,UL~AX, JAN1UAK U,1 93,X 4V
Meet Spartans
At East Lansin
Ladies Don't Fight...
THE SELF-STYLED feminine box-
ing champion of Detroit was re-
cently matched with the self-styled
champion of Hamtramck. Police of-
ficials frowned on the bout, bringing
forth the edict that girls were not to
fight in the metropolis. This imme-
diately dropped a nickel in the poetic
works of the sports editor, and he
came forth with the following:
little girlies
mustn't fight
in the city
of detright
so police
officials say
do they think
indeed that they
can change a custom
of the ages
if you look through
history's pages
you will find
without a doubt
wimmen long have
fought it out
among themselves
with tooth and nail
for the favors
of a male
I say that
the weaker sex
should be allowed
to break their nex
in whatsoever
way they choose
and may the best
girl never lose
if they do it
to gain money
bet the, fight
would be a honey
wearing gloves
you can't pull hair
nor with your fingers
gouge and tear
gloves hold
fingernails so tight
there'd be no damage
from the fight
it is strictly
an infraction
for the lovely
female faction
to have fights
with one another
anyhow i guess
they'd ruther
clear the decks
and gladly sail
into some
persecuted male
for little girlies
mustn't foight
among themselves,
in old detroight
conclusion (end)
Nine Grapplers
Picked To Battle
State At 4 P. M.
K e e n Selects Practically
Same Squad That Beat
Landrum Off List
Viergiver Or Lawton May
Be Selected To Wrestle
Reavely, State Star
Coach Clifford Keen will take nine
members of the wrestling squad for
the dual meet with Michigan State
this afternoon at 4:00 p. m. at East
Lansing. The team will leave this
morning by automobile and reach
East Lansing by noon.
The men who will make the trip
are Don Fiero, Joe Oakley, Seymour
Freedman, Jack Harrod, Captain Art
Mosier, Louis Parker, Hilton Ponto,
Geordge Lawton, and John Viergiver.
Jimmy Landrum, who, it had ap-
peared by virtue of last Saturday's
win over Williams of Northwestern,
had practically cinched the 118-lb.
position, was off the list and Fiero
will wrestle in his place.
Keen Selects Wrestlers
Coach Keen will use practically the
same men that started against
Northwestern. Joe Oakley will wrestle
at 126 pounds, Seymour Freedman, in
the 135-pound bout. Jack Harrod and
Captain Mosier will take part in the
145- and 155-pound battles.
Coach Keen has not yet decided
who he will use in the three highest
weights. Either Parker or Ponto will
start in the 165-pound match. In the
175-pound bout, the decision will be
between either Parker, Ponto, or
Lawton. In the unlimited battle,
either Viergiver or Lawton will
Lawton Makes Progress
Keen will probably decide these
later bouts according to the manner
in which the meet is progressing.
Lawton has been showing remark-
able progress in the last several weeks
and may get a chance to get some
more experience provided the meet
starts off in Michigan's favor. .
The Wolverines will encounter one
of the strongest wrestling teams that
State.has .had in a long ime. Reav-
ely, the Spartan heavyweight, is con-
sidered one of the best in the middle
west and will be the favorite in the
unlimited bout. Captain Austin, al-
though he lost in the 118-pound
battle last year against Michigan, will
wrestle as a 126-pounder and is ex-
pected to hold evenly with Oakley.
Union Will Sponsor
Billiard Tourney
Entry blanks have been sent to
more than a dozen universities for
the annual Intercollegiate Tele-
graphic Billiard Tournament which
this year is being held under the
auspices of the Union. O'Neill Dillon,
'35, student executive councilman,
stated that upon the completion of
registration there will probably be
about 15 universities represented.
Several of the Western Conference
schools have already signified their
intention of entering competitors,
while there will also be teams from
the East and Southwest, he added.
The team which will defend the
championship won by Michigan last
year has not definitely been selected,
Dillon said. About a dozen men will
continue to practice next week for a
tournament which will determine the
five regulars and three alternates
who are to be members of the squad.
