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September 19, 1933 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-09-19

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ums Studeut f arriacres
iled Over; Summer Monfihig


If one m'iay judge by the profu-
sioh of engagements and marriages
fver the summer, _our students on-
tinned~. to concentrate in Romance
Of interest to their many friends
on campus was the announcement
Sunday of the engagement of k ar-
bara xWest," '36, of Grose te to
Geore . Hutchinson, Jr., '33E lof
Sewickley, Pa. Miss West, a member
of Collegiate Srosis while on camps
last fear, wil leave this,s week fr
a° bri@ visit in, Sewickley, wvere
Hutchinson, is emploed. Hutchinson
was 4 member of Sigma Phifra-
In a ceremony ta~ng place Satur-
day afternoon ,in St. Andrews pis-
copal church, Miss Ruth ;Alice. Os-
borne, .044'ter of fir. and -Mrs. J.
M. Osborne of 820 Oxford road, and
Osborne Easley Stacy, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Cody 'Stacy of Tif-
fin, Ohio were married.
Bride Chooses Attendants
The bride was attended by her
sister, Mrs. William Campbell Steere,
of Ann Arbor, as matron of honor,
and the bridesmaids were Miss Edna
Henley of Ann Arbor, and Miss Eliz-
abetd Macdonald of Detroit. George
Tillotson of Tif fin, Ohio, acted as
best, man ~for Mr. ,Sacy, and the
ushers were Frederick Wagner andi
William Dore both of Tiffin, and Dr.
William S.. Steere and J. Milton Os-
borne, Jr., f Ann Arbor.
After a reception held at the home
of Dr. an Mrs, Osborne, Mr..,and
Mrs., Stacy left for ~a trip through
Quebec. They wil. be at. home later
in Tiffin, where Mr. Stacy is a prac-
tiein attorney.
Mrs. Stacy attended Rollins,col-
lege pin Winter Park, Fla., and was
graduated <from the university of
Miclhigan. Mr. Stacy was graduated
from Yale University and studied law
at Stetson,.Uniersty and the Uini-
versity of Michigan. Fe is a member
of Sigma u fraternity.
Pop U4; Co>-ds to. e .
The engagemexwt.of, Frances Iid-
dlecombe, '34 of ;Detroit, to John
Kenqig, of Hpwel, m Id., was a-
nounced b . the members q f Apha
Phi. Nr, I epidi wa recently grad-
uatet froni 'Harvard.
Betty Van orn, ' 73, of Sturis,
annou.nced ,her engaggn~ent to A4rs-
worth' Wade of the University of In-
The memb~ers of, Pi ea Phi Aa-
nouned the marriage. of. Je ne
Whit~man, 33, of Grand, Rapis to
Charles Furst, Ph., of ,reeport, I I
The Couple were mrried, on August
26, and are now living in Freeport,
Maurine Knox, '2,Richmond. IlL.,
was yarried during the suninez to
Joseph A. Witter, y'34M, _f Dtr~it.
Miss{ Kno~t IS a ~~rappa p-
G amma and ,Tr. Witter is a member
of the Phi Rho, Sigma rarytei'nty.
The ,46mbers of Alpha chidQmega
wish. to anno1.nce several marriages.
Helen ,Eaiyxhurst, w'31, $Ann Alrbpr~
weas marred to 'reeeicl #vleibe.III,
also of, n 4Arbor.,o4 S~pteigbr 3.
The icouple is now living in Cali-
Cont ii e, leery, '33, of. Detroit,
married rank Kerr, '33 , of New
Brunswick, N. J. in June. Mr. and
Mrs. Kerr will live in Ann Arbor as
Mr. Kerr will enter the Medical
Scho l this fall.
Catherine Moule, '35, of Detroit
has been married to Winthrop
Spence of Detroit since April, 1931.
The couple is residing in Detroit.
Grad Moves to Kalamazoo
Announcement has been received

