackled and
chained, hail Fascism as the New Utopia?
The great interests that financed Hitler rub
their hands with glee as wage cuts, war prepara-
tion, and higher tariffs swell their profits.
And critics go to the concentration camps.
-New York Evening Post
Student Health
AT the Health service, we are interested pri-
marily in the prevention of disease processes.
We are dealing with a selected group both in in-
telligence and in health. About two per cent of
our general population has the privilege of higher
education. Therefore, it is becoming to emphasize
to students the growing importance of degenera-
tive disease as the cause of death for adults in
society. The mortality statistics show the dis-
eases classified as degenerative -heart disease,
diseases of the blood vessels, kidneys, cancer, dia-
betes, chronic liver and intestinal disease, and
mental deterioration -heading the list.
Formerly, the greatest problem in medicine was
to control the death rate in contagious diseases
such as typhoid fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria,
etc. Heredity affects the susceptibility of the
individual to degenerative disease but even with
this fact taken into account, susceptible individu-
als can enjoy reasonable health if they follow the
simple principles of right living. Many people
deliberately shorten their lives by habits which
might well be avoided. Degenerative disease is
the result of frequent insults to the system over
a long period of time which cause accumulative
damage to the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, liver,
etc. Low grade infections, frequent colds, infected
teeth, infected tonsils, gastro-intestinal upsets,
too much coffee, too much tea, too much alcohol,
too much smoking and eating, irregularities of
exercise, and insufficient rest violate the laws of
It is natural for the bodily tissues to remain
well and healthy. These are problems which
confront the individual and over which he has
a great deal of control.
Colegiate Observer
Victims of the recent fraternity robberies at
Dickinson college met to decide the fate of the
culprits should they be caught. Lynching was
supported by a few, but the majority suggested
the alternative of pledging them.
Defying one of Stanford University's sacred
customs, a small co-ed sat calmly on the law
school steps while half of the law school clapped
feverishly and the rest of the audience laughed
loudly. No women on the steps of the law school
has long been a tradition.
Unattached co-eds at Washington University
have a special section at football and basketball
games -a kind of identification and rating sys-
* * *
From the Quincy College catalogue of 1900:
"Boxes of eatables and candies should not be
sent to students. They are fruitful sources
of gluttony, sickness, and dissatisfaction."

A young man who studied psychology,
Had no thought of love or biology.
'Til m npv.rv fnir

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Student Publications Building
Maynard Street

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RAeigious Activitiles

THE traditional jealousy of the fairer sex gets
very little encouragement among the women
in congress.
Even the arrival of the stunning Isabella Green-
way, congresswoman from Arizona, draws nothing
but cordiality from the other women on capitol
When Mrs. Greenway was making her first
speech on the floor of the house she stopped mid-
way to ask, "Have I time to say anything more?"
From the republican side of the house came
the cheery voice of Representative Kahn of Cali-
fornia: "I will gadly yield you all of my time."
The men, laughecd and appauded, and Mrs.
Greenway finished her talk.
THE minister for Albania is one of the few diplo-
mats just now in whose presence a state de-
partment official can relax. Albania wants no
liquor quota because the Albanians can take care
of their own famous mulberry wine without any
help from the United States.
APPROPRIATELY enough, the most unusual
NRA blue eagle in the capital is worn by the
dynamic, little Miss Frances (Robbie) Robinson,
secretary to Recovery Administrator Johnson.
The bird is a nin, fashioned in the shane of

First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Frederick B.Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:45-Morning Worship.
Sermon subject:
"Emperor Hirohito The
Religion of Nationalism"
Dr. Fisher, preaching
For University Students
12:15-Seminar on Applied Christian-
3:30 -I nternational Student Forum
Fellowship of Faiths. "What My
Faith Teaches Regarding World
Brotherhood" by a Zoroastrian
and a Theosophist.
6:00- Guild observance of Student
Day of Prayer. Christian students
from foreign lands will partici-

Hillel Foundation
Cor. East Univ. and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heler, Director
11:15 A.M.-
"New Alters and New Gods"
by Rabbi Leo N. Franklin
of Detroit,
at the Michigan League Chapel
3:00 - Reception to Rabbi Franklin.
4:00 - Class in Jewish Ethics, led by
Mr. Hirsh Hoodkins.
7:15 - Class in Dramatic Moments
in Jewish History, led by Rabbi
Bernard Heller.
8:15 - Symposium on Religious Im-
plications of Recent Theories in
Physics, led by Arthur S. Bern-
hart and Nathan Ginsburg.

Zion Lutheran
Washington St. at 5th Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 a.m.-Bible School. Lesson topic:
"Jesus' Power To Help"
9:30 A.M. -Service in German.
10:30 A.M. -Service with sermon on
"Jesus Overcoming the
5:30 P.M. - Student FellI'wshlp and
6:45 P.M.- A student presentation
of "The Significance of Observing
Lent." by Burton Ostensen and
Arthur Stellhorn.
7:30 P.M. -A Lenten -Service. "I
Will Be Loyal To Him and His
St. Andrews
Episcopal Church
Division at Catherine Street
Services of Worship
Sunday. Feb. 18

St. Paul's Lutheran
(Miss1ouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third sts.
February 18
9:30 A.M. - Church School.
9:30 A.M. - Lenten Service in Ger-
10:45 A.M.-Regular Morning Worship
"The Tempter Vanquished"

The Fellowship of
Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
Sunday Morning at 10:45
Rev. Lon Roy Call of Brunpree, Mass.,
will speak on-

8:00 A.M..- Holy Communion
9:30 A.M. - Church School
11:00 A.M -Kindergarten
11:00 A.M. - Morning Prayer ai
"What Is Christianity?"




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