He added that any students inter-
ested may still enter the tournament
by registering in the billiard rooms
of the Union.
Cagers Seek Second Win Over Maroons
c4r- ----_-.
Blai Signs As Grid Coach At Dartmouth
-Associated Press Photo
Earl H. "Red" Blaik '(left), master of strategy for Army football
teams for seven years, is shown as he signed a two-year contract as
head football coach at Dartmouth. Harry Ellinger (right), former Army
line coach, will assist Blaik.
University Boxer Fights Way
To Golden Gloves Meet finals
Michigan Five
Expects Hard
Tilt At Chicago
Petoskey, Allen, Tomagno,
Jablonski, Tessmer Will
Be StartingLineup,
The same ten men who went down
to defeat at the hands of Wisconsin
and Northwestern last week-end will
attempt to regain Michigan's lost
basketball prestige against the Chi-
cago Maroons on the Midway to-
The squad will leave for Chicago
at 8:45 a. m. this morning. They will
not have time to practice before the
Although the team was decidedly
off form against the Wildcats last
Monday night no shakeup has been
made in the line-up, and Coach
Franklin Cappon will depend on the'
same team which took the Maroons
into camp here, 34 to 18, earlier in
the season, to repeat the victory.
May Use 10 Men
The ten men upon whom success
or failure will rest are: Captain Ted
Petoskey, Fred Allen, John Jablon-
ski, Al Plummer, Zit Tessmer, Russ
Oliver, Chelso Tomagno, George Rud-
ness, and George Ford.
Practice sessions this week have
not indicated that the Wolverines
have recovered from their slump.
Things went so badly one night that
Cappon dismissed the entire squad an
hour early, in despair.
After trying almost every conceiv-
able combination in an attempt to
work up a winning quintet, Cappon
has reverted to his original line-up
and will start the same five men who
were previously successful against the
Plummer May Start
He plans to start Tomagno and
Allen at forwards, Jablonski at cen-
ter, and Capt. Petoskey and Tessmer
at guards. If things do not go well
he may be forced to shift Allen back
to center and replace him with Plum-
mer, a veteran whose play has been
both excellent and mediocre this sea-
Another possibility is that Jablon-
ski will be shifted to guard in place,
of Tessmer. If this happens, Jablonskit
will have played every position on
the team.
Iowa State college students will
vote on a proposed compulsory "ac-
tivity" fee of $12. Funds from the
fee would go to support athletics,
the college paper, year book, class
dues, concert and lecture forums.
Gar Wood Will Race
Speed Boat In Texas
PORT ARTHUR, Tex., Jan. 19.
- (A') -Gar Wood of Detroit,
America's foremost speedboat
racer, has announced here that he
would accept an invitation to race
his Miss America against time on
Lake Sabine at the edge of this
city. The invitation will be for-
mally presented soon. The lake is
approximately 16 miles long and
eight miles wide.
Intramural Sports
R each Semi-Finals
In iThree Divisions
Three All-Campus sport tourneys
are under way at the Intramural
building this week -squash, hand-
ball, and tennis. Former champions
appear well on the way to another
title in two of the tourneys.
In the squash tournament, Ray
Fiske, winner last year, meets J. An-
derson in a quarter-final match. The
winner of this tilt will face Gates in
a semi-final encounter.
Al Hillburger, winner of last year's
handball championship, is ready for
a semi-final meet with the winner of
the Kunitz-Bates struggle. Lappen
and Jackson in the second bracket
will play a semi-final round this
Fifty-two entries in the All-Cam-
pus indoor tennis tourney will begin
first and second round play this
week. Howard Kahn and William
Boles are seeded 1 and 2 respectively.
Play will be so arranged that the
finals will take place on the night of
Intramural Open House.
