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January 27, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-27

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HlalKemp Will
Feature Many
Artists At Hop
Bob Allen, Saxie Dowell,;
'Skinny' Emnis Will Be'
Vocalists For Dace
When the two orchestras take their
positions on the bandstands for the
1935 J-Hop the evening of Feb. 9 in
the Intramural Building, on one side
of the huge ballroom will be sta-
tioned Hal Kemp, youthful southern
maestro. From this point he will di-
rect his musicians in the distinctive'
style of rhythm that has been re-
sponsible for their phenomenal rise
to international popularity.
The rise of the Kemp musical unit
is especially attributed to an abun-
dance of featured artists. Most
prominent of these is "Skinny" ]n-
nis, song stylist and interpreter, who
has been with the band since it
originated. Ennis is also adept with
the drum-sticks.
Three other vocalists are fea-
tured in the arrangements played
by the band. Bob Allen, Saxie Dowell,
and Wendell Mayhew take their turn
before the microphone. Pianist John
Scott Trotter adds to the music with
occasional rhythm "breaks."
"Kemp" style was first developed
by Hal Kemp himself and has been
worked out by him in collarobation
with his two chief arrangers, May-
hew and Trotter. The orchestra is
said to be more imitated than any
other and is commonly referred to
as a "musician's band.''
Hal Kemp's band may be heard
over radio station WGN, Chicago, at
regular intervals every evening.
New ficers Are
Elected For Spriga

To Be -Hop ocalist

Dr Hlazel osh Had Childhood
Hopes To Study Astronomy

For EarIy Spring-

Manley Resigns As
President Of Club
John Manley, Grad., resigned his
position as president of the Mich-
igan Outdoor Club, at the meeting
IWednesday of the officers and execu-
tive council of the club. The office
was automatically taken over by the

vice-president, Pauline
'35, Manley accepting th
Helen Stevenson, '35,
constitution for the club,
j dscussed and will be vot
the next meeting. If ap
plan will be submitted tc
cil on student affairs for
ognition. Mariette Coffm;n
put in charge of the dues

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the seventh
of a series of articles on prominent
women in the University.
There are many youngsters in the
world who when asked what they are
going to do when they grow up reply
"I'm going to be a teacher', but not
many say, "I'm going to study as-
tronomy and mathematics." That
was Hazel Losh's answer. Dr. Losh's
childhood ambitions were realized for
she is now an instructor and research
assistant in the astronomy depart-
She was born in Blanchester, OJ
and received her early education!
there. A scholarship to Ohio Wes-
leyan University, in Delaware, O.,
sent her there to get her A.B. de-
gree. Latin, mathematics, and as-
tronomy occupied much of her aca-
demic time, together with the courses
in education which she took to en-
able her to teach in Ohio high ,
Finding that she was even morel
interested in astronomy than she had

expected, she decided to continue her
work at Michigan. She was granted
a fellowship in 1921 and continued
her work through 1924, receiving her
master's degree in 1922, and her doc-
ter's in 1924. She chose Michigan for
her work primarily because it is one
of the few universities where the ob-
servatory is associated closely enough
with the college that work in physics,
and mathematics can be done simul-
taneously with the work in the ob-
Dr. Losh was an instructor at
Smith College for Women for a year
before she went to Mt. Wilson, Pasa-
dena, which is the largest observatory
in the world. There she was offered
a research position in the solar de-
par tment.
Two years later, Dr. Ralph Curtiss,
then director of the observatory here,
I and for whom she had done her
th esis work, offeyed Dar. Losh a posi-
tion as instructor and research as-
sistant. That was in 1927.

