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October 05, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-05

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OCT. 5, 1933




Virginia Votes
For Repeal By
Huge Majority
Death Of 18thAmendment
Needs Wet Returns Of
Four Additional States
Florida Votes Next
Local Dry Law Is Thrown
Out As State Votes Wet
By Majority Of 2 To 1
(By Associated Press)
With Virginia voting nearly 2 'to
1 for repeal of the eighteenth
amendment, the list of states favor-
ing abandonment of prohibition now
stands at 32, with none opposed.
Florida will vote next Tuesday,
and on Nov. 7 referendums will be
held in North and South Carolina,
Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and
If four of these seven states de-
cide for repeal, the prohibition
amendment will be nullified as soon
as their state conventions formally
pass on repeal, probably during the
first week of December.

Lindberghs Extend Continental Air Journey To Russia

--Associatedl Press Photo
Extending their air tour of the continent, Col. a nd Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh visited Leningrad and
Moscow in the Soviet Union. Mrs. Lindbergh is shown at left with a representative of the commissariat of
foreign affairs just after they landed at Leningrad. Colonel Lindbergh is pictured at right in the midst of
press representatives and officers.

RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 4-- (AP) -
Virginia made the score by states 32
to 0 today in favor of repeal of the
Eighteenth amendment.,
'The Old Dominion, one of the .bul-
warks of prohibition since 1914,
turned thumbs down Tuesday on the
amendment it had been the second
to ratify and at the same time rec-
ommended the repeal of the Layman
act, state dry law.
Almost complete returns indicated
that every district in the state had
joined the repeal movement, with a
majority of the counties joining the
cities in opposition to the prohibi-
tion regime. Repeal majorities were
heaviest, however, in the centers of
population, with Richmond, Norfolk,
Roanoke, Newport News and Lynch-
burg piling up substantial margins
that ranged as high as 4 to 1 and
With 1,246 out of 1,690 recincts
reported, the vote stood 90,742 for
repeal and 50,886 against. With
slightly fewer precincts tabulated the
vote stood 85,941 for a state liquor
control system as against prohibi-
Repeal leaders, among them for-
mer State Senator C. O'Conor Gool-
rick of Fredericksburg, one of the
outstanding anti-prohibitionists, said
the result was what they had ex-
Enrollment In
Loeal R.O.T.C.
Now Totals 571
Announcement was made yesterday
by Major Fredrick C. Rogers that a
total of 571 men have enrolled in the
Reserve Officers Training Corps, to
date, of whom 359 are in the Infan-
try, 124. in the Signal Corps and 97
in the Ordnance branch. Of these,
557 are regularly enrolled, 2 are non-
citizens and 12 are on a non-pay
The two men who are not citizens
are both freshmen in the College of
Engineering; one, William T. Horton,
hails from Ontario and the other,
Hugh Lamb from Montreal. Lamb
was born in Forfar, Scotland.
Major Rogers said that three un-
usual things characterize the. unit
this year: therehare more transfers
than ever before, that is, men enter-
ing with advancedhcredit; the Ad-
vanced course is full to an overflow;
and the number of enrolled from the
Literary College is much greater than
it has ever been.
3rd District Alumni
To Meet On Oct. 20

Child Training
Series Planned
In Four Cities
Yoder, Tape, Schorling,
Mu m f or d, Carruthers
Talk On Child Problems
The oldest feature of the program
of co-operation between the Univer-
sity of Michigan and the Parent-
Teacher clubs of the state courses
of lectures in child training and edu-
cational problems held annually in
different localities, will be continued
this year in Hartford, Pontiac, St.
Joseph, and Benton Harbor, the Uni-
versity Extension Division announced
The local lectures, times and plac-
es, are announced as follows:
Hartland, 7:30 p. m., Oct. 19, Com-
munity Hall, Dr. O. R. Yoder, psy-
chiatrist, Ypsilanti State Hospital;
Nov. 16, Prof. H. A. Tape, principal,
Lincoln Consolidated School, Ypsi-
lanti; Jan. 4, Dr. Raleigh Schorling,
professor of education and supervis-
or of directed teaching and instruc-
tion in University High School, Uni-
versity of Michigan; Jan. 18, Prof.
Eben Mumford of the sociology de-
partment, Michigan State College.
Pontiac: 7:30 p. m., Oct. 24, Pon-
tiac High School, Dr. George E. Car-
rothers of the education school, Uni-
versity of Michigan.
McCracken Works
As Play Director
In Spite Of Injury
Confinement to a wheel-chair is
a minor matter to an actor if he is
working at his chosen profession, as
Russel McCracken, former assistant
director of Play Production, reports
from Rock Springs, Wyo., where he
is directing the Rock Springs Little
Theatre Group in its production,
which is to be "Neighbors," by Zona
The entire management of the play
has been taken over by McCracken,
who is supervising rehearsals, direct-
ing the manufacture of the scenery,
and doing many other necessary
things from a wheel-chair.
McCracken suffered a broken pel-
vis bone, a severe shock, and minor
injuries when his car skidded off
the road near Rock Springs on Sept.
15. He was en route to Ann Arbor
at the time.
Wherever we have learned new
truth, sensed new beauty, improved
taste, have new ways to live, it has
never been by the vision of ma-
jorities. -Dr. Robert Wicks of Prince-
ton University

