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October 01, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-01

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nreement Is

Flyer Breaks Transcontinental Speed Record

Anticipated In
Mine Troubles
President Roosevelt Signs
Wage And Hour Pact
For Steel Co. Mines
CLAIRTON, Pa., Sept. 30. -(P)
-The seige of Clairton by 4,000
striking coal miners was called
off suddenly today so the miners
may study the coal code agreed
to Friday night.
CLAIRTON, Pa., Sept. 30.-()-
Hope for early termination of
spreading labor unrest grew today
as word filtered slowly through the
tri-state industrial area that Presi-
dert Roosevelt had signed the wage
and hour agreement for steel com-
pany coal mines.
It required hours for the nearly
100,000 striking miners and steel
workers to grasp the significance of
the agreement, but a feeling devel-
oped that work may be resumed
Monday, the effective date of the

bituminous coal code.
The first group to hear of the
pact-several hundred miners en-
camped outside Clairton preparing
for a descent upon the big Carnegie
Steel Co. plant this morning-burst
into wild cheers, disbanded and
headed for home.
State Police Present
Half a hundred state police under
the leadership. of Sgt. Frank Gleason
brought the word to the picketing
Standing in the middle of the
highway, silhouetted against gleam-
ing campfires on the hillhides and
wreathed " in fog issuing from the
Monongahela river, the miners lis-
tened to a telegram from Gov. Gif-
ford Pinchot, urging them to call a
halt to their picketing.
"The President and the operators
have signed an agreement," read Sgt.
Gleason and the hillside echoed with
shouts from the miners.
Pinchot Requests Order
The officer said Gov. Pinchot
wanted them to go to their homes
and be ready to resume work, and
in five minutes the several hundred
miners from Fayette, Washington
and. Greene counties had piled into
the trucks and started away. ,
The spontaneousness of the min-
ers' response, and their announced
faith in President Roosevelt and Gov.
Pinchot, gave rise to the belief that
state police intervention would help
send all the men back to work.
Several thousand men still held
forth in Clairton-miners from Fay-
ette 4nd Washington and other cou-
ties-determined to bring about the
closing of the Carnegie company's
plant, but leaders felt they would
heed the call of the President.
The streets presented a picturesque
sight as the men lolled around camp
fires awaiting entrance or exit of
any of the plant's 8,000 employes.
Pickets Clash
Earlier in the night, before the
signing of the pact by which the H.
C. Frick Coke Co. and other coal-
mining steel firms agreed to the col-
lective bargaining provisions of ^the
coal code, pickets and company dep-
uties clashed.
A controversy arose as a group
of miners on three trucks pulled up
to the front of the mill. After the
miners refused to move, the deputies
released tear gas, quickly dispers-
ing the "invaders."
High Points Listed
1. Henry Ford remained silent as
labor troubles mounted in scattered
assembly plants. His Chester, Pa.,
plant was closed after a walkout.
Strikers at the Edgewater, N. J.,
plant shook clenched fists and shout-
ed "rats" Friday at men still work-
ing. There was labor trouble too in
the Richmond, Calif., factory.
Threats of a "big push" to the great
Dearborn, ,Mich., plant were heard.
2. A truckload of miners riding
home from work was ambushed late
Friday at Madisonville, Ky. Six were
wounded by gunfire from behind'
3. Many other strikes were still
in progress, including one involving
10,000 auto tool makers in Michigan.
4. Some new strike calls were sent
out, including a summons to 300 gar-
ment workers in Cleveland.
5. NRA mediators and others{
pressed for settlements. Among the
disputes concluded was a month-old
strike of button workers in Newark
and Hoboken, N. J., and Pittsfield,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.--(IP)--
The NRA and farm administration
apparently w.ere at odds today over
the government's policy toward price
fixing by the huge retail trade busi-
n ugh S. Johnson was expected
momentarily to approve a retail code
designed to stabilize prices by pro-

-Associated Press Photo
Col. Roscoe Turner, who set a new west-east transcontinental speed
record by flying from coast to coast in 10 hours 5 1-2 minutes, is shown
as he was greeted by his wife as he landed at Floyd Bennett field, New
Louisiana Family Believed 1
Be Kidnapped;_Suspect Is Held

(Continued from Page 1)
river and with Cox aboard ill in his
stateroom police were called to quell
a disturbance among disgruntled
members of the crew.
Finally the difficulties leading to
the suit were settled and the boat
proceeded to winter quarters at Man-
istee, Mich.
Friday Cox said neighbors in New
Orleans told him that Mrs. Cox and
their son and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Goertz, left last Satur-
day in the family automobile. The
day before he said Mrs. Cox had
withdrawn $9,000 from their joint
bank account.


