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October 01, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-01

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Established 1890

still a large number of wooden coaches in use.
The Erie road has 89 of them, the Pennsylvania,
82; the Southern, 157; and the Southern Pacific,
216. The New York Central has none.
Millions of R.F.C. dollars have been poured
into these companies. Some of the money might
be spent in providing safer transportation through
the replacement of wooden coaches by steel ones,

, -- ,
r F. '^),

tiveness being equal to its fine quality; it is rec-
ognized as being one of the most effective instru-
ments in the United States, eliciting unstinted
praise from organists, both American and foreign,
who have heard or played it.
Don't neglect this phase of Michigan tradition,
even if it is out of your scope of educational en-
Hopwood Poetry



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it r

Screen Reflections

Marks Him .



Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
$zzociattd deoUeiate )r#ss
= -~1933 N7NAH.#..f r ' v, cc
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
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Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
(SPORTS EDITOR...... ............ ALBERT H. NEWMAN.
WOMEN'S EDITOR................. CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Elanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan, Marjorie
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Marjorie Western.
REPORTERS: Caspar S.Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert
D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karplnski, Manuel Levin, Irving
F. Levitt, David G. MacDonald, S. Proctor McGeachy,
John O'Connell, George I. Quimby, Floyd Rabe, Mitchell
Raskin, Richard Rome, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D.
Silverman, L. Wilson Trimmer, William F. Weeks.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies,
Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Margaret
Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson, Hilda Lame, Kathleen Mac-
Intyre, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Mary
O'Neill, Jane Schneider, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret
Telephone 2-1214
............ .......... ... CATH~ERINE MC HENRY
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Rothbard, Richard Schiff, Robert Trimby, George -Wil-
liams, David Winkworth.
The Panhellenic
Decision . .

John Masfield Hayden..Edward G. Robinson
Martha Lane ...............Genevieve Tobin
Laura McDonald ...............Kay Francis
Mr. Lane .................... Henry Kolker
Meat-packer Hayden cleans out the Chicago
meat-packers' district, inspired by his philan-
thropist wife, sinks some money into the Cuban
situation previous to the Spanish-American War
for the same reason, and then goes idealistic
when young, promising Laura McDonald, a singer
with Grand Opera as her goal, pushes him on in
getting to the top.
Then he begins to rule the world of meat-pack-
ers and goes to the extremes without hesitating.
Of course good old Uncle Sam steps in and the
facts of another multi-millionaire swindler (Hay-
den is supposed to be Sam Insull) comes to a
tragic end . . . well, not end; he's still in Greece.
Robinson, who does a gangster role with greater
ease, is here given a chance to display his
versatality and does it without much trouble. His
gestures, always good, aren't given too much at-
tention and he is often found gazing off into
space, getting an inspiration, or making some big
This is covered up by the many current events
brought into the picture. The Spanish-American
War is fought, McKinley put out of the picture,
the World War comes and goes, and then the big
show-down at the Stock Market crash: the way
these are worked into the plot can only be seen,
not told. Kay Francis (lovely to many people)
and Genevieve Tobin (best when saucy, not de-
ceitful) are not up to Robinson's acting ability yet,
although Miss Francis, in a frivolous role for a
change, does well, especially in the old fashioned
clothes. They are all far ahead of many people
in Hollywood, however.
The direction is very well handled and some of
the photography is excellent (the scenes of Hay-
den's ambitions and life as they pass before him).
A truth noted: Hayden says, "The world is being
run by madmen now-a-days." Most astounding
is a newspaper headline, referring to the Spanish-
American War, reading: "More Men Die From
Poisoned Beef Than From Bullets."
There is a Moran-Mack comedy (not so hot),
an NRA lesson taught by El Brendel and Zazu
Pitts, and a Hearst Metro-tone news reel, that in-
cludes some snopshots from here and there (some
fancy knife throwing by a Mexican,) dedication
of a tunnel, Byrd, Ellsworth, Balchen off to the
South Pole, and a glance at the Pendleton Round-
up (Not "Heading for the Last Round-up," but
just some good-old fashioned horse bucking from
way out yonder). z
-R. E. L.
Keeping in tune with lavish plays and all-star
casts, "Lady for a Day" will be presented today
at the Michigan Theatre for a four-day run.
According to many critics, it is reputed to be
one of the best talking pictures made in recent
months. While it does not boast of a cast as great
as Vicki Baum's "Grand Hotel," it contains many
admirable and well-known characters. Warren
William, handsome and suave, remembered for
his work in "The Match King," will play the part
of Dave, the Duke.
May Robson, veteran stage and screen actress
who has recently attained stardom in thet alkies,
is noted for her colorful portrayal of Apple Annie.
Also in the large cast are Glenda Farrell, Jean
Parker, Hobart Bosworth, the veteran 'stage
father', Guy Kibbee, Ned Sparks, and Barry
The story is from the pen of Damon Runyon,
a popular present-day writer, and claimed by
many as the "O'Henry of 1933." The plot is cen-
tered around an old, haggard fruit vendor, known
as Apple Annie, and continues about the circum-
stances in transforming her to a "Lady for a
The picture is under the direction of Frank
Capra, able director of "Dirigible," "American
Madness," and "Rain or Shine." Paul Tompkins,
comedy and news will fill out the program.

