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January 26, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-26

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I, .

", ."

to be used as a lever to reform other "abuses" of
the fraternity system. While many of the reforms
are badly needed, it is disappointing to see the.
E fraternity alumni turn to University authorities
asking them to force reforms under pressure upon
the houses when they could better. -seek them.
through personal contact and through the organ-
ization of the fraternities themselves.
Campus Opinion,
- -


I told you so -but it would serve him right. If
such people don't like our institutions, why don't
they go back to Russia?
Unlike he who calls himself "Anti-R.O.T.C.," I
never have been a member of the organization.
God has seen fit to give me a pair of flat-feet. I
bear this tribulation as well as I can although it
bars me.. from participation. Nevertheless I am
virtually one of the R.O.T.C. in spirit. In Europe,
military students are shown the respect they de-
serve. Here they should also be met with the same
impulse that makes us take off our hats when the
flag passes. Hats off, R.O.T.C.
- Good American No. I
Screen Reflections


Established 1890,
Published every morning except Monday during the
niversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
ntrol. of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
d the Big Ten News Service.
60eriated doll giateG r
or m - T -e _
=1933 (N~nrupa. cioVZ-1934
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Telephone 4925
'ORTS EDITOR............. ,.... ALBERT H. NEWMAN
tAMA EDITOR...................JOHN W. PRITCHARD
OMEN'S EDITOR.................CAROL J. HANAN
GHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph 0. Coulter, William
G. Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Vieck, Guy M.
Whipple, Jr.
'ORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie
OMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
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ne, Rich ard E. Lorch, David
man, Kenneth Park r, Wil
Uitch, Robert .. St. Clair,
D. Silverman, Arthur M.

S. Set

thy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean,
orle Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resuick, Kathryn
dyk, Jane Schneider.
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....................... CATHARINE MC HENRY
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Letters published in this column- should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disrearded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
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than 300 words if possible.
To the Editor: -
Many inquiries have come to individual mem-
bers of the Michigan Vanguard Club concerning
the aims and activities of the organization. This
article is an attempt to state our position clearly.
The Michigan Vanguard Club was organized in
September, 1933, to enable all types of students
to participate effectively in the study of economic,
social, and political problems now before the
world, and to provide a means for the work of
social reconstruction on the Michigan campus,
The club is in no way affiliated with any other
campus or non-campus organization.
The Michigan Vanguard Club is guided in all
its activities by the following tenets:-
1. Complete student self-government is
desirable, possible, and necessary.-r
2 An essential duty of. the State is to
provide for each citizen .the means. for a
beneficial sandsocially-desirable education.
3. The causes of war ae primarily eo-
nomic. To eliminate the necessity of war,
these causes must be removed from national
and international economies.
4. Personal an intellectual freedon is
necessary to the further development of world
5. Natural resources and, the present
status of technological ability, when rightly
utilized, could provide an abundance of the
means of life to all persons,
6. The present politico-economic system
being inadequate to prevent the decline of
civilization, planned worker-societiesare ne-
cessary in which the real producer of goods
shall be returned the real value of the goods
Members of the Vanguard pledge themselves
to uphold and further these tenets by action, and
to use whatever means are thought desirable to
effect their realization.
The Program Committee of the Vanguard Club
has brought to the campus A. Penner Brockway,
Chairman of the British Independent Labor Party
and militant pacifist; Norman Thomas, American
Socialist Party leader; Fred Henderson, British
author, educator, and famous Socialist, and Dr.
Frank Kingdon, of the League for Industrial
Democracy. Five more brilliant speakers will
shortly appear on the campus.
A motion-picture of Russian communal life was
recently shown to a large audience. Similar films
are to be secured soon. These pictures are free
In keeping with its position on war, the club is
backing the Ohio University students who were.
recently dismissed for their objections to war and
military training. Two of these men spoke at a
recent anti-R.O.T.C. meeting here.
Various faculty-members and students have led
discussions on pertinent topics at the regular
meetings of the organization and at afternoon
forums in the Vanguard Club room.
Constructive criticism of the Michigan Van-
guard Club is welcomed, either in the pages of
The Daily or at our regular Thursday night meet-
ings in the Union.
All students and faculty-members interested in
applying for membership in the Michigan Van-.
guard Club are referred to Theodore Grushko,
1524 Geddes, phone, 9086.
Organized by four charter members, the Van-.
guard now has a membership of forty active mem-
bers and a large number of honorary and asso-
ciate members._
Kendall Wood, President.
Adria H. Jaffe, Vice-President, Treasurer.
Theodore Grushko, Secretary.
Paul Stanchfield, Member of Exec, Comm
M. J. Wilsie, Member of Exec. Comm.

