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March 23, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-23

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LE TIN Rohrer Gives Mysterius Loss Of Wefare Plans CLASS
Peesfdentuntill Philippine Talk Dessert Instigate Work-Belief To
1 ~Freshm. can . ect
o as soon as OnFmRadiorour Replace CWA CLASS
to so as soon as Prwmiaient among the embarrassing _ _ADVER'
are available at moments of the week is that of the
artment of Mech- Claims That Soluion Of brothers of Sigma Phi who, when din- Will Attempt To Empoy Phone 2-1214. Pace
'ing Drawing 412 Island's Problems Can ing several of their professors in true Men hi Fields Suitable e la l
uilding. Wednesday night style," were ap- o crioi pre viou
praised by an agonized whisper from To Their Training IW Nubes may
- etra charge.
the kitchen that the ice cream had ca in Advance-1
dependents: Your The belief that a satisfactory solu- been stolen. A(honh th s f CWA ac- basis of fiv
1e to the Finance Altough te cessaion o W c line) for oe or t
dependent men- tion to the Philippine problem could A searching party of freshmen was tivities in Ann Arbo will increase the Iqc per reading lin
quickly mustered and all those broth inser tons.
Committee. All be worked out by frankness was ex- whose appetites had been notice- number of families dependent upon Minimum three
pressed by Prof. Harvey Rohrer of ably weak during the meal were sub- the county from 1,227 to three times one or two Insert:
the political science department in a jetted to a most rigid cross-exam- that number, an extensive program 14 per reading iii
thiournament a University broadcast last night. Mr. ination, but no ice cream was forth- of work-relief will be put into opera- 1% discount if p
ff their games as Rohrer was formerly United States coming. A party of young and dusky tion this spring to take care of these from the date ofe
miscreants were chased down the hill, families, according tq Mildred Valen- By Contract, per lin
trade commissioner to the Philp- but the dinner still remained dessert- tine, director of the Family Welfare month..........
pines.4 litres FO.D., 2
pines. less. Bureau. 2lnes daily, co
Notices "Filipinos' ability to assume the In desperation the brothers broke "Under this new program," Miss 4 lines E. 0. D.,c
duties of self-governors in an ordi- into song, and under cover of the Valentine said yesterday, "an effort I i0nesued a
boratory problem y sense is quite as evident as in musical barrage, messengers were dis- will be made to find work that will 1,00 ines used a
ek of March 26, many races enjoying nominal sov- !patched to the nearest confectionary. suit the training of the various labor- The bverae a
, 5, and 6. ereignty," Professor Rohrer said. "As Minutes later beaming waiters bore ers. Thus, instead of digging ditches based on eight readi
a matter of fact, the governmental in the ice cream, while an audible or building sewers, a . man who has 7 point Ionic typ
tory 12: Lecture abuses fqund in the Philippine sigh escaped from the diners, been previously employed in clerical case.Acid 6per tn
f9 all capital letters,
March 26, at 8 Islands are not any more numerous The Sigma Phi scholarship, was work will be able to secure a posi- above for bold fac
ach's sections in than are found in certain areas with- saved. tion for which he has been trained." case. Aad 10per n
Auditorium. All in the territorial limits of the United Each individual will be compen-
.H- States." sated at the approved salary rate for ILS N
M artindale Is his particular, trade, and he will be _ _LOST______
ur examination ill march from Morris Hall to Yost assigned the number of hours he must LOST:BetweenW
10 a.m. Sec. 2 Will Field House. Members will be excused work in order to allow hm to earn Bldg., Monday,
Other sections in at $:45 p.m. upon request. a salary larg'e enough to support his blue cloth case
w ef amily. Please phone, . 2-:
Paleontological Journal Club meetsNusic Senirs
ure in Room 1532 University Museums at ;________
[Lecture: The See- 5 p.m. All those interested in a dis- .i CoRes Is N1o (
s ineHill au i cussion of paleontological literature Cathewson Named Vide-
8:15 on the sub- will be welcome. President; Meet Monday Cure For Vacation
Labor in 1934."In Choral AudlitorliumA
d seats available. Theosophy: The Ann Arbor Theo-
'chased at Wahr's sophical Society will discuss "The Im- A change in activity, not. inactivity, of adults who are
2 p.m. The Hill manence of God," by L.W. Rogers, at Margaret Martindale was elected is the best cure for the problem of thering their educ:
ice will be open 8:00 in the Michigan League. Those president of the senior class of the what to do during summer .vacation, that women's clu
il the time of the interested are cordially welcome. School of Music at an election held according to Prof. S. A. Courtis, writ- purpose is educati
hing to purchase recently. Mary Ann Mathewson was ing in the March issue of the School another reach m
o secure them as Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will preach elected vice-president, Lucille Lucas, of Education bulletin, which is avail- womefl at the pr
avoid a last-min- at 7:30 this evening at the First secretary, and Elizabeth Aslop Leslie, able for its readers today. He de- spondence schools
-office. Methodist Church on the subject, treasurer. lares that "vegetative rest is good of one;sixth of a
"How Do You Know You Are Saved?" An important. meeting of the senior only for those run-down in health." four times as ma
,___class of the School of Music will be Teachers, according to Mr. Courtis, enrolled in all the
