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December 12, 1933 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-12

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Chaperons Are
Announced For;
Fmternity Ball
Alumnni And Faculty Will
Be Honored At Function
Of Interfraternity Body
Chaperons for the Interfraternity
tall, to be held Jan. 5 at the League,
will be the faculty and alumni mem-
bers of the Judiciary Committee of
the Interfraternity Council, which is
sponsoring the event.
The alumni members who will be
accompanied by their wives are Al-
fred B. Connable and Charles W.
Graham. Dean and Mrs. Joseph A.
Bursley, Dr. and Mrs. Warren G.
Forsythe, and Prof. and Mrs. Robert
G. Rodkey will be the faculty mem-
Wers honored.
Tickets for the dance, for which
Duane Yates and his 12-piece or-
dhestra will provide the music, will
be on sale in the lobby of Angell
Hall 'and at Van Boven's, as well as
being offered by council tryouts in a
house-to-house canvass.
Womens Club
To Hold Home
gpen Hou s e
The Ann Arbor Women's Club is
holding an American Home Open
House Wednesday and Thursday at
the Masonic Temple. Entertainment
features will be located on the sec-
and floor, while shops will fill the
lower floor.
_ Each day from 10:30 to 11:30 a. m.
members of the club will tell their
lest recipes, and describe in detail
the process of making them. From
11:30 a. m. until 2 p. m. visitors will
have an opportunity to inspect the
rnany exhibits. It will be possible to
remain in the building for lunch, or
at night on the same ticket.
The baked goods shop is in charge
ot =Mrs. E. W. Staebler, who will -be
assisted by Mrs. R. A. Nixon, Mrs. D.
L 'Hoatson, Mrs. R. K. Hollard, Mrs.
HI D. Godfrey, Mrs. Elmer Litteer,
Mrs. R. E. Shook, Mrs. James Helber,
and Mrs. George Bleekman.
The committee has called on 200
of the club members for contribu-
tions of baked goods, but Mrs. Stae-
bler has said that any additional con-
tributions would be greatly . appre-
Wednesday morning -ten minute
talks on recipes will be given by
Mrs. George Carrothers, Mrs. George
Walterhouse, Mrs. Lucille Chapin,
Mrs. Alton Hewett, Mrs. Nathan
Stanger, and Mrs. R. H. Finley.
Thursday the speakers on this prac-
tidal part of the program will be
Mrs. Howard Jackson, Mrs. William
Drury, Mrs. Charles H. Eaton, Mrs.
J.:E. Emswiler, Mrs. A. B. King, and
Miss Nan Johnson.
Svpreme Court Upholds
Military Training Ru e
(By Intercollegiate Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.- In re-
fusing to review an appeal challeng-
ing the Maryland 1a w requiring
teaching of military training at the
state university; the United States
Supreme Court last week in effect
upheld the right of the University
of' Maryland to require its students
to take the military course.;
The case was that of Ennis H.
Coale, a conscientious objector who

was ousted from the University 'when
he refused to accept the military
training as part of his schedule.

Ballot Boxes Nailed To Courthouse Fence

Escape Death
In Snow Storm
PORTAGE, Pa., Dec. 11. -VP)-
Braving a raging storm to get the
mails through, 'two planes of the
Transcontinental and Western Air
Lines crashed in the snow-swept Al-I
legheny mountains early today, the
pilots bailing out safely.
Wings encrusted with ice 4under a
falling temperature, the two mail
ships, neither carrying passengers,
lost altitude so rapidly that the pilots
had to take to the parachutes over
the treacherous mountains during a
snowfall of blizzard-like intensity.

lumbus, 0., reported he was safe
shortly after he went over the side
of his eastbound plane near Portage.
The other, Harold G. Andrews of
New York, pushing his way west-
ward, phoned hours later that he
had reached the ground at Roaring!
Springs, in Blair country, 50 miles
from Portage. Neither s h i p had
been located at that time.
A howling wind began to swirl
snow over the "graveyard of the
skies," as the Alleghenies are known
in the flying world, some time be-
fore midnight. Stormy conditions
caused discontinuance of all passen-
ger flights as early as 4 p. m.
One plane, fight no. 3 from New-
ark westward, got through the snow
and flashed into Pittsburgh Airport'
Sat 12:05 a. m., the last ship to get

Good-Will Meal Governor Will Not
_. Free Law Violator

Rieceives Aid
Fr o rn Council
Following an old campus custom
many fraternities will be planning to
entertain indigent children at dinner
Thursday night.
Some of the fraternities inaugura-
ting the policy will be in need of help.
According to Bethel B. Kelly, presi-
dent of the Interfraternity Council,
this service will be offered by the In-
terfraternity Bureau. With the aid of
the Ann Arbor Welfare League the
Council has been able to assemble the
names of many children in need of
a good square meal.

