. , ,. .._..__.. , r _ V.
have worked more effectively, if it had recalled
its title and co-operated in every way possible to
assure the success of the fund drive and its wise
administration However, if certain leaders could
not conscientiously work in harmony with the
Undergraduate Council, they should be com-
mended for their honesty in revealing their exact
--- ~ ---
.,, ,
Musical Events
:i~Ji1N W11 ~DgtVTf w,,Ip47I4. .M , .+tiirr i~f f JL Se'Vw w~AM r~o,.,tw ,..,,,.o,...., a
5sufablished 1890
Published every ;morning exeept Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and tie Big Ten News Service.
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Offices Student Publications: Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-124.a
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East, Thirty-Fourth Street, New Yfork City; 80
B.oylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
WOMEN'S EDITOR..................CAROL J ANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Elis Ball, Ralph 0. Coulter, William
G. Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Veck, Guy M.
Whipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Artliur W. Car-
stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie. Bek, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn,
John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David
G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, Wil-
liam R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert JL. St. Clair,
Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M.
Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
Held, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean,
Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick. Kathryn
Rietdyk, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....................
...............CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
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Virginia Cluf', Patricia Daly, Genevieve Fi'led, Louise
Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds
- V
Co-operative Council
Refuses to Co-operate .
THE Co-operative Council, a body
organized in December for the
laudable purpose of helping in a Good Will drive
to aid needy students on campus, disbanded
Thursday in the midst of dissension during which
members lost all sight of the altruistic aim it
The council, which set itself up under a con-
stitution as a permanent campus group with the
intention of "promoting the social, economic, and
spiritual betterment of all students of the Uni-
versity," and a group for which an important
future role was envisioned, forgot itself and drew
its affairs to a close in a rebellious spirit in which
members heaped abuse on the existing Under-
graduate Council and characterized Daily editor-
ial comment on their actions as "vicious."
The Co-operative Council was faced Thursday
by two alternatives. It might have continued as
a body under the supervision of the Undergradu-
ate Council, helping in raising and distributing
the funds for the aid of needy students, and serv-
ing the interests it represented by valuable sug-
gestions as to the use of the money The other
course was to refuse utterly to continue - as a
body subservient to the Undergradute Council,
declaring its utter lack of sympathy with that
body. They chose this latter course, showing that
a certain group in the new council, at least, had
seized on their organization as a means of fight-
ing and perhaps ultimately usurping the powers
of the Undergraduate Council. The idea of help-
ing needy students had become secondary.
In more than one way this outcome was unfor-
tunate. It is to be hoped that the Good Will
drive, which undoubtedly will go on under the
direction of the Undergraduate Council, will not
have been prejudiced by the playing of petty
campus politics. It is to be remembered that no
matter how collected, such a fund will be ad-
ministered personally by Dean Bursley and will
be spent as equitably as possible, probably with
direct assistance from some of the religious, lib-
eral, and, foreign student organizations which
made up the now defunct council.
The selfish action of the council as a whole is
also to be regretted since there were members
present who undoubtedly did not share the view
of their more radical leaders. Certain of themn
had kept in mind the immediate need for helping
needy students and the long-run possibilities in
such an organization as they had carefully set up,
and saw nothing ohectionableo r comnromising
Geor'ge Gershwin, "typical" American composer,
whose rhythms make heavy contribution to every
college dance and whose famous "Rhapsody in
Blue" is generally rated as the "classic of jazz,"
will appear in Orchestra Hall, Detroit, at 3 p. m.
tomorrow in his first American tour.
A long list of musical comedy scores, beginning
with "La, La Lucille" back in war days and con-
tinuing right into this year with "Let 'Em Eat
Cake" stands to the credit of this composer,
besides his innumerable simple songs and the
three elaborate compositions "Rhapsody in Blue,"
"Concerto in F" and "An American in Paris."
James Melton, popular radio tenor, will be vocal
soloist at the concert and Leo Reisman's orchestra
will be under the direction of Charles Previn, the
complete programme being as follows:
Concerto in F ....................Gershwin
The concerto in F is of 30 minutes duration and
was published in 1925. It has been played by the
New York, Boston,, Philharmonic, Milwaukee,
Minneapolis, Cincinnati and Detroit symphony
orchestras in this country and by the Pasdeloup
Orchestra of Paris.
Mr. Gershwin
Verner as the Scandalous Lady Maria Frinton.
Others in the cast were just adequate.
The play suffered from lackadaisical direction.
Ferol Brinkman, director, was not too fortunate in
his groupings, particularly in Act III - although
the last act act had a tendency to deadliness not
through fault of direction so much as because of
the author's flagging interest. On the whole, "The
Ist fA Mrs. Cheyney" is average entertainment.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column-should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonynousv comiication: will be disrearded.
