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October 05, 1933 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-05

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THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1933

LOS ANGELES-Thirty-six char-
red bodies of welfare workers were
discovered after a brush fire swept
through a canyon in Griffith Park,
where they had been working.
Searchers were attempting to find
the bodies of at least 20 more miss-
ing men.
* * *
DETROIT-After having collected
a large mass of information, the
Senate racket investigation commit-~
tee ended its session in the city. The
next city to be investigated is Chi-
* * *
RICHMOND-Virginia was add-
ed to the list of states voting repeal
of the Eighteenth Amendment, final
returns showing a 2 to 1 majority for
the wets in Tuesday's election. Thir-
ty-two states have now ratified the
repeal amendment.
* * *
SULLIVAN, Ind.-One man was
killed as an automobile was driven
through picket lines in front of the
Starburn mine, several miles north
of here.
CHICAGO-Miami was selected by
the American Legion as its 1934 con-
vention city.
Varsity Debate
Try-outs To Be
Held Oct. 11
Candidates Are Asked To
Register Now; Subject
For Trials Announced
Tryouts for the Varsity debating
team are to be held Oct. 11 at 2 p. m.
in room C, Haven Hall, it was an-
nounced yesterday by J. H. McBur-
ney, varsity debate coach. Candidates
were asked to register by signing a
a notice which will be posted outside
Room 3211, Angell Hall.
All except freshmen are invited to
participate in the trials which will
consist of short argumentative
speeches on the subject, "Resolved:
That a constitutional amendment
making permanent the powers of the
Presidency as of July 1, 1933, should
be adopted." This is to be the sub-
ject of the Western Conference De-
bating League for this year and will
be used for all University fall de-
bates. The trials will be judged by
several members of the Department
of Speech and General Linguistics.
Conference debates with Iowa there
and Illinois here are scheduled for
this fall, together with preliminary
contests with the Colleges of the City
of Detroit, Michigan State College,
Albion, and the University of Detroit.
The spring Conference debates will
be conducted in a tournament at
Northwestern University. Last year
Mtichigan tied for second place and
the year before won the Conference
Suspect In 20-Year-Old
Murder Case Is Found
CHICAGO, Oct. 4-- (R) - James
Loftus, 49, is in jail pending investi-
gation of a 20-year-old murder,
which police h a d forgotten, but
which he hadn't.
Arrested Tuesday during the Amer-
ican Legion parade as a pickpocket
suspect, police looked up his record
and discovered that on January 7,
1913 he was wanted for murder. But
the record didn't specify what mur-
der, so Loftus came to the rescue.

"In January, 1913," he said, "I
read in the papers that I was wanted
for the murder of 'Buck' Schneider.
I told my father about it. He was a
politician. He asked me if I had kill-
ed Schneider. I told him I hadn't.
He said: 'Forget it.'"
Samuel Brenan Bossard, 21, stu-
dent from Media, Pa., was beaten by
four Nazi Brown shirts recently
because he failed to salute the Ger-
man flag as it passed in a parade in;

Thousands Participate In Gigantic Legion Celebration

-Associated Press Photo
It was estimated that 120,000 participated in the gigantic parade of the American Legion during the
ex-service men's Chicago convention. Here is a view of the marchers moving south along Michigan Boulevard.

Librarians To
Visit Here On
Way To Meets
Two Library Conventions
To Be held In Chicago;
Bishop Officer In Both
A number of distinguished libra-
rians of the world will visit Ann Ar-
bor through the invitation of William
W. Bishop, University librarian, on
their way to and from the meeting of
the International Federation of Li-
brary Associations held from Oct. 14
to 21 in Chicago.
Mr. Bishop is president of the In-
ternational Federation, which is hold-
ing its meeting in Chicago concur-
rently with that of the American Li-,
brary association and also presides
over the International Library Com-
mittee. It is the first meeting of the
International Federation in America
and representatives from most of the
important countries of the world will
be present.
Among those who are sure to visit
Ann Arbor are Dr. Isak Collijn, hon-
orary president of the International
Federation of Library Associations
and librarian of the Royal Library at
Stockholm, Sweden. Dr. Collijn is an
au authority on early printing and
has written extensively on subjects of
medieval history.
Dr. P. T. Sevensma, librarian of the
League of Nations at Geneva, perma-
nent secretary of the International
Federation of Library Associations,
and former librarian of the Univer-
sity of Amsterdam, will bring with
him Dr. Brycha-Vautier from Vienna,
the law librarian of the League.
Dr. Hugo A. Kruess, director of the
Prussian State Library at Berlin,
Arundell Esdale, secretary of the
British Museum and official repre-
sentative of the British Library Asso-
ciation, and J. D. Cowley, head libra-
rian of the Lancashire County Li-
brary, are expected.
Others will be: Leon Bultingaire,
librarian of the French National Mu-
seum of Natural History at Paris;
Dr. Wickersheimer, librarian of the
University of Strasbourg; Monsignor
Eugene Tisserant, head of the Vat-
ican Library; and Dr. Luigi de Ge-
gori, head of the Casanatense Library
in Rome and official delegate of the
Italian government.
Jan Muszkowski, librarian of the
National Library of Warsaw, Poland;
and Marcel Godet, librarian of the
National Library of Switzerland,
Berne, where the committee met last
Biology provides not one shred of
the spontaneous orgin of living mat-
ter in the world today. -Dr. James
Gray, Cambridge professor.

