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October 05, 1933 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-05

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enner Seems Assured Of Quarterback Post In Game Here Sat


Judging from yesterday's practice
session, William W. Renner, Youngs-
town, 0., passer, will get the call at
quarterback Saturday in the Wol-
verine opener against Michigan
Coach Harry Kipke, after keeping
him on the bench for two years, has
apparently decided to center his at-
tack around him. Wednesday's drill
saw Renner calling signals from the
quarterback post the entire after-=
noon. Capt. Fay saw part time duty
at half but did no signal calling.
Signal Drill Featured
Coach Kipke isn't meddling with
the injury jinx. Very little rough
work was on the program yesterday,
most of the practice being confined
to signal drill.
Another thing the practice re-..
vealed was that Kipke has under his
hat one of the trickiest attacks a"
Michigan team has had in years.t
Plays featuring linemen Petoskey,"
Wistert and Ward are bound to keep
the enemy defense
baffled most of
the time.
Michigan's teams,,
with a dangerous°
:.aerial attack last
}< : : year, appears to
h a v e one even
Smore dangerous3
now. The frequent
use of the lateral.
passes is the rea-{
sToV .. son.
But Kipke apparently has plenty
more up his sleeve. Wednesday's
practice saw much emphasis given
upon an entirely new group of run-
ning plays. If his much-heralded
"punt; pass and prayer" system fails
him, he wants something to fall back
The session, perhaps the most im-
portant one of the season so far, was
held behind closed doors, with only a
handful of newspaper men present.
r The reason, or course, was that Kipke
is taking no chances of his new
plays becoming known before Satur-
Harry Tillotson, ticket mana-
ger, has reported thag the ad-
vance sale for the Michigan State
game is surpassing that of last
year. With good weather, a crowd
of some 45,000 may be expected,
as compared with 38,000 last year.
The main reason for the increase
as the fact that 40,000 end seat
tickets are on sale for $1, the
lowest price ever charged in the
Coaches Weber, Oosterbaan and
Cappon supervised the Varsity signal
drill. Regeczi and Renner were the
only men who saw full time service
in the backfield. Heston, Everhard-
us, Pay and West-
over alternated at
the halfback posi-
An indication
was given that
Westover, a senior
who has spent two
y'ears with the .
subs, might see {
action Saturday.
He gave a good
exhibition in the tf DEQND
scrimmage with the freshmen last
week, and is a player of Varsity
Concerning Kowalik and Savage,
Kipke meant it when he said, "They
must win their places back." Savage
was still playing with the subs, and
Kowalik saw only part time duty
with the Varsity.
Hildebrand, a letterman, worked
out at one guard post, and Borgann
was at the other.V

Blott Stars
Coach Jack Blott gave the second
stringers something to worry about
when he led a specially picked fresh-
man squad against them. He and
the freshman aimed Michigan State
plays at the reserves for some time.
Many passes were featured, and
Blott showed that he has not grown
rusty by completing several of them.
Kipke kept his charges on the
field until almost dark, driving them

T Associated Press Photo
The task of stopping New York
may fall to the lot of Earl Whitehill
in the third games of the series at
Washington today.
Shaughnessy, New
1 C71
Coach At Chicago,
Draws Enthusias m
CHICAGO, Oct. 4.-(AP)-Although
it has no bearing on the Western
Conference championship, the Chi-
cago-Cornell College game Saturday
at Stagg Field is attracting consid-
erable interest.
It will mark an important point in
Maroon football history. It serves to
introduce Coach Clark Shaughnessy
to the Big Ten and makes the first
time in 42 years that Amos Alonzo
Stagg is not at the helm.
There is real enthusiasm on the
Midway campus over the Maroon
prospects this year. They don't ex-
pect a championship, but predict a
good season.
Shaughnessy has been preparing
for Saturday's game as if it were a
Conference battle. Cornell was
scouted by Assistant Coach Carl An-
derson and he believes they are cap-
able of giving the- Maroons a good
Much of Shaughnessy's hope de-
pends on sophomores as six of the
first string team are second year
men. There will be four in the line
and two in the backfield. One is Jay
Berwanger, a halfback from Dubuque,
Ia., and a great deal is expected from

IOWA CITY, Oct. 4.-(Big Ten)-
Crash of falling records and praises
of the football experts who had pre-
dicted that they could not defeat
Northwestern still echoed in the ears
of University of Iowa football play-
ers Tuesday.
They settled down to leisurely
practice for the Bradley Tech game
Saturday, relieved of that terrific
tension which pervaded the dozen
days of preparation for the North-
western conflict.
That startling upheaval of the
"dope" destroyed some of the records
which the Hawkeyes have not been
proud to accumulate. For instance,
the win over Northwestern wasn:
First Big Ten triumph in thir-
ten games, the Hawks having lost
ten and tied two since defeating
Minnesota Nov. 9, 1929, 9 to 7, at
Iowa City.
First victory in initial Big Ten
game since Chicago was whipped,
13 to 0, at Chicago in 1928.
First win over Northwestern
since 1923, snapping a four-game
First shut-out victory over a
conference team since the Wis-
consin game of 1929.
Iowans are talking about the line-
rocking plunges of Dick Crayne, and
his shifty speed through the secon-
dary defense and into the open which
netted him the tremendous total of
181 yards in 29 scrimmage plays, for
an average of 6.2 yards.
Crayne, however, received the best
type of help from the line, which
ripped open neat holes for the fast-
starting sophomore to sprint through,
and from the blockers notably
Dwight Hoover and Russ Fisher,
No Iowa back since the days of Au-
brey Devine and Gordon Locke more
than a decade ago has accumulated
such a total of yards from scrim-
mage in a conference game. Crayne's
only faults in his intercollegiate de-
but were two fumbles which halted
Iowa's goalward drives.
The only bad injury in the bruis-
ing season's opener was Lloyd Hoff-
man's sprained ankle. The sophomore
tackle was hurt late in the first quar-
ter, but his place was well filled by
Jerry Foster. Hoffman probably will
not play for a week or ten days.


1111 1111




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