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October 05, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-05

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SDAY, OCT. 5, 1933

Established 1890

get down to business say authorities "on the hill."
Taxes and big banker ways of escaping them are
not the business of the banking committee. That
field is pre-empted by Senator Pat Harrison's
finance committee under senate rules.

' K .

' sir


HOUSE-HUNTING activities of the New York
stock exchange in New Jersey were of part-
icular interest in Washington for this reason.
The banking committee is bound to investigate
that effort to escape impending new municipal
taxes. It has implications in connections with
any plan for direct Federal regulation of the ex-
change to prevent speculative orgies.
If the exchange could escape New York City
taxation emergencies by moving to New Jersey,
could it get from under heavy-handed Federal
regulation by moving to Canada? Fletcher's com-
mittee will want to explore that point.

- Y- --
Published every morning except Monday during the
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CITY EDITOR.........................BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR...................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
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WOMEN REPORTERS: Frances Carney, Dorothy Ges,
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liams, David Winkworth.
THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1933
Reporting Infraetions
Of Rushing Rules...
URING the past few days it has
been made clear that rushing rules
cannot be enforced if violations are not reported.
", ince non-enforcement would work untold had-
ship on the fraternities who comply, it is obvious
that the general interest of all fraternities will
be best served through prompt disclosure of all
To report a violation is unpleasant. No house
relishes the thought of turning in the name of a
competing house which it feels has broken the
rules. No rushee desires to report a guilty group.
Yet it is only through such information that un-
fair competition can be stamped out.
This being the case, it is highly reassuring to
discover that accounts of transgressions are being
laid before the proper authorities, Guilt has been
proved in one case, and a penalty pronounced.
The ice has been broken. Every house on campus
is now aware that it will be dangerous not to act
according to Hoyle. The most immediate result
of what has been done is the virtual guarantee
that the most important rule of rushing -no
contact between freshmen and fraternities during
the silence period - will not be broken.
There are many who believe the penalty meted
Monday night by the judiciary committee was not
nearly as severe as it should have been. To give
a rushee av pledge pin is a plain infringement of
the central rule of the present system. Whether
or not a stronger punishment should have been
decided upon, it is safe to assume that the com-
mittee viewed the matter as an initial offense,
and is prepared to act more harshly with future
When the present rules were adopted, campus
honor societies were unanimous in agreeing to
support them in every way, including the encour-
agement of reports of violations. It is to be ex-
pected that these groups will come to the fore in
the attempt to insure compliance.
One does not have to believe that the present
rules are the best ones possible in order to agree
that they must be enforced. The point is that
the fraternities themselves adopted them, and

promised to abide by them. A house that refuses
to live up to its promise is given a decided ad-
vantage in lining up a good freshman class-
would be given an advantage, that is, if the rules
were not enforced. After the rushing period is
over, the fraternities may amend the regulations.
The time to change the rules is not in the middle
of the time to which they apply.