of,,the marriage of Elaancr Wilkin-
shaw, '32,, and ,John ID iKub ey, '32y,
or,.Sept. 2 4t Battle Crees. MsHu
bley is a member of Phi Beta Phi,
andi Mr. Hubley is a mmber of
Theta Chi, and was on the varsity
swimming team. They are now living
in Kalaxniazoo, where Mr. _Hurley is
with thy. sales force of the kellogg
iMr. anaI Mrs,, Henry Moore Bates
of 19? 1 Camibridge Rod gsnnounce
the marrige of their;, daughter,
I'elenx Belfield, to Josselyn sari Tyne
Flridhay, Sept. 15, in Ann Arbor. Mr.
an d 'rs. Van Tyne will be 4, home
at 1942 Cambridge Road after Oct.
Dean's Daughter Marries.
Mr. Van Tyne, who is the son of
Mrs. C. H.; Van ;Tyne and. the late
Professor Vtan Tyne, is curator of
the ,Piird devisiqin. o the rnuepun of
zoology and jnistructor in ,zoolgy at
the.J.nivesity., He is a gradute of
Harvard University end r eceied his
doctor's degree at the, University ,o f
Michigan,fMrsy. Vas{ T~yne is,grd
uate of the University of Michigan
and received hier doctr's degree in
June.THer father is dean of the Law
School. s
Late 1rEngagemien"sMade,
The marriage of Blanche G. Weth-
erald; '35, and Harry .L. Arnold, ,Jr.,
'35 M, will take" place today ,in De-
troit.: Miss W etherald is a member
of Alpha Phi and Mr. Arnold is ,a
member of Nluu Sigma Nu. After .the
cerem~ony they will visit the Century
ofPrgress in Chicago and then will
return to live in Ann Arbor.;
Mr, and Mrs. James Garfield Stew-
art of, Cincinnati, Ohio, have an-
nounced the engagement of .their
daughter, .Irene, to, Jack Taylor of
Cincinnati. The wedding will take
place this, fall.
M~'iss Stewart was a" freshman at
the University of Michigan last year
and a member of Gamma Phi Beta.
She ,made, her debut in 9i.ncinnati
in 1930 aid s a member of the,
Junior Ibeague., Mr. Taylor is agrad-
uatp of,,; vinonri, andcl in11nati
Law School aad is now practicing
law in Cincinnati,,;.
Benniy fosterban 'Weds,
The marriage of Bennie Uoster-
baanwho won fame,.as a football
player at Michigan and is now ,a-
sistnt grid coat is ,ere,, and ;Miss,
,4oax.I elmas ,Cacbil r, daughter Iof
Rev. and Mrs. Cotiip, of ;Tray'erse
City, was soleminize0 late.,ai iAgust.
Thie, ceremony. was performed at the
home of the bride by hler, father;.
.. f, nterest..to .returning sudents
is he late Jane wedding of.Miss Ia
SibeWg of Ann Arbor to 1p. Jerome
Pettit, '35, also of ;Ann Arbor., Pettit
is a night ettor on The Daily.
Varsity Man ? Marries,-
At qutiet ceremony,perfored ini
the, Congregational, Churcl, Ms
Grace ;Lister daughter of Mrs. Fred-
erick Lister of 1101 Olivia, was united
"in marriage to :Mr, Paul 2igby, son
of Mrs. Albert Biglbyof, Denver, ,Col-
Qt;" do, Bth the bride ardgroom are
fornjercMichigan ,stlc1nts.
the bridg as, attended by *er 5-s
ter M1!is g ary Lister, and, the gom
by Mr. Ted- Rickard, also a Mich-
iga). graduate.
After the ceremony a reception was
given by the bride's mother at her
home. Mrs. Bigby was formerly em-
ployed by the university.
An exhibit; on the ground floor of
the Architecture building showing
work done by the summer school stu-
dents is now open for display. This
exxhibition open to all, displays work
in design, drawing, and painting.