The University of Michigan squash
racquets team lost its final Associa-
tion match to the Detroit Athletic
Club Thursday afternoon on the In-
tramural courts by the close score
of 3 to 2. As a result the teamuplaces
fifthin the Michigan Association
Ernie Smith, Michigan No. 1 man,
and Ray Fiske were responsible for
the Michigan Club's two points, de-
feating E. D. Smith and Turnbull re-
spectively. Ernie Smith was forced all
the way to down E. D. Smith, while
Fiske won three consecutive games.
Earl Riskey lost to John Reindell
of Detroit, McIntosh beat Ernie Vick,
and Niehuss was defeated by Burton.
The Chinese have a knack for it!
For five consecutive years, as long
as the sport has been on the In-
tramural program, the Cinese Stu-
Varsity Track
Squad To Hold
Coach Hoyt To Send Stars
Against Time At Field
House This Afternoon
In a week-end featuring basketball,
hockey and wrestling encounters on
foreign fields, Coach Charlie Hoyt's
tracksters will be in the local spot-
light with their time-trials this after-
noon. Sport enthusiasts may see them
in their last test before the indoor
season is inaugurated Feb. 3.
Time-trials are conducted on the
order of a regular meet, with men
competing against their own team-
mates. The entire gamut of events
is run through, including field and
track events. The. results will go to
determine which men will comprise
Michigan's 1934 track team.
The privilege of watching Willis
Ward, the country's outstanding per-
former on the cinders, jump in the
high jump, sprint in the sprints and
hurdle in the hurdles will be available
to spectators. If he's feeling well he
may even do two or three things
Those in attendance will see the
great brother act comprising Captain
Tom Ellerby and his namesake, Dick.
Although Tom has usually had the
upper-hand in his favorite event, the
quarter-mile, Dick has ideas of his
own on the subject. His ambition is
to beat his brother to the tape.
Boyd Pantlind, will be on exhibi-
tion in high and low hurdles. He
leaps a wicked gate, and he wouldn't
mind beating out Ward in this event.
They're almost equally matched.
Alix, a two-miler, ran the event in
the Field House last Saturday with-
out getting dizzy, and it took him less
than ten minutes.
Jack'Childs runs the mile, Jim Ba-
con throws an iron ball almost as far
as a cannon does, Cass Kemp sprints
like the wind, Rod Howell puffs and
puffs for long distances, and some-
body's always shooting off a gun
when you least expect it.
dents have won the independent vol-
leyball championship.
The Chinese students recently an-
nexed the fifth title, defeating D.D.'s
and Hops, 2-0, 2-0.
Charles Verberg, will be the only
representative of the University of
'Michigan in the finals of the Ann
Arbor Golden Gloves boxing tourna-
ment to be held next Wednesday
night at the local Armory.
Verberg won his way into the finals
of the novice welterweight division
Thursday night by defeating Ray-
mond Cobb, Ann Arbor hopeful, in a
decision fight.-
Verberg Is Popular
The Michigan welter displayed
some of the form which made him
one of the most popular of the cam-
pus scrappers in. the Golden Gloves,
Silver Shield, and Good Will bouts
last spring.
Though the fight went the full
three rounds, Verberg was clearly su-
perior tobhis less experienced oppo-
nent, Cobb, who was down for the
count of nine in the second round
but recovered to last out the fight.
In the other semi-final bouts on
the evening's card, six knock-outs out
of twelve fights were scored by the
fighters in both open and novice di-
Stanley Cieslick, Detroit boy, who
gained a great following among local
fans when he appeared in the Good
Will bouts held at Yost Field House
last spring, seems to be headed to-
wards another title. Three other De-
troit boxers, Patsy Urso, bantam-
weight open, Aquinta Ciampia, novice
welter, and Arnold Blake, novice fly-
weight, are slated to cop the crowns
in their divisions.
McCleery Gains Bye
"Buzz Saw" McCleery, local welter
who has led a spotted career in the
squared circle here and in a northern
C.C.C. camp, gained a bye into Wed-
nesday's finals in the welter division
when his opponent failed to show up
Thursday night.
