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March 11, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-11

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L -IiN Ftw. _m~v
- - -
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
m z0ciate4 o I i tate r¢ z
1933 NILE__ _34
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
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Entered at the PostOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Offices: Student Publicathms Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phoner: 2-1214.
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Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR......................BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Williami
G. Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
Whipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn,
John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David
G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, Wil-
liam R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair,
Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M.
Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
Held, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean,
Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn
Rietdyk, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ..................
.............................. CATHARINE MC HENRY
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Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty GreveBillie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara. Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds.
Ohio State Lantern
Views Our Hell Week.
T HE Ohio State Lantern, whose edi-
torials are hatched to the cluck-
clucks of the Department of Journalism, draws
a lesson from the recent abortive effort at the
University of Michigan to empower Dean Bursley
to set up hell week rules.

what becomes of a part of the foreign legion when
the officer in charge is shot down in the Arabian
desert, leaving no written orders for the sergeant
to carry out. None of the men knows where they
are or what they are supposed to do. After bury-
ing their leader, they reach an oasis where they
decide to stop before proceeding to their destina-
tion, which seems to be nowhere. However, they
are relieved of their ignorance concerning their
purpose by the Arabs, who steal their horses dur-
ing the night, making it necessary for them to
remain where they are and wait. While waiting,
the Arabs do away with them one by one until
only the sergeant is left to be rescued by the
customary search party that always gallops up
at the last minute in this sort of picture.
Victor McLaglen, as the sergeant, is typically
Victor McLaglen and no more. Boris Karloff
plays the role of a religious fanatic as if he were
re-doing Frankenstein or Dracula. Reginald Den-
ny begins to tell of his past love affairs, and the
audience prepares itself for a lascivious bull-ses-
sion, but it is nipped in its bud, and the plot
continues in another vein. None of the other
characters are distinguished in any other way
except for the manner in which each meets his
maker. "The Lost Patrol" begins well, but goes
steadily downhill, hitting a few bumps on the
way which lift it up a bit and then drop it down
to a lower level untfi it reaches almost rock-
bottom at the end.
A Grantland Rice Sportlight about dogs is the
best of the added attractions; a Harry Langdon
comedy is very bad. The news reel is average.
-C. B. C.
As ODthers See t;kIt
As passed by the Senate, the Vinson-Trammell
treaty-strength naval bill, even though it author-
izes prospective appropriations of from $470,000,-
000 to $750,000,000, lacks a great deal of being the
sort of legislation which the ship builders must
have hoped for. Two amendments approved with-
out opposition seriously restrict the opportunity
for profit-making in connection, with naval ex-
Thanks to the amendment of Senator Trammell
of Florida, chairman of the Senate Naval Com-
mittee, the bill now limits the profit which private
builders may enjoy in constructing warships and
naval planes to not in excess of 10 per cent. The
amendment of Senator Bone of Washington di-
rects the Government to arrange to produce one-
fourth of the planes, thus further limiting the
range of profit-taking.
These restrictions are of the right sort and if
they may be criticized, it is because they do not go
farther than they do. With the need as well as
the wisdom of increasing the size of our navy a
debatable question at best, there is patently no
reason why an expansion should line the pocket-
books of ship and plane makers at the expense of
the American taxpayers. An editorial printed on
this page recently made clear the fact that greed
for profit on the part of armament manufacturers
is one of the chief causes for the maintenance of
expensive military systems.
Even in its amended form, the Vinson-Trammell
bill was not without its outspoken opponents.
Staunch supporters of the New Deal like Senators
Norris, La Follette, Costigan, Nye and Frazier were
among those who voted against it. This should be
all the proof anyone needs that these progressives
vote with the administration only when they
agree with it; that they are still the independent
legislators they were under another administra-
-The St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Student Health
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a condensation
of an article written by Dr. Margaret Bell, director
of women's physical education, which appears in the
current School of Education Bulletin.
THE original acceptance of physical education in
our schools and colleges was primarily on the
basis of its contribution to the better health of
the student. In an effort to establish the posi-
tion of physical educaion as a phase of educa-
tion, however, there has been a tendency to mini-
mize and perhaps to slight this emphasis; al-
though the whole superstructure of objectives that
deal with integration, personality, character, and
good leadership are based on a sound, well-devel-
oped physique which adjusts without fatigue and
without manifestations of nervous instability, with
confidence and optimism to the vicissitudes of life.
So much has recently been said about the social-
izing qualities of sport and other elements of
physical education (big muscle activity) in rela-
tion to the recreational use of leisure time, and in
connection with the development of personality,
character, and leadership, that the time has come
again to stress the physiological aspects of phy-
sical education.
There are economic values in the ability to
move with ease and economy of effort. Acci-
dents are decreased and safety is increased when
an individual can coordinate his movements easily
and has a margin of strength. This fact is rec-
ognized by accident insurance companies when
they charge a much higher rate to insure women
against accidents.
There are social values which are assured the
individual who moves with poise and confidence.
There are certain qualities of character and per-
sonality which are best developed in the emotion-
ally tense situations set up in play and compe-
tition. Here a child must be controlled to acquit
himself creditably in his own eyes and those of
his contemporaries. To achieve the greatest suc-
cess, he must not only perform well but also bring
out the ability of his team-mates. These are the
experiences that develop athletes into practical
human psychologists. These are the situations
that may encourage the development of con-
structive leaders.
As leisure time increases the child must be
suitably motivated to recreate. Games, play and
outdoor life offer not only a wholesome use for lei-
sure time but for recreation both to youth and
to the adult. Big muscle activity is a fundamen-
tal need of the human organism. No other out-
let offers the same release from the confusion and
nervous strain of our complicated existence. Ex-
ercise, including sports of all types, should be used
primarily as a preventive and not as a cure. That
physical exertion coupled with love of a sport is a
stabilizer, is well recognized by the broken-down
business man.
These observations alone obviously warrant a
place in the curriculum for physical education ac-
tivities and demand that these activities be di-
rected by an educator who has the knowledge and
the ability to promote and control the potent
emotional situations inherent in the activities,
with advantage to each individual child. It is
important that the problem child be not sacri-
ficed to the group, for he is entitled to special
attention. When the individual is physically edu-
cated, he has derived those benefits from activity
which assure him his best possible growth and de-
velopment, adequate neuromuscular control (co-
ordination), nervous stability, integration of his
powers that assure him poise, energy, and emo-
tional control, and a facility for living. He should
have enough skill in a minimum of sports to put
up a game that is worthy of his temperament, and
thus be motivated by a love of sport to participate
in activity at frequent regular intervals through-
out his life.
A well-directed physical education program can
promote the development of the most important
qualities of character; qualities of character which
are gratifying to the individual and essential to
the fundamental needs of society. The fulfillment
of these objectives must be based on a well under-
stood, firm, physiological foundation.


