The Weather
Partly cloudy. possibly snow
and slightly warmer today; to-
morrow sn ow.
t an
By Leaders
Result Of Conference Of
President, Labor Men
Is Request For Abeyance
National Federation
Wants Recognition
Licensing Of All Industry
Seen As Consequence Of
Turbulence In Trades
WASHINGTON, March 22.-(M -
In accordance with a request by the
administration, representatives of
automobile worker tonight urged
their union locals to hold in abeyance
any strike action pending further
word from President Roosevelt who is
seeking a peaceful settlement.
This request was made at a meet-
ing of the workers' representatives
within a few hours after they had held
a long discussion with the President.
After considering the proposal for
an extension of the strike truce, the
union men wired their locals in
Michigan and Indiana automobile
centers urging them "to hold in abey-
ance until final word has been re-
ceived from the President."
The meeting, held in the American
Federation of Labor headquarters,
was attended by most of those who
conferred with Mr. Roosevelt, Includ-
ing William Collins, A. F. of L. or-
ganizer. William Green, president of
the federation, did not attend.
(By Associated Press)
Automobile labor representatives
laid their demand for union recog-
nition before President Roosevelt
Thursday after learning from Gen.
Hugh S. Johnson that the admin-
istration's industrial peace program
embraced a committee inquiry into
complaints of anti-union discrimina-
tion by manufacturers.
Crystallization of the threatened
strike of automotive workers depended
upon the White House conference.
Licensing of the entire industry may
be an issue.
Joseph B. Eastman, Federal co-or-
dinator of transportation, prepared to.
suggest a settlement of the railroad
wage question -after hearing both
management and labor state their
WASHINGTON, March 22.- Rep-
resentatives of the unions organized
at Detroit under the auspices of the
American Federation of Labor left the
White House late this afternoon fol-
lowing a three-hour conference with
President Roosevelt.
They declined to comment upon the
situation involved in the threatened
strike in the automobile plants in
Detroit, Pontiac, Flint and Lansing.
William Green, president of the A. F.
of L., and William Collins, organizer
at Detroit, remained in conference
with the President.
It was reported at the White House
that the President was hopeful of a
peaceful settlement of the contro-
versy. This ho'pe was shared by Gen.
Hugh S. Johnson, NRA administrator,
and Frances Perkins, secretary of la-
bor, who attended the conference.
Judiciary Body
Asks Report Of
Hour Violators
Accumulation Of Over 1
Hour Lateness Will Be
Any woman having an accumulated
lateness of 60 minutes during the en-
tire year, must be reported to the
Judiciary Council, according to a new
ruling passed at their recent meet-
The council is seeking to set a
standard of uniformity in such rules.
As the system is now each house has
its own set of lateness rules, and need
not send offenders in to the Coun-
cil until they deem it necessary. The
present plan, according to Harriet
Jennings, '34, chairman of Judiciary,
makes it impossible for the Council
to determine the seriousness of the
offense -when a violator is sent to
All houses must send a list of the
, _ e _ --- -e_'n -1 :-7r Ch i A-
The University of Chicago
Office of the Dean of Students and
University Examiner
March 19, 1934
Mr. Thomas Connellan,
The Michigan Daily,
Student Publications Building,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
My dear Mr. Connellan:
It is impossible to give you information
sufficiently concise to be of help to you. At
the University of Chicago there is no detailed
supervision of students' private life. Upon
the basis of broad observation I judge that the
availability of beer in restaurants close to the
campus has created no serious problem; at least
none which so far has occasioned investiga-
Sincerely yours,
Assistant Dean of Students
The above is a copy of a letter to the editor of The Michigan Daily
from William E. Scott, assistant dean of students of the University of Chicago,
Chicago, Ill.
Is Discussed By
Max Handman
Advocates More Efficient
Use Of Resources For
Pointing to the relative insignifi-
cance of the question of isolation
versus internationalism,Prof. Max
Handman, of the economics depart-
ment, stressed and recommended a
more efficient use of America's natural
resources and encouragement of sci-
ence to bring about more equitable so-
cial distribution of goods and services,
in his lecture in Natural Science Audi-
torium yesterday on "Can and Should
America Be Self-Sufficient?"
Making use of the rhetorical de-
vice of the dialogue the speaker pre-
sented first the argument of the na-
tionalist who believes that America
should be self-sufficient, and then the
counter-argument of the opposing
school of thought. Throughout the
fictional repartee between these two
imaginary characters, it was evident
that Professor Handman tended to
lean towards the internationalist be-
lief that the economic well-being of
America would be immeasurably
harmed by a permanent policy of self-
However, a new element was in-
troduced into the debate by Pro-
fessor Handman, in the form of an
academic person who interrupted the
two speakers and belittles the argu-
ments of the first two speakers with
a third philosophy of what an eco-
nomic system should do in America.
This imaginary speaker says in
part, "Nationalism or International-
ism, self-sufficiency or world economic
relations are stabs made in the dark
at ghosts which are of our own con-
juring. The real problem is this, what
have we done with the resources, na-
tural and human, with which the
Lord has so magnificently endowed
us. You talk glibly about there being
too much wheat when people go
hungry or too much cotton when
millions go naked.
