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April 06, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-06

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University, whether we realize it now or not.
University support has always been accorded it.
This part of the University needs operating ex-
penses today more than ever and it is now receiv-
ing such added support from the sum no longer
needed by the Union.
It should be mentioned also that life mem-
bership in the Union for students who leave the
University after four years has been in no wise
affected by the changed allotments from the
general funds of the University.
Conclusions which may be drawn from these
facts point in but one direction - we in the lit-
erary college and other divisions of the University
are paying fees each year for the operation of
the whole institution, and consequently have no
basis for a feeling that our money was paid for
something of which we knew nothing.
When the University used to itemize fees, it
mentioned a sum for tuition, but did not say that
so much would go to salaries, to building upkeep,
supplies, or any of the other expenses that may
be incurred. We felt then that our money was
going where it was needed. and we should con-
tintie to do so.

Screen Reflections I

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Published every morning except Monday during the
Unifversty year and Pummer Session by the Board in
Cont'rol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
.5>o5ciatec l lt iat r ts
- 3 NAlioj, a iiam3i i4
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
not otherwise credited in thii paper and, the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
(1ispatches are reserved.
Entered at the flost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third A -istant Postmaster-General,
Subscrii1.tion during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
u5. Dring regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publicatilons Representatives,
Inc., 4C East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. ,
Telephone 4925 x
WOMEN'S EDITOR ...................CAROL J. IIANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. :llis Ball, Ralph 0. Coulter, William
0. Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
Whipple, Jr.

Senate ComRsit.tee

Brad ...................... Paul Muni
Gerry .................Glenda Farrell
Shammy ..................Ned Sparks
This picture is not a dramatization of the
old wheeze about a newspaper reporter who makes
good in a stupendous scoop. It is the story of a
managing editor with an unique quality known
as integrity, an explosive temper, a grand sense
of humor, and a fine news-nose; it is also about an
editorial chair known as Nellie Nelson "Heart
Throbs," which changes hands with astounding
rapidity. In addition, it concerns a bit of repor-
torial sleuthing that hangs together with sur-
prising consistency; that is not incredible; that
does not reach fruition for months, instead of
popping in half-a-day and winning the pinkerton
the title of miracle-man.
It is, in fact, a picture without a single bad
performance, and almost no flaws - the only real
error being imperceptible, in all probability, to
anyone who is unfamiliar with newspaper tac-
tics: that is the absurd playing-down of a bank
It requires, however, a superb performance for
an individual star to transcend a story as good
as this one. Paul Muni does just that. He proves
his versatility in remarkable fashion: his is the
role of an editor who is shrewd, cantankerous,
laughing, and ridiculous by turns, and he plays
it to perfection.
The outstanding thing about the picture is its
complete coherence, and the fashion in which it
clicks. There is nothing irrelevant. A love story
is only suggested - neatly, and at the beginning,
merely to tie up the two leads in some sort of
close association - and that love interest is sour.
But when the picture is ended, one is aware that
not a single event is superfluous: everything that
happens depends on everything that has previ-
ously happened. This obviously speeds up the
film to a high pace. Photography and sound are
unusually good.
Glenda Farrell and Ned Sparks are type-cast -
which means they are good. In fact, almost the
entire roster is type-cast. This is sometimes
annoying to the players, but it usually insures
a ir-tight performances.

M ODIFICATION of the University
regulations that pertain to stu-
dents has been promised by a University Senate
committee, appointed in 1932, and still holding
hearings on the subject.
There has grown up quite a body of law, ad-
ministered by the faculty and having to do with
students. While the rigidity of codified rules may
in some cases work hardship, the plan has more
to be said for than against it. Codified rules
'would enable students to grasp more easily the
regulations of the University community which
apply to them, which should minimize infrac-
tions. A clear statement of the rules would also
remove any possibility of favoritism in their ad-
So it will behoove the senate committee to get
to its work.

SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott,
Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn,
John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard B. Levick, David
0. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell,
Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch
Arthur S. Settle, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Silverman,
Arthur M. Taub. -
Dorothy Glee, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor
Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor-
rison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
............................... CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur-
ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knusi; Circula-
tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson.
ASSTSTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ro,-
enthal, Joe Rohard, George Atherton.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Burley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Giuf, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise
Flore-, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, bllie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan Margaret
Mustard, Betty Shmonds.
FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold-
smith, David Schiffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson,
Charles Parker, Robert Owen, Ted Wohgemuth, Jerome
Grossman, Avncr, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom
Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall,
Ross Levin, Willy Tomliinsori, Dean Asselin, Lyman
Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard
Bardenbrook Gordon Cohn.
Allocalion Of
Stidenii F~ees ...
W HEN you pay your fees to the Uni-
versity twice each year you are do-
ing exactly what this statement implies - paying
them to the University as a whole rather than
to individual units of it.
This explanation has been deemed necessary
because some uninformed, students have been
heard murmuring that their fees were being paid
and not going to the units for which they are
supposedly intended. That, for instance, they
pay a $10 Union membership fee that is not all
reaching the coffers of that institution.
Their error is mainly one of reasoning, in
which they base conclusions on 'one fact instead
of balancing them all. The actual facts of the
situation are as follows:
(1) There is not a statement in the University
publications relative to fees which says that a
certain amount shall go to one unit or another.
There is merely a lump fee listed- as $50 a se-
mester in the case of State students in the literary
(2) The situation should be considered from
the angle of whether or not the student is getting
from the Union the full value. It cannot be ques-
tioned that every member of the Union is getting
more from the institution this year than ever
before, rather than any less.
(3) The University is a single unit, and should
be recognized as such. It includes the Union,
the League, the various boards of control, and
now the Alumni Association. To regard it as a
number of separate units that are functioning
without relation is to contradict one of the out-
standing policies of President Ruthven, which, in
brief, is one of complete co-operaton between the
various units of the University, a co-operation
that amounts to harmonious functioning that
can be achieved only through the working of a
machine as one machine.
(4) It is a sad state of affairs when students
reach the point at which they almost accuse the
University of "gypping" them. Enough faith
should be maintained to allow us to feel sure that,
whatever those in authority feel compelled to
do, it is to the best interests of the students and
the University.
(5) In the past an allotment of $10 per male
student has beeh made to the Union and this has
been distributed in two parts, $5 for current 'op-
erating expenses and $5 for the building's indebt-
edness. This latter, insofar as it was owed to the
State, was wiped out by the State Administrative
Board last year, however, so the Board of Gov-