Plans Meelins
iL r Wom nen
Sorority R aus I'i n g Rules
To Be Defined; Wvern
Pilaiis Fre"shman 'riToth
Freshmen and other. incoming stu-
dents will meet at 4 p. m. Sept. 26
in the Lydia Mendellsohn theatre I
f or a meeting sponsored by the Pan-
hellenicExecutive Council. The pur-
pose inm bringing the, new students
together is to, explain to, them the
seorority rushing rules, accor~i~ig to
Josephine Mc~ausey, president of
The women, will be conducted to
the meeting, by the assistant advis-
ers of the various groups.. The meet-
ing, Miss McC~usey explained, is
mainly to clear up any difficulties
that m~ay have comne: up during, the
first few days ,of ~rushing. Contrary
to th~e usulal custom of holding the
Imeeting before any rushing, takes.
place, the offcer~s ofPanhellenic ex-
pect that ~a later meeting will be of
more value.
After the gathering, members of
Wyvern will conduct a tour through
the, League so that the new students
may make better use of the, facili-
ties offered there. Maxine Maynard,
president of Wyvern will be in
Panhellenic rushing, pamphlets
will -e distributed to the women in
their groups before Saturday.
Flowiers of Quality III

Leaglfe's TorchISingier'

League Plans'
Over eek-end
Two informal dances- will be hld
this week-end at the League, under
the promotion of- Hubert Skidmore,
who has engaged Al Cowan's orches-
tra for both nights, it was announced
yesterday. The admission charge for
the dance on Fri day will be a dollar
a couple or fifty cents per person,
with hostesses present for those who
come alone. The admission for the
Welcome dance held on Saturday
eight will be one dollar a couple.
According to Skidmore, one of the
entertainers of the evening will be
Helen Talbot, a blues singer who has
had an audition by Paul Whiteman,
and who will be remembered for her
singing at the Union last year. Sally

Choose Successor
TO Dormitory Post
Taking over part of the duties as-
signed to the late Paul Buckley, for-
mer manager of the Union and f1-
nancial manager, for all dormxitories,
'Miss Ellen Stevenson has been nam-
ed as financial manager for. all
dormitories except the Law yers Club
and Martha Cook Building.
Miss Stevenson, assistant to the
dean of women and a member of the
Pierce, '35, who is prominent in Play
Production, will sing both nights, fea-
turing "Lazy Bones," "Savage Sere-
nade," and "The River's Taking Care
of Me."
Billie Griffiths, '35, will also sing
popular songs during both evenings.
A new song, "Hello, Jane," will be
introduced by Tom Stacy, the pian-
ist of Al CowajVs band.

geology faculty, will make
material requisitions through
storeroom of University Hospital
stead of through the Union as
originally planned. Room 1,L
versity Hall, former office of Pr
dent Alexander G. Ruthven. hasL
set aside for the work of3
The Fifth Avenue
Cosmeic qhop
t 300 South Stat~e Street
To Cthe Women of i
N atsng Coeitcs comnpounded an
blended especially for your type.
foremuia for your entire cosmeti
recf iren.enrts i> e ati p.
Therc is no obligation for tbi
service, which thousands of Michi
Z gan women have appreciated in th
past years.

Sally Pierce, 35, ' -.roaty torch-
singer of the Scphcmrcir Cabaret,
is to be featured at the League
Friday and Saturdo.y night dances.





Michigan women are
c l e v e r shoppers-
they hove learned to
obtain the smartest
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Howdy, Miss 1937
'Let's Be Friends.'



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A ,Nfw Life Begins
this Week for You.,


A life replete with new activities,
studies and associations, for you are
beginning a new era -- that of the

"The Helping Hand"


You've conic to

offyour fe-
so certainly n
C0 SE %

The Farmers and Mechanics Bank wishes to, wet-
come the Freshmen to' Anrn Arbor and to extend
the use of its facilities to them.
We stand ready to offer a "helping hand" in the
solution of your financial problems.
Member Federal Reserve System

Main, at Huron

State at the Arcade

school to study, of course, but much
of the success of this, your newest en-
terprise, is going to depend upon your
social adjustments.
Clothes do not make the man or
woman, it's true, but they do go a long
way toward making a HAPPY COL-
LEGE STUDENT. And that's just
where The COLLINS SHOPPE hopes
to be of greatest service to you.
For a number of years now we've
been advising Michigan girls regarding
their wardrobes. We feel that we can
assist you authoritatively in selecting the
right costumes for teas, dances, or any
type of college life activity, but whether
you come to buy or just to look, please
feel free to make our shoppe your

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