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January 11, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-11

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The Weather
Partly cloudy Thursday, Fri-
day mostly cloudy, possibly lo-.
cal rain or snow.




News Would Revive "01
Reliable"; On Defacing Li
brary Books.




VAE. XT.TV air.. yn

V WL. AbLL INo. 47



Yale lumn Se t

Navy Planes
Hop Off For
Commander Hopes To B
In Honolulu Tonight
Weather Reported Goo
Will Be Longest
Formation Fligh
Vessels Guard Ocean I
Case Of Mishap; Plan T
Fly At 500-Foot Heigh
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10- (P) -
The massed flight of six huge nav
planes to Honolulu began at 2:2
p. m. (Pacific Standard Time, 5:2
p.. Ann Arbor time) today, th
ships heading out the Golden Gat
onttheir 2,400-mile non-stop journe
after the start had been delayed
more than two hours by lack o
Although the first ship took th
air shortly after noon, the five other
planes were forced to make numero
attempts to get into the air, the lasi
one finally going aloft at 2:13 p. m
"We expect to go through on
schedule and eat pineapples in Ho-
nolulu tomorrow," declared Lieut.-
Cor. Knefler McGinnis, commande
of the history-making flight, just be-
fore he boarded his flagship.
Longest Nonstop Mass Hop
In beautiful three-plane forma-
tion, the six giant ships pointed thei
noses westward in the longest massed
nonstop flight ever attempted. The
sun shone on their glistening wings
Strung along the wide expanse of
ocean were sixnNavy guard ships in
case the planes should be forced
General weather conditions along
the route indicated average to good
flying conditions, although the planes
were expected to encounter a fog
bank some distance off the coast.
The squadron leader said that he
planned to fly only about 500 feet
above the ocean unless the fog was
Head Out To Sea
The planes passed through the
Golden Gate at 2:29 p. m. and
headed out to sea on their great ad-
Lack of wind delayed the flight
because the heavily loaded flying
boats were unable in numerous at-
tempts to get into the air.
The 10-P-4, piloted by Lieut. T. D.
Guinn, of Atlanta, was the first aloft
about 1:11 p. in. Then the big
craft of Lieutenant Commander
Knefler 'McGinnis left the water,
then the two planes had to circle
about while they waited for the other
planes to join them.
For two hours the others made
ineffectual attempts to lift their bows
into the air, and finally succeeded
after many efforts.
In waiting for the start, the 10-P-4
had probably used the amount of
gasoline which officers had figured
as a leeway for the flight.
Alpha N Wins
Debate From
Sigma Rho Tau
Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma,
honorary speech society defeated Sig-
ma Rho Tau, engineering stump
speakers society in a debate held last

night by a two to one decision of the
The question debated on was "Re-
solved, that the United States gov-
ernment should own and operate all
commercial radio broadcasting sta-
The affirmative team of Alpha Nu
was represented by Paul E. Belknap,
'35, Charles Brownson, '35, and
Charles Rogers, '34. On the Sigma
Rho Tau negative team were Allen
E. Cleveland, '35E, Saul M. Ferman,
'34E, and Albert J. Stone, '34E.
The critic judges of the debate
were Prof. Floyd K. Riley of the
,peech department, Prof. Louis Eich
of the speech department, and Prof.
L. J. McFarlane of the engineering
As a point in their debate the
Alpha Nu team had a radio in the
room and turned it on to illustrate
the type of advertising heard under
the present system.
Miisters To Refuse
in _ ®_-_ -l .." _ Q v 1-_

Gives Views

Court Ruling
Is Explained
By Law Dean
Henry M. Bates Upholds
Supreme Court Decision
In Mortgage Case
Supporters Undiiy
Elated, He Says
Stand Of Chief Justice Is
Not Unexpected In View
Of Reports

