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January 18, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-18

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N lk.

Will Sponsor
Contest In May
Prize To Be Two Weeks
At Sketch Camp; Details,
To Be Announced Later
The University Art Exchange, lo-
cated in the League, is planning a
contest to offer two weeks free tui-
tion and living expenses at the Mich-
igan Sketch Camp to any student
now enrolled in the University who
submits the best work of art com-
pleted during the spring semester of
this year.
Only work done in water color,
pencil, pastel, or block printing will
be judged in the contest. The re-
quirements offthecontest will be
published in full at the beginning
of the spring semester. The contest
will terminate in the second week of
May, exact date to be announced
later. Judging will be done by a
committee selected by the Art Ex-
The Michigan Sketch Camp is lo-
cated about 15 miles north of Har-
bor Springs in the northern part of
the lower peninsula on the shores
of Lake Michigan. The site is heav-
ily wooded and its natural beauty
is great.
Saturday, Aug. 13 is the opening
date of the camp. There will be two
periods of two weeks each with the
closing on Friday, Sept. 14, the dates
planned so that students who wish
to attend summer school in Ann Ar-
bor will also be able to attend the
camp before school opens in the fall.
Attendance will be limited to about
30 or 35 people interested in art
work. Daily classes in drawing and
painting will comprise part of the
camp program.
The purpose of the Sketch Camp
is to give the members an uninter-
rupted opportunity to draw and paint
with expert aid from well-known
Mrs. Martha G. Colby
Honored At Harris Hall
Mrs. Martha G. Colby of the psy-
chology department was honor guest
at the informal student-faculty dis-
cussion meeting held yesterday af-
ternoon at Harris Hall. Political
situations in Europe, especially in
Germany, were discussed.
PORT HURON, Jan. 16-- VP) -
Franklin Roosevelt Cline, 8-months-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cline,
has received a, large silk handker-
chief bearing the inscription, "Hap-
py Days," and "Franklin D. Roose-
velt," from the President.

Value And Dangers In Use Of
Cosmetics Revealed In Report,

Although most cosmetic products
are harmless enough, there has crept'
into use an occasional beauty prod-
uct, the use of which may be highly
dangerous, said an official report of
the University Health Service re-
leased yesterday.
Such products cannot be too
strongly condemned, especially in
consideration of the phenomenal
growth and use of cosmetics during
recent years, largely caused by ex-
tensive advertising through the pub-
lic press, magazines and radio pro-
Cosmetic creams may be classified
in three types as follows: cold
creams, finishing or foundation
creams, and those of the absorption
type or tissue creams. The selection
of any particular type of cream is
dependent entirely on the needs of
the individual skin.
A particularly objectionable cream
is the freckle remover sold for beau-
tifying the face, removing freckles
and moth patches. These freckle
removing creams often contain as
the active agent, ammoniated mer-
cury. The use of such cream is dan-
gerous and many cases have been re-
ported in medical literature of severe
cases of dermatitis resulting from
their .use.
On the other hand, cold creams
and cleansing creams may be used
to cleanse the skin, they being suit-
able agents for the removal of sur-
face waste as powder and rouge. The
quality.of the article, however, is in
no relationship to the price some-
times asked for it. Recently a qual-
itative analysis showed a particular
brand of expensive cleansing cream
to consist of cotton-seed fat and
vaseline, perfumed with synthetic oil
of rose.
Creams of the cold and cleansing
type consist of a high oil content
with sufficient hardening agents such
as wax to give it stiffness. The in-
corporation of a small amount of
water is of value, as the emulsion
so produced cleans s more effective-
Finishing and foundation creams
are used extensively as powder bases
and to protect the skin from irrita-
tion. The common types used are
made up of a large percentage of
water, glycerine and soap. Some
types are quite alkaline, and un-
doubtedly have a drying effect on the
skin. Recent experimentation has
shown that it is possible to produce
creams of this type which are non-
alkaline and quite safe to use.
Tissue creams, though not a re-
cent development, are being exten-
sively advertised, claiming to be "re-
juvenating" gnd "nourishing" in ef-
fect. Such claims cannot be sub-
stantiated by act and are mislead-
ing. These ciieanms are like cold

