'TIP MI C 1-1 AN - Ir T
Hold Tea
Wellesley College Beauties Selected For Tree Day
Dance AtUnion
Hop Week-End
Announce Party As New
Feature In Response To
Popular Demand
As an addition to the social activity
of the traditional J-Hop week-end,
the Union has planned a tea dance
for the afternoon following the Hop,
Saturday, Feb. 10, to be held in the1
ballroom, according to plans released
last night.
Robert A. Saltzstein, '34, president
of the Union, stated that the idea
was being given a trial this year in
response to numerous requests from
undergraduates for entertainment
after the Hop. It is highly probable,
should the experiment prove to be a
success, that it will be continued in
the future as a permanent feature.
Light refreshments will be served
from 3 to 5 p. m. at a buffet counter
and the dancers will be provided with
tables in and near the ballroom. The
music will be furnished by the reg-
ular Michigan Union dance orchestra,
under the direction of Bob Steinle,
and featuring as vocal soloists Byron
Dalrymple and Earl Burnett.
The planning of the party has been
delegated to the student dance com-
mittee including Richard Shoupe, '35,
James P. Wallace, '35, and Alexander
M. McPherson, '35. The group stated
that only a limited number of tickets
are being placed on sale at the Union
desk. However, reservations can be
made by calling the student offices.
A list of patrons for the dance will
be announced today. Tickets are
priced at 60 cents a couple, which
will defray the expense of serving re-
Dr. Laing Will Speak To
Michigan Dames Tonight
Dr. Lemuel Laing of the economics
department will be the guest speaker
at a meeting of the Home-making
group of Michigan Dames at 8 p. m.
tonight, at the home of Mrs. S. Laws,
1523 Washtenaw Avenue. All mem-
bers of the club are invited to attend.
Cast For J.G.P.
Is Announced
By Chairman
Lily Pons Eats Pumpernick
To Keep UpFalling Pounm
"Gang's All There"
Of Difficulties Of
ducer With Cast
-Associated Press Photo
The above students were chosen to participate in Wellesley College's annual spring ceremony, Tree
Day. Harriet Fernald, Larchmond, N. Y., in capacity of mistress will preside at the affair. The girls, from
left to right, are: Eliza Taft, Augusta, Ga.; Rose Clymer, Doylestown, Pa.; Miss Fernand, Adrianne Miller,
Springfield, Vt., and Martha Leich, Evansville, Ind.
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "As
Husbands Go" with Warner Baxter;
Majestic, "Take a Chance" with'Bud-
dy Rogers; Whitney, "Silent Men"
and "Deception" with Thelma Todd.
Dancing: League Grill Room, Hut,
Dixie Inn, Joe Parker's, Preketes.
Oratorical Association: Commander'
Fellowes; Hill Auditorium, 8:15 p. m.
Art Cinema League: "Der Haupt-
mann von Koepenick" in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre; 8:15 p. m.
Campus Leader
Will Return In
Dance Recital
Miss Van Tuyl, Formerly
Outstanding Campus Co.
Ed, To Present Program
Returning to the University after
six years absence, Marion Van Tuyl,
'28Ed., prominent in campus activ-
ities, is to give a concert dance re-
cital February 12 in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre with Berta Ochsner,
soloist dancer of international experi-
Miss Van Tuyl curing her fresh-
man year was the model for several
of the murals painted by James Mc-
Burney, for the Ethel Fountain Hus-
sey Room of the League. The tennis
girl over the mantel piece is a good
portrait of her.
From the beginning of her fresh-
man year, Miss Van Tuyl was espe-
cially outstanding in various. class
functions and an excellent student
as her election into Wyvern and Mor-
tarboard show.
She carried one of the leads for
the Freshman Pageant, and in her
second year, when the Sophomore
Circus was innovated, she was in
complete charge of the costuming. As
one of the few dance majors in the
University, she was chosen as dance
chairman for the Junior Girls Play.
Miss Van Tuyl is a member of
Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, and was
elected to Phi Kappa Phi and Pi
Lambda Theta, honorary fraternities.
Since her grdadluation Miss Van
Tuyl has been an instructor in
rhythms at the University of Chicago.
There she has received high commen-
dation for the work of her groups in
recitals and especially for several
presentations accompanying the
chapel choir.
During the summers, Miss Van
Tuyl has studied in New York under
Martha Graham and Mary Wigman.
Two years ago she and Miss Ochsner
travelled in Europe, studying various
dance .groups in different countries.
Teaching her dancing classes ap-
peals more to Miss Van Tuyl than
professional dancing, but she feels
that a teacher requires experience in
creative dancing She has taken a
leave of absence for the quarter and
will resume her classes in April
Miss Van Tuyl's, mother, Mrs Mary
C. Van Tuyl is assistant professor
of psychology in the }University, and
her sister Ruth is finishing her course
this year" in design in the Architec-
tural School.