Charles ................. Warner Baxter
Luceille ................. ...Helen Vinson
Ronny .............. A. E. Reynolds, Jr.
Hippi.................Warner Oland
Mother .... ...... ...Catherine Daucet
A happy combination of good acting and a good
play make "As Husbands Go" rather delightful
and entertaining. Helen Vinson, pleasantly differ-
ent, Warner Baxter, much like he was in "Pent-
house," A. E. Reynolds, Jr., a. newcomer and a
good actor, Warner Oland, in a new type of part,
and saucy Catherine Daucet make the picture
the success that it is and turn it into one of the
higher, sophisticated pictures of the new year.
Involving a new type of plot and setting "As
Husbands Go" begins in Paris where Ronny and
Luceille are very much for the latter getting a
divorce from her husband, Charles, who is back
in the States. Hippi and Charles' mother seem
to think that perhaps they should get married,
too. But mother and young girl return home to
spill the news and before they get it out Ronny
has arrived in Dubuque, Iowa, with Hippi and
the situation becomes cleverly involved when the
entire cast meets at Charles' house for dinner. It
is in this setting (the house is a masterpiece in
itself) that the fine bits of acting and dialogue
come to the fore and one complication follows
You will like; the sce iln which Ronny and
Charles talk it over -over the cups into which
they dive deeply; the talkative mother trying to
keep the Luceille-Ronny romance under cover;
the clever questioning of the young daughter
when she "smells a rat"; the young daughter's
silent boy friend; Ronny's fine acting when he
realizes the predicament he is in; the perfection
of the ."house in which Charles and his wife live.
Best shot; Mother and Luceille stand by the rail-
ing of the boat as they leave Paris for Dubuque,
The Charley Chase comedy marks a return of
some of the old slapstick work that has been hid-
den some place for some time; the Micky Mouse
cartoon is as good as the rest of them; and the
Paramount News shows the Navy planes arriving
in Hawaii.


Whether you go
to the JHOP or- not

to tell ou.. who was there, in wha
to show you.. .how the Grand March looked
to the camer aman
to give you... .ethe lowdown on the whole affair
to lp1,YOU....oeembe 1 r in your old age th
glamour of your Youth . .
Call. 1214

_ . ..--


you will want a





Con ifkions of Freshman
Fraternity Iesidence...
HE DEAN of Students has decided
that he will follow -the recom-
mendation of the Alumni Interfraternity Confer-
ence in the matter -of granting permission to
fraternities to have freshmen tove into the chap-
ter houses next seimrester. Permission will be
granted if the house's "attitude on the 'hell week'
situation," the number of active members living
out of the house, and other "pertinent considera-
tions" are satisfactory.
The inference is that freshmen are being forced
to move into houses against their will and that
active members living outside the house should be
the first to support the house by living in it.
We are opposed to all three clauses of the regu-
We do not think that freshmen are moving into
chapter houses against their will and believe that
it would be unfair to exclude a freshman from
residence because actives are living out. Such ex-
clusion would take into consideration the fact of
the active's financial condition, which is entirely
divorced from the situation. The freshman and
his parents should be informed of the cost of the
room he is to take and of other expenses, and
if he can pay and wants to pay, he should not be
prohibited on financial grounds from moving in.
A fraternity's attitude on "hell week," dragged
into this discussion by the heels, has really noth-
ing to do with the case. The dean undoubtedly
means that he and alumni disapprove of certain
practices of excessive physical requirements, inter-
ference with school work, and others, and are
hoping, by granting freshman residence permis-
sion under these conditions at a time when the
houses cannot do otherwise than accept both the
concession and the attached conditions, to remedy
certain abuses which have grown up in connection
with the pre-initiation period. Paddling for its
own sake is regrettable, and harkens back to pre-
paratory school discipline and high school fra-
ternities. But physical chastisement for grown up
high school children who understand little else
may improve their spirits if administered sparing-
ly and to the accompaniment of proper judicious
advice. Studies should not suffer, and do not
suffer, if the fraternity is suffiiently interested in
the future scholastic and activities standing of
the house. An attitude of extreme interest in the
freshman as a human being, on the part of fra-
ternity men, will do more than anything else to
make for reform. Certainly the fraternity alumni
connilr do hfftr than recommend that houses be