THERE are suggestions already that Texas will
reach out to regain its dominant position in
house leadership enjoyed before Jack Garner
regretfully bade the house goodbye and became
vice president.
The state has a veteran to offer for high house
honors in the person of Sam Rayburn with 11
consecutive terms to his credit. And Sam is des-
cribed as looking longingly toward a speakership
of his own at no distant date.
IT IS intimated that the so-called Democratic-in
surgent coalition in the house which put Speak-
er Rainey and Majority Leader Joe Byrns of Ten-
nessee into power is in process of disintegration.
There is also the question of whom the White
House will turn to as chief house lieutenant in
the next session, certain to be less of a Roosevelt
love feast than was the special session. Rayburn
has attracted the attention of a number of influ-
ential House advisers.
Assuming that Garner Intends to retire perma-
nently to the private joys of Uvalde, Texas, at the
end of his present presidential term-and that
looms not as an assumption, but a fact - Rayburn
could seek the speakership without any very
serious reaction against too-much-Texas among
his house colleagues.
Screen eflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars edfinitely
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
no stars, stay away from it.
Patsy. . . . . .................. James Cagney
Dorothy ....................Madge Evans
Jim............. ...........Frankie Darro
Thompson ....................Dudley Digges
You will find "The Mayor of Hell" to your
Cagney as a tough ward-heeler and Frankie
Darro as a juvenile incorrigible are the nucleus
of a cast well chosen to present this first of what
will probably prove to be another Hollywood cycle
with the delinquency of adolescents as the theme.
In "The Mayor of Hell" the evidence gainst the
old style penal institution for youths o Jim's type
is presented in a forceful manner, with emphasis
on the contrast which is possible when humane
methods are introduced.
Before a political boss gives Cagney his job as
deputyrcommissioner of a certain reform school,
the school is in the corrupt and tyrannical hands
of a bloated overseer (Dudley Digges) who fol-
lows the old adage of "spare the rod and spoil the
(delinquent) child" to a T. It is a role made to
order for the fine abilities of Mr. Digges, who adds
his success in the role of Thompson to scores of
others gained in movies that sometimes could
boast of no other redeeming feature than his
presence. The downfall of Thompson after he
causes the death of a consumptive inmate of the
school is accomplished under kerosene-soaked
torches carried by the boys he has beaten down -
the boys this time sitting as a "supreme court"
trying the case of "The People vs. Thompson."
Cagney and Madge Evans are almost totally
submerged in the wake of the fine portrayals of
the reform schoolers by Frankie Darro, the boy
who is "Butch," Farina, and many others.
Best scenes: Digges registering outraged in-
nocence, wrath, suspicion, or slyness.
Added attraction: Hearst Metrotone News.
Kreig........................John Halliday
Blackie.....................Charlie Ruggles
John.........................Neil Hamilton
Lily..........................Shirley Grey
Gigolo........ ..............Jack LaRue
Here is a mystery drama with the high seas
as a setting. One Mr. Kreig, lately of New York
City and Wall Street, finds it expedient to board
his yacht with sundry guests when he learns that
the police, via the grand jury route, are hot on
his trail. With Kreig are a very beautiful blonde
(Shirley Grey), her lover, a financier and his un-
faithful wife, a dark-haired piano-player, and a
steward (Charlie Ruggles) who finds everything
to his liking except the cross-eyed sailor, a black
cat, a Friday the 13th embarking, broken mir-

rors, 26 murders, and a suicide.
It's slow at times, but scary.
G. M. W. Jr.
"I Have Lived" and "Strange People" form a
double-featured bill appearing currently at the
Whitney. Anita Page, Allan Dinehart, and Allan
Vincent play in the first; John Darrow and Gloria
Shea are in the second.

Collegiate Observer
We often hear of things going from the sub-
lime to the ridiculous and vice versa, but we find
a new standard in the report from the University
of Southern Californib that a church now occu-
pies the building a well known fraternity was in
a year ago.
* * *
One freshman at the UTrversity of North Car-
olina entered a fraternity house last week and an-
nounced that he had chosen it for his permanent
residence. On being told Goat he had to have a
bid, he answered,
"O.K. I can bid as liigh as the next man. .
* 4, : e
We don't hear so much about sleeping sickness
now that colleges have opened and students have
returned to the campuses.
* *,
"No amount of college education can make a
-John Masefield
* * *
Students of Marshall College patriotic to the
N.R.A. have pledged not to engage in any school
work, social, athletic, or scholastic - emphasizing
the latter -for more than the blue eagle's lawful
forty hours.
* * *
Aside to B. S. D. Church St. No, the word
"physician" does not come from the Greek Fee-
* * *
Hard times, or should we say economic condi-
tions, have caused a slump in college enrollments
in the United States during the last year. Teach-
ing staffs too were cut down 3.2 percent.
What about the percentage of the number o
fewer professors?
** *
Among the freshman commandments at the
University of Utah is: "Thou shalt not keep thy-
self in the presence of one woman for it is not
* * *
A freshman at the University of Chicago be-
wildered by the questions asked on an examina-
tion, searching for an alibi for his inexcusable
and complete ignorance wrote on his paper, "Only
God knows the answers to those questions." The
quizzing instructor wholly in the spirit of fairness
returned the paper with the addition of these
words : "God gets an A, you get an E."
Observings from here and there . . . Students
at Segan College, a small eastern school, have or-
ganized a nudist camp . . . However, more organ-
ized nudists who are college graduates claim
Harvard as their Alma' Mater . . . Penn State
was originally a farmer's high school . . . Men
outnumber the women in the cooking classes at
Michigan State College.
Editoral Coniment
When Adolph Van L4deghem ended a long-
standing quarrel by killing his wife with a cleaver,
his words and actions indicated he had little
dread of the penalty Michigan exacts for first-de-
gree murder.
If his case follows a normal course, Van Lan-
deghem will go to prison for about 15 years. There
he will live in security, wifh no domestic or family
problems to solve. He will be housed in warm,
sanitary quarters, fed in first-rate style, clothed
and given medical attention at state expense. He
will have light, simple work to do, and his oppor-
tunities for recreation will be extensive. There
will be books, magazines and newspapers to read,
games such as baseball to play if he chooses, and
opportunities to engage in choral singing, attend
vaudeville and musical performances, motion pic-
ture shows and similar entertainments. Van Lan-
deghem will lead a healthful, fairly comfortable
and a safe existence, with little to worry about
unless he succumbs to remorse. The chief thing
he will be deprived of will be his liberty, but to

