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March 09, 1934 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-09

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Emphasized By Correct



Charming Net Hats
For Evening Wear
Feature Skull-Caps
Nothing in quantity but everythingI
in life are the qualifications of the
diminutive evening hats of the warm
weather formals. While the tiny
skullcaps may only require a few
inches of head-space, they have the
subtle power of completing or trans-
forming one's evening ensemble.
Correspondingly as the size of the
top-knot becomes smaller, the fabrics
are sheer, and the ultimate smart-
ness extreme. For dancing success-
Mouline, that sophisticate of nets,
is the approved foundation and at
times the only substance of the new
models. The easiest of these net hats
to wear is the skullcap, on the very
back of one's coiffure, and banded
with a rolled halo effect. For the
smaller girl this style is approved
since the complicated effects can be
successful only with heighth. One
must be sure that the ultimate pur-
pose of the hat is not defeated by
makirj& it the central interest of
the appearance.
The glamorous mouline models for
those extreme and distinct types that
can don them with the proper air
are styled from popular screen crea-
tions. A model which should be seen
at, campus functions this spring is
made of net matching the hair, and
fundamentally is another skullcap.
However, from the plaited edging of
the same material, a flowing veil,
long enough to escape being an in-
genue touch, sweeps back over the
To really match, many women are
having the halo of their off-the-face
hats fashioned from the material of
their evening gowns. The same match
may be achieved in a Napoleonic
style, the tricorn adding heighth to
those who need it. The metallic fab-
rics will disappear as the season pro-
gresses, but as yet molded lame crea-
tions are a glistening addition to the
evening ensemble.
Leaves, Crescents,
Novel Headdresses
Just as champagne is essential to
the perfect dinner, ornaments for
the hair are indispensable to the
perfect evening costume.
Tiaras, pearl and rhinestone, are
still in vogue. They give the wearer
a regal appearance and attract at-
tention to the coiffure.
Crescents, buttons, leaves, and
stars of rhinestone concealed among
oft waves contribute to the wearer's
-harm. Just so, an artificial gar-
ienia held in place by a long bone
pin is complimentary.
Fantastic but nevertheless cap-
ivating is the headdress created by
ra Belline. It consists of a twisted

Collars Follow
Trend Toward
Starched Frills
Dark Winter Dresses Will
Appear Spring-like With
New Neckwear
With spring comes the problem of
new clothes, but it isn't such a prob-
lem when you consider the possibil-
ities the clever new neckwear offers.
You can make one of your old dresses
look like new with a starched linen,
white or pastel, collar and cuff set.
Some of the mare tied with corded
silk of a corresponding shade as an
extra little touch.
A silk kerchief, or a taffeta bow
scarf tied at the neck, will change
the whole appearance of an old dress.
A dark silk or crepe dress will be
becoming with a frilly ruched collar
or one of stiffened crgandiy, and
they give an added touch of softness.
Then of course the large pique col-
lar and immense cuffs are even more
important than previously.
Scarfs serve the same purpose as
collars and cuffs. A shirred ribbon
scarf or a bib-like one of looped
chenille or taffeta on crepe or silk
dresses are especially good this
Collars are being made in the
shape of flower petals with few or
many petals as the case may be
If you have the time and want to
be fashionable you might even knit
a few collar and cuff sets for your-
self. The latest knit ones have more
body to them than usual. Also, you
might like a knit scarf that would
tie high as an ascot and give that
new high neckline effect. When you
see these in the shops you will want
some badly enough to spend your
leisure time making one.
Educational Fraternity
Arranges Rushing Tea
A special meeting of Pi Lambda
Theta, national honorary educational
fraternity, was called last night to
arrange for a rushing tea and to dis-
cuss eligible rushees. Mrs. Katherine'
Green, advisor of the society, gave a
report on the N.E.A. Esther Belcher,
also of the education department,
spoke on the subject of "National
Emergency in Education."
roll of silver lame with wired silver
lame spirals jutting out from the
main band.