Educated Monkey
On Speech Series
D E T R O I T, Oct. 4.-Meshie, the
American Museum of Natural His-
tory's famous educated chimpanzee,
will be the first attraction of the lec-
ture course planned by the World
Adventure Series of the Detroit In-
stitute of Arts. Meshie is coming
from New York, and the exhibit is
open to the general public at 4:30
p. m. Tuesday, Oct. 17, in the audi-
torium of the Detroit Institute of
Dr. H. C. Raven, eminent explorer
and anatomist at the American Mu-
seum, will introduce Meshie, and will
give an illustrated 1 e c t u r e on
"Meshie, Child of the Jungle." At
8:30 p. m. he will lecture with motion
pictures, on "Capturing Gorillas in
Deepest Africa,' and again present
Amelia Earhart, Count von Luck-
ner, Dr. William B e e b e, Norman
Thomas, James B. Pont, Dr. Ray-
mond L. Ditmars, and Dr. Bruno
Roselli will also give lectures during
October at the Detroit Institute of
Glee Clubs To
Give Concerts
In Other Cities
May Broadcast Some Of
Programs; Also Plan
Fraternity Sing
Engagements for out-of-town con-
certs by both the Varsity and Fresh-
man glee clubs have been arranged,
officials of those groups disclosed
yesterday. A concert in Kalamazoo,
with the Symphony Orchestra of
that city, will be offered some time
during the first semester in addition
to concerts in Adrian, Hartland, and
several in Detroit.
Plans are also being made to have
some of the concerts broadcast, it
was understood, and to have the
Varsity Glee Club sing at one of the
Sunday afternoon concerts of the
School of Music. An interfraternity
sing, in the nature of a contest, is
also scheduled for the near future,
according to present plans of the
Regular tryouts nor the freshman
group were held yesterday afternoon
and tryouts for the Varsity Glee Club
are to be held at the regular full-a
rehearsal time, from 7:30 to 9 p. m.
today. The opening rehearsals of
last week were reported to be un-
usually successful, with more than 40
freshmen trying out for places with
the first-year group and about 60
upperclassmen contending for posi-
tions on the Varsity unit.

Hospital School
Tag Sale To Be
King's Daughters Arrange
Annual Drive To Help
Convalescing Children
The Ann Arbor chapter of the
King's Daughters will conduct its an-
nual tag-sale for the benefit of the
University Hospital School Saturday,
according to Mrs. Hugh E. Keeler,
chairman of the sale.
The school was established in 1922
and for a time continued without
outside help. In 1927 and 1928 the
Crippled Children's Commission as-
sumed part of the instruction duties
and expense. Since that time it has
been 'aided by several interested or-
The purpose of the school is to
provide training for those children
patients of the hospital who are will-
ing and able to go on with their in-
terrupted school work while conva-
lescing from an operation or illness.
The teachers, which this tag-sale
helps the hospital to maintain, con-
tinue the work of the local schools
with study programs designed to meet
the needs of the 'children while con-
forming with state educational re-
quirements. At the same time the
long recoveries from such operations
as mastoids are made pleasant for
the young patients with familiar
things to do.
The King's Daughters is a non-
sectarian organization of about 4,000
women throughout the state which
interests itself in such charitable ac-
tivities as establishing and support-
ing schools, and -the maintenance of
a convalescent fund, Sunday School,
and a Christian program at Univer-
sity Hospital.
The personnel of the King's
Daughters School at the hospital has
been reduced in keeping with the
times, but nearly 2,000 children a
year are taught in the school. Work
in the primary, intermediate, and
junior high school divisions is offered
both in the classrooms and in wards;


New Organ Will Be
Played By Christian
Prof. Palmer Christian, School of
Music professor of organ and Uni-
versity olrganist, will dedicate the
new organ in the recently-completed
civic auditorium in Wooster, Mass.,
sometime early in November, accord-
ing to a recent announcement. The
recital will be under the auspices of
the New England chapter of the
American Guild of Organists.
Last month Professor Christian
dedicated the new organ of the au-
ditorium recently presented to the
Battle Creek school system by W. K.
Kellogg. The new Kellogg auditor-
ium is one of the finest in the State;
Joseph McKee
Calls Seabury
Olitical Boss
NEW YORK, Oct. 4.-(')-Samuel
Seabury, whose blast against "boss-
ism" opened the fusion campaign for
the mayoralty of New York, found
himself today charged with being a
boss himself.
Joseph V. McKee, independent
mayoral candidate, in a statement
accused Seabury of trying to "hog the
"He has no more right to name the
next mayor of New York than any
other boss," McKee said. He added
that he hadn't accepted the fusion
nomination because "the group dom-
inated by Samuel Seabury repre-
sented nothing that the people of
this city had confidence in."
Seabury in another campaign
speech again attacked Tammany, as-"
serting there was $80,000,000 waste in
the construction of the new city-
owned subway.
Report Asks Cessation
Of Japanese Missions
NEW YORK, Oct. 4 - A report
asking for cessation of foreign sub-
sidies in Japanese missionary work
was made public today by Albert L.
Scott, chairman of the laymen's for-
eign missions inquiry.
"It is our judgment that the time
is near when the process -of foreign
subsidization should stop," the report
said. "Our commission is convinced
that the time has come when the
Japanese church should be an inde-
pendent, indigenous church.°The
time has come for the Japanese peo-
ple to have the' leadership in work-
ing out the type of church and in the
form of Christianity which fit their
stage of life and thought as a

