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April 03, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-03

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New Schedule
-"It is spring, there is romance in
the air and" etc. All in much the
same tone the new sport bulletins
have been posted amidrcardboard
daisies on the Field House bulletin
board. The five usual features of the
outdoor program have been included
on the new list, with the addition of
a riding club and more than remote
possibilities of a track meet.
Archery, golf and tennis face the
spring activity unaltered. Baseball
will be on the Intramural, rather than
the Interclass card, under the aus-
pices and general direction of Miss
Marie Hartwig.
Dancing will also be among the ac-
tivities, as its schedule will continue
without a break from the winter sea-
son. Meetings will be on Wednesday
nights at Barbour gym, and there is
promise of another dance recital in
Student managers for all these
sports have also been named by the
W.A.A. board. Margaret Arnold will
have the job of baseball, the major
sport to be presented in the spring.
Clarabel Neubecker will govern the
fates of the archers, and Beatrice
DeVine will manage golf.
Betty Cady, who has been active in
tennis ever since she came to the
University and was badminton man-
ager*,during the winter, will be mana-
ger of the net.tournaments.
Jane Brucker will continue in her
job as riding manager, and Mary Stir-
ling will coitinue in dancing.
A formal horse show, a track meet,
and three tennis tourneys will head-
line the next few weeks' activities.
Non-competitive archery on Sunday
mornings at the Field House will be
open to everyone interested.

Theta XiKeeps
Title In Annual
Track Contest
Theta Delts Close Behind;
Blue Raiders Capture In-
dependent Crown
Theta Xi successfully defended its
team title in the fraternity track
meet and the Blue Raiders captured
the independent title in their annual
meets at Yost Field House last night.
The outstanding individual per-
formances of the meets were by Jack
Jeanette of Theta Chi who shattered
the fraternity pole vault record with
a leap of 12 feet, and Wescott of the
Humpty Dumpties who lowered the
independent 65 yard high hurdles rec-
ord by over a second, covering the
distance in the good time of 8.6 sec-
onds. The former pole vault record
was 10 feet 8 inches and the hurdle
mark was 10 seconds.
In winning Theta Xi scored a total
of 22% points, nosing out Theta Delta
Chi which chalked up 21 points. Theta
Chi with 13% points and Alpha Kap-
pa Lambda with 12 trailed. The
Blue Raiders, starting with a sweep
in the 60-yard dash, piled up a total
of 39 points and neither the Hops,
who finished with 29, and the Hump-
ty Dumpties with 26, had a chance to
overtake them. The D.D's. followed
with 13 points.
Wendeland, of Theta Delta Chi,
was high point man among the fra-
ternity competitors, scoring firsts in
the 60-yard dash and the broad jump.
Fred Allen of Theta Xi was the lead-
ing point scorer of the winning team
with a first in the 65-yard high hur-
dles and a tie for second in the
high jump.
Other good performances were
those of Fischer, of Phi Kappa Psi,
running the quarter mile in 55 sec-
onds, and Salmon of Theta Delta
Chi, who put the shot 39 feet 33/4

Morenz May Quit

combined with
NOTHING less than custom
quality can describe our
suits -- the woolens -are truly
custom -- the hand stitched
edges - the hand worked in-
sides. All these will be found at
334 South State Over Slater's

Frosh Ball Players
To Report April 16
Coach Benny Oosterbaan has an-
nounced that all candidates for the
freshman baseball nine should re-
port to him at the Field House or the
freshman diamond, Monday, April
16, the day that school resumes. Can-
didates must bring their own equip-
Freshman baseball yearly draws
more aspirants than any other spring
sport, which seems to indicate de-
spite rumors to the contrary, that
baseball is still the national pastime,
and holds the limelight for the col-
lege student.
Last year, a new high was reached
when 75 would-be ballplayers report-
ed for the initial workout. The squad
must necessarily be pared down, as
such a large number is unwieldy to
handle, but each man is assured of
ample time in which to display his
That frosh baseball really helps the
candidate has been proven innumera-
ble times. "Whitey" Wistert came
to Michigan with very little experi-
ence as a pitcher. He developed rap-
idly in his freshman year, and today
Coach Fisher is countnig on him as
being the best hurler in the Confer-

