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April 04, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-04

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Alice C. Lloyd
To Lead Tall
On Sororities
Dean Of Women Will Go
To U. Of West Virginia
For Conferences
Dean Alice C. Lloyd will go to
the campus of the University of West
Virginia, at Morgantown, April 17,
and 18 to lead a discussion on so-
rority problems at the invitation of
the Panhellenic Association there.
Miss Lloyd who has made an ex-
tensive study of sorority questions
will present the result of her studies
at a general meeting on April 17.
An open discussion to be attended
by all members of sororities, pledges,
house mothers and alumnae will fol-
low, it is planned. During her visit
Miss Lloyd will meet with the Pan-
hellenic Council, the Women's Stu-
dent Government Counciland alum-
nae advisory groups for the variou
"The discussion will be handled
from the point of view of strengthen-
ing the groups not from the point of
view of breaking them down," Dean
Lloyd told a Daily reporter. "The
discussions will be constructive in no
sense, destructive," she said.
Among the broad ponits which
may be considered is the present sta-
tus and uses of the sorority, Dean
Lloyd indicated. Sororities may be
classed as luxuries; in the past they
have helped a definite housing situ-
ation but now dormitories supply
that need and have become their
serious rival. That sororities should
make a definite contribution to edu-
cation; that they should be more
than just social will be discussed,
Dean Lloyd indicated.
"There are certain disadvanges
such as rushing season," said Dean
Lloyd, "the charges of snobbishness
in a democratic institution and the
sorority's sense of isolation when it
should feel itself a part of the whole
University system, which need to be
discussed in order to minimize these
The question of sorority chaper-
ones and their part in the general
system, and the question of the havy
national expense many sororities ask
their members to carry, will be talked
over, Miss Lloyd said.
Height Is Keynote
Of New Co'4ure
With Curls Added
Inches are everywhere being
snipped off the coiffure, which is
going up and up and up. Not only
that, but literally dozens of frivolous
curls are added, to match the youth-
fulness of the spring frocks and baby-
bonnet chapeaux. They are being piled
higher in the back toward the top of
the head, too, and also closer about
the face to make for the softer hair-
line required by off-the-face hats.
A very new brushed-up coiffure
was originated by Antoine in New
York. It is brushed straight up the
back, and across the top is a little
circle of flat ringlets. Another en-
tirely unprecedented innovation in
spring hair-cuts is the diagonal part.
The line starts usually low on either
forehead and crosses the head diag-
onally to the other side. It is partic-
ularly flattering to the slender face,
and there are endless possibilities for
originality in the finished hair-dress.
Katharine Hepburn started some-
thing in the line of bangs with her
charming unsophisticated coiffure in
"Little Women." For the woman who
can wear them, nothing adds quite so

much personality to the face. They go
beautifully with the new spring bon-
nets too.
But even the beauty shops cannot
take the place of daily care for really
beautiful hair. The good old-fash-
ioned exercise of hair-brushing is not
to be scorned, for it keeps the scalp
clean and brings out the glint and
shine of the hair. Frequent shampoos
are a help, too, with a finishing rinse
to tone the natural color.
Michigan Graduates
United In larriage
The wedding of Miss Hazel Weisen-
born of Montpelier, 0., and George
C. Hayward, Jr., Richmond, Ind., was
solemnized here Monday evening at
the First Methodist church.
The bride is a graduate of the
University school of nursing in the
class of 1933. She was prominent in
both social and s.cadcmic activities
while on campus, having been a mem-
ber of the student council and the
Women's Glee club. Mr. Hayward, a
member of the Theta Kappa Nu fra-
ternity, graduated from the Univer-
sity last June and ishnow enrolled in
the architectural school studying
landscape design. He is a member of
the Michigan Union orchestra. The
couple are at home at 709 Church St.
you'll enjoy
dancina at the den

Will Lead Discuss in

Freshmen To
e Hostesses
At Open ouse
Complete inspection of the build-
ing under the direction of a group
of freshman guides will be a feature
of the seconct annual League Open-
House tomorrow.
All of the floors, including the
third and fourth will be opened to
all guests, according to Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director of the
Freshman women, will also act as
hostesses to the guests of Open-
House. The freshman committee is
under the chairmanship of Wilhem-
ine Carr, general chairman of the
freshman activity group.
Free dancing to music furnished
by Max Gail and his orchestra will
also be a feature of the evening.
Anyone desiring to play bridge may
do so in the Ethel Fountain Hus-
sey room, and the pool and ping pong
tables will be available for those who
f wish to play.
Julie Kane, social chairman of the
League, announced that there would
be no charge connected with any-
thing in the League except the Grill
Room and the Theatre. Tomorrow
is one of the nights of the presenta-
tion of the Art Cinema League's pic-
ture, "The Road To Life."
Newberry To Fete
J.G.P. Cast Tonight
Helen Newberry residence is hold-
ing its annual banquet tonight in
honor of members of the cast and
heads of committees of the Junior
Girls Play. The guests expected are
Russell McCracken, Charlotte Whit-
man, Beatrice DeVine, Virginia
Chapman, Beatrice Graham, Camilla
Bowman, Maxine Maynard, Mary
Morrison, Helene Gram, Barbara
Sutherland, Marie Heid, Sue Calcutt,
and Ann Osborn. Dean Lloyd, Miss
Saunders, Mrs. Douglas, and Mrs.
Joy, all members of the Newberry
board of directors, will also be pres-
The members of the cast will be
introduced by Hilda Kirby. Elsa Van
Slyke, social chairman, is managing
the dinner, 'assisted by Dorothy Mc-
S 1arcely ior mdan a "framewr
ths sensational oew berassiere rovers
Ohe lower part of the'sreists, la
iljg he utipperpart entirely uconfined.
iXlihoigli ther's so litle to "la if

Way," it supports perfectly, moulding
the bust in well-u-ipifted, broad-bos-
onmed lines; for daytime or evening.