Starting next Sunday The Daily plans to de-
vote this space twice a week to the consideration
of poetry for the Avery and Jule Hopwood awards.
Each Sunday a verse selection will be printed
without comment. The following Tuesday it will
be criticized, as constructively as possible, by some
member of the English department. The critic
will be chosen each week by Professors Roy W.
Cowden and Bennett Weaver.
Although only poetry will ; be considered here,
a brief description of =the whole contest may be
in order. The pricesrare 'the largest offered to
embryo authors in the wolld, exceeding both the
Guggenheim and Pulitzer }awards. The present
year will mark the contest's fourth. During the
three years that prizes have been given, more than
$35,000 has been distributed.
The contest is divided into the four fields of
poetry, fiction, drama, and the essay. There are
six $50, $35, and $15 prizes for freshmen; eight
minor prizes of $250 apiece, awarded, two in each
field, to underclassmen; and four major prizes of
from $500 to $25,000, awarded, one in each field,
to seniors and graduates.
The only qualification for competition is en-
rollment in at least one rhetoric course during one
semester of the year in which the contestant sub-
mits his work, and the pursuit during each
semester of the same year of an academic sched-
ule of at least 12 hours.
The poems to be published and criticized in this
column will be selected both from those that have
already won prizes and from those that are to
be submitted this year. Interest in Hopwood
poetry has been so great on campus and off, that
The Daily feels certain this Sunday-Tuesday fea-
ture is warranted. If in addition it may be of help
to persons with creative aspirations in the
Phoebean direction, it will fulfill a double mission.
Editorial Comment


Who will not agree that "Baggy Trousers"
Should be added to the already
Well-advertised list of 'Horrid Words?"
Would you rather see your friends
With a few well cleaned, neatly pressed .
Suits - or fifty of the finest quality
And never neat?
Then prompt them to take-
A Swanky Step Forward With SWISS

< , Q
2 S




Dial 4191


Dial 4191





F ROM THE welter of argument
caused by the Panhellenic asso-
ciation's ruling Friday, there, are, we think, two
solid facts to be gleaned.
The first is that there is no rushing rule which,
if obeyed, will do as much harm as a rushing rule
not obeyed. By disregarding a rule a group is
given a decidedly unfair advantage in competing
with other groups, and hence the harm sustained
by the whole community is greater than if the
rule in question had been followed, even though it
were a poor one.
Ignorance of a rule is certainly no defense for
breaking it. Rushing is one of the most impor-
tant events in the fraternity-sorority year, and
for a house to enter the rushing period without
full knowledge of what it may and may not do
is negligence that should and usually will lead to
trouble. Unfair competition, especially during so
short a period, is insidious, and must be stamped
out whether the offenders are aware of their
transgression or not.
The second thing which is made clear, follows
from the first: it is that a strong enforcement
body is about the healthiest thing a sorority or
fraternity community can have. For a strong en-
forcement body is the only guarantee possible that
the rules are being fairly and uniformly followed.
From these two facts, and we believe they are
indisputable, it follows that the Panhellenic asso-
ciation has pursued the best possible course in
handling the Theta case. It has shown that it
understands the absolute necessity of uniform
obedience to the rules concerning rushing, and it
has shown that it is brave enough and strong
enough to act swiftly and decisively when the
rules are transgressed.
There is more to be said of the matter, how-
ever, than just this. It cannot be overemphasized
that the guilty house reported its transgression
itself, even in the face of the knowledge that its
act might not otherwise be known. The offense
was committed but once. The house has gallantly
accepted its penalty. And added to all this is the
somewhat less significant fact that the members
who broke the rules were ignorant of them. What
has. happened should be considered more as a
warning than anything else. After all, as every-
body knows, the honor of this sorority is beyond
question. This being the case, The Daily feels it
expresses the attitude of all sorority women and
fraternity men on campus in urging the rushees
involved not to drop Theta from their con-
Death Traps. .
T N THE WRECK Thursday near