LANSING, Dec. 11. - () - Gov.
Comstock will not interfere with the
sentence imposed upon Henry Sass,
of Ionia, for violation of the liquor
law, he said today. The governor de-
clared he had investigated Sass' rec-
ord sufficiently to convince him the
sentence was justified.
He asserted Sass has been a con-
stant law violator, selling liquor to
intoxicated persons.
The governor investigated the case
following reports that Sass had been
sentenced to the Michigan Reforma-
tory in Ionia for from 15 months to
four years merely because he gave a
drink of liquor to a friend.


One pilot, Gene Burford of Co- safely over the mountains.v


-Associv'ed Press Photo
Ballot boxes, sent from New Orleans into the sixth congressional
district of Louisiana for use in the riotous election, are shown nailed
to the courthouse fence at St. Franeisville' after they had been emptied
of ballots by incensed voters. 'Many ballots were burned.

ISc(Iu y OflfairA nd
iNew A rranements
Important To Style
With the pert little turbans and
berets which leave most of the head
uncovered, and the scintillating tiaras
for nightly wear which attract atten-
tion to the hair, a good-looking coif-
fure is important for beauty.
One of the most charming arrange-
ments this season is a fairly short
bob combed back from the face in
loose waves with a mass of curls cov-
ering the back of the head almost to
the crown. It gives the air of sweet
sixteen to any miss.
Anether becoming coiffure is the
coronet effect for long hair, which
consists of a braid or strand bound
around the head. Nothing can make
one more regal and stately, especially
when it is worn with one of those
new formals ending in a queenly littleI
I-owever important the style of theI
coiffure, it is still secondary to the
actual condition and beauty of the
hair. Frequent shampoos and the old.
standard prescription of vigorous1
brushing make the hair glamorousf
and gleaming. And for the busy1
woman who has to squeeze in beauty
'parlor appointments by split seconds,
the dry shampoo is a life-saver. There
are several new products on the mar-
ket, generally consisting of a pow-
dered oris root base, which for little
money will keep the hair as clean
and shiny and fluffy as a regular
-soap-and-water bath.I
ranee To Be Given
At Y.W.C.A. Club
A Christmas dance is being given
by the Supper Club of the Y.W.C.A.
from 9 until 12 p. m. Thursday, Dec.
14, in the Unitarian Social Hall for
members of the club and their
Armand Phillip's orchestra will fur-_
nish the music for the dance, for
which tickets will 'be available at the
YW.C.A., Miss Ethel Swarthout, gen-.
eral chairman for the affair, said
Miss Mabel Le Mar is acting as
ticket chairman, and Miss Lottie
Dietrich is chairman of the refresh-
ment committee. Miss Ailene Neyer
and Miss Lillian Swartout are chair-
men of the decorating and music
committee, respectively.
1, .

Fraternity Men
Report Decline
In Memhership
A reduction of more than 2,000
members has been suffered by 685
national fraternities since the school
year 1929-30, when there were 19,-
057 men enrolled in those organiza-
tions which reported to the Interfra-
ternity Conference, according to fig-
ures released recently by conference
officials. There are at present 16,971
men who are members, the decline
being 11 per cent.
That fraternities are 'letting down
the bars" on their membership re-
quirements is shown by the fact that
whereas the decline in total member-
ship was 11 per cent, the number of
pledges to the same fraternities de-
clined only eight per cent. The num-
ber of men who could afford to take
the formal initiation ceremonies has
declined by 22 per cent.
The average active chapter was re-
ported by the conference as being 27.8
men in 1929-30, as compared with
24.8 men for this year.
The section of the country that
suffered most from the drop-off in
the number of members is the Rocky
Mountain district, while the north
central part of the country, including;
the states of Illinois, Michigan, Iowa,
Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio, was
the next in line in the decline. Initia-
tions fell off by 36.3 per cent and
pledges 13.5 per cent.
"Like industry," the report says in
its concluding paragraphs, "the fra-
ternity system, riding on a wave of
increasing membership, has become
overbuilt. The crushing burden of
overhead which goes on whether
there are three or thirty men living
in the house will take its toll on many
campuses which were overbuilt even
in better times."



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M AKE your gifts so
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O UR exquisite belle-sharmeer stockings make a beautiful gift. . .
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And each proportion fits ptrfectly in width and length as well as foot-
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