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February 14, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-14

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a usc nocleey
To Initiate 18
At Ceremony
Mayor Will Be Speaker
For Alpha Epsilon Mu
Banquet; Faculty Guests
Eighteen men students associated
with the Varsity Band, Varsity Glee
qiub, or University Symphony Or-
chestra will be initiated ito the Al-
pha chapter of Alpha Epsilon Mu,
national honorary musical fraterni-
ty, at a ceremony today at the Un-
Mayor Robert A. Campbell will be
the principal speaker at the banquet
following the initiation. Mr. Camp-
bell, former treasurer of the Uni-
versity, was the friend and coun-
selor of scores of music students dur-
ing the years he was business mana-
ger and advisor to the band and glee
club, and will discuss his experiences
with these organizations at the ban-
Wellington B. Huntley, '34, presi-
dent of the fraternity, will be the
toastmaster. It is expected that Prof.
David Mattern, director of the Var-
sity Glee Club and national vice-
president of Alpha Epsilon Mu, will
also speak. Other faculty guests will
be Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music, and the following
professors from that school: David
Mattern, Nicholas Falcone, Otto J.
tahl, Palmer Christian, and Joseph
The fraternity was founded on the
Michigan campus in 1921, by Lee D.
van Antwerp, '23, '31M. Present of-
ficers of the Alpha chapter, in ad-
dition to Huntley, are: Cecil B. Ellis,
Grad., vice-president; Robert Zah-
now, '34SM, secretary-treasurer, and
Archibald Beach, usher.
The 18 initiates are: James L.
Bauchat, '35, Elmon L. Cataine, '34P,
lifturice Dreifuss, Jr., '36, Herbert
doldsworthy, '36E, George N. Hall,
'35, J. Cameron Hall, '36, Keith C.
Lance, '36, Charles C. Lemert, Jr.,
'34, M. Alvin Mortensen, Jr., '35E,
Ralph E. Matthews, '36SM, Rudolph
i. Nichols, Jr., Grad., Ricardo D.
Ramirez, '35, Peter A. Ruda, '35,
,Kenneth B. Sage, '35SM, Edwin E.
tein, '36SM, Donald A. Strouse, '35,
Carl D. Ward, '34, and W. Stoddard
White, '35.
Geograpical Club
Initiates Five Men
Five men were initiated into Chi
Gamina Phi, professional geographi-
cal fraternity, at ceremonies held on
Tuesday night. The initiates, Paul
W. Icke, Grad., Harold T. Straw,
Grad., Sidney Baker, '34, Robert Bon-
iley, '34, and Arthur Greenhall, '34,
Were honored at a banquet later.
Officers elected for the coming
year are: Dr. Robert M. Glendinning,
of the geography department, presi-
dent; Dr. Lawrence C. Stewart, also
of- the department, vice-piresident;
3Douglas Crary, Grad., recording sec-
star$rand Leonard Wilson, Grad.,
The organization admits students
of three years or graduate standing
and faculty members interested in
geographical work.
Stunt night which will be held this
evening in the grill of the Michigan
League will be characterized by a dif-
ferent table arrangement. The dance
floor has been changed from the end
to the center of the room to enable
the audience a better view of the en-
tertainment. Rolland Fulton and his
celebrities are to present a tango.