Political unrest in Germany has had a very bad
effect on the German universities. Calm, studious
scholarship is impossible under a continual threat
of political interference, but what the German
student has lost in actual knowledge he has more
than compensated for by increased, unashamed
interest in national affairs, both political and
Mr. Baker bases his lack of optimism for the
future of German youth on the fact that "the
present student body is been' trained in an atmos-
phere of revolt." The Gern n student is just as
industrious and serious in his efforts as the Amer-
ican student. Though the percentage of students
failing to secure vositions after graduation is
smaller here than i Germany, the fact that prac-
tically all Americaix students are either lacking in,
or afraid to admit, any interests above the grade
of the Saturday Evening Post and musical com-
edy, shows them to be in much greater need of
sympathy than the much harassd but mentally
alive German.
-Brown and White, Lehigh University.
Student midshipmen of Northwestern Univer-
sity, Chicago, paraded in the annual review of the
Naval R. O. T. C. unit on May 18. This crowning
display of the year was invaded by a counter
demonstration of young, pacifists who appeared
in the field with banners reading, "Toy Wars for
Toy Minds," ''Abolish This Needless Expence,"
"Remember the Paris Peace Pact," and "Down with
Wars." When Mrs. Fredrick A. Lind,the wife of a
former army colonel, whose two sons, Frederick
and Albert, were marching in the review,seized
one passing banners, the bearer stopped, hit
her in the eye, and recovering his banner, contin-
ued the demonstration. A score of midshipmen.
being dismissed by their officers, fell on the invad-
ers, destroying their banners and completely rout-
ing them. They recogniged the radicals as fellow
students and members of the League for Indust-
rial Democracy, an organization which has a chap-
ter among students and members of the North-
western faculty.
Every great movement has been forced to fight
for its respectibility. The early Chritians, the
first Protestants, suffragettes, temperance workers,
all produced elements which were branded as
fanatical, - often righteously. The struggle
the scorn and distrust aroused by extremest of
their party has discouraged more than one earn-
est believer in a good cause. Practical and con-
structive pacifists lament the unthinking acts of
enthusiasts which serve only to muddle the issue
and gain more antagonism than sympathy.
The task of arousing pubile opinion to a suff-
icient pitch of war hatered is as important and
perhaps even more difficult than that of evolving
an acceptable plan for international peace. Yet
there is tendency to regard it too much as an
emotonal and too little as a intellectual appeal.
People must loathe the brutality of war before
they will activiely work for its abolition, but a
surfeit of unconstructive, emotional propaganda
will soon be running against a wall of indifference
if it does not appeal to the common sense as well
as to the feelings of the public. College students
will soon tire of just stating their opinion. Yet
few themselves could construct an active plan for
peace; some one else must present it to them. It
must be a tangible, workable plan for action, the

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new suits and overcoats. Will pay
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Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x
WANTED: Graduate woman to share
lovely modern apt. on Church St.
between S. U. and Washtenaw. Call
2-1928. 59
QUIET PLACE-Young woman will
sharerhome with business woman
or graduate student, $5.00 per
week. Garage included. Phone 4121.
Extension 780. 63
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates.
ROOMS: Grauate students, large,
attractive single or double rooms.
Phone 22832. 1111 Michigan.
ROOM for upper classman. No other
roomers. No. 13 Cutting Apart-
ments. Opposite Hutchine Hall.
DOUBLE room for graduate women,
$55 a semester each. Board if de-
sired at $5.00 a week. 119 Park
Terrace. 21017. 62
FOR RENT: Large single room,
second floor. Reasonable priced.
212 South Division St. Phone
22372. 65
SINGLE and double rooms. Suite
with cooking privileges. Reason-
able, desirable location. 429 S. Di-
vision. 22
FOR RENT: Attractive front suite,
for two men or will rent single.
332 E. Madison 56
SUITE with east, south and west ex-
posure and private bath and show-


WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3739.
STUDENT and Family Laundry.
Good soft water. Will call for and
deliver. Telephone 4863. 3x
LAUNDRY wanted. Silks, wools
guaranteed. Quick service. Call for
and deliver. 611 E. Hoover. Phone
5594. 32
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.,

Careful work at low price.


WANTED: Student laundry. Price
reasonable. Hand ironed. Shirts
done very nicely. 21984. 58
FOR SALE: Fraternities Attention!
Fine combination pool and billiard
table for sale. $1,000 value. To be
sold very cheap. Phone 2-3649. J.
Finkbeiner, 335 E. Jefferson.

VOICE CULTURE and singing. Pri-
vate and cl.ass lessons, 4 to 6 pu-
pils. Grace Johnson Konold. 1908
Austin Ave. Phone 4855. 50
books, clean covers. 5c day. Uni-
versity Music House. 6x
Soc. Mondays and Wednesdays.
Soft' water. Raggedy Ann Shop.
Phone 7561. 64
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. Ix
BOARD for Jewish students. Deli-
cious home cooking. Special chick-
en dinner, 50c. 611 E. Hoover. Ph.


PIANO TUNING. The Concert Art-
ist Tuner. Phone 6776. Victor All-
mendinger. Office at residence. Ex-
clusive tuner for University School
of Music. 8



Are Low 0...

Musical Events
In ten years' time Palmer Christian has estab-
lished a tradition that is as much a part of the
Michigan tradition as Hill Auditorium itself. This
is the tradition of the Wednesday afternoon organ
recitals, musical events open to the public at no
expense, providing entertainment for all sorts of
listeners, and music appreciators. There is some-
thing in each program for those who like an in-
tellectual problem, for those who like melody, for
those who like the organ tone, for those who need
a retreat from the hurry of college life.
The recitals began years ago under the guiding
hand of Dr. Earl V. Moore, who presented them
until the time when his other duties and interests
became too numerous for him to continue them.
It was then that Palmer Christian came to the
University as the official University organist and
he has served in this capacity ever since.
To audiences which number between five hun-
dred and a thousand, according to the weather,
examinations, other activities, - it takes five

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