T he

U !U '

"Skinny" Ennis, vocalist and drum-
mer with flal Kemp's band, will be
one of his featured artists at the
J-fop. Ennis is prominent as a stng
stylist and interpreter and has been
with Kemp's band since it originated.
Judge's Hobby
DisCloses Some
ST. LOUIS, Jan 26. -(/P)- Makings
a hobby of "last wills and testa-
ments," District Judge Fred J. Hoff-
meister has uncovered some si angev
lie prefers the one left by Mein-
heer Van Kole of Holland. Van Koole,
an ineveterate smoker. directed that
his casket be lined with old cigar+
bokes, that his favorite meerschaum
pipe be inclosed and that friendt
tending the funeral be supplied with

two pipes and a package of tobacco.
New officers who will direct the The friends were further instructed
policies of the dormitory for the to smoke steadily through the serv-
spring of 1934 were swvorn into office ices. This they did, with the result,
at an informal installation Wednes- the story goes, that smoke became so
day night at Helen Newberry resi- dense it was necessary to blow a horn
dence. at the door at the house so the
Isabelle Currie, '35, Detroit, is the mourners could find their way out-
new president of the dormitory. She side.
will fill the office vacated by Ada' Another, a bachelor in the East
Blackman, who is leaving the house. willed all his property to tees
The new vice-president is Helen women who had rejected his pro-
Clark, '35, Montclair, N. J. Elsa Van posals, with the explanation: "To
Slyke, '35, New York City, will be in them I owe all my earthly hap-
charge of the dormitory's social func- piness."
tions this spring. A New Yorker died in 1880 orning
71 pairs of trousers. He instructed
Sacramento Junior College, held a his executor to sell the trousers at
tong dance last week in which a auction without their being inspected.
Chinese theme was worked out for all His wishes were carried out, and in
the decorations, favors, and floor each pair of trousers was found $1,-
show. 000 sewn in a cuff.


Distinctive Progra>mI Honors have not been infrequent
in Dr. Losh's career. In college, in
Of fDance, Related addition to receiving a Cufn Laude
diploma, she was elected to Phi Beta
Arts WFilllie Given 1Kappa. Here she is a member of
Sigma Psi, scientific fraternity. Later
honors included election to the Amer-
Uniting harmoniously the dance ican Artronomical Society and the
and the related arts of music and de- American Astronomical Society of
sign, Miss Marion Van Teyl, and iss the Pacific. Fellow of the Royal As-
Berta Ochsner will present one of tronomical Society in England and
the most distinctive programs of this Fellow of the American Association
type that has yet appeared here, ac- for the Advancement of Science are
cording to Miss Emily White, dance two of the titles she holds.
instructor of the physical education Several short articles on the sun
department. spot activity were 1ritten by her dur-
The concert recital, which is to be ing the two ycars she spent at Mt.
given Tuesday, February 13, in the Wilson. They appeared in the "Pub-
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will in- lication 0 the Artronomical Society
elude such interesting variations, as of the Pacific."
a sied c e a
seeal hum'1orous iumbtiri~, ey fi tricatu reat deal of },attentiont. At
Ochsner executed to the CaI( tioina ry
Tals." The dances pr ed w W present, her interest, she said, was
principally of t, mioz n ol (biefEy (ent(!re on lhe puculia r stas
based on m adw and lIrAm 'rn t 1 ye hed thu f
.iUSic. a eino verCTy hot stars, ad
basc peculiar -nofg them arethe
Miss White, who saw Miss Oclns ones which, instead of having dark
when she was with the Goodmanlines, have both bright and dark
Theatre in Chicago, describes hra lines in their spectrum.
"individual, original, and unusually Two of her treatises have bean
versatile. This diminutive dancer published in the "PliCations of the
has a restless penchant for Observatory of the University of
from on form to anot Michigan; their titles were "'SPef
at one moment Xplei's her charm- of Zeta T an "ie p e-
ing, irresistable wit in a sai rical in-rum of b-2-28 CyY"."(
tre fb22''terpretation and then I.tl11kly shift I anidlo Dr.-2-2 Csyuji.
)d f 'o She and Dr. l4. M. P-Tiie, insti'o-
selection," she said. tor in astronomy, are busy now writ-
"I never had t opportunity to at- la ry wr
tend one of Miss Van Tuyl's rcit airs,''"-
Miss White remarkect, "but in study- ri jA
in, with her and through my knowl- ere .iQ
edge of her group work at the Uni- _