'arsity Debate Squad Members
Selected For Second Semester

At a nieeting held yesterday James
H. McBurney, Varsity d e b a t i n g
coach, selected the tentative squad
which will participate during the sec-
ond semester. They are Stewart
Cram, '34, Edward Downs, '36, Ed-
ward Litchfield, '36, Clinton San-
dusky, '34, Lee C. Shaw, '35, Sam-
uel L. Travis, '34, Jack Weissman,
'35, and Abe Zwerdling, '35.
Cram and Shaw are newcomers to
the squad but the other six men
have all had extensive experience in
Conference debtes.
The debaters will open the second
half of their schedule when the af-
firmative squad meets the University
of Florida here March 12, while the
negative team is in Detroit the same
night meeting the Detroit Bankers
Club team as a part of a banquet
program. After these preliminary
Ruthvens Hold
First Te a After
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven will give an open tea for
students from 4 p. m. to 6 today in
their home on South University.
These Wednesday afternoon teas,
which have been given by the Ruth-
vens for several years, have proved
increasingly popular, and a large
attendance is expected at today's, the
first since the return of President
and Mrs. Ruthven from Egypt.
Grace Mayer, '34Ed, and Edward
W. McCormick, '34, Secretary of the
Union, will assist in receiving the
guests. In the future other promi-
nent men will act as hosts at these
teas. Members of Delta Gamma,
Alpha Xi Delta, and Chi Omega will
be hostesses this afternoon.
Gordan Entertains
At Valentine Dance
The residents of Mosher-Jordan
Halls are entertaining this after-
noon at a Valentine tea dance in
Jordan Hall. The hall will be deco-
rated in red and white. The Misses
Tllen Stevenson, Byrl Bacher, and
Jeanette Perry will pour. The mu-
Aic will be furnished by Al Cowan
-iid a three-piece orchestra.
Janet Wray, '35, is in charge of
he tea and assisting her are Doro-
hy Stern, '35, Emma Lenning, '36;
VMargaret Sauer, '36; Helen Houck,
36; Helen DeWitt, '36; Virginia
Vlinsker, '36; Betty Ann Barthel,
37; Elsie Roxborough, '37; Wilma
Bernhard, '37; Florence Cohen, '37;
Louise Florez, '36; Pauline McCal-
lum, '37; Virginia Swift, '36; Virgin-
ia Blight, '36; Carol Feltes, '36; Nan-
cy Sheppard, '35; and Barbara Mor-
gan, '35.
New Game Takes
Country By Storm
Seven years ago it was mah-jong.
Last season it was jigsaw puzzles.
Now a new game, "400," is taking the
country by storm.
Eight books each composed of 400
questions and each pertaining to a
different subject -etiquette, Ameri-
can history, famous sayings, world
events, love and marriage, spelling,
riddles, foods and cooking - and a
spinner with arrows form the equip-
ment. Pads are furnished to keep
The game owes its popularity to
its educational value, as well as the
chance it offers for amusement.
Moreover, its is suitable for individu-
al entertainment or for groups of
any size and can be enjoyed by
grown-ups and children alike.

Registration is now open for
Summer School Courses at
the First Moscow University,
1934 session, July 15th to
August 26th. A wide range
of courses on social, econom-
ic, educational and language
subjects will be given in
English by prominent Soviet
professors. Ten courses, thirty
hours. Six weeks' work, four
of resident study and two of
travel field work. University
credit possible.

debates both squads will go to Ev-
anston Friday and Saturday, March
16 and 17, for the Conference meet.
MeBurney said that he would take
all eight men to the meet and would
enter two affirmative and two nega-
tive teans of two men each. The
affirmative teams will meet the neg-
ative teams of Northwestern, Ohio
State, and Purdue. The negative
teams will meet Indiana, Wisconsin,
and Illinois.
The Conference question that will
be debated on this semester is "Re-
solved. That the Lytton Report be
Accepted by Japan as a Basis for Fu-
ture Foreign Policy in Manchuria."
Prof. Franklin K. Knower, chair-
man of the Conference debating
league, announced that Mr. McBur-
ney would be critic judge of the
Ohio State-Indiana, Purdue-Indiana,
and Northwestern-Wisconsin debates.
It was also revealed yesterday that
because of the new ruling that grad-
uate students will not be able to par-
ticipate in the Conference tourna-7
nent, three graduate students who
have been regular debaters on the
varsity for some time will go on a
barnstorming tour during spring va-
cation. They have contacted several
Universities and already have a de-
bate scheduled with New York Uni-
Alpha Nu Debates
Aircraft Questionl
Government construction of light-
er than air craft will be discussed
pro and con by two members of
Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma, men's
national speech society, at 7:30 p. rl.
today in the Alpha Nu room, An-
gell Hall. Paul Cousino, '34, will
uphold the affirmative of the ques-
tion "Resolved That the United
States Sh'uld Discontinue Construc-
tion of Lighter Than Air Craft of
the Rigid Type," against Alex Clark,
'34, in a two-member non-decision
A regular business meeting will
follow the debate, said William
Groening, '34-'36L, president.
Where T'o Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Pri-
vate Life of Henry VIII"' with
Charles Laughton; Majestic, "Ro-
man Scandals" with Eddie Cantor;
Whitney, "Ann Carver's Profession"
with Fay Wray and "Corruption"E
with Evelyn Knapp.
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian
at 4:15 p. m. in Hill Auditorium.
D.an ing: Stunt Night in League
Grill Room, Dixie Inn, Preketes, Joe