-Associated Press Photo
Howie Morenz, hockey ace of the
Montreal Maroons, suffered a broken
hand in the game against the Chi-
cago Black-Hawks Sunday night. He
hinted broadly that the injury may
lead -him to put away his skates for
good. His nurse is Miss Ruth John-
Wings To Meet
Hawks Tonight
In Cup Series
It will be Chicago against Detroit
at Olympia tonight, the Hawks
against the Wings, black-shirted jer-
peys mixing with crimson ones. Fed
by the fuel of a feud between the
respective owners of the two hockey
clubs, the game tonight, the first. of a
series of five to determine just what
city possesses the best hockey team
in the world, is expected to approach
heights undreamed of in the history
of the ice sport.
Picture the situation. Two great
American cities, fresh from upset vic-
tories over two Canadian cities, meet-
ing in a Stanley Cup playoff final
for the first time. The Detroit Wings
snatched victory from almost certain
defeat when after losing two games
in a row to the Toronto Leafs, they
upset the apple-cart of the experts
and returned victorious. in the final
game by a shutout score, 1-0.
Both Teams Ready
The Hawks had a comparatively
easy time even though their favored
Montreal rivals put up opposition of
the spirited sort in the second and
final game which Chicago took by a
3-2 score.
Detroit, almost rested by a layoff
of one day, returned to the wars in a
practice session directed by Manager
Jack Adams. Goalie Wilf Cude, whose
sparkling play throughout the series
especially in the last game was a
decided factor in Detroit's favor, was
excused, but like a true teammate
was on the sidelines shouting advice
to his fellow-players.
Owners Are Rivals
The Hawks will journey to Olym-
pia, take a light workout and ad-
journ to their hotel to rest before the
game. Owner McLaughlin declared
that nothing would satisfy him but
a clean sweep over his rival, James
Norris of the Wings. Both men live

For years now Michigan has been
very very good indeed at aquatic
sports. In fact, with Coach Matt
Mann turning out swimmers and
divers of great proficiency in quantity
production, so to speak, the Uni-
versity is practically an aquatic head-
quarters. Which is only natural, what
with the usual weather and all.
But now that spring seems to be
definitely here, we turn to spring
sports, and find one aching void.
Michigan has no crew.
Turning down through the list of
objections and natural disadvantages,
I find that there is one detail lacking.
The mighty and majestic Huron does
not seem to have any 4-mile stretches
whatever. Unless, of course, the boys
want to row up and down dams and
such impediments.
Even if the dams were not there,
the Huron's graceful sweeps are so
tortuous and winding that all the
coxwains would have to have the dex-
terity of New York cab drivers.
But I have solved the difficulty.-.
flood the Huron valley right up to the
level of the Railway station down at
the foot of State and you would have
practically all the obstacles removed.
Then the University could buy the
station from the R.R. and use it for
a crew headquarters.
Of course, that would cut off allu
Of course, that would cut off all
the electric light and power from the
plant by the bridge, but after all a
crew is a crew, and Michigan ought to
have one. Mybe it would be a sim-
pler to move the university over to
Lake Huron somewhere.
Jack Blott, former Varsity football
coach, and Ivan Williamson, '33, for-
mer captain, will be entertained by
the University of Michigan Club of
South Connecticut on Thursday,
April 12, according to a statement re-
ceived in the offices of the Alumni As
sociation here.
Blott will be in Middletown at the
time where he will be conducting
spring football practice for the Wes-
leyan eleven, while Williamson will
be in New Haven for the spring prac-
tice of the Yale Varsity.
in the same suburb of Chicago, Lake
Forest, and ever since the Black-
Hawk boss squeezed a franchise away
from Norris, they have been avowed
professional enemies.
Olympia will be filled to capacity
both nights that the teams play in
Detroit. The city is hockey crazy, and
royal action can be expected.

Johnstone Has
Tennis Team
1934 Prospects Good With
Four Veterans To Back
All in all Michigan's tennis pros-
pects for the forthcoming season can
be called fairly good, in the estima-
tion of Coach Johnny Johnstone.
Although Capt. Snell and Nisen
will be missed this year, Johnstone
has a well-balanced squad, sprinkled
with an encouraging number of vet-
erans who have had experience in the
Big Ten wars.
Those who are back for Varsity
service again this year are Siegel,
Baldwin, Appelt, and Capt. Sandusky.
Besides these, Johnstone has Nicholls,
Bowles, Durand, Eskowitz, and Kahn,
a sophomore, from which to select
the 1934 court team.
Seymour Siegel has proven time
and again in practice matches with
members of his own camp that he is
the best player Michigan has. Yet
his record in competition last year
was one of the poorest hung up. He
lost 12 out of 14 matches. Johnstone
hopes added experience will prove a
steadying influence on Siegel's game
this year, but the mentor has lost
much of the confidence he formerly
had in him.
Howard Kahn is a diminutive soph-
omore addition to the squad, but he
has definite possibilities of becoming
a great point winner for the Wolver-
ines. He is by far the best place shot
artist on the squad to date.
Appelt and Baldwin are almost cer-
tain of regularly representing the
Michigan forces.
It looks now as though Capt. San-
dusky, Siegel and Bowles will be
fighting for the fourth position on
the team. Johnstone will know more
about his men when weather permits
work on the outdoor courts. Thus
far the netsters havebeen practicing
indoors in the Intramural Building.
As a sort of innovation in the in-
door practice sessions, Johnstone has
been pitting his first year men against
the Varsity group. The frosh have
lost all their matches thus far, but
the games have been close enough to
make Johnstone smile. He is already
beginning to talk about the team he
will have next year.
There are five freshmen who stand
out as the most likely to see Varsity
action next year. They are Bob An-
derson, of Grand Rapids, All-Campus
indoor champ this year by virtue of a
win/over Kahn in the finals; Bob Ed-
munds, Junior City Champion of De-
troit; John Rodriguez, of Ponce, Por-
to Rico; Miller Sherwood, of Grand
Haven, Michigan; and Jarvis Dean, of