Heavy-Scented Perfumes Are
Replaced By Floral Bouquets

The shops are full of the loveliestl
spring clothes; the dress goods coun-
ters are showing pastels; the hat
marts have greeted straws with open
arms, gorgeous straws and silks in
red and green and blue and yellow;
and with these signals that spring
is o nthe way, the perfume counters
are setting out enticing flacons of
flower bouquets.+
Floral scents are definitely "in."
The too-sophisticated, too-heavy
odeurs are no longer acceptable. Even
those manufacturers who have never
made any but the more exotic blend-
ed scents are turning to the sweeter
flower perfumes. Local shops report
that the majority of co-eds are ac-
cepting the vogue of rose and lilac,
violet and sweet pea, where previous-
ly, especially in the autumn and
winter months, they selected per-
fumes called by such names as "Se-
duction," "Evening," "Oriental."
Sweet Pea Popular
Just as she has turned1 to the
lighter colors and the more feminine
fripperies of her spring frocks, so has
the modern young woman turned to
mignonette and carnation. Sweet pea
is one of the most popular scents,
the scores say, with lilac and violet
close seconds. For evening wear gar-
denia and jasmine are tremendously
popular. Some women prefer blends
to single garden scents, but even
these are definitely of the "sweeter"
type. For the more mature woman,
D lark Sun Tan
Not Accepted
By Smart Set
You can't hide any defects at all
these days, what with the hats slid-
ing backward and leaving the fore-
head out in the open. Bleaching
creams are perhaps the most impor-
tant adjuncts to the cosmetic cab-
inet for spring, because complexions
must be light enough to harmonize
with the pastel shades in frocks.
Rouges and lipsticks are turning
lighter too.
There is no time like the present
for getting that facial you've been
planning on a long time. Some ex-
cellent facials are given reasonably
which eradicate the fine wrinkles the
wintry winds have left, or those tell-
tale laughing lines."
A new recipe for longer, shinier
lashes, according to experts, is that
good old household remedy of all ills,
castor-oil. Applied on the lids over
or under colored shadow, it gives
them a transparent, moist look. Eye-
lash curlers are also gaining pop-
ularity. Another beauty trick for eve-
ning is a hint of rouge on the ear-
lobes, which is quite flattering.
A fashion note for summer, com-
ing fro mthe Florida resorts, is that
the mahogany brown of former years
is gone forever. Beach loungers are
taking a great deal of trouble to
prevent tanning, or at least to get a
very mild coat.
No discussion of cosmetics is quite
complete without a mention of per-
fumes. Spring with its delicate colors,
required also a subtler perfume than
winter. Dainty flowery scenits are
always in vogue, and the truly in-
dividual woman selects one fragrance
to use in perfume, toilet water and

lavendar and rose are regaining their
old-time popularity.
Dainty crystal flacons and tiny sil-l
ver and gold-trimmed bottles are the
newest containers for perfumes; they
reflect the springlike spirit of the
scents themselves. One little bottle
seen was about an inch long and as
narrow as your little finger, the oil
of roses it holds came from Czecho-
slovakia and just a very little drop of3
it will last for hours and hours. Thate
is just one example of the way theyf
are making the more modern floral
odeurs; just because the bottle is
titled rose, or lilac, or lily-of-the-val-
ley, which by the way is gainingt
more and more acclaim, doesn't mean
the scent is wishy-washy. The new
floral perfumes have definiteness and
character without losing that sweet-
ness that everyone had thought wasr
lost in feminine accessories.s
One of the sidelines of the new,
mod~e is the growing' favor toilet
water is receiving. These come in'
scents to match your perfume and'
are delightful after a bath for true
Match Perfume
One of the most interesting stories
heard recently was the history of how
of the rose scents come from the
perfumes are made; some of the best
Balkan states. Field upon field in
that region are used for roses, and
the flowers are grown not for length
but for size and profusion of bloom.
And they say that not infrequently
the workers in the fields will be over-
come by the odor; and thaa pas-
senger trains going through the dis-
tricts close all windows before reach-
ing the fields since the scent is over-
powering for people not, used to it.
And it takes hundreds and hundreds
of blossoms to make that tiny little
flacon spoken of.
Nails To Be Done
In Vivid Lacquers
Although most of us have heard of
the most ultra of ultras in manicures,
the jewel shades to match one's eve-
ning frock, only the most daring have
ventured to blossom forth in blue or
red lacquer. This spring the fad bids
fair to attain real popularity, with
several campus beauty shops featur-
ing nail enamels in every shade from
green and purple to black and even
silver and gold. What is more, the
newest polishes. have a cream base
which permits them to be applied
more smoothly and evenly than the
However, although evening fash-
ion demands the gayest and most
vivid of manicures, only pale and
natural shades are being chosen for
daytime wear, to blend harmoniously
with the pastel shades of spring
Another very new wrinkle in the
beauty trade and a proof of the ver-
satility of the technocrats is the elec-
tric manicure. All the materials are
applied by electric instruments, and
a very "smooth" job they do. One
local shop has already installed the
Something should be said also of
the humbler beauty routine, the daily
care one applies to the hands, really
the only recipe for soft and lovely
skin. Nothing is harder on hands
than the proverbial March gales
either, and even the weekly mani-
cure does not suffice nowadays. Per-
haps the most important safeguard
is a good mild lotion, rubbed in the
hands before venturing outdoors. An-
other timely warning is against ven-
turing out gloveless in seemingly fair
weather. Don't be fooled, for it's the
best invitation to chapped hands.