Houses Busy
With Elections
And Pledging ff
Valentine's Day Celebrated
With Dinners And Teas
Opening Semester
Sororities are busy With mid-week
activities, dinners, teas, and election
of officers. Several houses announnce
new pledges. Valentine day affords
the opportunity for different decora-
tions and entertainment.
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Delta Pi sorority wishes to
announce the pledging of Rita Well-
men, '37.
Alpha Xi Delta
New officers for the year elected
recently are Virginia Denne, '35, pres-
ident; Faith Crittenden, '36, vice-
president; Frances Barnett, '35, re-
cording secretary; Betty Scott, '35,
corresponding secretary; and Irene
Hall, '35, treasurer.
The chapter wishes to announce
the pledging of Lucinda Smith, '36.
Delta Delta Delta
Iota Alliance and mothers enter-
tained in honor of thirteen seniors of
Delta Delta Delta sorority Monday
night at a' Valentine's dinner. The
dinner, served in buffet style, was giv-
en at the home of Mrs. Howard Mer-
rick, 998 Church St., and the holi-
day red and white was carried out
in the decorations.
Delta Zeta
Delta Zeta sorority announces the
pledging of Barbara Whitford, '36,
Wellsville, N. Y.
Medic Students To
Hold Dance Feb.28
Invitations to a medical students'
dance to be held Feb. 21 have been
extended to members of the school,
faculty members and recent gradu-
ates. The formal dance known as
Caduceus Dance, will be held in the
League ballroom and women students
attending it have been granted late
Only 250 tickets at $2 will be
placed on sale, said committeemen
and proceeds will be donated to the
Galens Workshop. Galens, honorary
medical fraternity, has assumed fi-
nancial responsibility.
Tal Heny and His Carolinians
who played for the Senior Ball in
1929 have been secured to play for
the affair. The committeemen, all
seniors in the Medical School, are
Clifford Keene, general chairman,
Samuel Fiegel, assistant chairman,
Frank King, music, John Rowe, tick-
ets and publicity, George lays, ar-
rangements, Meyer Teitelbaum, dec-
orations, and Joseph Witter, pa-