Ctmgon held at 3:15 p.m. Monday, March especially the older ones, should learn ties and professio
College of Archi- Coming Events 26, in the Choral Union Auditorium. to play new games during the summer country.
hitectural Society Phi Beta Kappa: The annual meet- Miss Martindale appointed the fol months in order to feel once again The increased It
hundred original ing of Phi Beta Kappa will be held lowing senior committee members; the awkwardness and embarrassment workers, and the n
alt Disney studios on Wednesday, March 28, 4:15 p.m., a dvisor y committee, Vida Patten, of the beginner and in this way to. in adult educatioi
Art of Mickey Room 2003 Angell Hall. At this time chairman, Elizabeth Bentley, Gladys keep in touch with the feelings and will undoubtedly i
the routine business of the Chapter Mohler, and Lillian Weinman. Audit- emotions of their pupils. of adults seeking
are hung in the for the year will be transacted. Mem- ing committee, Evart Hilty, chairman, Important considerations in the according to Mr. C
ion room of the bers are urged to be present. Winifred Arthur, Dorothy Emerish, A decided shift i
~ture an may be aryetta Roop, and Paul Tompkins. question of adult education are treat-ai
Fture and inay beae comi, Ro t T kS ed by Wray H. Congdon in the same ams of adult educ
:00 or 5:0 p.m., Cosmopolitan Club: Meeting Satur- napublication. The importance of the ticed in recent yes
.00ve th:0e mcomooitntlb:MetngStu-mate, chairman, Margaret Burke, Al-The objective has
cover the cost of day, March 24, 8:00 p.m., Lane Hall. bet Tairro, Agarth, ad question is indicated by the numbers of mere adult liter
tion to Ann Arbor Mr. Wolf-Isbrand Much, a student Bert Taliferro, Alice Howarth,
n charge of ten fro- Vienna,'Austiia will be the Mary Spaulding. Invitations: Thane ization to one of a
speaker. His subject will be "Austria, McDonald, chairman, 1 i z a b e t h CoIssues social, economic, x
- Ger.aH Outpost w as trheCampbell, Helen Clark, and Sally u leli Sissues.
a German Outpost Towards the Place. A lack of intere
TodaySouthwest." e will wear his national Publicity committee: K e n n e t h Fes of ed n
Toda costume and sing some Austrian Kinchloe, chairman, Sarah Lacey, educationtds
Ill marching Band songs. A get-together dance will take Kine chairm, ar L ac adult education i
[all at 7:10 p.m. the place of the regular social hour, Margaret Swetnam, anld Louis Mac- .~.. 1/ ongdon, who be
h folio and wearKa tverye of were s. y. Social committee: Margaret F rater ltly IM en sional educational
uniform. Ban Everyone is welcome. Jane Kimbal, chairman, Mary Kiest,_ prepared to cope
and Dorothy Smith. Senior Gift com- adult education. T
Lutheran Student Club: Regular mittee: Virginia Ward, chairman, Al- (Continued from Page ndled, he says,
meeting 5:30 p.m. Sunday at Zion vin Benner, Elaine Schlesinger, An- create an atmosphere which will stim- investigation and
Lutheran Parish Hall, E. Washington thony Barone, and Rosemary Simp- ulate substantial intellectual progress and programs.
St. at S. Fifth Ave. The program son. and superior intellectual achievement.
will be a student discussion led by Cane committee: R. Lyle Shumate, "5. T h a t the fraternity should
Olga Loppenthein and Christian and Kenneth Kinchloe. Senior Day maintain sanitary, safe, and whole- Construction
Haas on the subject "What is Jesus' committee, Sally Place, Rosemary some physical conditions in the chap- Count J
Character?" Simpson, and Alvin Benner. ter house.
6. That the fraternity should in- Despite delays
Bay Scout Problems will be dis- Institute To Direct culcate principles of sound business materials apd lab
cussed by a group of former Scouts practice both in chapter finances and crete for the firs
now enrolled in the University in Archaeology Work in the business relations of its mem- Washtenaw Count
room 302 of the Union on Sunday, bers." tomorrow, accordir
March 25, at 3 p.m. It is hoped to The National Interfraternity Con- in charge of const
organize a group to carry on these All future work in archaeology will ference has stated that it hopes to be are due to arriv
discussions. This meeting is being be planned and directed by a newly- able to offer suggestions, after further Chicago and will b
sponsored by the Delta Scout Organi- formed Institute of Archaeological study and investigation, regarding immediately.
zation. Research, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as- practical steps to make this co-opera- On the first of
sistant to President Ruthven, stated tion effective. come from work
m g yesterday. Previously individuals have list, who will wo
I done much of the actual work in- hours required by
volved in planning and equipping of TO BROADCAST 'GONDOLIERS' are getting from

these parties. A special musical program featur- _
Robert H. McDowell, head of this ing the soloists from the Gilbert and
expedition, will remain there through Sullivan opera, "The Gondoliers," will HOT E
the next season to superintend the be broadcast at 4:45 p.m. next Mon-
assortment, division, packing and day from the University studios in
.KepWill George shipment of those antiques found and Morris Hall, arrangements made yes- I
Flakes ogets 'rien to complete the maps and surveys of terday by Waldo Abbot, director of
ious.1in1)the project broadcasting, revealed.
Sppetite IncludeM og
hungry -AR11BOR "SPO R1IN G "-S "W A T ER
On your food shopping lists this spring. You'l
night- find it enjoying a regular place in your refrigera-
ing of - _tor from then out.
books. mDelivered to your home in case lots of six 2-quart bottles I
416 West Huron Phone 8270 W A T C H


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