ice Soloists
Hepburn 'Homesick'
To Appear In
Drama Season
Charles Weidman, Doris
Iln phreys To trform
During Festival
Charles Weidinuin and D o r i s
Humphreys, distinguished American
dancers who have appeared in nu-
merous New York musical successes,
have been engaged to apixear in the
Annual Dramatic Season, to be pre-
sented in Lydia Mendelssom Theatre
for five weeks fr'om May 14 through
June 1.
Mr. Weidman and Miss HJUmph-
reys will appear here in three special
matinee performances on Monday,
Tuesday, and Thursday afternoon,
May 20, 21 and 23, during the second
week of the theatre festival. At each
of the three programs they will pre-
sent different .numbers. They will be
Many Chapters
111( Leetioiis
told Eletm
And Pledoi 4I's
Fraternities Hold Social
F unctions And Elections
Shortly Btfore Va cafion
Sororities and fraternities, in the
past few days, have been electing of-
ficers for the coming year. There
have been plans made for the vaca-
tion, houseparties, and tours. There
have also been many pledgings in the
last few days.
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi announces the
pledging ofl Dorothea Davenport, '35,
I etroit.
Chi Psi
William C. Haniway, '34, is plan-
ning a tour of the East clurin vr-
1)eltU GanM11a
1 e 1 t a Gammna amiounces this
pledpging of Sally Pierce, '35.
Delta Tau Delta
Officers for the ensuing year were
elected at the regular meeting Tues-
day night. They are: president, Rob-
ert J. Henoch, '35, of La Porte, Ind.;
vice-president, Dan Hulgrave, '36,
D1troi; corresponding secretary,
Jack O'Connell, '36, Detroit; and re-
cording secretary, George Northridge,
'36, of Malone, N. Y.
Kappa kappa Gamma
Grace Mayer, '34, will give a house-
party during vacation at the winter
home of her mother, Mrs. J. Ross
Mayer, in Sanibel, on the west coast
of Florida. The party, which will
accompanied by Louis Horst, pianist.
These two dancers recently staged
the dancing and appeared as fea-
tured soloists in the New York The-
ater Guild's production of Moliere's
"School for Husbands." Last fall in
"Americana" their success with their
dance group was said to have intro-
duced an entbirely new trend in mu-
sical revue dancing, definitely pre-
senting the finest type of modern
ballet instead of a series of so-called
"precision" dancers. This year Mr.
Weidman also staged all of the ballet
numbers for "As Thousands Cheer"
and "Let 'Em Eat Cake," Broadway
musical hits.
Their appearance in the local sea-
son will mark their first appearance
outside of the eastern metropolitan
Ann Arbor has become acquainted
with the American choreography
through the work of Martha Graham
and Angna Enters in previous fes-
tivals. "The work of Charles Weld-
man and Miss Humphreys," Robert
Henderson, director of the festival
pointed out, "is quite different from
the style of such a dancer as Miss
Graham. It is vivacious and gay,
backed by an extraordinary technical
skill. It represents much of the same
'life' and vitality of the dancers in
the Monte Carlo Ballet Russe."
Piano Solo And
Dance Stoared
At Stunt N iht
Two piano solos were the initial
presentations of the weekly League
Stunt Night in the- Grill Room Wed
nesday night. E. William Smith, '35,
played "Some of These Days" and
"Gypsy Rhapsody."
Jack Zucker, '34, was next on the
program with a tap dance. He was
followed by Eugene Wasielewski, '34,
who played two piano numbers, "Valse
Triste," and "Nola."
Acting as master of ceremonies,
Harold Nixon, '35, introduced Ger-
trude Leve, '37SM, who sang a song
of her own composition entitled, "For-
saken." Al Cowan and his orchestra
played for dancing.
Vocal Stunts Entertain
Meeting Of French Club
Prof. Alfred 0. Lee, formerly of the
Romance Languages department, en-
tertained the French Club at their
meeting last night with two stunts
performed to music.
Carlotta Weitbrecht, '34, gave two
vocal solos, accompanied by Allen B3
Callahan, Grad. SM. Harold Barnes,
'34, played two piano numbers.
Mrs. Maud Cushman Thompson,
house mother at Theta Phi Alpha sor-
ority, will address the Owosso Wom-
en's Club, during her visit there next
week. The club, of which Mrs. Thomp-
son was president for four years, will
give a luncheon in her honor. She is
to address the club on "The Women
of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow."
-Associated Press Photo
After a four-d .y stay in Paris,
Katharine Hepburn of film fame re-
ttrned to New York because, she said,
she was "homesick,"
It Takes rHeap Of/ Furnture
To Make Your Room A Ihomel
Given one rather impersonal, may
we say cell-like, room in a dormi-
tory o ,orority house, several pieces
of slab-like furniture, and a decora-
tive scheme which is certainly any-
thing but definite. Puzzle, what to
do about it to give aforementioned
room a home-like and personal touch.
There are various and sundry
ways to go about adding that touch
which makes the room attractive.
Some college girls seem to pin all
their faith to cushions. Perhaps they
feel that they express their person-
alities, very collegiate cushions for
he wholesome outdoor girl and
duffy ruffly pillows for the social
Occasional Furniture Used
Cushions really won't do the trick,
though, but few pieces of occasional
furniture will. Something that is
0ll your ownmakes all the difference
in such a room. An end table to
Mold a lamp and a' few books is
one of the best touches. Those tables
made with a book rack are the most
practical for a room which is always
Opffen-I loutse At
Leagfue Draws
Larcre Crowd
A3 large crowd thronged the en-
tire League building last night when
the second annual League Open-
House offered an opportunity for free
enter tainment;, and inspection of the
Max Gail and his orchestra played
for the dancing which took place in
the mrain ballroom; this was the
most popular feature of the evening.