. ,1J

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By a curious process of logic (or illogic) the
Lantern derives from what happened here the
conclusion that administrative control of hell week
should be effected.
Its editorial ramblingly describes the effort of
Michigan fraternity alumni to put control of hell
week in the hands of the dean's office, the un-
welcome reception the suggestion received, and
the subsequent letter sent by Mr. Bursley to the
fraternities quelling their resentment with the1
statement that here was nothing obligatory in his
hell week remarks. From this resume of the re-
cent experience in Ann Arbor the Lantern passes
abruptly to an incidental observation that Ohio
State fraternities do not obey the territorial limits,
that have been imposed on them for their initia-
tion period activities. In a final jerk the con-
clusion is fetched out that obviously some admin-
istrative control, is necessary.
Now we believe that the logic of the facts set
forth in the Lantern editorial leads inevitably to;
the opposite conclusion. In two schools, Michi-
gan and Ohio State, administrative regulation hasj
been attempted. In both of them it has failed.
How, can this mean anything but that adminis-
trative control of hell week won't work.-
No one can deny that fraternities may easily,
go too far in their hell week activities. Freshmen,,
we believe, can stand about as much punishment;
as their prospective brothers care to mete them;
but we readily admit that third parties have rights
which should not be infringed. Homeowners whose
plumbing fixtures do not include inside bathroms,
for instance, should not be called upon for un-
willing contributions to the - fun of hell week.
Cemeteries should not be desecrated. This is ob-
But why should administrative control be con-
sidered the only way to enforce sane rules? How
can administrative control be sought when even
papers so paternalized as the Ohio State Lantern
are forced to admit that on two occasions ob-
served this year administrative control has failed?
The road to freedom is self-government, not ap-
peal to outside forces for regulation.
Screen Reflections

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymousscommunications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 300 words if possible.
HE fourteenth volume of the new
Italian encyclopedia contains an
article by Mussolini on the Fascist Doctrine in
which occurs this sentence: "A party which gov-
erns a nation totalitarianally is a new fact in
history." (Un partito che governa totalitaria-
mente una nazione e un fatto nudvo nella storia.)
-Mr. Ernest Barker, Litt.D., LL.D., professor of
political science at Cambridge, comments on the
sentence quoted as follows:
"It is indeed a new fact; and /it is also a sad
fact. It means two new and sad things. It means
the government of one party, which has no need
to debate with other parties, for the simple rea-
son that there are none, or to adjust itself to
other organs, because it has already assimilated
other organs to itself. It means again that this
government, thus immune from the salt of criti-
cism, is also exempt from any limits to the area
of its operation. Free to play on the minds of
all by a monopoly of the means of publicity, it is
also free to play on every sphere of life. That is
the sense of the word totalitarian. No sphere of
voluntary activity, and no voluntary institution-
neither economics, nor religion, nor educaion:
neither trade union, nor university - can escape
the logic of that word. It was the tendency of
parties in some European countries, even when
parties were multiple, to seek to engulf the lives
of their members, and to provide them with party
trade unions, party sports clues, party methods
of education, and a general party apparatus of
life. That tendency attains its apothesis wher
a single party swallows the rest, and arms itself
with the whole power of the State to provide a
total inspirition, which is also a total control, fo
every citizen. The new absolutism which is thuE



Collegiate Observer
We have reliable information that two of the
leading Midwestern universities are going to offer
courses in sex next year. Pretty soon higher edu-
cation will be as popular as Hollywood.'
Many a co-ed is proof enough that a col-
lege man can take a joke.
* * *
Girls, if you want to be happily married, beware.
of flat-headed men! This is the advice given by
a professor at Oxford University. Flat-headed
men are conceited and faithless and are not easily
swayed by affections. The reason for this is that
they lack the space from the ears backward that
houses the part of the brain that concerns itself
with love, tender emotions, faithfulness, and all
the other allied qualities.
Kissing a co-ed because she lets you, ac-
cording to the Mississippi College Daily, is like
scratching a place that doesn't itch.
This year's seniors at the College of the City
of New York demand a dowry of $75,000 with
their brides - $25,000 more than the men of '33
* *r *x
Enter college.
Study for years (four years is old-fashioned.

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