- -- ----.---
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Ially. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor:
There are three complaints which we wish to
register with The Daily. First, it has been re-
ported to us that certain sophomores were called
up and requested to voice an opinion in accord-
ance with The Daily's prejudice rather than al-
lowed to give an opinion of their own. Second,
we object to the following passage which has no'
authority but that of The Daily's imagination:
we quote from the issue of April 4: "Under the
new plan, members of the Judiciary Council will
practically have the right to decide which can-
didates for the positions may be voted upon, as
they will receive applications and from them
select those candidates which they think most
fitted for the positions." As The Daily would know,
if it had taken the trouble to discover, all appli-
cants will be voted upon. Third, Miss Ruth
Duhme was grossly misquoted; she intended to
convey the belief that The Daily was silly, and not
the proceedings of the Judiciary Council.
Harriet Jennings
Ruth Duhme
To the Editor:
We're praying that the worst is over. But we're
fast losing hope. The campus has apparently gone
B.M.O.C. conscious to such an extent as to cause
the casual observer to doubt as to the sanity of the
present-day college student (Michigan variety).
The recent Godawful, nauseating, putrid, capi-
talistic, anti-democratic publication (?) put out
by Social Dictator Bursley and his yes-men strikes
us as being the most asinine, immature, perverted
-words fail us.
The 'Average' student, observing it wtih a toler-
ant air (such as one assumes towards infants,
asylum inmates, etc.), turns slightly sick, and won-
ders at the future of the present generation of
Michigan students. Is the craze-permanent? Have
our supposed campus leaders gone entirely mad?
We only hope that no one hears of it outside of
Ann Arbor. We wonder, for example, what the
reaction of Michigan taxpayers towards this dis-
play of moronic idiocy on the part of the students
of this institution would be.
We suggest that if such conditions continue to
persist, the Lit School be changed to "High School
of Literature, Science, Arts and B.M.O.C.'s." In
fact, we're strongly considering transferring to Ann
Arbor high school and an atmosphere of compara-
tive maturity.
An L.M.O.C.
Musical Events
Margaret Swetnam's graduation recital went off
with great success and much enjoyment on the
part of those who heard her sing. Her program
consisted of varying types of songs, beginning with
the early Italian "Lungi dal caro bene", of Sarti,
which by the way was a most felicitous opening
number, and a Handel aria from Sosarme "Rendi'l
sereno al ciglio." Miss Swetnam came to the fore
in a more relaxed manner in the English air, My
Lovely Celia", and in "Clavelitos", a gay linguisti-
cally intricate Spanish song.
Miss Swetnam brought her German group to a
'good climax with the Strauss "Zueignung." Her
}French group was highly successful with the De-


-J. W. P.
.......................Regis Toomey
........................Gloria Shea


Diana ........................ Judith Allen
Paul ...................... Reginald Denny'
A two star rating for each of the films at the
Whitney Theatre may surprise some readers after
they have seen the films themselves. In explana-
tion, it must be recognized that the shows there
are not made for the student, that they are in an
entirely different class from those shown uptown
and therefore cannot be judged by the same
Regis Toomey is always trying to make "Big
Time Or Bust" and at certain moments is in
danger of losing the wife he loves. Gloria Shea is
very pretty and shapely but sings terribly. On
the whole the picture is slow-moving, and any
students who venture into the wilds of North Main
should bring pillows along to soften their irritated
moments. Townspeople, workers, dime-store clerks
however will find in the film plenty of excite-
ment and relaxation after a hard day's work. For
these movie-goers the picture will be swell en-
Reginald Denny, as the "Dancing Man," should
go out and buy himself one of those flexible cor-
sets we read about in the ads instead of contin-
uing to use the one he wears now. Judith Allen,
as the pretty debutante who believes that the
murder in the film was not committed by her
gigolo lover, exerts herself to the utmost in an
effort to raise the entertainment value of the film
to its two star level. When this second feature
comes on the screen, it is appropriate for the au-
dience to shift wads of gum to the other cheek,
but be careful not to swallow until the final cli-
max. This film is surprisingly well set, with good
photography, direction that seldom lags, and ac-
ting which, with the exception of Mr. Denny, is
quite adequate and lively.
-- J.G.S
Collegiate Observer
One of the freshmen at Ohio State University
was bearing up rather nobly under a particularly
weary R.O.T.C. drill when he inadvertently passed
by the captain without saluting.
"Say, Buddy," said the captain, with character-
istic sweetness, "do you see the uniform I'm wear-
"Yeh," said the rookie looking enviously at the
captain's almost immaculate uniform, "and look
at the damn thing they gave me!"
A remarkable collection of old whisky bottles
is now on display at Duke University. They should
be especially interesting to a generation that has
always seen its whisky in ordinary fruit jars or
flasks; but after all, they are only bottles.
Add this to your list of definitions: Disap-
pointment is the reaction of a girl who sent
for a book called, "What Every Bride Should
Know" and got a cook book.
-West Point Pointer
At a recent debate held in a small western col-
lege the subject was, "Are Mice More Beneficial
Than Old Maids."
* * *
After one of the recent daily "Bull Sessions"
between the faculty and students held at the
Union every day at 4:30 the sneaker. who


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