J - Hop demands traditionally
that you appear at your romantic
smoothest. Also it promises the
utmost in actual splendor this
year of all times. But your tiara
is bound to look rather miserable
if your locks are not modeled ex-
actly to frame its glow, and an old
style coiffure can make you feel
self-conscious all the evening, and
far into the a.m. Amelie in her
beauty.shop promises all the glory
from shampoo and wave, with the
trimmings, that is due every fem-
inine Hopper. The modernistically
romantic atmosphere alone will
put you in the proper mood.
There's nothink like the satis-
faction of a new spring bonnet to
invigorate your spirits, and hold
them at ace level during these
blue books to come. This final
subject fairly haunts us, so spring
shopping we must go. Come
along? We find at Collins' Shoppe
the crisp rolled brim Breton sail-
ors, which sit pertly on the top
of your head. There are off the
face hats in the favorite colors of
navy, black anid brown, with rust
Iand green trims Or if you're du-
bious about wearing the extreme
models, Mrs. Collins has some
brimmed selections just in from
the fashion centers.

Nav lMie Will Be
Leading Color Ift
Spring Ensembles
Checks and Roman stripes typify
the spring emphasis on gayety and a
"crisp" appearance. While evening
fashions turn to the elegant mode,
the stree Iand sport clothes for cam-
pus wear are divorcing the quiet Eng-
lish and assuming a ollwood atti-
Following the, style of the suit
shown above, the contrast may be
between the suit and blouse, or vice
versa. Checks occur in the weave of
the novelty wools, or in the cotl-
bination of colors used. There is a
brilliant woodsy green that offers
opportunity for unusual contrasts of
plaids and plain blouse shades in
brown or even a quiescent orange..
Navy blue is leading the color
ehoa us for all tines of the day. The
traditional white complements to a
i ti 1sade is one of the sea-
soil'; Ls. While in the two-piece

For those hours after finals a:
over, and before the house part
why not catch up on that readir
you've been meaning to do a
semester? The Printed Page ren
ing library, in. the Arcade, ha
books of the best seller and in
tellectual type. All the latest ar
best authors are represented, ar
the rates are most reasonabl
Now that your thesis is over, ar
the marks are left to fate, v
uige that you do some readin
for the pure and siple pleasir
of the act. Leisur'e comes so s
*~ * *
House party clothes all flan
ned? What a gal! But we'll wage
you haven't packed the so ve:
necessary cosmetics for the num
erous times during the day tha
you'll be dressing. i the way c
a really good cosmetic line, th;
vitalizing treatment your skin
sure to need, Gad-About sugges
Marie Earle. The line is rathe
new on campus, is found on th
counter of the Quarry Inc. an
comes in stunning jade and ivo:
boxes. Beside the clever mush
room rouge pots, we are en
thralled by the carved ivo'y at
yellow gold compacts, filled wit
the rarely scented powder a
Marie Earle
Ruffles and trains, windswep
look and elegance, that's involve
in the informals and formals ca:
ried by the Elizabeth Dillon Sh
for the coming houseparties. I;
ruffles particularly we're ma
about a black and white, slit bac
informal, and a pale, pale, blu
affair that has infinite possibil
ties for ma sc ul i.n e conques
There are more blues too, pf tha
fragile shade, in jackets and lace
which will do double duty beat
tifully. And to the other extremn
if your date is the athletic typ
we suggest a gay weater for a bri
morning walk on the mornin

Although you may not admit it,
there comes a time during finals
when the best of us are really
tired of living, campus, -and of
course -exams. But that some-
thing known as human nature
won't let us be quitters, so we de-
cide to relax for a time. That in-
terlude can be peacefully, spent at
the Tavern, to the tune of ap-
pealing foods and an essentially
non-scholastic atmosphere. The
Tavern, too, is located so close to
campus that you can hurriedly
dash back for afternoon bluebooks
or to the lib. It's the spot you
want for a free moment.


