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February 14, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-14

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I ~

ished every morning except Monday during the
'sity year and Sunmer Session by the Board in
1 of Student Publications.
.ber of the Western Conference Editorial Association
e Big Ten News Service.
sociattd ( 'ot lte. )rgs
- 4933 A , COYFMGd 14
Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
>ublicption of all news dispathces credited to it or
herwise credited in this paper and the local news
led herein. All rights of republication of special
:hes are reserved.
red at the lost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Assistant Postmnaster-General.
cription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
During, regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
e Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
rbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
esentatives: Colege Publications Representatives,
6O East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
EDITOR... ..............BRACKLEY SHAW
'S EDITOR ...............ALBERT H. NEWMAN
N.S EDITOR .....................CAROL J. HANAN
EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William
rris, John C. Healey, George Van Vleck, Guy M.

proper running of hotels is in private life a topic
of consummate interest, makes clear the inner
machinery of American hotel running; and he
also exposes the essential falsity of the financial
and social systems which support them. But
Myron Weagle is one in a thousand; early in life
he conceived the dream of the perfect hotel; and
the book is threaded upon his struggles to achieve
perfection. In striking contrast to his. brother,
Ora, upon whom Mr. Lewis lavishes the rich re-
sources of amused contempt, Myron appears as
that American brand of creative artist whose
poems are written in activity rather than in
words. The American business man has Mr.
Lewis' whole-hearted sympathy in this novel.-
The second interesting revelation is the de-
velopment of Mrs.-Weagle, whom Myron marries
in Black Thread about midway in the book, into
the perfect wife, judged by the canons of Myron's
mode of thinking. And the third, and most as-
tonishing revelation of all, is that Myron has .a
son who promises to carry on the Weagle tradi-
tion, and create some time in the indefinite future.
the perfect hotel..
Mr. Lewis' methods have not changed. The
staccato style, the swift description, the travesty,
the headlong speed are all here. As in "Arrow-
smith," the descriptive passages have the glitter-
ing luminosity of a moving picture too brightly
and swiftly run upon the screen. The subordinate
characters are, for the most part, acidly etched
in outline and set in motion by a series of jerks,
just as they were in the other novels. If there is
little technical advance, save in compactness of
structure, there is on the other hand, no falling
off in dexterity; Mr. Lewis is still Mr. Lewis. One
remembers a poker game in the first third of the
book which is to other poker games as Babbitt
is to other business men -the outlines are true,
but the proportions dilate into mythology. But
there is likewise a quality of mellowness, of sym-
pathy in "Work of Art" which places it in the
line of development from "Dodsworth" as well as
in the line which leads back to "Main Street."
The fact is that Mr. Lewis envies Myron Weagle
and would like to live the same rapid, energetic
life if he could. He sees clearly the inner hon-
esty of Myron and the essential falsity of Ora.
Can it be that the commercialization and vulgari-
zation of American publishing are reflected in
the creation of the lesser Weagle? If this be the
case, Mr. Lewis' sympathy for the essential hon-
esty of Myron Weagle is significant.
The -:Dancec..
- -3-