President Asks
Ratification Of
Seaway Treaty

Navigation And Power Are
Main Considerations,
: Special Message Says
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. -() -
President Roosevelt this afternoon in
a message to the Senate advocated
the St. Lawrence Waterway Treaty
with Canada and asked "the consid-
. eration of ratification."
"Navigation and power," he listed
as the two main considerations and
"I am satisfied that the treaty con-
tains adequate provision for the
needs of the Chicago drainage dis-
trict and for navigation between Lake
Michigan and the Mississippi River."
"I subscribe to the definite belief
that the completion of the seaway
will greatly serve the economic and
transportation needs of a vast area
of the United States and should
therefore, be considered solely from
the National point of view," he
added. * * * "This river is a source
of incomparably cheap power located
in proximity to a great industrial and
rural market and within transmission
distance of millions of domestic con-
Points to N. Y. Action
"The legislature of the State of
New York by unanimous vote set up
the necessary state machinery during
my term as governor of New York
and the state stands ready to co-
operate with the Federal government
in the distribution of power in ac-
cordance with what I believe is today
a definite National policy."
Opposition did not await arrival of
the President's message, Senator
Robert F. Wagner, New York Dom-
ocrat, breaking with the Adminis-
tration to condemn the treaty in a
minority committee report.
In the House, Reps. Hamilton Fish,
Jr., and James M. Mead, of New York
both termed the treaty "unfair" to
their state.
Proponents of the pact professed
confidence in ratification,regardless.
Additional Cut
For Working
Hours Is Seen
Senate Makes Decision To
Penalize War Debt De-
faulters Also
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10- (P) - A
vision of a new cut in the working
hours of Americans was flashed upon
the Washington scene tonight to
share attention with a decision by
the Senate to penalize war debt de-
Hugh S. Johnson proposed the for-
mer; the Senate attached the penalty
for debt defaulters to the liquor tax
bill in the form of higher taxes on
liquors from those countries. John-
son will thresh out the hour cut with
leaders of coded industries on Feb. 15.
Even as the Senate was passing
the liquor tax bill after a debate so
short as to recall the prices-harried
activity of the special session, the
Federal Alcohol Control Administra-

Proponents of the New Deal who
seem to have found cause for great
satisfaction in the decision of the
United States Supreme Court uphold-
ing the constitutionality of the Min-
nesota mortgage moratorium act
might just as well cease kicking their
heels together in the light of the ex-
planations made concerning the ac-
tion by Dean Henry M. Bates of the
University Law School, nationally
recognized authority on constitu-
tional law.
The New Dealers feel that the Min-
nesota law giving to the owners of
mortgaged property relief through
the courts is the first emergency
measure of the new administration to
be tested by the highest tribunal of
the land and that its acceptance by
that body indicates a "judicial
change of. heart" which would favor
other so-called "liberal" legislation.
Supporters Unduly Elated
According to Dean Bates the sup-
porters of the President's program
who were "elated because Chief Jus-
tice Hughes and Associate Justice
Roberts had chosen to take the 'lib-
eral' side in the closely divided court"
have not looked into the situation as
thoroughly as they might have before
"Chief Justice Hughes has never
been extremely conservative, espe-
cially since he returned to the Su-
preme Court," Dean Bates said, indi-
cating that the stand which the emi-
nent juror took in this particular case
was not as unexpected as many re-
ports have suggested.
"Hughes showed by an elaborate
course of reasoning that the emer-
gency which now faces this country
may be considered one of the factors
to determine whether legislation is
reasonable and therefore within the
due process of law or whether it vio-
lates that principle," Dean Bates
Emergency Is Considered
It is wrong to assume that the Su-
preme Court has upheld legislation
which would in any sense impair the
obligation of contracts merely be-
cause it sanctioned the action of the
Minnesota courts, Dean Bates ex-
plained. He pointed out that this par-
ticular state law merely "postpones
the closing of a mortgage and that,
due to the conditions which now exist
in Minnesota, neither the mortgagor
nor the mortgagee have been dis-
criminated against, since foreclosures
at the present time would seriously
harm both parties without accomp-
lishing any great amount of good, ex-
cept in isolated cases."
It is likewise ridiculous to assume
that this action of the Supreme
Court's can have any effect upon
measures to come before that body in
the future, he insisted. It is true that
the decision is considered by many
to be very liberal and that such ac-
tion was unexpected in many quar-
ters, but in the light of the circum-
stances which surround the passing
of the original legislation the judg-
ment of the great court is not at all
surprising, Dean Bates explained.
"A careful examination of the
opinions of Chief Justice Hughes will
show that he has, on the whole,
taken a more 'liberal' view than for-
mer Justice Holmes," he said. "I
don't consider him narrowly conserv-
ative at all. I think he has held and
(Continued on Page 6)

