Swimmers Leave For National Collegiate Meet At Coli
. 1,
Mann To
To Oh
Degener And
Carry Mich
For Champ
The Tigers..-.
* * *
W'ELL I see that the old Detroit - 1-ri
Tigers finally won a major game Ten Michigan sw
in the grapefruit league. That term- this morning for
inology "grapefruit league" is a con- they will compete t
fusing one. I understand that it is urday for t'he Natio
because all the games take place Stellar individu
down in Florida where they grow teams from as far
grapefruits and not from what they lantic seaboard an
throw at the umpire if they do not California will arri
like that party's decisions on the lair today seeking
game. Northwestern tooka
Well, back in the twenties, Sports- from Michigan last
man's Park in St. Louis was known Men making the
to the initiates as the place of the and Blue are: fr
pop bottle because that is what they Jim Cristy, Tex Ro
registered disapproval with down ner, Henry Kamie
there in those days. So from that you Dalrymple, breast-
would naturally think that the grape- stroke, Bob Law-
fruit league was a place where they rence; b r e a s t-
Of Ten
io State
Drysdale To
igan Hopes
'immers entrained
Columbus where
omorrow and Sat-
nal Intercollegiate
ials and entire
r east as the At-
id as far west as
ve in the Buckeye
the title that
on a scoring fluke
t year.
trip for the Maize
eestylers, Captain
bertson, Bob Ren-
enski and Ogden
After National Title
throw grapefruit.
The Tigers winning a game is big
news even in the grapefruit league
inasmuch as it is strictly a case of
the well-known man biting the
equally w.k. dog as they say in the
journalism classes. In fact, I would
say that when the Tigers win a game
it should be national sporting news
and I am hereby recording it.
USUALLY the pieces in the Detroit
papers regarding the Tigers are
devoted to excuses for the 'lads, and
how so-and-so did not get a hit be-
cause at the time when the final
strike crosses the rubber it so hap-
pens that he is scratching his left
ear . . . or how relief pitcher Oscar
Smeech is having trouble with hold-
ing his mouth right today so he
promptly gets knocked out of the
box and practically back to Kanka-
kee at one fell swoop.
All this may sound as though I
doubt the Tigers' ability to' win the
pennant that a lot of optimists pre-
dict for this year. But it is all due
to bitter experience. Detroit is a good
baseball town and has a reputation
for hauling in good gates, and my
own personal reaction to the state of
affairs is that the cash customers,
so faithful for so long, finally deserve
a break.
WELL MAYBE they are getting a
break this year. Nobody will
know until the season is well under,
way. After all, you never can tell
what will happen even to a bad ball
club. Satisticians say that if you put
fifty monkeys into a room and set
them to pounding fifty typewriters
with an unlimited supply of paper,
one of them will probably turn out
Milton's "Paradise Lost" within the
short space of five hundred thou-
sand million years or something like
Of course, the monkeys would all
be dead by that time, but maybe the
Tigers will crash through this year,
Maranville Breaks His
Leg In Exhibition Game
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March 28.
-MP)-Walter (Rabbit) Maranville,
veteran Boston Braves infielder, suf-
fered a multiple fracture of the left
leg today in the eighth inning of the
exhibition game between the Braves
and New York Yankees.
Attempting to score from third on
a double steal, Maranville crashed
into Norman Kies, Yankee catcher,
breaking his left leg between the
ankle and knee. Maranville was cred-
ited with scoring the run that tied
the score at three all. The game was
called soon after he was taken to the
Mound Park Hospital.
The fracture could easily be de-
termined before the little veteran was
carried from the park. Temporary
splints of heavy straw board were
placed around the leg pending the
arrival of the ambulance.
sstroke, Taylor
Drysdale; divers,
Dick Degener, Der-
land Johnston and
Frank Fehsenfeld.
Indications from
the complete entry
list as revealed
yesterday are that
one of the hottest C'ISTY
t h r e e cornered RIT
races in years will develop between
Yale, Southern California, and Mich-
igan with no one of these conceded
the edge over the others. News that
the Trojans were already in the mid-
dle west, having left Los Angeles last
week, removes the possibility of
Michigan and Yale running away
with the meet. Other teams that may
prove dangerous are Rutgers, Prince-
ton, and Northwestern.
Stories in the Daily Trojan indi-
cate that the far westerners feel that
they have the meet in the bag, and
well they may, with a well-balanced
team headed by Jimmy Gihula, sen-
sational sophomore who was just de-
clared eligible last week. Gihula, for-
mer Detroit Southeastern star, swims
every free style event from the 100
to the 440 in near record time, hold-
ing records in the 100 and 400 meter
events. In other events the Trojans
have Kaye, in the backstroke, Paul-
son, former Olympic swimmer, in the
breaststroke, and Gene Fletcher in
the 50-yard sprint. With such an ar-
ray of versatile stars the California
outfit is bound to
have a hot medley
relay and their
free style relay
team is the best on
the Coast.
When the Big
f 1rThree clash in the
medley relay it is
very probable that
a record will fall.
HORN Coach Matt Mann
will match Drysdale, Lawrence,
and Renner against Yale's Pierson,
Savell, and Livingstone and Kaye,
Paulson, and Fletcher from Southern
Record May Fall
Taylor Drysdale will have his
hands full with Kaye and either of
these boys may crack the collegiate
record of 1:38 for the 150 yard back-
stroke. Livingstone will carry the
Bulldog hopes in the sprint events
against Fletcher and Gilhula of Cali-
fornia, and Flachmann, Illinois' Big
Ten champion.