B ridge was also a favorite in the
Ethel Fountain Hlussey Room, and
the pool and pinig pong tables were
kept busy.
Freshmen women met the guests
and guided them through the en-
Lire building, showing them the see-
ond, third and fourth floors, which
were all open for inspection. Other
freshmen women, under the chair-
manship of Wttilhelmiine Carr,'. 37, also
acted as hostesses to the guests.
Julie Kane, '36, was general chair-
man-of the affair.
overflowing with books and papers,
but one of the clever tip-top tables
is also convenient for it can be folded
up against the wall in those times
when floor space is in demand.
New Bookcases
For taking care of the excess
paraphenalia of the student or the
accumulated fan mail of the average
college girl, one of the new bookcases
which combines several drawers with
the capacious shelves is an answer
to prayer. In addition there are all
kinds a n d varieties of hanging
shelves and of bookcases which are
made to fill into Tansook 0o' cranny.
Magazine racks and footstools take
up very little space and give the room
that "lived in" look. No matter what
else the college girl provides for her
room she is sure to get several lamps,
the more the merrier. To replace the
regulation stud,.nt lamp on the desk,
she usually selects a copper, hob-nail
glass or pottery base.
White lamps have been enjoying
a great vogue of late, being shown
in alabaster, marble, china, or pot-
tery. Polished steel has replaced the
old wrought iron standing lamps and
is proving much more attractive.
If you want to be more ambitious
about your furnishings, you might in-
vest in a studio couch. Such a couch
can open up into a regular double
bbd and in the day time can be very
adequately camouflaged Two end
tables placed at either end of the
couch will give the appearance of
arms and make the couch look like
a regulation davenport.
In case the desk provided by the
University does not prove adequate,
there are numerous types which can
be purchased. The kind which gives
the maximum amount of working
space is a flat-topped knee-hole desk.
All these pieces of furniture can be
found unpainted or finished in any
style or wood to fit the pocket-book.
'Tk of Michigan"
It is a desire for a bit of susten-
ance about ten o'clock, so they say,
that makes the students bolt classes
and seek State Street. But in the dim
past, such was not the case, for peach
trees which lined the campus had
an appeal all their own. Yes, back in
the days when slavery was the major
question instead of beer, the Univer-
sity spread itself upon a fertile farm
land with the good, old agricultural
atmosphere of wheat fields and all,
and students were not loath to take
advantage of the situation.
A few decades later when those
ducky little -"bowlers" were all the
rage, canes were the delight of men's
souls. The University had grown into
a stately institution now and boasted
nothing less than a white picket fence.
So in the year 1890 the senior class,
being very adept in putting two and
two together, decided that canes from
picket fences might be suitable and
proceeded to demolish parts of the
fence to inaugurate the well-known
"Cane Day."
e *
Realizing that each new group of
freshmen entering the University were
finding less and less interest in tra-
ditions, a committee was formed to
start a Traditions Day. It was held
the first of every year and the band,
the glee club, cheer leaders, and
speakers were, called in making what
might be considered a major pep
meeting. This was dissolved when
Orientation Week was innovated and
the Wednesday night program is a
remnant of its former form.
leave tomorrow morning, includes
Catherine McHenry, '34, Gilb e r t
Bursley, '34, Grafton Sharp, '34, and
Thomas Connellan, '34
Phl Mu Alpha-Sinfoia
The new officers elected Monday
for ,the coming year are: prsident,
Kenneth B. Sage '35; vice-president,
Ralph V. Matthews, '36; secretary,
Kenneth L. Bovee, '35, and treasurer,
Albert T. Zbinden, '37.
Ihi Sigma Delta
Sydney J. Stiegel, '37, is enter-
taining Ernest S. Molin, '37, in Chi-
cago over the vacation. Henry Fine,
'36, is planning to spend the holi-
days with Benjamin R. Charin, '36, in
Newark, New Jersey.
Theta Phi Alpha
A tea attended by patronesses,
town alumnae and mothers of the
members residing in Ann Arbor, was
given yesterday afternoon by mem-
bers of Theta Phi Alpha sorority in
honor of Mrs. William Green, na-
tional executive secretary who is
making a visit of inspection to the
local chapter.
Mrs. George Burke, Mrs. Arthur
S t a c e, patronesses, assisted Mrs.
Maude Cushman Thompson, house
mother, in pouring. The table was
decorated in yellow and orchid flow-
ers with matching tapers, Jane
Schneider, '35, being in charge of the
Mrs. Green, who arrived Wednes-
'day night, will meet with actives and
pledges of the house and members
of the Ann Arbor alumnae, before
leaving for Detroit Friday to attend
annual meetings of the Grand Coun-
cil at the Hotel Abbington there. A
luncheon will be given there Satur-
day in honor of the national officers
by members of the Detroit City As-
soci tion.
Acting in her first official capacity
as newly elected president of the!
League, Maxine Maynard, '35, left
Wednesday for the province conven-
tion of the International Association
of Women Students, held in Ames,
The convention will last during
April 5, 6, and 7, with meetings held
in the Iowa State College buildings.
self-governing problems, and organi-
zation difficulties will be included
under the subjects of discussion. All
the convention is centered around the
slogan, "Let Us First Be Intelligent."
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0 The greatest selection of frocks in Ann Arbor,
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