Dr. Alvalyn Woodward Tells Of
Research W rk In Zoouhgy
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth
in a series of articles on prominent
women in the University.
Although she. resolved that she
would never teach, Dr. Alvalyn
Woodward, Assistant Professor of
Zoology, after one year of teaching
decided that she liked it, and has
"been at it ever since."
Dr. Woodward had an early inter-
est in the subject which she now
teaches. She was born in what was
then the Dakota Territory, and re-
ceived her early education in Ro-
chester. N. Y., which was for many
. years the family home. She tells the
story of how as a child she wanted
to be a doctor, and at the age of
seven or eight would cry herself to
sleep because she was a girl, and so,
as she thought, could not hope for
that; she was, therefore, very much
elated when at the age of eight she
had the opportunity of meeting a
woman physician.
She graduated from high school
with a scholarship granting four,
years' tuition at the University of
Rochester, but she knew that she
would not be able to take a medical
course, however, so her specialty
there became biology and Latin. As
a student she held a number of posi-
tions such as president of the senior
class, and president of the Student's
Her first position upon leaving col-
lege was that of a teacher of science
and mathematics in small high
schools, first at Vassar, Mich., and
then at Seneca Falls, N.Y. She re-
turned to Rochester after.:four years
of teaching to get her master's de-
gree in zoology. At the, same time
she worked as an assistant in the
All of her summers she spent in
biological research, at first the Ma-
rine Biological Laboratories at Woods
Hole, Mass., then at Cold Springs
Harbor, Long Island, and finally at
Douglas Lake, where the Michigan
Biological Station is situated.
Her life seemed to be a succession
of interesting positions. For a year
she was acting head of the biology
department at Central State Teach-
ers College at Mount Pleasant.
Then. with the encouragement of
Dr. A. S. Pearse. with whom she
worked at Douglas Lake, she camne
to Michigan forgraduate work, and
for three years held a fellowship
At the close of the three years she
accepted a position as teaching as-
sistant at Vassar College. During the
War she was instructor in zoology at
Simmons College at Boston. "We
weren't in the War, but we might as
well have been," she said. Evenings
and Sundays, she would leave Sim-
mons and go over touTuftsCollege
Medical School to help make serums
for war purposes. She had had
enough bacteriology to know the
technique well enough to make the
While at Simmons she got a long-
distance call from O. C. Glaser, under
whom she had worked at Michigan,
asking her if she would be interested
in a .position doing research and re-
organization work at Amherst. There
she was one of the two .women who
had faculty , rank. Other jobs fol-
lowed. She was, for a while, a teacher
of physiology at the North Carolina
College for Women, and after that,
The cast to support Marie Abbott,
and Charlotte Whitman, leads for
"Gang's All There," 1934 Junior Girls
Play, was selected last night accord-
ing to Barbara Sutherland, general,
The show concerns the difficulties
of a big city producer, played by Miss
Abbott, with his temperamental lead-
ing lady, Virginia Chapman. Mildred;
Bosma, as "Scarface Joe," further
complicates matters; while Camilla
Bowman, the debutante chorine, Vir-
ginia Randolph, and Kathleen Car-
penter are none the less troublesome
in their respective roles.
Minor parts will be taken by Betty
Little, Jane Cissell, Sally Stapleton,
Beatrice Devine, Kathleen Patterson,
Sarah Pierce, Harriet Speiss, Billie
Griffiths, Mary Morrison, Madelyne
Coe, Barbara Morgan.
A cast of 200, including all types,
of choruses from Garbos to mugs and;
molls, will take part. A group of
twenty trained singers under the di-,
rection of Maxine Maynard, will
alone be responsible for the singingr
throughout the entire play.
Mtosker-J ordati
Holds Dinners
For Residents
Mosher-Jordan entertained the
residents at the monthly birthday
dinner last night. The girls honored
were Dorothy Groff, '35; Betty
Barnes, '34; Dorothy Day, '37; Jose-
phine Day, '34; Marjorie Gleason,
'37; Joan Kant, '36; Georgina Karl-
son, '35; Etta Marks, '36; Maretta
Martinek, '35; Virginia Minsker. '34;
Dorothy Richardson: Virginia Swift,
'36: Dorothy Stoddard. '36: Beth
Turnball, '37; Vivian Wienne'. '36;
and Bernice Wolfe, '37.
In Mosher those entertained were
Rose Mary Best, '35; Harriet Church,
'37; Sara Clancey, '37; Catherine De-
Berry, '37; Adele Feigenbaum, '37;
Jean Field, '37; Jean Harrions, '37;
Rose Levine, '36; Helene Lindenbaum,
'36; Elise Mayer, '37; Elizabeth Miller,
'37; Eunice Miller, '37; Beatrice Rab-
inowitz, '36; Marian Sanders, '37;
Sally Sovereign, '37; Amelia Starsky,
'34; Estelle Willis, '37; and Ruth Fol-
ger, '37.