Robbers Flee
After Shooting
Down Farmer
One Stolen Car Is Held,
While Bandits Flee In
Another Vehicle
thorities today held the stolen auto-
mobile in which two elusive robbers
escaped after shootiig down Fred
Hacker at his farm home near Not-
tawa Monday 'night, but the robbers
themselves were still at liberty, ap-
parently continuing their flight in
another stolen car.
The automobile that was the ob-
jective of an intensive search for a
night and day was found, abandoned
Tuesday night in Union City, Branch
County, shortly after another auto-
mobile had been reported stolen here.
A filling station attendant said he
replenished the gasoline supply of
the second car and that it headed
A few hours later, Sheriff James
Correll and a squad of deputies,
speeding to a barn near Nottawa
where the fugitives erroneously were
reported at bay, saw an automobile
standing in a field near the road.
Before he could turn around, the car
gained the highway and sped away.
The sheriff pursued it almost to
Three Rivers before he lost sight of
it. He said it bore a resemblance to
the car stolen in Union City.
Hacker was killed when he refused
to tell the two men where $45 in
cash and some negotiable bonds were
hidden at his farm. Then the robbers
forced Mrs. Hacker, who had wit-
nessed the shooting of her husband,
to lead them to the cache. In their
flight, they took an automobile from
the farm of William Custer, three
miles from the Hacker farm, leaving
another stolen car behind.
Sheriff Correll said he believed the
men had lain hidden somewhere near
Nottawa Tuesday, resuming their
flight when darkness fell.
Two Policemen Are
Hit By Detroit Cars
DETROIT, Oct. 4.-(-P)-Two po-
licemen were struck by automobiles
at the same intersection and within
a few minutes Tuesday night.
Patrolman Arthur A. Schubert, rid-
ing a motorcycle, was knocked from
his machine by the car of Arthur H.
Watkins, 35, of Pontiac, who said an-
other automobile forced his car
against the motorcycle.
Patrolman Max Capp, who hap-
pened by, called an ambulance, and
then began untangling the traffic
jam that had developed. Before the
ambulance arrived, he was struck
by the automobile of Gst Kaplanis,
and was taken to Redford Receiving
Hospital in the same ambulance with
Physicians said amputation of
Schubert's right foot might be neces-
sary. Capp has a fractured knee cap.

Curtis Asserts That Even Rats
Have Personalities And Genius

Be careful, the next time you set
a rat trap. You might be nipping
genius in the bud. Unbelievable as
it may seem, rats have personalities,
biases, and shades of intelligence
comparable to those of human beings,
according to Quin F. Curtis of the
psychology department.
"These rats," said Mr. Curtis, gent-
ly stroking "Old 100," the grizzled
veteran of hundreds of maze-run-
nings, "show all the variations from
dumbbells to geniuses. Take 'Old 100'
here for example. He's one of the
most intelligent rats we've ever had
and his career has been long and
"le is three years and three
months old, which corresponds to
about 95 in a human being, but his
work is done now, we've pensioned
him off. That rat over there we call
'95.' He's just as old as '100' and just
as dumb as the other is smart. He
had a lot of grit, though, and would
keep going despite the difficulty of
the maze."
The research work on the animals
is being conducted under the direc-
tion of Prof. John F. Shepard with
the primary object of throwing light
on the process of human learning.
Rats are used because of the obvious
advantage in manipulation and be-
cause their histories from birth can
be accurately ascertained.
The maze room itself is a model
of complete research equipment and
contains a large table on which the
variable maze is placed. The running
of the rats is watched through a
Exhibit Of Chinese
Art At Alumni Hall
Modern paintings and other ex-
amples of Chinese art of the last
eight centuries are now being shown
at the Alumni Memorial Hall. The
pictures are all done in the typical
manner of ink and pigments on thin
silk mounted on hanging paper rolls
and were selected by C. Edward
Wells, from private collections for
showings through the country.
Among the 21 pictures, are two by
the modern artist Ch'i Po-shih and
pieces of the Sung and Ming dynas-
ties. One ",is struck particularly by
the 1 a n d s c a p e of snow-covered
mountains, facing the entrance, the
work of Kuo Hsi of the Eleventh
Century, a c c o r d i n g to Benjamin
March, curator of the division of the
Orient in the Museum of Anthrop-
ology, who is cataloguing the collec-
tion. Contrasted to this, on the
north wall, is a representation of a
bird vendor, in colors, by a Four-
teenth Century master.
There are a number of bird and
flower paintings, landscapes, and fig-
ure studies which will be found of
interest, Mr. March stated. The ex-
hibition will be here until Oct. 14.

trap-door in the floor of the room
above by students who keep accurate
records of the rats' movements on
specially prepared charts.
Every precaution is taken to limit
the cues which the rats might use in
finding their way through the maze.
They are found to have an uncanny
ability in ascertaining their position
by the sounds of their feet pattering
on the runways and no effective way
has as yet been found to completely
deaden this sound.
Every type of flooring from live
rubber to cotton batting has been
tried without complete success. Occa-
sionally the work of many weeks is
lost through the death of the rat
from "snuffles," a kind of rat pneu-
monia. Fortunately the disease is
neither common nor contagious and
some super-rats have been known to
"It is very amusing to watch the
rats stop in the course of their wan-
derings through the maze to scratch
themselves with perplexity," said Mr.
Curtis, "and I'm convinced that the
human boast of its exclusive posses-
sion of intelligence and reasoning
power is, perhaps, unjustified."

ver-tke-Counter Sale




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