Now that you're out of it all
and reporting on as big city paper,
college must seem very trivial and
distant. The Old School is still
flunking 'em out, ' however, and
things continue to happen.
Right at present we're in the
throes of mid-semesters and the
customary round of pre-vacation
celebrating. At times I get feeling
awfully sorry for myself (Monday
mornings, especially). The sensa-
tion can probably be traced to the
weather (we're still tracing every-
thing to that). It was awful last
week . . . snow miles high . . . then
yards and yards of slush. Oh, for
Bermuda, California or Florida
(Bursley, Connellan and Sharpe
may go there next week . . . the
lucky dogs).
The latest is that 'm writing a
For Men Only colyum for the Daily
(ironically only the women read it,
and they out of curiosity). The
merchants co-operate and each
Tuesday feature different articles
of interest to men.
* * *
J UST for example, in the Saffell
& Bush haberdashery (presided
over by Charlie, Vaughn and the
boys) they're featuring the Gabar-
dine sport coat in blue, grey or
brown to complete your spring and
summer 'wardrobe. Their model
has the Yoke Back (we keep hear-
ing that), Bi-Swing shoulders (and
that) and inverted pleats galore.
You can tie the coat in knots and
it won't wrinkle. The beauty of the
thing is that you ca.match prac-
tically any pair of pants under the
sun (and not be gawked at by style
THIS particular paragraph is For
Doctors Only (a species of the
human race generally found East
of Division . .. and ocassionally in
that architectural monstrosity near
the entrance of the Arboretum).
The Quarry, Inc., has a special de-
partment which handles a com-
plete supply of medical appliances
(everything from Pezzer Self Re-
taining Catheters . . . to Talquist
Haemoglobin Scales). Their steth-
oscopes (guaranteed to make one's
heart beat faster) can be pur-
low as two dollarsaflJHeapKogtyo
chased in Chrome and Nickle for
as low as two dollars . .. "Ohhhh,
Doctor ..

HAVE you still got that old Br
that used to send the fire c
partment around three times
week? If you were in Ann Art
now and stopped by the Calki
Fletcher pipe and tobacco count
you'd take one look at their colle
tion and relegate your fire haza
to the ash can. They've actua
got some Ben Wade Briars ti
sell for as low as one buck, fif
And if you want to make an inve
ment that will reap dividen
you'll buy one of their higi
priced Ben Wade's, GBD's or Di
hill's (guaranteed for life).
* * *
REMEMBER the Parrot? Y
wouldn't recognize the old plr
these days, Butch. It's the uno
cial Daily annex. If you want
get a booth you have to leave yc
nine or two o'clock classes I
minutes early. It's the first ply
you look for your friends. Tr
might be under the table or on t
of it. "Meet you at the Parrot" I
replaced "See you under the cloc
The clock is just a stopping plh
You end up at the Parrot ... .
evitably. Incidentally they're st,
ing open Spring vacation
* * *
T DISCOVERED something y
terday, Butch, that gave me
bigger shock than the time I pas;
Ec. 51. You can get green orch
(yes, orchids) for a dollar and]1
at Schlegel's Flower Shop. TI
make an ordinary corsage look I
last year's hat.
* * *
A BIT of campus gossip. Peo
ale still talking about
J.G.P. It made a Helluva hit. "'
Gondoliers" had 'em gasping t
Bob Miller, Johnny SihIberm;
Henry Austin and Maynard Kl
had leads. The Chi Psi's, D. t
Zete's, Sig's, Phi Psi's, Delta Ch
and Alpha Sig's celebrated I
week end. The Scalpers and Bh;
ers took over the League Saturc
night (Open House Thursday,
Karl Seiffert recently got a ra
on the News. Jim Inglis is with
Times, you know, and Frank C
breth the N. Y. Herald Trib.
School's out for a week start
Friday. Then a month or so
loafing before the profs start g
ting pesky again.
-C. B.




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ii --



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