Yale Alumni Seek
T o Control School
Policy On Sport.
NEW YORK, -Jan. 10;- () - The
talk among Yale alumni here today
in connection with the agitation over
the football coaching situation was
that Malcolm Farmer, director of
athletics, will be asked to resign un-
less he accepts the recommendation
of a graduate advisory committee for
the engagement of an "outsider" as
head coach, preferably Harry G.
Kipke, of Micig ai.
Publicly, at least, there were no
further developments or indications
of any change in the situation, which
finds six out of seven members of
the advisory committee opposed to
Farmer's plan to restore T. A. D.
Jones as head coach this year. At
the Yale Club, where President
James Rowland Angell and Farmer
were among the guests at an alumni
luncheon, doormen said Farmer in-
structed them to say he would give
"nothing to the {press."
Daily Subscriptions
Must Be Paid Up Now
Students who have not paid for
their Daily subscriptions in full
must do so by the end of the
month or their names will be
turned in to the proper authorities
at that time, J. L. Efroymson, '35,
circulation manager, announced
Payments can be made at the
Student Publications Building,
Maynard Street.
Big ill Tilden.
eas Vines n
3 Straight Sets

Auer Names
3 Tendencies
In Theology
Harvard Professor Lists
Classifications B e fo r e
Religious Institute
Attacks Viewpoint
Of Fundamentalists
Humanist And Modernist
Doctrines Are Outlined
in Church Talk
That there are three tendencies in
modern theology was the opinion ex-
pressed by Prof. J. Fagginger Auer
of the Harvard Divinity School,
speaking before the Institute on Lib-
eral Religion last night in the Uni-
tarian Church.
e classified them as supernatur-
alism, or a tendency to get clarity
regarding the things of God; hu-
manism, a tendency to get clarity
regarding the things of man; and
modernism, a tendency which at-
tempts to unite the other two.
In criticizing the American funda-
mentalist group, Professor Auer
questioned their use of such premises
as the existences of a God, who may
be comprehended; that if there be
such a God, the assumption that the
Bible is his revelation; and finally.
the assumption that the Bible is in-
fallible. Saying that these criticism
have not yet received a satisfactory
reply from the fundamentalists, he
admits that there was a certain logic
in the system, providing that its firsi
assumptions be accepted.
Humanism's viewpoint was next
briefly outlined by Professor Auer:
"It agrees that human life must be
considcered in relation to the external
universe of which it is a part, but it
maintains that the center of interest
should not be the relation of life to
its background, but that life itself,
It insists that whereas for many
years we have been talking about
the nature and activities of God, it
is time that we should now turn our
attention to the nature and the ac-
tivities of man. Instead of theology,
let us now have anthropology."
Concerning the modernists, the
speaker became openly critical. He
stated that they liked to be liberal,
but hated no longer to be orthodox.
"Since they have much to say about
superlogic and the play of emotions,
they are saved the trouble of being
definite," was Professor Auer's view.
For the meeting last night Prof.
Ralph Sawyer of the physics depart-
ment was chairman. Tonight Pro-
fessor Auer will speak on "Humanism
-The Swing Away from Fundamen-
talism and Modernism," at 8 p. m.,
with Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the phi-
losophy department as chairman.
Hallensleben To
Be Buried Today
Funeral services for William P. E.
Hallensleben, German graduate stu-
dent who committed suicide Monday
afternoon, will be held at 2 p. m.
today in the Staffan Funeral Hall at
513 East Huron St. The Rev. Allison
R. Heaps of the Congregational
Church, with which Mr. Hallensleben
was affiliated, will conduct a short
funeral service.
Interment will be at Forest Hills
DALLAS, Tex., Jan. 10 -(P) -

Two flyers were killed and search
was started for a third who was be-
lieved to have been in a private plane
which crashed at White Rock Lake
here late today when in banking for
a turn, a wing touched the water.