ORLEANS, Sept. 30.--(?)-
M. Cox, New Orleans and
shipbuildler, whose wife, son

hibiting retailers from selling at less'
than wholesale cost plus 10 per cent.
A similar provision proposed by
the food and grocery branch of the
business-prohibiting retail sales at
less than a 7 1-2 per cent mark-up
over wholesale cost-was slated for
flat rejection by the farm adminis-
Both codes eventually must re-
ceive President Roosevelt's approval.
Should Johnson sign NRA's retail
charter today as officials predicted, it
would go immediately to Hyde Park
for promulgation, while hearings pre-
paratory to final drafting of the gro-
cery code do not begin until Oct. 9.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.-(YP)-
Renewed threats of dissension today
promised difficulties at the Amer-
ican Federation of Labor convention
next week over the way it has been
trying to organize workers since the
recovery act became law.
One strong branch of the Federa-
tion-the metal trades department,
which represents around 700,000 men
-was seeking support for a resolu-
tion that would condemn the present
American Federation of Labor pol-
When the recovery act was signed,
the federation immediately sent men
into the field to seek new members
because of the law's new guarantee
of collective bargaining minus coer-
cion from employers as to what union
a man should join.
I 3,000 Charters Issued
To speed organization,sthe Federa-
tion issued, said President William
Green, about 3,000 new charters. But
the unions to which these charters
were issued. were affiliated directly
with the American Federation of La-
bor, and not through one of its sub-
ordinate international unions.
The metal trades convention,
whichended just Friday, insisted
that continued chartering of these'
"federal unions" would "completely
demoralize, if not actually destroy,
the various international unions'
charter rights guaranteed by the
American Federation of Labor."
So it adopted a resolution "pro-
testing as vehemently as possible the
further continuance of the disregard
of charter and jurisdictional rights
by the American Federation of La-
bor and affiliated international

and parents-in-law, have been miss-
ing from their home here since last
Saturday night, said today that a
man had phoned from Chicago Fri-
day night asking if his $25,000 re-
ward offer for the safe return of his
family was authentic."
The caller said the family was
"well and happy."
Caller Was Wentz
Cox said the man who called from
Chicago said he was George Wentz.
The shipbuilder described Wentz as
an acquaintance of long-standing. He
said he was a former actor and show-
man of New Orleans and Chicago.
The Wentz phone call was put
through to the Cox home here at
11:30 p. m. after Cox had retired,
and the Chicago caller talked to a
night watchman at the residence.
"Wentz asked if my $25,000 offer
for the safe teturn of my family was
authentic," Cox said today. "The
watchman said he did not know any-
thing about the case but succeeded
in holding Wentz on the phone for
about 15 minutes while the call could
be traced over another telephone.
Wentz told the watchman that my
family were all well and happy but
declined to give any other informa-
tion until the $25,000 reward was
No Communication,
"Have you communicated with
Wentz since?" Cox was asked.
"No, I don't know how to reach
him," Cox said.
"Then you are negotiating with
"I am not negotiating with any-
"Have you posted the $25,000 re-
turn of my family."
Asked about the Chicago deten-
tion of a man who described himself
as William Davis of Louisiana, Cox
said he only knew Davis slightly as
one of his former ship employes.
Cox On Vacation
Cox, 55-year-old former malt
dealer, returned from a five-week va-
cation in Cooperstown, Ill., this week
to find his home here deserted. A
watchman at the home reported that
Mrs. Cox, 27, and Mrs. J. T. Goertz,
had driven away from the residence
on Lake Ponchartrain late last Sat-
urday after making plans to spend
a week-end on the Mississippi coast.
They did not return and could not
be located on the coast.:
Friends of the family sought to
convince Cox that his family had
merely gone on a vacation of their
own to some undisclosed spot, but
Cox enlisted police aid in a search
for them two days ago and Friday
announced the $25,000 reward for
their safe return.
Mrs. Cox, a second wife and the
shipbuilders' former secretary, with-
drew $9,000 from their joint bank
account here the day before she left.
Cox said she also had jewels valued
at $10,000.
PRINTING-Lowest City Prices
Downtown - 206 North Main
Next to Main Post Office Dial 2-1013