Concert Series Is
Continued Sunday
Three members of the faculty of
the School of Music, Thelma Newell,
violinist, and Ava Comin Case and
Louise Nelson, pianists, will unite
their efforts in the next program of
the Faculty Concert Series Sunday
at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Newell is a graduate of the
School of Music and has supple-
mented her American training with
extensive study abroad. She has ap-
peared often in concerts and is con-
sidered a performer of merit by critics.
A feature of the program will be
two groups of numbers for two pianos
to be played by Mrs. Case and Miss
Nelson. Both of these artists have ap-
Fresh Air Camp Is
Summer Dream of
Bill And Brothers
This is a story of Bill and his three
brothers who desire, above everything
else, a trip to the University Fresh
Air Camp this summer.
They live .in a three-room shack
along the railroad tracks near the
Huron river. Bill has little chance to
swim, play baseball or football. Al-
though 12-years-old he looks only
seven, being undernourished, shy, and
According to the camp counsellor,
who was in charge of Bill last sum-
mer, he is a willing helper, taking both
praise and blame with good grace. His
personal appearance, though shabby
because of inadequate clothing, was
neat. Bill has shown a propensity for
detail work, such as rounding up the
boys, and it is the belief of the coun-
sellor that he has the qualities of a
leader if given the chance to cultivate
Bill and his brothers went to camp
last year. They can hardly wait until
summer comes to go again. Whether
they or many other similar cases go
to camp depends on student contribu-
tions. Support the "All Campus Jam-
Faculty Takes Part
In 'Bull Sessions'
A series of daily "butl sessions,"
presided over by prominent faculty
men, is being inaugurated this week
as part of an extensive program for
the achievement of a closer relation-
ship between the student and his pro-
Each afternoon at 4:30 p.m. a se-
lected faculty man is stationed at a
table set aside for the purpose in
the Union taproom where he discusses
with undergraduates any and all
topics of interest. Coffee is provided
for the occasion by the cafeteria.
It was announced last night by
Union student officials that several
professors, who are recognized as au-
thorities on their special subjects,
have agreed to preside over forthcom-
ing sessions.
Wrestlers To
Meet l) First
Round Today
100 College Matmen Begin
Competition For Titles
At Intramural Building
Athletes From 30
Colleges In Meet
Semi-Finals And Titular
Bouts Are Planned For
Over a hundred college wrestlers
from all parts of the country but the
Pacific Coast will begin the quest for
team and individual championships
at 3 p.m. today in the first round
of the National Intercollegiate wres-
tling meet in the Intramural Building.
Approximately 30 schools will be
represented in the largest individual
entry list in the history of the meet.
Team champions from every major
conference in the country will be
represented in ttie two-day meet.
Weighing-in will begin at 10 a.m.
today, and drawing and seeding will
be made at noon. The preliminary
matches are to begin this afternoon
and will be continued in a session
at 8 p.m.
The quarter- and semi-finals will
be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow, and the
meet will be climaxed by the finals
tomorrow night.
Five schools have entered full
eight-man teams, Oklahoma A. & M.,
Indiana, Southwestern (Okla.) State
Teachers College, Illinois, and Kent
(O.) State College.
Five of the eight individual cham-
pions from last year's meet will de-
fend their titles. Rex Peery, Ross
Flood, and Alan Kelley, all of Okla-
homa A. & M., Pat Devine, of Indiana
and Ralph Teague, Southwestern
(Continued on Page 3)
Further Plans
rAnnounced For
Sulmer Session.
Program Of Courses And
Activities Is Described
By Director Hopkins
Speaking through Station WJR on
the regular University broadcast last
night, Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director
of the Summer Session, announced
the issuance of the complete bulletin
for the 1934 Summer Session. He also
briefly described the activities and
courses which will be offered to stu-
dents of the session.
"Courses planned for the session
cover wide ranges of human knowl-
edge and truly represent the educa-
tional resources of the University,"
Professor Hopkins declared. In addi-
tion to the approximately 400 mem-
bers of the faculty there will be 25
visiting professors from other insti-
tutions throughout the country and
abroad on the campus.
The Summer Session, which is so
popular that it attracts students from
every state and as many as 26 for-
eign countries, not only includes
courses in all schools on the campus,
but also comprehends work in each
of the four summer camps, Forestry
and Conservation, Geology and Geog-
raphy, Surveying and Geodesy, and
the Biological Station.
A 1 t h o u g h many undergraduate
courses are announced and practically
all units of the University will be
functioning, emphasis is placed large-
ly upon advanced and graduate study,
Professor Hopkins said.
Members Of Chorus
Cast Are Selected
Milton Peterson
Suggested Criteria Issued On
Fraternity-University Relations
A set of suggested criteria for fra-
ternity men in relation to their col-
leges and universities has been sent
to the deans of men and presidents on
more than 170 campuses, including
Michigan, by the officers of the Na-
tional Interfraternity Conference.
The criteria received here by Jo-
seph A. Bursley, dean of students,
have been sent out to the presidents
of all fraternity houses.
The setting up of the suggested
standards are a part of the campaign
^- ln TX e , vnI ntc_,_ tn :_ n^"
sible for a positive contribution to
the primary functions of the colleges
and universities, and therefore under
an obligation to encourage the most
complete personal development of its
members, intellectual, physical, and
social. Therefore we declare:
"1. That the objectives and the
activities of the fraternity should be
in entire accord with the aims and
purposes of the institutions at which
it has chapters.
"2. That the primary loyalty and