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March 11, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-11

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Wins Big Ten



Spring Is Here.
4: *

. .


now is the time
when ball meets bat
and holdouts sign
and salaries fat
-the players go.
to camps of training
where it is either
warmly raining
or above the
sun doth shine
and in short
the weather's fine
carefree on the
turf they romp
or playing cards
bid !two no tromp)
their oly care
a batti g slomp
they go to the
warm sea on excursion
for their saturday
while the rest
of us poor dubs
are sloshing round
in tiny 'tubs
that is unless
your skin you scour
in the confines
of a dripping shower
downdthere its warm
the zephyrs blow
while we are buried
in the snow
else we freeze
we lads and lasses
on our dreary way
to classes
in and out of
class we wheel
on the light
fantastic heel
little knowing
how we feel
not that we
are awful dumb
but from cold
we all are numb
wondering if
spring will cumb
i dont think it
ever will what with
the weather we have
been indulging in
lately i often
wonder whether
a month of summer
would ever thaw
things outn
still i guess
that there is
nothing we can do
about it but just
blame it on the
government like we
do everything else
i sometimes have the
idea of writing my
congressman about
the situation out
here but i have a
strange suspicion that
he wouldn't do anything
about it it is a strange
feature of human nature
that unless a man is
personally doing the
suffering he is not
ready to do much about
it so i guess the idea
of writing isn't much
use after all it isn't
the congressmans feet
which are freezing
is it question mark
$2.00 ENGINEERS $2.00
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only $2.00. Accurate and Durable.
For Demonstration, see N. Stein-
berg, 520 Hill Street. Ph. 2-2610.
-Daily and Sunday-
Other papers from ...

* Washington
* Cleveland
0 Chicago
* Detroit

Indiana Takes
Title With Four
Individual Wins
Parker Is Runner-Up In
165 Lb. Class; Illinois
Tapes 3 Championships
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 10.--
(Special) -Art Mosier, captain of
the Michigan wrestling team today
defeated Handley of Northwestern to
take the 145-lb. individual title in the
Big Ten meet here as Indiana took
the team championship.
Mosier had little difficulty in over-
coming the Wildcat ace, winning with
a three minutes and 13 seconds time
Louie Parker, wrestling at 165
pounds was runner-up to Ollie Gillum
of Indiana, the defending champion.
The Hoosier gained two minutes, two
seconds time advantage over Parker,
wrestling in his first Conference
Indiana took four individual titles
in the 135, 155, 165, and 175-lb.
classes, with Illinois taking three and
Michigan one.
No fall victories were scored in any
of the eight weight divisions, but
Cosneck of Illinois piled up a time
advantage of eight minutes, 12 sec-
onds over O'Leary of Iowa in the un-
limited class-,
Favorites before the meet came
through well, with most of them
winning their final matches. Voliva,
Gillum and Pat Devine, the latter
two both defending champions and
all of Indiana all won their respec-
tive weight titles, as did Mosier of
Michigan and Pakutinsky of Illinois.
The 155-lb. division saw the biggest
upsets of the meet, with Kaufman of
Northwestern and Bedrava of Chi-
cago neither reaching the finals.
118 lbs.: Pakutinsky (Illinois) won
decision over Bush (Indiana). Time
advantage 5 minutes, 22 seconds.
126 lbs.: Adams (Illinois) won de-
cision over Probst (Minnesota. Ad-
vantage 5 minutes 8 seconds.
135 lbs.: Devine (Indiana) won de-
cision over Larson (Iowa). Advantage,
I minute 38 seconds.
145 lbs.: Mosier (Michigan) won
decision over Handley (Northwest-
ern). Advantage 3 minutes 13 seconds.
155 lbs.: Krahulik (Indiana) won
decision over Kielhorn (Iowa). Ad-
vantage 4 minutes 14 seconds.
165 lbs.: Gillum (Indiana) won de-
cision over Parker (Michigan). Ad-
vantage 2 minutes 2 seconds.
175 lbs.: Voliva (Indiana) won de-
cision over Johnson (Minnesota). Ad-
vantage 6 minutes 25 seconds.
Heavyweight: Cosneck (Illinois)
won decision over O'Leary (Iowa).
Advantage 8 minutes 12 seconds.
Cappon Winds
Up First Week
Of Spring Drill
Coach Franklin Cappon means
business. In an attempt to get an
early line on his basketball team
for next season, he has been drilling
his players on fundamental offensive
and defensive plays. Scrimmage was
definitely banned for the first week
of practice, which was completed yes-
terday. The spring session will con-
tinue until spring vacation and un-
doubtedly scrimmage will be insti-
tuted in order to get a more definite
idea of the relative ability of each
Approximately 35 aspirants for the
team are trying out and the squad
will not be cut until the regular prac-