DITS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
tens Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie
MEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
,is Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
PORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
auiL J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn,
1ln Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David
Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, Wil-
am R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair,
rthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M.
orothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
eid, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean,
Iarjorie Morrison, SallyrPlace, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn
ietdyk, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
MEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.................
""...... ............ CATl HARINE MC HENRY
ARTMENT -MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
Ick; Classitied Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
>ntracts, Jack Belam; Advertising Service, Robert
ars; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
IISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
er, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
sines Scott, David Wnlworth.
argnas Cluff Patricia Daly enevieve Field, Louise
.orez, Doris Gimmy, Satty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
ckson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Uptard, Betty Simonds.
e Don't
ke Scalpers ..
S CALPING of tickets to University
functions must be stopped! Again,
connection with the J-Hop last week, there
;es a case of two students believed to have
pld tickets at a profit, which is a repetition of
practice that has been going on at Michigan
years. It has prevailed not only in connection
h various dances of the University, but also
h athletic events.
calping is a vicious practice that directly re-
ses and defeats the purpose of these functions.
y are staged for the student's pleasure, but
r profit that may result is also for the general
fare, to be used in other functions of the class
student body as a whole.
'he derivation of personal profit from these
Airs through the resale of tickets at increased
es over their face value means that the func-
i planned for all is, to some extent, degenerat-
into private enterprise.
9e believe that the two students in question
uld in the event they are found guilty be
le to suffer severe University discipline as a
'ning to others that this practice must not
tinue. They may reply, and justly, that they
only two of a large number who engaged in
violation; yet no excuses should be valid in
o of the definite warning that was issued prior
he J-Hop by authorities.
t is in the best interest of the campus that
ers who might scalp tickets will be deterred
connection with future events.
bout BOoS
iRK OF ART, By Sinelair Lewis, Garden City:
ibleday Doran (1934) $2.50.- A Review.
R. LEWIS' latest novel in point of method
marks no technical advance over previous
ductions, though in point of content and value
4 in curious and interesting contrast to "Bab-
" and the earlier "Main Street." "Work of
is the story of a hotel-man, Myron F. Weagle
r. Lewis has an unfailing talent for names);
reader follows Myron's career from his ap-
nticeship in hotel-keeping in Black Thread,
necticut (a Gopher Prairie rather unconvinc-
Ly transplanted to lNew England) through his
to the climax of his career when he opens
perfect inn, only to have its success shattered
Lurid a cident, until his decline to the status of
mall-town hotel-keeper in the West (Kansas

presented last night under the auspices of the
Women's Athletic Association a program designed
for concert dancing, in which the numbers ranged
from the pre-classical to the modern. Miss Ochs-
ner is possessed of an especially supple body that
is modulated and shaded in tone into delightful
lyric qualities that are coupled with a decidedly
superior intelligence.
Miss Van Tuyl achieves almost perfect unity of
design in the sarabande. The whole dance is sub-
jected to line and decorativeness in which the
feeling is definitely something that lies deeper
than the eye can fully detect at a glance. The
gigue was lively and spirited and marked with
clever transition by both dancers.
Perhaps the most favorably received number of'
the first series was the Wolf-Ferrarri executed by
Miss Ochsner. This rendition was subdued and
restrained, but none of the subtlety was lost in
the studied and scholarly delineation of An Angel
Dances. The lyrical quality flows quietly, simply,
and unchecked.
The second part of the program was devoted
to a series of poems taken from the Orient. Here
the fine wit and satiric element of the dance was
brought into full play. The series was opened
with a lyrical poem, but here the audience did
not seem to catch the significance of the poetry
and the dance. In the clever and care-free poem,
Drinking Alone in the Moonlight, Miss Ochsner
showed a fine sense of comedy. Her acting played
an important part in the poetry, her pantomime
was marked for its detail and sincerity. The most
pleasing thing about this series of poems was the
abstract quality that was given to the movement,
at no sacrifice of meaning for the audience.
The last three poems, cleverly entitled Caution-
ary Tales, by Hillaire Belloc, were enthusiastically
received. The Poulenc, which concluded the pro-
gram, was perhaps the most delightful series, car-
rying with it a study in untiy and design; the
andante movement and the presto were especially
marked for their precision in technique.
The two dancers show a scholarly attitude in
their selection, and an attempt is made to subju-
gate all of the elements to the design. To call it
design is to use a rather superficial term, because
of the great amount of feeling injected into the
movement. Miss Ochsner has an acting back-
ground, and, coupled with unusual suppleness and
grace, her dancing is highly enjoyable. As for Miss
Van Tuyl, her movement is stately and grand, but
it lacks the finish and polish that is characteristic
of the work done by Miss Ochsner.
As Others SeIt
Women falls from sixth floor window of New
York hotel, lands on canopy, suffering only
bruised thumb, and Springfield (Ill.) youth
sneezes so violently while asleep that he dislocates
shoulder; Archbishop of Vienna launches "Save
the Starving Russians" campaign, and Russia re-
ports billion-bushel wheat crop, larger than any
other country's; United States Postoffice ends
fiscal year with $50,683,000 deflicit, and British
Posteflice ends year with $53,960,000 surplus;
Kansas City (Kan) man, 86, cuts new tooth, and
12-pound boy is born at Quincy, Ill., with a tooth;
penitentiary warden at Eastview, N. J., allows