creams with varying amounts of
lanolin added to increase absorp-
tion. Such creams may be useful if
the skin is unusually dry and harsh.
The use of some cosmetic creams
certainly has a legitimate place. They
may have a softening, emollient and
cleansing effect on the skin, but the
chief objections lie in the extrava-
gant and often ridiculous claims
made by the manufacturer together
with the skin damage which results
from the use of some of them.
Faculty, GuestsI
Entertained At
ouse Dinners
Last minute rushing and faculty
dinners are being held before finals
Alpha Delta Pi'
Several members of the sorority3
were entertained at the home of
Mrs. Thomas Reed yesterday.
Last might the sorority gave a din-
ner for a few guests, the decorations
being peach and green.
The residents of Mosher-Jordan1
Halls entertained at a faculty din-1
ner last night. The halls were dec-
orated with yellow tapers and flow-
The guests in Mosher Hall were
Mr. . and Mrs. Montague F. Modder,
Dr. and Mrs. Heber Curtis, Dr. Ralph
L. - Belknap, Dr. Albert Barrett, Mrs.l
Barbara Bartlett, Prof. and Mrs. W.
A. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert K. Stevens, and Dr. and Mrs.
H. W. Hann.
Those present at Jordan Hall were3
Miss Eleanor Smith, Miss Lucile
Streater, Miss Edith Barnard, Miss'
Florence Tousey, Mr. and 'Mrs. Vla-
demer Timoshenko, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Jose
Albaladejo, Miss Nora Hunt, Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Au-
brey Hawkins, Dr. Walter Tupper,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eagleton, Mr.,
and Mrs. Floyd Riley, Miss Laurie
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ken-
yon, Miss Juva Higbie, and Mr. and
Mrs. William L. Ayers.
Theta Phi Alpha
Several guests were entertained
recently at a rushing dinner. Mary;
O'Neill, '36, was in charge of the
dinner. Centerpieces in pastel shades
of tulle and harmonizing tapers
formed the table decorations.
Delinquent freshmen in the chem-
ical engineering school at Purdue are
counseled in their studies by Phi
Lambda Upsilon, chemical honorary

Wyvern Group
To Study Work
On Publications
Prospective Tryouts Will
Meet Today at 4:30 To
Learn Details Of Work
All freshman women who are in-
terested in any phase of student pub-
lications are urged to attend the
meeting to be held at 4:30 p. m. to-
day in the Student Publications
Building under the direction of Wy-
vern, junior women's honor society.
At this time members of the vari-
ous organizations will explain the
type of work involved, the hours,
and the opportunities for advance-
ment. The purpose is to acquaint
freshmen with the different fields,
so that when tryouts are opened to
them next semester they will know
which interests them.
Carol Hanan, '34, women's editor
of The Daily, will speak for a few
minutes to those who are especially
interested in society and news writ-
ing. From the Gargoyle editorial
staff there will be Virginia Roberts,
'35, who will describe feature and
assignment writing for the campus
The requirements of work on the
business staff of The Daily will be
brought out by Catherine McHenry,
'34, women's business manager, Joan
Barnette, '34, will explain the work
of try-outs for the Michiganensian.
Wyvern, junior honorary society,
is attempting to assist freshman wo-
men to follow their interests in cam-
pus activities and has divided them
into four groups, music, dramatics,
publications, and athletics. Any
freshman who has not previously as-
sociated herself with one of these
groups is invited to call Maxine May-
nard, '35, president, for information
about them.
Two Cus Are Awarded
In League Tournanent
Seven tables were filled at the
regular weekly bridge tournaments
Tuesday at the League.
Cups presented each week to the
winners were awarded this week to
Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Riggs, who won
first place in the north-south posi-
Harlan Cristy and Karl Schlotter-
beck were the winners in the east-
west position.
IRIS and her Musical Playboys
the Hottest Colored Band on Campus
B. JACKSON, Mgr. - Phones 9396-4525
111 East Ann St. 806 Fuller St.


to include four numbers on the pro-1beL an r.il Lreh asssted
bell and Mrs. Emil Lorch assistedi
gram last night. Several unique Mrs. Dana.
nrimbers were uresented. Miss Helen Gould sang Il Flauto
S'an Bush and Edward Warner Magico, Wie Melodien zieht es mir,
sang duet numbers. The first was Feldeinsamkeit, and Nachtigall. the
"Swet Se" and the second, "Dinah.," latter three by Brahms. Jane Ne-
racher, '34SM, played a Schumann
Dick Gregory did a dance specialty Romand, and the Revolutionary and
in the form of a soft shoe number Black Key Etudes by Chopin.
in rhythmic time. Margaret Burke, '34SM, sang the
Helen Gram, '35, one of the wo- Jewel Song from Faust and Miss
Thelma Newell played Grieg's So-
men who will sing in the Junior Girls' nata in G Major.
Play, sang two numbers, "One Min-
ute To One," and "Smoke Gets In The cash earnings of the 425 men
Your Eyes." at the Fresno State College was about
Mary Morrison, '35, played one of; $81,000 last year. This is exclusive
the blues numbers to be played in of services like room and board.
the night club scene of the play. It __________ ____
is the plan of the Stunt Night com-
mittee to present several features of P
the Junior Girls' Play.
The Deuce of Clubs, the new sen-
ior fraternity recently organized, at
tended "Stunt Night" en masseat'



You'll breathe a bit
of April
.when you step out
in one of our new-
Spring Frocks


( - . = .
' -X "z


--, o

..' /,
,,,a. '+"f '
l {


so -1

and you'll be giving
your wardrobe a new lease


n lite. There's a b ant
ssortment of styles ... dark
ackgrounds and light, and
whole garden of spring-
ke prints.
j c
a ____ ' ," 6
New Hats for
Spring are
i arriving daily!

Wrr-t music by Garrigan
-but only your efforts
will find that elusive at-
mosphere of romance to
make the evening perfect.
gay, irresistible formals;
styled with all the smart-
ness to complete your cos-
tume and make your ap-
pearance a breathtaking


// 7
f /A/'





jr~~ IIIU I ....' 1V L 11..1 i\Ri.Y 7i snrinz soin'- is -a lively tune tii sesCVon. yiefre ~i -e'ver 5o

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