''he names of comrnumicants will, however, be re-
garded as confideital upon request. Contributors
arxe asked to be ie] toi ln Ihiieie 0less
than 300 words if po5 h
The R.O.T.C. is a failure. It was founded with
the purpose of instructing young men so that they
might be capable of rendering intelligent efficient
service in case of national emergency. This noble
purpose has never been realized. The R.O.T.C.
does not produce intelligent, officient young men
to defend our nation. The students take the
course as a joke; no one ever studies for his
R O.T.C. classes. How can a course be of value
when the lectures are so poor that the students
spend the periods sleeping or studying other sub-
jects? Of what value is field instruction in mili-
tary maneuvers if no one attempts to obey orders
or to learn anything? The R.O.T.C. does not
develop habits of obedience, discipline, self-con-
trol, team-work and responsibility as its founders
intended it should. Sliding through a course with
the least possible effort is certainly a poor way
to develop good habits. Discipline is poor in the
corps and commands are obeyed reluctantly.
Though developing responsibility, the student of-
ficers are noticeably averse to displaying their
knowledge in actual command. If the salary paid
to advanced students were discontinued there
would be a marked difference in the number
taking the course. This shows the patriotic atti-
tude of the students toward military training. The
R.O.T.C. tends to develop a lack of respect for
the army and its officers which surely is not a
good foundatin for Democracy.
I am not a pacifist; military preparedness is
necessary and should be acquired through some
practical system such as the C.M.T C. But the
rnoney expended on the R.O.T.C. which teaches
riothinig that could not be learned in the other
schools or in several weeks training in a camp
represents an unnecessary waste of public funds.
This is not the raving of a "parlor radical." I
have an honorable discharge after two years of
R.O.T.C. training and have had experience with
the R.O.T.C. in an eastern college as well as here.
If you would learn the facts about the R O.T.C.,
go not to the offcers or militarists but to the
students of ac1ewwhe re!f,,O.T.C. trainring is
As Others See It
00KS --Just Published
4,- - _ __ __ _..._ __...._._.._ .__. . - - --
. ,
Pearl Buck - THE MOTHER
Sinclair Lewis - WORK OF ART
Anne Parrish - SEA LEVEL
Nord ho jf and Hall-- MEN AGAINST THE SEA
DashI ell Hamneit - THE THIN MAN
Hilll &rnsei~ - LAFFIREJONS
Do It Again
Lady Be Good
Strike Up the Band
First Methodist Zion Lutheran
Episcopal Church Church
State and Washington Washington St. at 5th Ave.
Ministers E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
Frederick B. FisherNTPerF.SarD NV
Peer k B.Star DO N9:00 a.m.-Bible School. Lesson topic:
45-Morning WorpNEGLECT"esus eins
10 Sermon Subjc:N~ L Iegn
"What Makes Wrong YOUR
Wrong?" 9:00 a.m-Service in German.
Dr.Stair, preaching RELIGIOUS 10:30 A M. -Service with sermon by
STALKER eHALL the Pastor-
For University Studlents ACTIVITIES "euol
12:15-Seminar on Applied Chris-
4:00 -International Student Fo- 5:30 P.M.- Student Fellwship and
rum. Supper
3:00 - Wesleyan Guild. Mr. Ernest :45 - Prof. Wa hr wil addre.s il
Angles of Bolivia will speak on St ud nt Fiiowship on "The N zi
"War in the Chaco." Movement in Gernan
St.And srews
St. Paul's Lutheran The Fellowship of Episcopal Church
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts. Liberal eli ion Division at Catherine Street
Services of Worship
9:30 a.m. - Church School. ( arian) Sunday, Jan. 21, 1934
State and Huron Streets
8:00 A.M. -- Holy Communion
9:30am.--Service in German. 9:30 A.M. - Church School
Sunday Morning at 10:45 Epiphany Service
10:45 a. in. -Service in English. 11:00 A.M. --Kindergarten
"The Centurion's Faith" of the Hils"S er11n:00.M- or ay er and
j :.0 p.m. --Student-Walther Leiygue ew'
5: p~1. StidcntWa~i~br Lgil by Mr. Marley Lws elwhpadspe.Harris Hall
Fel owsliip and supper.b r Mre
3:30 P.M. --A Social Progran will State at East Huron Street
ta' ke the pla(c of t- ue ual olis- 9:30 A.M. - -Holy Commiuion in 1th0
(:tS~iii.' ~Williams Mmiorial Chapel.
0'. A.IBrauer, a-tr 77:30 P.M.Stuent Dismssion Hour 7:00"'M.- -"b'CoUvers:tiim"e'' for stu-
Res. 1005 W. Washington Ph 2-2341 dents. Mr. Edwin t. Eklund of
New York will lead the discussion.