Veteran Is Pressed Only In'
First Set Of Match Be-
fore tapacity ( rowdi
NEW YORK, Jan. 10 - (AP) - Be-l
fore a record American tennis gal-t
lery, nearly 17,000 spectators, Bigi
Bill Tilden, 41-year-old veteran,
handed a straight set trouncing to-t
night to Ellsworth Vines, 22-year-l
old Californian and former world's
amateur champion making his pro-
fessional debut. The score was 8-6,
6-3, 6-2.k
Tilden was extended by the hard-
hitting western youth only in thet
first set when the lanky Vines scoredc
with frequent outbursts of blistering
fore-hand driving, but yielded after1
a spectacular deuce battle for points.r
Thereafter the old master, covering
his court with an agility that belied
his years and loosing an assortmentt
of strokes that had his young rival
dizzy, administered a tennis spank-1
ing to the Californian.
Vines electrified the capacity crowd
with many of his booming shots, but
there was no doubt about the out-
come orsTilden's mastery after the
first set, even though it seemed the
consensus of experts that the western
star was showing his best tennis
since. he ruled the amateur heightsd
at home and abroad in 1932.a
Tilden's service was no more diffi- t
cult to handle than the delivery of5
young master Vines, but it was moreF
consistently effective. Big Bill's fore-C
hand wallop was not quite the sting-v
ing weapon that Vines unfurled whenf
the latter had a clear opportunity
to wind up and apply the power, butc
again it was more accurate and bet-
ter placed. Off the back-hand, Vines
revealed himself a showman by try-
ing the Australian two-handed grip7
in the first set but he didn't havev
much time thereafter to attempt thisI
unorthodox manoeuver due to thev
pressure of his opponent's raking1

Movie Price
Discu1ssion On
Council Slate
Plan Action On Auto Ban
Petition To Regents; Se-
cure Official Backing
An investigation into the prices
charged for movies, as well as other
matters of student nature, will be
discussed at the meeting of the U-
dergraduate Council at 5 p. m. to-
day in the Union, it was announced
last night.
Beside the question of movie prices,
the Council will take up preliminary
plans for the Goodwill fund drive,
held annually for the relief of needy
students. Arrangements will also be
made in connection with Cap Night.
A proposed amendment, which will
provide for a tryout system of choos-
ing the president of the Council, is
to be considered.
A letter will be drafted, which is
to be sent to the Board of Regents,
about a petition for a modification of
the auto ban. This movement, which
resulted from the All-Campus poll
recently, has received the support of
the administration. It was announced
that the plan is to be decided in its
final form today.
The council meeting will be open
to the student body.
Lindberg h Got
$250,000 For
Advisory Work
Senate Airmail Contract
Investigation Committee
Discloses Payment
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. --) -
How Transcontinental Air Transport
Corp, Inc., gave Charles A. Lindbergh
25,000 shares of the company's stock
for his advisory services was ex-
plained to the Senate Airmail Con-
tract Investigation Committee today
by D. M. Sheaffer, chairman of the
company's executive committee.
Sheaffer termed Lindbergh's serv-
ices extremely valuable, and for them
the famed aviator was presented with
stock valued at $250,000 and paid
$10,000 a year.
Sheaffer said that a complicated
system used for transfer of the stock
to Lindbergh was "for income tax
Rivals Squeezed Out
Sheaffer also told the committee
that representatives of big airlines
had collaborated with former Post-
master General Walter F. Brown in
drawing specifications for air mail
contracts which practically precluded
award of the contracts to smaller in-
Further testimony was presented to
show that correspondence of Brown,
postmaster general in the Hoover Ad-
ministration, was burned shortly be-
fore he left office.
Sheaffer submitted copies of sev-
eral letters to Brown regarding air-
mail contracts.
Chairman Hugo D. Black, of the
Senate Investigating Committe, com-
mented that this correspondence had
not been found in the Postoffice files.
Hainer Hinshaw, former official of
American Airways, told investigators
that that airline agreed not to bid for
an airmail route at the request of

Verifies Correspondence
Hinshaw verified correspondence
placed before a Senate investigating