The residents of Mosher Hall will
entertain their friends at tea this
afternoon. Dean Alice Lloyd and Mrs.
Byrl Bacher will pour. Mary Lambie,
'37, is in charge of the tea and
assisting her are Lucille Lucas, S.M.;
Anne Warner, '36; Rebecca Eles, '35;
Margaret Guest, '37; Doris Benson,
'37; and Jean Hoffman, '37.
Associate Professor of Zoology at the
University of Maine. It was there that
she started her experiments on can-
cer in mice.
Dr. Clarence Little, who had start-
ed a cancer research laboratory here,
heard of Dr. Woodward's experiments
and asked her to come to Michigan.
That was in 1927. She worked in the
cancer laboratory for two years and
then came to the zoology department
to teach animal physiology. The re-
search which she is carrying on now
is on the effects of endocrines, or
internal secretions; and, a subject re-
lated to cancer, the different factors
making cells divide.
Lily Pons, who is to sing next Mon-
day in Hill Auditorium, is the small-
est prima donna ever to appear on
the Metropolitan Opera stage. She is
five feet, two inches in height and
weighs 101 pounds. Her feet are so
small that she can only be fitted with
shoes made on a special last.
Miss Pons does not have to diet.
In fact, the opposite is true. It was
in Buenos Aires, during her strenuous
season at the Colon Opera that she
discovered she was losing weight. As
she weighed only 101 pounds to begin
with, this was not to be thought of.
,A physician prescribed pumpernickel,
a special black bread, spread with
butter almost as thick as the bread
itself. Fourteen big slices she was to
eat every day. In two weeks time she
had gained nine pounds, and today,
pumpernickel is part of her daily diet.
Miss Pons does not smoke. She en-
joys an occasional glass of Burgundy
wine, and considers gin and whiskey
medicine on a par with cod-liver and
castor oil.
She is simple, quite unsophisticated
for a famous diva - altogether
charming and child-like. There is a
slight suggestion of Lillian Gish; yet
she is dark, with small features,
olive-tinted. Her dark hair is bobbed.
How long it will remain that way,
she is not quite sure. Perhaps she
will let it grow long. It seems she
arrived at young womanhood at the
J.G.P. Cast, choruses
And Staff To Hear Play
All women connected in any way
with the cast, choruses, or staff
of the Junior Girls Play, "Gang's
All There, including all tryouts,
are to assemble at 7:30 p. m.
today in the Grand Rapids Room
of the League to hear Russell Mc-
Cracken, director, read the manu-
script of the play.
Afternoon practice schedules
will continue as planned, Barbara
Sutherland, chairman of the cen-
tral committee, said yesterday. Mr.'
McCracken planned the reading
"because too few connected with,
the show know more about it than
their individual parts," he said.
Cotton Wash Frocks
Special Shipment
Sizes 14 to 46
$".69 - $2.95
The RUBLEY Shoppe
8 Nickels Arcade
height of the bobbed-hair craze, and
is a stranger to hairpins.
Perhaps her airy slimness accounts
for her, temperament, for Lily Pons
lives life in the accelerated tempo of
perpetual movement. She loves sports
--she swims, plays tennis, rides
horseback. She loves to dance. She
designs her own clothes, is a sculp-
tress, paints, and in pensive mood
writes verse. But that is only half the
Miss Pons has 'already made her
plans for retirement. She will sing
for ten years -no more. Then, at the
advanced age of 38 she will buy a
farm in her beloved France.
It is possible that she may change
her mind before the approach of the
next decade, but the mere mention of
this possibility elicits vigorous denial
on the part of the young singer.
h i
January Clearance
Black Kid
Brown Kid
Pumps .
Oxf ords
1-2 Soles
and Heels
Shoes suitable for Spring, as well as for now.
Entire stock of Suedes reduced in
this January Clearance.
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Burton's WalkoOver Shop
German Picture To Be Presented Here
115 South Main
Ann Arbor
Thurs., F
Leather or composition soles
with regular rubber heels for
women and children. Com-
position soles for men.
We Call for and Deliver
Without Extra Charge
Telephone 4161
This is a picture taken from the film "Der Hauptmann-Von Koep-
enick" which 'will be shown by the Art Cinema League Thursday, Fri
day, and Saturday evenings of this week.
50c PREP
Package of 10
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We always have them in stock
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via this Garbo-at-the-prow, windswept looking
bonnet by Maria Guy. Everything about it is
new, and young, from the crinole crystal straw
to the bonnet-like crown that looks as if it should
be tied under your chin.