Elaborate System Needed To
Keep Locks, Keys In Order

Every door in the University hasI
a key to fit it, and every key or its
duplicate is kept in a special rack in
a small office-workroom on the sec-
ond floor of the Storehouse Building.
The man in charge of the key room,
William C. Bruch, is responsible for
the distribution of keys to the peo-
ple who have a right to them and he
must keep track of every key that
goes out of his office.
This last is a job in itself. Mr.
Bruch uses a card index system by
which he can tell at a glance who
has a key or keys and what keys they
have. There is also a file for deposit
slips as a deposit must be paid on
every key before it leaves the key
room. A grand master, the key that
will open every door in a certain
building requires a $2 deposit, and
room keys require a deposit of 50
cents, demanded of part-time in-
structors only. Mr. Bruch reports
that there is only about one percent
loss in keys during a year.
Mr. Bruch likens the system of
locks in any one building to the root
structure of a large tree. There is a
grand master, the key that will open
any lock in the building. The next
most important key is the sub-mas-
ter which will open only the doors
in one department of a building -
the botany department in the Nat-
ural Science Building, for example.
Keeps Carpenters Busy
Then there are the various room
keys which will open only the doors
for which they were made. The cyl-
inder locks which are used on the
doors of offices may look identically
the same to the casual observer, but
in some types there are as many as
100,000 changes or keys that can be
used to make them different.
Among others who keep the locks
and doors of the University working
smoothly are the carpenters. They
work about six hours a day planing
off doors and drawers and fixing
locks that refuse to work.
But keys and locks are not the only
things that k e e p Building and
Grounds men, who are specialists in
their own line of work, busy. The de-
partment has two men who do noth-
ing but replace burned out bulbs and
fuses. They also make repairs which
do not require special tools or equip-
Other specialists in the electrical
department are the men who take
care of any repairs necessary in the
high tension system of the Univer-
sity, and a man who spends most of
his time winding burned out motors.
The high tension work is usually
done by men from the Edison Com-

pany, but the department also has
I a man who can do this work.
In the paint department there is
a man who ordinarily spends a third
of his time lettering signs, but since
so many departments have changed
their location two men have been
kept busy with this work ever since
the shifting of the offices began.
There is one man who devotes his
working hours to the ice-machines
and vacuum pumps which are located
in the science and medical buildings,
dormitories, hospital, and legal re-
search library. The machine shop
employs a number of welders and
men who build special apparatus for
the research a4tivities of the various
departments. Special plumbers take
care of leaky faucets and sewer
Lawn Mowers Are Experts
The grounds department has its
own specialists.:: There are men who
are expert tree trimmers, others who
have a knack for landscape design-
ing, and, believe it-or not, the fellows
you see cutting the lawns on the
campus are expert lawn mowers.
Edward C. Pardon, superintendent of
Buildings and Grounds, claims that
a good deal of experience is neces-
sary before a man can cut a lawn
with a power mower without making
the finished product look like a first-
class jigsaw puzzle.
The department is keeping the
spirit of the NRA although it is not
obliged to conform to the rules since
it is a State institution,naccording to
Mr. Pardon. There are now three in-
stead of two men employed to take
charge of the University heating sys-
tem during the night hours. Their
job is to shut off the steam in the
buildings at ten o'clock every night
and to turn it on again at three in
the morning.
The same plan is evident through-
out the department, Mr. Pardon said.
They are employing as many men as
they possibly can, although it means
part-time work in many cases. The
department wants and needs men
who are specialists. One of the most
important and arduous tasks of the
staff is to train new employees in the
character of the work. They cannot
use men who "can do everything."
The University of Texas and the
University of Chicago jointly are
building the new McDonald Observ-
atory in the Davis Mountains in
southwestern Texas to house the sec-
ond largest telescope in the world.
The largest telescope in the world is
the 100-inch reflector at Mount
Wilson, California.

Medieval Royal,
Found Under


COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Oct. 4.-
(P)-A medieval royal crown of pure
gold and intricately designed was
found today under the, pavement of
the public square in a small town
near here.
With it were a golden chain and
crucifix. Some persons believed the
crown probably belonged to King
Christian II, who hid in the town in
1532. King Christian probably buried
his treasure before crossing to Jut-
land, pursued by his former subjects.,
according to one view.



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