Student Groups
To Give Dance
RecitalMay 8
Emily White Is In Charge
Of Program; McCracken
Will Help Direct
Students in the regular academic
dance classes and members of the
play production group will present
a dance program May 8 under the
direction of Emily White of the phy-
sical education department, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Girls
interested in taking part must call
Julia Wilson or Collin Wilsey before
A variety of dances will be devel-
oped from such modern composers as
Satia, Bartok, DeFalla, and Kodaly,
including the composition "Lament"
from the Wigman school, and "The
Parade" by Doris Humphreys.
Russell McCracken of Play Pro-
duction will help direct the compo-
sition "Sonatine Trans Atlantique,"
which will be carried out in a so-
phisticated jazz manner.
Concerning the technique of dance
composition, Miss White said, "Com-
position in dance is as intricate and
complicated a thing as composition
in music. To build the pattern of
the dance is a labor of creative strug-
gle, imagination, and effort."
Blind Student
Gets Diploma
At Minnesota
MINNEAPOLIS, April 3.-A blind
University of Minnesota student, who
once "tried to sit on a moonbeam,"
will receive his diploma this spring.
And he has been awarded a schol-
arship for distinctive efforts in Eng-
lish literature.
As Clarence Peterson sat on a
couch and discussed his life - a life
which really began when he was nine
years old -he smilingly blamed
acorns for his blindness.
Playing "Indians and soldiers,"
Clarence clambered into a tree for a
supply of acorns, slipped, and a limb
sliver punctured an eyelid.
The resulting infection spread to
both eyes and resulted in nearly com-
plete blindness. As he describes it,
he is in the dusk zone of blindness.
"Other persons are shadows to
me,"he explains. "In the proper sort
of light I can distinguish fairly well,
without hearing voices, whether the
figure is that of a man or woman."
He jokes about a trick his eyes
played on him.
"One night several years ago," he
recalled, "I had been outdoors look-
ing at the moon. When I went into
the house to sit down I sat on a box
-or what I thought was a box -
and landed on the floor.
"I discovered that the moonlight,
coming through the window, made a
rectangular reflection on the floor'
which resembled the corner of a box.
I had tried to sit on a moonbeam."
While a child he entered the state
school for the blind and learned the
New York point and the Braille sys-
tems. He was graduated in 1927 and
entered the university in the fall of
that year.
He did brilliant work for two years.

A Dinner Costume

.'.--Associated Press Photo
This chic dinner costume com-
bines a gray suede cloth blouse with
a straight black crepe skirt. A red
panne velvet belt marks the normal
waistline. The sandals of black kid
are discreetly cut out.
State Convention Is
Held In Ann Arbor
The Ann Arbor Members of the
Daughters of the American Revolu-
tion entertained officers and visitors
last night at the beginning of the
three-day state convention. The pro-
gram for the convention consists of
la tour of the campus, tea at Mrs.
Alexander Ruthven's, a reception at
the League in the early evening, and
the "All Nations' Revue" at Hill Au-
The Sarah Caswell Angell chapter
is entertaining the national and state
officers at the League. Among the of-
ficers are Mrs. James H. McDonald,
x egent. Mrs. Donald Moore, Hillsdale;
Mrs, Helen Baker Rowe, Grand Rap-
ids; Mrs. William H. Latham, Kala-
mazoo; Mrs. Orville Laidlaw, Te-
cumseh; Mrs. Lynn T. Miller, Ithaca;
Mrs. Williham C. Gagley, Lansing; Mrs.
Humphrey S. Gray, Benton Harbor;
Mrs. Harold Brooks, Marshall; Mrs.
Charles F. Bathrick, Battle Creek;
Mrs. Emma Fox, Detroit; Mrs. Harry
Culver, Saginaw; Miss Mary McDuf-
fee, Kalamazoo; Miss Katherine
Weeks, Mt. Clemens; 'Mis. Edward J.
Savage, Detroit; and Mrs. F. G. Smith,
Many members are being enter-
tained at the homes of friends while
others are staying at the Michigan
Union and the Y.W.C.A.

His sisters read
He mastered the1
he prepares his

assignments to him.
typewriter, on which

ASmashing After-Easter Seling o
Begins Wednesd-ay, April 4tIb
Now! A chance to replenish and brighten up your wardrobe for a song!
Dresses for every occasion are included in these groups - Sports, Day-
time, Dressy Afternoon, Cocktail and Formals in plain colored prints and
sheers. Choose in two and threes, but choose now while selections are good.
(roup 1 roup 2
Values to $8.95 Values to $14.95
$400 $900
(;IOI~j 3 TO I
Values to $22.95. Values to $29 95

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