tice season rolls around next fall.
Not all the eligible men are out, for
the obstacle of baseball and football
practice remains.
The men who are practicing in-
clude captain-elect Plummer, Joslin,
Ford, Tomagno, Fishman, Rudness,
Jablonski, Evans, Hill, Levine and
Kositchek from the Varsity. The
freshman squad is represented by
Patinelli, Meyers, Reek, Castle, Solo-
mon, Everhardus, Savitch, Sweet,
Stabowitz, Natchez, Henderson, Ellis,
Chaney, and Gee.
Manager McCarthy of the Yankees
can, if he so desires, put an appen-
dixless battery on the field this sea-
son. Catcher Dickey and Pitcher
Devens both underwent winter ap-

Spring Grid Practice Will Start Tomorrow Night
Trys Out With Reds Kipke Expects EFormer A nn A rbor Boy. NoW Bobby Jones Back

--Associated Press Photo
Beattie Feathers, an All-American
halfback from the University of Ten-
nessee, is trying out for an outfield
berth with the Cincinnati Reds. Be-
sides conditioning himself by push-
ing this roller around, Feathers keeps
the infield smooth.
Higrh Caogers
Defeat Jackson
By20-17 Score
Coach LaVerne-Taylor's Ann Arbor
High cagers last night defeated their
traditional rivals, Jackson, by a 20
to 17 score to win the finals of the
Class A Regional tournament in the
Intramural Building.
Although spotting the Vikings sev-
eral inches in height, man to man,
the Ann Arbor quintet worked for
openings with their smooth passing
and steadily forged ahead until the
offense was shattered as Nick Pegan
the midget guard and Howard Burr
left the game by the foul route.
After a slow start Ann Arbor
worked the ball in to tie the score
at the half, 11 to 11. Two field goals
by Lundgren and another by Mord-
sky gave the Purple a 17 to 12 lead
with three minutes to go in the third
quarter as Pegan was banished on a
questionable decision by Bingo
Brown, the referee.
The loss of Pegan, key to the Purple
offense, handicapped the Taylormen
and they failed to garner another
field goal.
With both teams missing easy shots
in the final period Dick Warner, Ann
Arbor co-captain, was fouled while
dribbling into the basket and his two
foul shots to boost the Purple score
to 20 ended Ann Arbor's scoring.
With two minutes to go Burr was
banished with the score at 20 to 16
and Everett sank the foul goal to con-.
clude the Viking scoring. The final
minute was a mad scramble as Jack-
son tried to keep the ball in the
back court and Ann Arbor tried to
advance into scoring territory.
In the Regional meet at Ypsilanti
St. Thomas continued the defense of
their state crown in Class D by down-
ing Britton 31-10 as University High
fell in the finals of the Class C tour-
ney by a 18 to 17 score.
Despite his prowess Ralph Met-
calfe never has been able to equal
the 40-yard gymnasium record of
:04.4 at Marquette.
PING PONG 30c Hr..


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The Red Wheel Kind
Double Set of Ball Bearings in Each Wheel.
Rubber Cushions -. Sheep Skin Instep Protector








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