Dress Shoes
Vary In Style;
Also Leathers
Rough Grain Types And
Patent Favored; Heels
Disappear From Some
What you wear on your head is
conspicuous and must be right; what
you wear from your neck down is
even more important since your
friends all judge you by the cut and
style of your gown; but what you
wear on your feet means a lot more
than your itaste for things that are
chic; it can make you happy or
most uncomfortable.
Shoes, you should be glad to know,
are stressing beauty and ,martness
of line and in addition that extra
something of cut that makes you
foot-happy. Sport shoes are described
elsewhere but the sturdy cleverness
embodied in these shoes are con-
tinued in the more dressy types, and
especially in the footgear to wear
on campus.
Rough Leathers
The outstanding leathers for spring
are the rough grain types such as
Mandrucca, Tynette, Porcupine, For-
ette, Rukka and other similar grains.
Possessing a richness and depth un-
obtainable in any -other type of
leather,, they are particularly suited
for shoes of the spectator and sports
types, and are not too heavy to wear
and silks. Black patent leather seems
more popular than it has been for
several years and kidskin is again
good for staple and conservative
styles as well as for novelty types.
As to colors, grey seems to be the
newest note right now; in both
smooth and rough leathers it prom-
ises to be very good very early spring
ises to be very good.
Colors Vary
Blue is stronger than for some time
and is being made up in the the
smartest styles. Brown is as ever pop-
ular, even more so it seems this year
than usually. Beige ranging from the
darker rough grain leathers to the
light sea-sand shade in kid is seen'
in all grades. Black is the mainstay
to the more conservative styles.
of the more conserva-
tive type and is also
well-liked in novelty
types in the new
As for the newer
novelty types which
will very probably be
accepted here, -the
toe-less, instep-less,
almost shoe-less.shoe
is almost the smart-
est thing yet put out
for the more dressy
wear. Two straps and a heel make
a shoe these days, and for warmer
weather think how cool your feet
will be. But don't forget to cut your
toenails and if you have corns, stick
Tall ladies can rejoice at the
news of the newest evening san-
dals from Paris. All of the latest
fashion magazines have devoted
pages to the shoe without heels, so
of course you know all about them.
And from indications so far, those
sandals will be popular on campus,
instead of receiving the scorn ac-
corded so many of the Paris fads.
Made in silks or very light-weight
leathers, these adorable slippers lace
around the ankles or strap with tiny
thin straps, and altogether give the
foot a fragile, very small and light-
some appearance. But be careful your
escort doesn't trod on your toes.

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The Most Exciting New
and these SUITS
lead the way ..

Wear Easter's


to $24-7s



9 Many lead a double life as the coats
may be worn as Swagger Top Coats!
New Tweeds that reflect the dash and
daring of the day! Wool crepes that
are utterly new! New style details,
new collars, tricky sleeve effects, nov-
elty buttons - Everything that brands
a suit as, being up-to-the-minute in
cStvlI 7 Fkexrp tm nr l wrc, i th r 4-k . ',.- nrc,




Nonchalant . . . and re-
freshingly youthful, with

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