Musical Events
By Sally Place
THE organ is a wind machine. It has things
called stops, and it is certainly fun to watch the
organist "fiddle" with his feet.. And did you know
that one-time Secretary Charles G. Dawes com-
posed a piece of music? Music certainly is edu-
- cational.
Naturally, everyone of us has his own interests
that are completely absorbing; but isn't there
I any curiosity about what the next person is do-
ing, or how does he do it? These weekly recitals
are purposely made available to the student body,
or to townspeople, who ordinarily have no means
of contact with the musical world. These recitals
are given by, not local amateurs, but by men who
have achieved nation-wide fame, and who could
command whatever little thing their hearts de-
sire. I am thinking not only of the weekly organ
recitals which Palmer Christian gives, with a great
deal of care and thought, but also of the Sunday
Afternoon Faculty Concert Series where members
of the faculty present finely worked-out pro-
grams in the best manner possible. The difficulty
is that these programs must compete with the
out-of-town talent on the Choral Union Series.
These recitals are free. On a campus where
books, flowers, clothes, taxis, and other forms of
entertainment are expensive to have, week after
week, music is the cheapest and least taken ad-
vantage of. And with that prepositional sen-
tence I will hereby conclude that somebody or
other is whistling in the wind, and it isn't the
University which provides the faculty, who pro-
vide the concerts.
Palmer Christian's organ recital for today is as
Prelude on the Dutch Chorale: Laet one
met herten reijne ..............John Bull
Choral Song and Fugue ............Wesley
Hymn tune Prelude on Song 13 of
Orlando Gibbons..............Williams
Sonata in the Style of Handel. .Wolstenholme
Three Pieces..................Delamarter
A Stately Procession
Improvization ................. . . Karg-Elert
Symphonesque.......... Spencer
Palmer Christian and Joseph Brinkman, organ-
ist and pianist respectively, are giving the recital
Sunday, February 18, in Hill Auditorium at 4:15.
There will be works by Cesar Franck and Leo
Sowerby for piano and organ in combination, and
both Mr. Christian and Mr. Brinkman will play
solos by the same composers.
The "prodigiously talented" Viennese pianist,
Poldi Mildner, will make her Ann Arbor debut,
Thursday night - tomorrow night - in Hill Audi-
torium at 8:15.
Dalies Frantz has come from a concert tour In
the East to join the piano faculty of the School
of Music. Mr. Frantz' playing was heralded with
enthusiasm and sincerity by the hard-headed crit-
ics of New York. He has studied with Guy Maier,
Arthur Schnabel, and Vladimir Horowitz.
Collegiate Observe r
The Schnozzle Club, "an honorable organi-
zation where the member's noses; overshadow
all their other features," has been established
at the University of Oklahoma. One of the
members is all up in arms because a worthy
brother "nosed" him out for the presidency.
Here's a new one. At the University of Oregon,
a certain florist is going to give prizes to the
man and woman student chosen for being the
"most polite." Will these contests never cease?

A fraternity man at Massachusetts State
College was recently arrested for drunken-
ness, but was released on the plea that he
had water on the brain and he was taking
an anti-freeze solution.
** *
A survey recently made at the University of
Washington shows that students seeking work
while attending the university ask for jobs vary-
ing in range from embalming bodies and nursing
half-wits to blowing up and stringing footballs.
Add this to your list of similies: As self
conscious as the professor who uses his own
** *
Lousiana State College co-eds hail the lifting of
the ban against radios in their dormitories.
This is the first time that this column has
heard of women who welcome competition.
Several co-eds at the University of Alaska were
recently tried before a "kangaroo" court for re-
turning borrowed furniture to the men's dormi-
tory after a dance. When a woman returns any-
thing she borrows that is news.
* * *
An anti-pun society has been organized by stu-
dents at the Stevens Institute of Technology to
deal with advocates of the "lowest form of hu-
Petty larceny - flunking five hours,
wearing nose glasses (pince-nez to you),
mnimicing Joe Penner.
-Indiana Daily Student
The Interfraternity final at Montana state

Michigan Daily
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8:15 P.M.
Hill Auditorium
Tickets $1.00, $1.50, $2.00
at the School of Music

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