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February 16, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-16

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night;1 dance aIt. th4' L1 _:1 .'" i ll 00l
)0i t ~ lt25 o e ll~i 1 c
3- Dix
Acuy (,Fai1ed !
PVd' le Irt( A ~e
Ali loi: frt'i lague CAct vi- 1 --
ty Chari.t through Feb06. 1 nmust be
turlned in at the Leagueie12E-
C ia e _y, a c co r d i ni g toe an
noune)tl 'EY't]innt <ade by 111'Nafiry
'35, last ni hAt. final ir plits( aito
come ct t t141end of thiswee
Of Dr. 1'.W4,de1's Talk
Dr. Theodore 0. Wedel, secretary
for college wore of the Episcop~al
ofhurch, spoke at an E piscopal stu-
dents' meeting at Ha.rris Hall yes-
cerday afternoon onl the s u b j e c t
"Why Be Good?" Previous to the
speech, the students miet to discuss
Dr. Wedel's speeeh of the night bie-
fore, "The College Student and God."
f ttof "Al M id-Seaon IS
'Street',Aflternoon, Evening
S;, es 14 to 221,
I ~VauePS to f,29.75
I, $7.95 and $10.75
Sports and Shreet Dresses 'I
r ~Ses 12 to 16,:i 1a
t $3.95 and $5.95
Twin Sweaaters
Values to $5.95 s
Single Slipovers

Where ToGbRFeIgorbip T0 ive I1)
IT71tee 16 GIn tongreg ational 4C
Theli fist Cong regational 8
A^t CiraLege "hn E-Fllwhpdan e of thle semes
Ly Lydia Mend11elssohln Theatre: be g'ivenfrCom 81:30 to 12 tor
15> and 91) p. 1m. night f _ in heCi]'1EOngregatla
Mt'f¢ ti i LPiur fe : l'" '1: ichig ,*A pa lri t has1. 1 , been ;annoull
Me" with Miriam HIopkins ,and tesdlcmiteo h
ederisic rch; Mlajestic, ''Romian ship.
anls" wt t ih ,ddie Ca ntr; VW%1ii.- 4Membe4 rs of the sOciul eo11
1Y "Ann11Carver's Profession n willseveashosts; and hostes:
.orul)ion." I the alair. The chaperon v
Dancng:LeaueUnin, huh's.Mrs". Louis W, Tinker, social d
Iof (l the Congregationla Chrtchl
i t., 1,preketes, Joc Parker's. In addition to da ncing) the.
1be bridge and ping -pong;. Th1
bte state of Ohio's collegiate pop- m1ittiee has invited .111 Congreg,
'd ion numbers 41,784 in 26 schools. student;s and their friend tot
Smart Gi I W ill\Vear for Springy


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tJ1lail O , \s
anh wyte
[6p~ Fle

want to invest
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~Step (C)t IT
WQVE BELIEVE in theca for Sports wear.
We believe in them for street wear.
We believe in thema wherever and whenever
informality reigns. We believe in thema in
checks or plaids or monotones. We heave
several clever miodels that simply should

t ,


not be passed tip.0


and Up





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