Is Birth Control Is Debated In House Caucus Room; Judge Under Attack
Associated Press Photos
A crowd jammed the huge House of Representatives caucus room to hear discussions by proponents of
birth control. Shown in conference here are Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn (left), mother of Katharine Hepburn,
the actress; Rep. Walter Pierce of Oregon, author of the birth control bill, and Mrs. Margaret Sanger, long
a leading advocate of birth control. Mrs. Hepburn spoke in behalf of the Pierce bill.
Two of the 18 defendants in the Chicago trial of men accused of
conspiracy to racketeer in various branches of industry are T. Henry
Klein (left), president of the Chicago Laundry Owners' association,
and Aaron Sapiro, New York attorney, who is defending himself in the
Disastrous Economic Conditions
Challenge New Cuban President
Vacationing at Coral Gables, Fla., Coach Robert C. Zuppke of the
University of Illinois seems to have forgotten his football games as he
brushes up on his well-known artistic talents. Here he is painting a
Half the Fun
In Going Places
Is In Going "Smartly"
Really, it amounts
to that ....
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coats you see this season,
you'll find only one tailcoat that
has style and ease - - - a swing and
a punch. That's Varsity-town.
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It's different and right!
radio audience. IruntI ueuipiuyL nuv'Jinac aauu I_______________________
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