Hills of Home ... ..........Oscar Fox
Home on the Range .......David Guion
Carry Me Back to the Lone
Prairie............ . . . Carson Robinson
James Melton
Rhapsody in Blue..... .. .....Gershwin
The Rhapsody in Blue, the foundation stone of
Gershwin's reputation, is the first of the com-
poser's work in the larger forms.
Mr. Gershwin
An American in Paris ............-Gershwin
(a) Sometimes I Feel Like a
Motherless Child ..arr. by Frank Black
(b) G'wine to Hebb'n ..... .Jacques Wolfe
(c) Shortnin's Bread........Jacques Wolfe
Mr. Melton
I Got Rhythm Variations (new) .. . Gershwin
Mr. Gershwin
Win terg reen for President ........ .tGershwin
Fascinatinig Rliyfh 11
Man I Love
I Got Rhythm
Mr. Gershwin
The Theatre
A Review
WORKING with a vehicle which is a consider-
ably diluted comedy of manners, Comedy
Club last night managed to eke three acts of en-
tertainment out of Frederick Lonsdale's "The Last
of Mrs. Cheyney." This is a difficult thing to do,
merely because Lonsdale himself only provided
two acts of entertainment; the third was tacked
on at the end because he had to unravel his situa-
tion somehow.
Light and frothy as the collar of warm beer,
"The Last of Mrs. Cheyney" is full of mildly
amusing lines, with an occasional sally that brings
loud laughter. It requires, however, smooth char-
acter acting in order to maintain it at the level of
other comedies of its ilk. The situation, although
not quite new even when it was written, is an
interesting one, complicated not by tangled plot
so much as by a love problem difficult of solution.
The general impressions one gets of the author's
work are: (1) he does not depend on his dialogue
for amusement, which is fortunate; (2) he has
difficulty in dealing with scenes wherein a great
many people figure; (3) he writes rather delight-
ful characters; (4) he is thorough in his denoue-
ment, regardless of time consumed. Items one and
three are good things; items two and four are not
so good.
It was noticeable that action and interest were
considerably slower when Frances Manchester, as
Mrs. Cheyney, was not on the stage. Miss Man-
chester was given a role that fitted her with glove-
like precision; she flitted through the play with a
combination of sweetness and deviltry that were
wholly Cheyneyistic. Second honors probably are
due David Zimmerman as handsomely rakish Lord
Arthur Dilling. Almost the entire action, reduced
to lowest terms, was divided between these two;
it was an enjoyable combination,
The university's pioneer effort in educational
co-operation with the NRA, the leisure time
classes, stands out as an important development
in adult education.
Evening and Saturday classes are by no means
new things especially in cities, but classes started
at the university this fall differ essentially in
purpose from those held by other colleges
The general survey lectures which aim mainly
to give background and to promote culture are
good examples of what a leisure time course
should be. They are education in a veiled form
and this is desirable. It is clear that education as
a means of relaxation must not require to much
effort on the part of those who attend the classes.
That there is a definite field for leisure time
classes is indicated by the number of people who
traveled 50 to 100 miles to attend the courses
sponsored by the university.
-The Oklahoma Daily.
Collegiate Observer
A- -
Male students at Boston College have asked
co-eds who are lonesome to wear red dresses. This
was done so that the students would be able to
get a. partner when they wanted to go out.
When a student at St. Boneventure College
was asked who Karl Marx was, he dutifully
replied, "Isn't he the one that plays the
And are Russia's ears pink?
A professor at the University of Maryland has
an unusual way of punishing habitually tardy
people. Every time they are late he gives them
an hour bluebook.
The Syracuse Daily Orange thinks that the
way religion could be saved would be to sub-
stitute Mae West for Ainee Semple McPher-
Awk -ummer- -our Amok
NOW IS THE TIME to rent those vacant
rooms. Within two weeks, there will he
many changes in students' rooms. Those
who use the Classified Ads have a dis-
tinct advantage.
TODAY ... Call 2-1214 or stop at the
office on Maynard Street and avail your-
CAS RATES.. . . . Ile aLine
Lonsdale's characters have been noted. Chief
aniong these is Lord Elton, an elderly prude who,
in a misguided moment, proposes by mail to Mrs.
Cheyney. Birney Van Benschoten overplayed the
part somewhat, but such overplaying was really
excusable. His contribution to the production
would have been small, except this his work made
the character a laughable contrast to those of the
airy oddities of British society that peopled the
One of the newest rackets which is being worked
on various members of the university community
at the University of Kansas is carried on by an
old man. He solicits the business of carrying
wood or fertilizer and collects the money in ad-
vance, by putting up a hard luck story that ends
with his falling into lears. He then fails to de-
liver the goods
Someone making an investigation of the affair
found that he carries an onion in his pocket with
his handkerchief, which applies the necessary
o rffon nthi v toni result in onn iA1ou f l oof
CHARGE RATES. 15c.a Line