Zuckmayer's movie is all that the advanced re-
ports said it was; fine photography, direction,
acting and fine humor and satire. The historic
episode of pre-war Germany is re-enacted with a
masterful touch given it by director Oswald and
the European knack for excellent photography is
the means through which it is portrayed in first
class manner.
- The part of the Bogus Captain is done by Max
Adalbert and he arouses one's sympathy at the be-
ginning, the only flaw in the character being the
sudden change from his down-cast frame of mind
to the commanding part he takes when he cap-
tures the city of Koepenick. But his fine acting
makes this a minor point and our suspicion is not
aroused to that point at the time. The sharp
satire of the German government at the time of
the picture (1906) is fine and done with such
smoothness that it is not harsh. One can readily
appreciate the feeling of the ex-convict when he
comes forth into such a disciplinary and militar-
istic world as well as appreciate the humor that
he derives at the finish when his hilarious doings
are rewarded and he explains it all to the officers
of the court. Touches of private life in Germany
at the time are of great value and raise the stand-
ard of the picture to the highest type of cinema
one can expect.
The "Battle for Life" series is highly educational
but .a little too "crawly" while the Micky Mouse
is above the average run of such cartoons by no
small distance.






To The Editor:

I was about to offer a defense of myself and,
more important, of the cause which I, as a pa-
triot, champion; but a colleague of mine- a
2nd Lt.-has already come to my aid. True
enough, he did insinuate that I was an idle chat-
tering fool, but he did defend thoughtfully the
R.O.T.C. with very good arguments; like: putting
the cart before the horse; if you are going to be
mustered into a batch of cannon-fodder, prepare
yourself beforehand; learning how to handle men;
getting $200 and becoming an officer who has an
idea what it's all about; the great pacifists whr.
scream, "Let the enemy kill my wife, and damn
the R.O.T.C. for starting all this;" and why did
those seven fellows go to Ohio State anyway.
My friend, 2nd Lt. Gordon McDonald, has ably
done his part. Now it remains to defend myself.
Some misdirected persons have taken it upon
themselves to be flippant or just parlor-radicalish
and for those fat-headed reasons have maligned
this one of the American institutions - the R.O.
T.C. Upon a close examination of the actual
foundations of the R.O.T.C., one finds no reason
to treat it lightly, for as I have stated before, the
R.O.T.C. is more than a small local group. It is
a big part of our system of government -Democ-
racy. It is pitiously evident that one of these
"wise guys" who facetiously (?) signs himself
"the 2nd Noble Kinsman" confuses many of my
previous points. I did not say that a war could

C-lgiate Observer


A professor at the University of Illinois
during a- history lecture said, "Let us take
France for instance . .
A voice from the rear of the room piped up,
"Why not, she took us for plenty."
A circuit judge at St. Louis took time off to pass
a bit of advice to college men who are seeking
"Pick her from the middle class," said the judge.
The majority of the divorces, he said, occur
among the rich and the very poor. Appearance
also, he said, was no criterion in selecting a wife.
Ruby lips, he opined, rub off at a touch; but a
good disposition lasts a lifetime.
Upon the front page of the Maine Campus
of the University of Maine appeared this
Perhaps they had a hot time ? ? ? ?


or any other thing of an equally remote
nature-or maybe even a room The Daily
Classified Ads can supply you with scores
of applieants for that vacant room. SM-
(dents consult the Daily Classified Ads
bIfore looing



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