Metal Shares
Lead ecovery
In all Street
Big Flurries In Market As
Speculations On Future
Monetary Policy Go On
NEW YORK, Sept. 30--P)-Nerv-
ous financial markets dipped and
rallied spasmodically today as trad-
ers confusedly attempted to form
some conclusion as to the Govern-
ment's future monetary program.
Stocks received support after a sharp
sell-off and, under the leadership of
Metal issues, climbed back to higher
territory. The close was steady to
firm. Transfers approximated 900,-
Equities started out in a full and
irregular fashion. Another drive
started on American Telephone and
some of the leaders. The Telephone
issue slumped to 115%, but displayed
resistance with o t h e r depressed
shares, and soon came back to
around 120 for a net gain of about
2112. U. S. Smelting spurted some
7 points. Grains were soft for a
while, but they rallied along with
cotton and some other commodities.
Bonds were mixed. The dollar was
a little easier in foreign exchange
Homestake Up 10 Points
Shares of Homestake Mining, on
a few sales, got up 10 points, while
American Smelting, Cerro De Pasco,
Done and McIntyre Porcupine ad-
vanced 1 to 3 or more in final trans-
sactions. National Distillers was off
about 4 at one time, but recovered
most of the decline. Stocks up frac-
tionally to around 2 points or more
included Union Pacific, St. Joseph
Lead, Western Union, Allied Chemi-
cal, Celanese, General Motors, Con-
solidated Gas, U. S. Steel, U. S. In-
dustrial Alcohol, J o h n s-Manville,
New York Central, Chrysler, Case
and Santa Fe.
Fresh reports from Washington
that the Administration would soon
define its fiscal policies did not
create any unusual market excite-
ment owing to the fact that rumors
of an announcement of this sort
have been floating around broker-
age and banking circles for the
past several weeks. .
Stabilization Necessary
That stabilization of the dollar
at some officially deprecated gold
point, would eventually be a neces-
sity if business and industrial im-
provement were to continue, has
for some time been accepted as a
foregone conclusion by some finan-
ciers. At what point tpe dollar may
be pegged, however, is the question
that has been wrv ,, ing the brows
of speculators. 'he A'aerican mone-
tary unit, as measured in terms of
European gold currencies, has re-
cently been hanging between 65 and
66 cents.
Considering the decline in stocks
which has taken place during the
past 10 days, the shrinkage of $19,-
000,000 in brokers' loans for the week
ended Sept. 27. was less than had
been anticipated.
Two Mexicans Arrested
As Contraband Carriers
Driving through town yesterday
with two bundles of Marijuana weed,
two Mexicans, Fred and Teofilo
Schavez were arrested and are being
held for investigation by Sheriff's
The two men, who gave their ad-
dress as a farm near Bellvue, offered
no explanation of the weed which
is a powerful drug wholesaling at $40

a pound. The cured weed is made
into cigarettes which sell for about
25 cents apiece.
The Schavez farm will be investi-
gated to ascertain whether the weed
is being grown there. Samples of it
are being tested by authorities.

China Seeking,
Culmination Of
Strife InTibet
PEIPING, China, Sept. 30-Coin-
cident with renewed attempts to set-
tle the long standing feud between
the Dalai Lama and the Panchan
Lama, temporal and spiritual heads
of Tibet, respectively, the Chinese
National Government is making an
effort to restore its position in Tibet
to what it was in the days of the
Manchu dynasty.
High officials of the Chinese Gov-
ernment's Mongolian and Tibetan
Affairs Commission have announced
receipt of a telegram from the Dalai
Lama welcoming the return to Tibet
of the Panchan Lama, who, support-
ed by the Nankin authorities, for
years has been in virtual exile, oc-
casionally visiting Nankin and Peip-
ing, but spending most of his time
on the fringes of Inner Mongolia.
More Than 100 Eating
At Co-Operative House
(Continued from Page 1)
the Co-Operative was able, during
the school year 1932-33, to discharge
almost all its debts incurred through
the purchase of capital equipment,
Manley said.
Four faculty men and townsmen
assist in the direction of the house's
activities. They are Prof. William W.
Denton of the mathematics depart-
ment, Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of
the engineering college, the Rev. Ed-
ward W. Blakeman, director of the
Wesley Foundation, and the Rev. Al-
fred Lee Klaer, associate pastor of
the Presbyterian Church.
It is not necessary to eat at the
Co-Operative on a semester basis,
according to Manley. Students may
obtain weekly tickets for $3.50 or
may come in at any time for a single

-Associated Press Photos
For the first time in the history of the Grand Army of the Republic,
its leader is wearing two commander's badges. Russell C. Martin (cen-
ter) of Los Angeles, who was named to the post last year, was re-elected
at the 1933 St. Pail encampment. At his left is Thomas H. Peacock of
Minneapolis, senior vice commander. Also shown is David Foster of Fort
Wayne, Ind., chairman of the executive committee.

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