To Speak At Dinner

Spring 'ashions Offer Smo
'Coats With Odd Acces

-Ann Arbor Daily News Photo.
Mayor Robert A. Campbell will be
the principal speaker at the Alpha
Epsilon Mu banquet following the
initiation of 18 men students into
4hat organization. Mr. Campbell was
formerly business manager and ad-
viser to the band and glee club.
Glee Club Sns11
For Ann Arbor
Four modern song numbers were
presented by members of the Uni-
versity Women's Glee Club yesterday
in a recital before the Ann Arbor
Women's Club at the latter's weekly
meeting in the League ballroom.
"Oh Sing To Me Fair Maid No
More" by Rachmaninoff started the
guest program; it was followed by
"Song of the Pedlar," C. Lee Wil-
liams; "Music When Soft Voices
Die," Clarence Dickinson; and "I
Love Life," by Mana-Zucca.
Plans are being completed for a
formal spring concert about May 1,
laid Maxine Maynard, '35, president
A the women singers. The spring
"oncert is an annual affair of note.
the usual weekly rehearsal for, this
and other appearances will be held
at 1:30 p. m. today in the League
Glee Club room, said Miss Maynard.
Marriage Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Clark South Hecka-
shorn, Munising, announce the mar-
:iage of their daughter Marian Inez,
35, to Edward Saurborn, '34E, which
;ook place Tuesday, Feb. 6.
Mrs. Saurborn was a resident of
3etsy Barbour House and Mr. Saur-
)orn is a member of Theta Xi fra-
;ernity. They are living at 600 E.
Kingsley St., and both are continu-
ing their studies.

Spring is really on the way, be-i
lieve it or not, and the first thingf
to worry about in the line of spring
clothes is the coat, which is the basis!
of the whole wardrobe. We have
been hearing very interesting rumorsi
about the drastic steps the new coatst
are taking and just recently a few3
of the innovations have actually been
The smartest thing to do with your
new spring coat is to pretend it isn't
one. The more it looks like a trim
street frock instead of a warm andw
practical coat the smarter it is. No-
body cares to what extremes you go
to achieve this effect. Pique col-
lars, scarf draperies, and even ruf-
fles can be used to camouflage the
fact that it is a coat, and some of
the more summery. models are made
of silk lined :with wool, instead of vice"
Most of those shown now are ofl
sleek woolens or of duvetyne, and are
trimmed with flat fur, applied as it'
might be on a dress. The color
scheme predicted as spring's favorite
is green and brown, which is already;
society To Present
T ke-Off On Classic,
A take-off on the classic melo-
drama of Pocahantas and John
Smith will be the theme of the half-
hour play to be presented by the
members of the freshman dramatic
group organized and advised by Wy-
vern, junior women's honorary socie-
The play which is created and di-
rected, managed and acted by fresh-
men in the group, will be presented
as a part of the annual League Open
House. Kathleen Carpenter, '35, is
chairman and advisor to the group.,
Russell McCracken will direct the
This work is being carried on in
connection with Wyvern's new proj-
ect of advising freshman women in
the activities which they plan to en-
ter when they are eligible. In ad-
dition to the dramatic there are pub-
lications, music and athletic groups.

much in evidence. Dark blues, grays,
and black are also good, especially
when a touch of some. pastel shade is
used with them.
In addition to all these startling
notes is the fact that they have but-
tons in all conceivable spots. We ad-
vise you to carefully investigate the
fastening of your new spring coat
before donning it for the first tingi,
or you may find yourself fastened
into it for good and all. It must be
just a bit startling to discover that
your coat buttons directly down the
back or 'under the arm instead of
in the customary place.
Advertising Fraternity w
To Hotild Initiation Today
Alpha Delta Sigma, national pro-
fessional advertising fraternity, will
hold their formal initiation at 8 p. m.
today. Noel D. Turner, '34; presi-
dent, will deliver the initiation ad-
The following students will be in-
itiated: W. Grafton Sharp, '34, Wil-
bur Bohnsack, '34, John Batdorff, '37,
Bernard Schnacke, '34, Frederick
Hertrick, '35, Robert S. Ward, '35,
Joseph Horak, '35, Leonard Koplin,
'35, Russel Reed, '35, Edward Ste-
vens, '35, and James Wiegand, '37E.
The thirty months' course, providling
an intensive and varied experience
through the ease study method, leads
to the degree of
Master of Nursing
A Bachelor-s aegree in arts, science
or philosophy from a college of ap-
proved standing is required for admis-
sion, A few scholarships available for
students with advanced qualifications.
For catalogue and information address:
New Haven : Connecticut

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--Associated Press Photo
ecedent was broken when Miss
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ans Mardi Gras. Usually a deb-
ite of the current year is se-

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