Paulson, Southern California, and
Savell, of Yale, will be after Don
Horn's Intercollegiate breaststroke
title in what may be one of the .rec-
ord breaking events of the meet.
In the freestyle distance events
Jack Medica, Washington U's one-
man swimming team, should have
things his own way, although Jim
Cristy has a score to settle with this
star of the northwest and may take
this opportunity. Medica beat Cristy
in the invitational mile at the World's
Fair last year. Medica and Cristy
Taylor Drysdale, Big Ten back-
stroke champion, will try to regain
the National Collegiate championship
at Ohio State next Saturday. Drys-
dale won the 154 yard backstroke
event in the national meet of 1932,
but was ineligible last year.
R. Elsworth Is
Double Winner
In Swim Mee7t
The All-Campus swimming meet
was held yesterday afternoon in the
swimming pool of the Intramural
building. No All-Campus records were
broken, and only one was tied, when
Gould swam the 50 yard breaststroke
in :32.8. Robert Elsworth was the
most versatile swimmer, taking firsts
in the 100 yard freestyle, and the 50-
yard backstroke.
The following is a summary of the
events: 100 yard free style, R. Els-
worth, first, S. Bogley, second; time,
1.9.2; 100 yard breaststroke, H. Wil-
liam, first, M. Sookne, second, J.
Gould, third. Time, 1:18; 50 yard
freestyle, R. Ryan, first, R. Low, sec-
ond, H. Savitch, third; time, :27; 50
yard backstroke, R. Elsworth, first;,
W. Weeks, second; R. Ryan, third;
time, :34.8; 50-yard breaststroke, J.
Gould, first, M. Sookne, second; time,
:32.8; tied All-Campus record.
Hal Trosky, Cleveland first base-
man, has been in seven exhibition
games, has made 26 trips to the plate,
but has a batting avc rage of only
should place first and second in the
1,500 meter event, being held in the
intercollegiates for the first time this
year. In the 440 these two should also
stand out, although Gilhula may
complicate matters.
Fisher To Take
Six Hurlers On
Training Tour'
Mentor Hopes To Be Able
To Get Outdoors Before
Spring Trip Starts
Coach Ray Fisher will take 16
baseball players East on April 8 and4
six of the squad will be pitchers.
Since the Varsity nine will play a
total of seven games in eight days,
it will be necessary to carry this
number of hurlers in order that none
of the hurling staff will be over-
worked during the Eastern trip.
Just who the half dozen pitchers
will be Coach Fisher has not decided
as he hopes to be able to get out-of-
doors for two or three days before
leaving in order to get a better line
on the material.
It is hard to determine accurately
the capabilities of the players in-
doors, Fisher said, because so many
baseball men look better after they
get outside, and others appear to be
Varsity material inside then turn out
to be just ordinary players when they
finally show their stuff on the field.
If the ground is clear of snow be-
fore April 8, Fisher is determined to
get the squad outside, even if they
are only able to work out on the
grass. "This is the latest spring I can
remember in the 14 years I have been
here," Fisher said, "and I'm hoping
the weather will clear so we can get
out for at least two or three days."
The Michigan mentor has a more
pressing reason for wanting to get
out on South Ferry Field now that
George Ford, who was considered al-
most a certainty for the hot corner,
has broken the small bone in his leg.
In order to find some player to fill
in at third, Fisher wants to work out
on the diamond so he can shift the
players around in an effort to deter-
mine the best infield combination.
Clayt Paulson, who held down
third last year until he suffered an
injury to his thumb, may be shifted
from the catching assignment to the
infield. Another possibility for the
position vacated by Ford is Russ
Oliver, who may get the call when
the Wolverines open the 1934 sched-
ule against Colgate, April 9.
Benny Friedman former All-Amer-
ican quarterback at Michigan has se-
lected the coaching staff which will
assist him next year at the College
of the City of New York. They are
Paul Riblett, former University of
Pennsylvania end as end coach, Dr.
Joe Alexander, former All-American
center at Syracuse as line coach, and
Mike Michalske who played profes-
sional football with Friedman on the
New York Giants as the other line
Ward Sn reme-Wai 'T ill Next All.Campus [rack
Scheduiled Monday
Year' Say Backers Of Owens .-d - Cp
The annual indoor All-Campus
%_____track meet will be held next Monday
The track world, which gasped last Comning from Cincinnati, he first night at the Yost Field House, with
both fraternity and independent
spring when Jesse Owens of Cleve- made his presence known to track teams competing for titles in their
land East Tech High School won the followers here by winning the State respective divisions.
national scholastic 100-yard dash in A.A.U. earlier in the winter. Ten events will be held, and each
9.4 seconds, is already anticipating He also covers the dash in near- entrant can compete in not more
with no little enthusiasm future com- record time, and along with Ward than two events. Entries for the meet
w and Owens, should make competition will not be accepted after Saturday
petition between him and Willis plenty stiff in that event next sea- noon.
Ward, Michigan's greatest all-around son.
star. So the fans are speculating. Some
Although Ward has had things all say Owens will develop still further PINTIN G
his own way in the dash events outshine Ward. Ward's followers, al- PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU!
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