Notables Of Sports World Meet In South

versity of Chicago, I may state that
she has a rare understanding and Motion Pictures: Michigan, "As
appreciation of contemporary music Husbands Go" with Warner Baxter,
and musical forms." Majestic, "D)ianci At Eight" with
The recitals of her dance group in j Jean Harlow and Marie Dressier;
Chicago were exceptionally fine, and Whitney, "Night Terror" with Mae
the religious dance accompanying the Clarke.
choir in the chapel of the university Art Cinema League: "Der Haupt-
was a most successful innovation, mann von Koepenick" at Lydia Men-
Miss White continued. The effect of delssohn Theatre, 8:15 p. m.
the flowing rhythm of the group and
hancimgt: Union, League, Chubb's,
their perfect interpretation of the Hut, Dixie Inn, Joe Parker's, Prek-
music was so impresive against the etes.
background of the choir, that two,_ __ __
similar programs have since beenI
presented. M sic Division Of A.A.
The two dancers approach from di-
vergent angles yet blend their talent WOIen'S (tl Meets
into a whole that is a delightful T
projection of form and precision,v The Ann Aibor Women's Club di-
Miss White said. Miss Oclsner was 1visionoc music appreciation met for
highly commended in Europe for her a ' o'clock luncheon Thursday, at the
dances without music, vivid and home of Mr. J. G. Clemmons. Mrs.1

cn el v .howi in a new picture by
a po> r st:-r, a molded *dress of
WalO d nan str'ipes is topped by a
cvn-ci t aight coat of navy.
The ro: of th it-,p e is well =suited I
to c pius, tea-iri,; and all street .
wear. As the year progresses more
and more of these gay color combina-
tions are to be seen in sport dresses.!
As to cut, almost anything will be
worn, with a few exceptions. The
erstwhile swagger model has as-
sumed a modified fitted line. The
short jacket may be full and hip-
length, as is a neutral beige soft wool,
with a box pleat in the back to give
swing freedom. If the coat be short,
it should be belted and cut to give
a narrow-hipped effect, even while
detracting from the shoulders, which
are no longer of the strong-man va-



distinctive formals


for a

distinctive affair


-Associated Press Photo
Jimmy Foxx, the Philadelphia Athletics' big bat man, and Helene
Madison, famous Seattle, Wash., swimmer, are shown on the beach at
Miami Beach, Fla. Jinimy is having a little vacation before sharpening
his batting eye in spring training camp.

h i g h 1 y imaginative compositions,
which brought to life a wealth of1
interpretative p o wv e r, fascinating
movement and artistic taste; where-
as, Miss Van Tuyl is well-known for
her sophisticated appreciation of
contemporary music. Together they
have worked out a choreography that
is amazingly rich and original, she
stated, and a program that is dis-
tinguished for its variety of moods
and expressions.
"I highly recommend this concert
to all students who are interested in
the theatre, for it is a program that
is of exceptional interest, Miss
White concluded.

U. G. Ricket, Mrs. A. S. Van Sickle,
Mrs. Glenn Loveless and Mrs. E. R.
Brown served as hostesses. A "Mu-
sical Romance" was presented as the
feature of the afternoon.


The bureau of business research
at Ohio State university announced
that co-eds spend more on clothes in
a year than men students. The av-
erage, says the bureau, figures up to
$7'_25 for the men and $160.34 for
the girls.



W.A.A. presents
February 13th at 8:30 P.M. Tickets 50c and 75c







. .
f . .. .





Crmoquignol or Spiral
Reasonably priced at
$3.50 upard

The SmarteAt, Fines and M st Dependabe Furs in the Very
Newest Styles at P)ces that No Woman Can Afford To Miss.
FUR COATS... ........49.5O up
1ACQUE TES .. .....MALS . ..$12.50
OTHERS... .. . ... . ... .. ...$19.50

our buyer has just returned from new york.
this means that only the smartest frocks
may be found in our stocks. among the katest
creations we are showing are dresses for
evening wear - they bubble with sophis-








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