some types of men liberty is a burden rather than
a blessing.
This prospect falls far short of the kind of pun-
ishment necessary if a prison term is to be an ef-
fective deterrent to crime. To many men there is
little that is appalling about such a life. It may
even seem preferable, to some, than life outside.
Dread of it did not stop Van Landegherm from
raising his hand to commit murder. But fear of
the law might have done so had Landeghem
known he would pay for his crime on the gallows.
-The Detroit Free Press
coming one of the most prominent men in the
country. But, with his new lot comes an assort-
ment of trials and tribulation such as he had
never dreamed of. And in the end . . . but that
would be telling.
Mae Clarke, remembered for her fine perform-
ance in "Waterloo Bridge," has the role of Mary.
Another prominent role is filled by Otto (legiti-
mate stage) Kruger, who makes his first screen
appearance in this story, after Broadway tri-
umphs in "Counsellor-At-Law," "Private Lives,"
and "The Royal F amily of Broadway."
Others in the cast are George Barbier, Peggy
Shannon, C. Henry Gordon, and Clara Blandick.
A brief biography of star Tracy, whose meteoric
rise to the position of No. 1 dynamo of Hollywood
has been bound up in his personality, his hand-
waving earnest diction, and genuine vitality,
Born A p r i 1 14, of some-year-or-other (he
dnsn't evidentiv revea1 which) in Atlanta. Ga.


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CAN PLACE a few students on de-
sired part time work. Apply 609
Packard. 76


PRE SCHOOL kindergarten for chil-
dren 3 to 5 years has reopened for
fall term. Call Miss MacNaugh-
ton at 5837. 73
INSTRUCTION in Mathemathics
and Mechanics offered by teacher.
Very reasonable. Phone 6239. 71
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. lx





a. .

new suits and overcoats. Will pay
3, 4, 5, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann
Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x
BICYCLE -Wanted, will pay $5 to
$10. Call 8466. 78
2 LARGE front rooms for men.
Shower. Double or single. Close to
campus. Priced reasonably. Ga-
rage. 425 S. Division. 22352 68
ATTRACTIVE 3 or 4 room furnished
apartment, $30. Private bath, light,
gas, softened water included. 1126
Martin Place. Ph. 23850. 77


Telephone service must be kept fit as a fiddle 365
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Thanks to a continuous program of maintenance
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The result of all this is: the telephone gives you
a lot for a little money.

State Real Estate Group
Plans Meetings At Union
The Union will be the scene today
and tomorrow of the nineteenth an-
nual meeting of the Michigan Real
Estate Association.
Today's program includes the op-
ening ceremonies at 1:30 p. m. and
a banquet at 7:30 p. m. At the
l.tur t i C15 W tt eary

iaer meebing u.w.O veo, secretary
of the Lansing chamber of com-
merce, and Prof. Ernest M. Fisher of SAY "HELLO" TO MOTHER AND DAD
the real estate department will speak. -RATES ARE LOWER AFTER1 8.30 P. M.

A Washington


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