Although the show is being put
on by Company K of the local Na-
tional Guard unit, and the Ann Ar-
bor Daily News, Vernon Larsen,'
freshman boxing coach, is responsible
for much of the success of the bouts,
being especially concerned with train-
ing the local and University entrants.
Larsen said yesterday that since
the Golden Gloves fights have been
such a big success this year, he is
in favor of holding the second an-
nual Good Will boxing show prob-
ably in the Field House sometime in
the spring. The former professional
fighter praised the Golden Gloves
movement highly, saying that it pro-
vides physical exercise for a group
of boys who would be interested in
getting it in no other way, and is
providing suitable recognition and
rewards for those who prove them-
selves proficient in the manly art.
King Levinsky-
Carnera Fioht
Is A Possibility
NEW YORK, Jan. 19. - (P) - If
Madison SquareGarden promotes a
heavyweight championship bout in
June, the chances are just about 10
to 1 the challenger won't be Max
Baer. But it might be King Levinsky.
Finding it impossible to tie Baer up
to a contract to fight for the garden
in the event he won the champion-
ship, Col. John R. Kilpatrick, presi-
dent of the big arena, and his match-
maker, Jimmy Johnston, have
dropped all negotiations with Baer,
his manager, Ancil Hoffman, and
Promoter Jack Dempsey, and turned
to Levinsky instead.
In their first move to build the
talkative ex-fish peddler into the
status of a title contender, the gar-
den's directors have booked him for
two matches, one against Charley
Massera, young Pittsburgher, the
other against Walter Neusel.
If the Kingfish can get by those
two hurdles, he may be asked to
agree to one more tune-up before
getting a shot at Primo Carnera in
June, always assuming the mammoth
Italian succeeds in beating Tommy
Loughran in their 15-round bout in
Miami, Feb. 22.
Six Conference
Cage Teams To
With the Big Ten basketball race
one-quarter completed, the fast-step-
ping Boilermakers of Purdue are
roosting on top of the heap with
four victories and no defeats. Led by
Norm Cottom, who is leading the in-
dividual scoring race with 42 points,
Coach Ward Lambert's five has piled
up 155 points to 90 for the opposition.
Stepping along on the heels of the
Lafayette quintet are Iowa and
Northwestern each with three vic-
tories and one defeat. The Hawkeyes,
picked to win the Conference title
due to their strong showing in the
pre-season games, have scored 147
points while holding their opponents
to 107 markers. Coach Dutch Lon-
borg's Wildcat five, co-champions
with Ohio last season, has scored 10
less points than the Hawks while al-
lowing 115 points to be scored against
At the start of the season, the
Wildcats were given little considera-
tion in picking the possible winner
of the 1934 race, but the Northwest-
ern cagers have been coming along
fast since their opening loss to Iowa
and are now in the thick of the fight.
Tonight, with Purdue and Iowa
idle, the Wildcats will have an op-
portunity to go into undisputed pos-
session of second place by scoring a
victory over the fourth-place Indiana
quintet at Bloomington.
Other games tonight find the Wol-
verines pitted against Chicago at the
Windy City while Ohio State will be
meeting the Gophers at Minneapolis.
CHICAGO, Jan. 19 - (P)-- The
portals of organized baseball are
closed forever to "Shoeless Joe"
Jackson and his confessed cronies,
who staggered the National game
back in 1919 by "throwing" the
World Series to the Cincinnati Reds.,
Kenesaw Mountain Landis, who,
was named commissioner of the or-
ganized game as the scandal flared.,
shut oi their last ray of hope today
when he denied the application for
re-instatement made by Jackson.
burn a lamp all night for
9 9
a ustomer
A letter f o u
a cus8tomer
THIS customer's experience is not unusual. for crime statistics
_ show without a doubt that darkness breeds crime. Many large
cities attempted to economize during the depression by turning off
street lights to save money. But there was such a shocking increase in
night crimes that the lights were soon turned on again to save lives and
property. Surveys of crime in large cities show that improved street
lighting brought about a 40% decrease in the number of street crimes
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