U nitarianSpeaker

Chicago Milk
Strike EndQ

With Tru

Federal Government Is
Cause Of Cessation Of
Virtual Civil War
Arbitration Board
Will Be Selected
Settlement Is Regarded As
Favorable To Farmers;
Rush First Supply
CHICAGO, Jan. 10. - M)-The
Chicago milk, blockade was ended
today as the Federal government
moved toward stern intervention
against interference with interstate
shipments and with the United
States mails.
Settlement of the strike was in
the form of a truce signed by repre-
sentatives of the farmers, the big
Chicago dairies, and even the inde-
pendent dairies which in the past
have refused torguarantee any min-
imum price to producers.
Under terms of the truce, a medi-
ation board of three members, one
from the distributors, one from the
farmers and a third to be selected
by the first two, will be named to
agree on a fair price to be paid farm-
Violence Approaches War
The settlement cane as violence
and sabotage in Chicago and the
territory for 100 miles around
reached the point of virtual civil war.
Thousands of gallons of milk had
been spilled on highways, trucks and
dairies wrecked, nine trains stopped
and searched for milk, dairymen
When the embargo endel there
was not a drop of milk for sale in
Chicago stores, even families with
small children could obtain none;
and deliveries to hospitals and in-
stitutions were threatened.
The settlement in many ways was
regarded as more favorable to. farm-
ers than any condition previously
prevailing in the huge Chicago mar-
ket, even under the milk marketing
act put into effect by the Agricul-
tural Adjustment Act and abandoned
Jan. 1.
Milk Supply Rushed
For the first time, independnnt
dairies (non members of the Chicago
Milk Council, Inc.) will pay on a
minimum price basis for their milk.
Signing of the truce was the signal
for the huge trucks of the Chicago
dairies to roll out of their garages
and rumble away to the country for
supplies of milk. Some of them
loaded up within 40 miles of the city
and were back within three hours.
Co-Eds Still In
Hospital After
Crash, Nov.25
Eileen Simpson Is Forced
To Have Leg Amputated
As Infection Sets In
General improvement is reported
by University Hospital authorities in
the condition of the three women
students still in the hospital as the
result of an automobile accident
which took place Nov. 25 at a grade
crossing on Pontiac Road near Grand
River Avenue between Detroit and
Ann Arbor.
Virginia Whitney, '36, who suffered
lacerations of the face, and Lucille
Herrold, a teacher from Grand Rap-
ids and driver of the car which
struck a stationary freight train, who
received bruises, burns, and a broken
arm, have been released from the

hospital, and although immediate re-
lease for the other three girls is not
in sight, they are no longer in danger,
according to Mrs. Simpson, mother
of two of the girls. Mrs. Simpson has
been in attendance at the hospital
ever since the accident occurred
seven weeks ago.
Eileen Simpson, '36Ed., who suf-
fered a fractured leg and burns,
underwent a leg amputation opera-
tion several days ago, necessitated
by an infection which had set in. Two
transfusions were necessary before
the operation could be accomplished.
Charlotte Simpson, '34Ed., who also
suffered a broken leg, and severe

Success Of Everest Flight Due
To Leader's Careful Planning

'37 Literary Class Will 1
Collect Dues Immediately
Dues for the class of '37 of the
literary college will be collected im-
mediately, Tex Wilkins, treasurer,
announced yesterday. Dues, which
amount to 25 cents, can be paid to
committee members, who will be in
freshman classes. Members of the
committee include, Peggy Abbott,
Margaret S. Annas, William B. Cor-
nell, Betty Kelly, Joseph Kinshow,
John B. Osgood, Robert B. Owen,
Thomas T. Oyler, Robert H. Pulver,

Like all great successful scientific
ventures the aerial conquest of Ev-
erest, which will be the subject of
Air Commodore P. F. M. Fellowes
when he speaks Jan. 25 on the fourth
Oratorical lecture offering in Hill
A u d i t o r i u m, was meticulously
planned and careful attention was
given to every minute detail. It was
not until all conditions were as fav-
orable as possible that the two planes
left the Lalbalu airdrome to accom-
nl-, thQ sae cin, 1VP 1

The tenth day of waiting, April 3,
last, Commodore Fellowes took the
Moth up at 5:30 a. m. and came
down with a report, "reasonably sat-
isfactory flying conditions."
The two Westland plans with high
powered British radial motors and
propellers torqued to attain maxi-
mum power development at 13,000
feet, left the Lalbalu airdrome at 8
a. m. and at approximately 10 a. m.
were a scant 200 feet above the peak
of "Nature's last stronghold," 31,000

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